Session 21 March 2020

3.Is there a driving force behind the virus or some of its strains that is some 4d or 6d consciousness driving it to do something.... Because as for me it looks really and astonishingly intelligent.... And if there is then is this force STS or STO? Is the virus imbued by some new features all the time from this higher density that is is it getting an upgrade all the time???

@Seeker of Wisdom,

I have been thinking that could be what is happening.

Session 6 June 1998:
Q: So, I should be more careful of what I say in regards to the discoveries I have made about the bloodline of Jesus on the 'Jesus' pages on the web?

A: Tread lightly.

Q: Alright, I will. Where did these bloodlines originate?

A: Orion region.

Q: For how long were they maintained with any semblance of purity?

A: Indefinite.

Q: Are you saying that they are still maintaining them and manipulating them from other densities?

A: That is for you to discover.

Q: Are these bloodlines carrying a specific codon that is designed to activate at a certain period of time or in response to a certain frequency?

A: Possibly, but why should not that apply to everyone?

Q: Okay, so we have got ticking time bombs in our DNA, all of us!

A: Maybe.

And there are frequencies that could be involved too.

Session 23 August 2001:
Q: (L) Does that sound right? (TB) It worked. I guess. I'd never thought about it that way. (L) Okay, now about the Pig God: what is it about pigs that makes them ideal as a symbol for the manifestation of God energy, or even as a vehicle?
A: Genetically manipulated RU 353535.
Q: (L) What does that code relate to?
A: Race underpinning tribal code structure.

Q: (L) Are you suggesting that some codon of human DNA that relates to a "tribal code structure" was spliced into an animal?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Why an animal and not a human being? Is it because the STS energy is so contractile that a pig is an appropriate receptacle?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) That's bizarre. Moving along. What sort of 4th density weapons was copper used for?
A: Mostly conduction of EM energies.

Some may already have experienced changes...

Q: (Galatea) What are the weird squiggly lights I see in my bedroom at night on the wall?

A: 053 DNA activation

Q: (Galatea) what is that?

A: Codon nomenclature:

Q: (Galatea) what does that mean? (explanation to Galatea about codons and that this is probably a meta-scientific designation for a specific DNA codon)

A: Will be.

Q: (discussion that the “053” is possibly a future name for a certain type of DNA. Galatea asks further questions about DNA and turning it on and what the lights are and what they mean)

A: Higher perceptions.

Q: (Galatea) does that mean I have higher perceptions?

A: Bleed through; you are sensitive.

Q: (L) Alright, go to your questions, Pierre.

(Pierre) About DNA and information... A salamander that loses a limb grows exactly the same limb. Is it right to think that this organized cell differentiation cannot only be due to the DNA within the cells?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) There's an external factor. This external factor is the information field?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Information field and DNA of the salamander for example, do they interact?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Okay, how do they interact?

A: DNA is a sort of receiver.

Q: (Pierre) Is it right to assume that the information field can therefore modulate DNA activity?

A: Yes

Q: (Pierre) Okay, so DNA is an intermediary between the information field and the organism.

(L) That's why there are people who can have terrible genetic mutations and yet manifest no symptoms...

(Pierre) Yeah, because DNA is a kind of toolbox. Only some of them are activated because of the connection, because of the information received from the information field. Two cells right next to each can do totally different things even if they have the same genetic code because the information field modulates what part of the DNA is activated and which part is deactivated. So, there is a tremendous potential in every cell.

(Chu) That's why they also said previously that viruses are thoughts made manifest. The way I understand it is that they can manifest a thought but you have to have the receiver. So not everyone will catch the same virus. Same with any disease really...

(L) Yeah, some can have the virus in their body and it's completely inactive. And other people can be taken down in no time at all. Reading these genetics books is just mind-boggling.

(Pierre) In previous sessions, the Cs mentioned that some of us (Laura and Joe) were growing additional strands of DNA. In that session, it was mentioned that the Cs were not referring to physical strands of DNA. So, can the Cs clarify what kind of additional strands they're talking about?

A: DNA codons that are otherwise truncated. Think transposons that jump and restore original or new codes.

Q: (L) So, basically you're saying that DNA can be changed? Well, we know it can, because I read the books. But in other words, you're saying that it can be changed by changes in your thinking, understanding, and level of knowledge?

A: Information is the most important factor.

Q: (L) You mean gathering information, researching, and learning is the most important factor?

A: Yes and applying what is learned.

Q: (L) So information is like filling up the gas tank, and applying what you've learned is like starting the engine and pushing on the gas pedal?

A: Yes

And our latest mention of the condons:

Session 21 March 2020:
Q: (L) So they need to stop that which they have created because in some cases, it does the opposite of what they wanted it to do?

A: Yes and this is the interesting factor: The virus can change DNA making individuals more susceptible to cosmic information of the STO variety. It can also enhance and activate long suppressed codons of a beneficial nature. So you can see why they are so desperate to halt the spread.

My dad used an old adage "I see said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw".
Hi everyone! here sharing information (acquired by my sister)
Entering the city, he found a degree of fear from the people he had never seen before, the police and gendarmerie all wearing masks and gloves (a way to instill fear?). No force personnel stopped her to verify where she was going or where she was go (in the media they insist, and they shows that if you are on the street and do not have a written authorization, you will be detained (state of siege ??)
In their work they explained the "protocol" where "the negatives the test gives are pneumonia or basic diseases" ... strange. On the other hand, they say that between 80 and 85% of the population will get sick. In means of transport such as buses, the driver is protected by a plastic that covers the entire area in which he is (?) Creating more fear and paranoia ... Now they say that a symptom is having conjunctivitis or irritated eyes, then the lack of smell and taste ... in my opinion they soon come out to say that another symptom is having a consonant or vowel letter in your name or surname (?) The objective is that they are assuming that they are ALL positive in coronavirus. So they are making an argument, without arguments, typical ...
On the other hand we have the OMS saying "We made several protocols available for the MEMBER COUNTRIES to carry out the test" (read capital letter).
A tweet comment says "A virus never disappears, you live together, as you have been living with H1N1 for 8 years, by which (among other respiratory diseases) 64.869people died in 2017 in Argentina" (as far as I remember there was no movement of the armed forces, curfew, state of siege or mandatory quarantine) You can imagine how many agents Smith already used verbar violence against that user ...
The other problem here is that our experts do not know how to add ... On 04/25 there were 301 confirmed cases, 117 were confirmed and 502 (??????) were announced, that is if the state had already spent 11,640,400 pesos in purchases of :
* 2,700 coffins.
* 1600 cremation urns.
but the hospital beds and those prepared by the army are still empty ...
Health personnel killed by this virus is 0.60% (being that they are the most exposed, right?
But let's return to the protocol of positive cases in Argentina. To enter as positive and compute as such, you must have symptoms, why? because the test can give "" "" false positive "" "" but without symptoms he is allowed to go home.
Yesterday, before entering the laboratory, they gave him the flu vaccine (this was anticipated by the "pandemic")
and he told me that his arm turned extremely red, so I asked him what vaccine, what laboratory etc etc. so this is the result (he took the label of the syringe that was already prepared)
CEPA 2020
Laboratory: SINERGIUM BIOTECH S.A (if it sounds like an experimental laboratory hahaha)
In the search for that laboratory this news appeared: "Sinergium Biotech announced the investment of 50 million dollars in a new vaccine plant", date of the news. Date: 04/26/2018

"2. Recombinant vaccines for emerging viral diseases, against the following causative agents:

Hepatitis C
Hepatitis E
Arenavirus hemorrhagic fevers (including Lassa fever)
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV)
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
Nipah. "

From this company comes that "VIRAFLU" influenza vaccine which is compulsory for all members who work in health.
In short, they are giving all the POSITIVE cases, but only the cases where there are symptoms or respiratory diseases in the past are computed .... the cases of deaths, the majority are from the age of 60.
I have sort of panic again today, that comes from nowhere, at around 16:10 it has started. Panic goes away very fast. Suddenly I felt fever. Then goosebumps in my head and sort a buzz in my head. Then the same sort of pain in my forehead (it is like a push sort of like somebody put a brick at your forehead) it is seems like it was going down to my neck. The same condition that I experienced in November, and several times after; maybe with slight differences.

I feel scratching in my throat, I guess because I smoked too much.

It last for an hour then it turns into easier ‘state’, and then suddenly I want to eat, to eat pork. I woke up late today, I didn’t eat before it happened, pork is my favorite meat, and maybe because all of that I had a craving for it. I wasn’t supposed to post this, but then I checked what else I would like to eat. I’m eating carbs right now, sometimes a lot, so usually if you are eating carbs, you have a craving for them also. So I’ve checked what else I would like to eat, there was nothing: other types of meat that I like, sushi, potato, chips, etc. The pork and salo was the first thing on my mind.

What do you think, the better way is trying to stop it, or accept that turn you mind of sort of “receiving “mode"?

I understand that it is individually. I tried to do both and the “receiving “state of mind seems work better, these state that I’ve describes, passes easier. I didn’t have a feeling like it is making some damage.

My brain is working fine regarding daily routine and work. I don’t know.

I have to observe this state more if it will repeats and to buy a thermometer.
Wow. Gratitude and Big Smiles for the recent session. I feel it! The 'veils' are so thin right now sometimes I wonder if they are even there.

This morning on my way to the farm the song on the radio was right there for me to get the message and have fun connecting dots! And how fun it was! OK so stci with me cause this may seem unrelated, but I have found the universal language that I connect most easily with is humorous, synchronistic, often involves music, numbers and/or names.

So the song playing was Worksong by R.E.M.and earlier this week a friend sent a text that included It's the End of the World as We Know It, (and I feel fine). I wondered what is the album Worksong is on and what album is the End of the World song on? Wouldn't you know it the d.j. says after the song that Worksong is on the 1987 album Document. Ha! Released 33 years ago, how fun. Then, after driving, I look up the 1987 Dopcument Album and sure enough both songs are on that album. I then wonder, what about the rest of the album? How Fun and Amazing! As if to completely and Beautifully show the timelessness involved in ours and other realms as I listened to and then read the lyrics of the Entire album released 33 years ago, it is Perfectly written for what is going on Now.

Here are the lyrics for the full album and for even more Fun I suggest listening to the Album. I am seriously wondering if the Album was channeled or received from the Field. I am grateful to know be able to post this and know there are people out there who may read the lyrics of this album and feel the same AHas!, Amazement and Joy

Love and Gratitude to Everyone
lyrics linked and pasted below

source: R.E.M. - Document Lyrics - Full Album - Lyrics On Demand
Song LIst
Finest Worksong
Welcome To The Occupation
Exhuming McCarthy
Disturbance At The Heron House
It’s The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)
The One I Love
Lightnin' Hopkins
King Of Birds
Oddfellows Local 151


The time to rise has been engaged
You're better best to rearrange
I'm talking here to me alone
I listen to the finest worksong
Your finest hour

Another chance has been engaged
To throw Thoreau and rearrange
You are following this time
I beg you not beg to rhyme (blow your horn)
Your finest hour (blow your horn)

Take your instinct by the reins
Your better best to rearrange
What we want and what we need
Has been confused been confused (blow your horn)
Your finest hour (blow your song)


Hang your collar up inside
Hang your dollar on me
Listen to the water still
Listen to the cause where you are
Fed and educated,
primitive and wild

Welcome to the occupation

Here we stand and here we fight
All your fallen heroes
Held and dyed and skinned alive

Listen to the Congress fire
Offering the educated
primitive and loyal
Welcome to the occupation

Hang your collar up inside
Hang your freedom higher
Listen to the buyer still
Listen to the Congress

Where we propagate confusion
Primitive and wild
Fire on the hemisphere below

Sugar cane and coffee cup
Copper, steel and cattle
An annotated history
the forest for the fire

Where we open up the floodgates
Freedom reigns supreme
Fire on the hemisphere below

Listen to me
Listen to me
Listen to me
Listen to me


You're beautiful more beautiful than me
You're honorable more honorable than me
Loyal to the Bank of America

It's a sign of the times
It's a sign of the times

You're sharpening stones, walking on coals
To improve your business acumen.
Sharpening stones, walking on coals,
To improve your business acumen.

Vested interest united ties, landed gentry rationalize
Look who bought the myth, by jingo, buy America

It's a sign of the times
it's a sign of the times

You're sharpening stones, walking on coals
To improve your business acumen.
Sharpening stones, walking on coals,
To improve your business acumen.

Enemy sighted, enemy met, I'm addressing the realpolitik
Look who bought the myth, by jingo, buy America

"Let us not assassinate this man further Senator,
you've done enough. Have you no sense of decency, sir?
At long last, have you left no sense of decency?"

You're sharpening stones, walking on coals
To improve your business acumen.
Sharpening stones, walking on coals,
To improve your business acumen.

Enemy sighted, enemy met, I'm addressing the realpolitik
You've seen start and you've seen quit
(I'm addressing the table of content)
I always thought of you as quick

Exhuming McCarthy
(Meet me at the book burning)
Exhuming McCarthy
(Meet me at the book burning)


"They're going wild," the call came in
At early morning pre-dawn, then
"The followers of chaos out of control
They're numbering the monkeys
The monkeys and the monkeys,"

The followers of chaos out of control
"They're meeting at the monument,"
The call came in the monument
To liberty and honor under the honor roll

"They've gathered up the cages the cages and courageous,"
The followers of chaos out of control

The call came in to Party Central
"Meeting of the green and simple,"

Try to tell us something we don't know

"Disturbance at the Heron House"

A stampede at the monument
To liberty and honor under the honor roll
The gathering of grunts and greens
Cogs and grunts and hirelings

A meeting of a mean idea to hold
"When feeding time has come and gone
They'll lose the heart and head for home
Try to tell us something we don't know"

Everyone allowed, Everyone allowed


There's something strange going on tonight
There's something going on that's not quite right

Michael's nervous and the lights are bright
There's something going on that's not quite right

There's something going on that wasn't here before
Keep your eyes glued to the floor

There's something strange going on tonight
There's something going on that's not quite right

There's something going on that wasn't here before
Keep your eyes glued to the floor

No one's going to say goodnight
There's something going on that's not quite right


That's great, it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes, an aeroplane -
Lenny Bruce is not afraid. Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn -
world serves its own needs, don't misserve your own needs. Feed it up a knock,
speed, grunt no, strength no. Ladder structure clatter with fear of height,
down height. Wire in a fire, represent the seven games in a government for
hire and a combat site. Left her, wasn't coming in a hurry with the furies
breathing down your neck. Team by team reporters baffled, trump, tethered
crop. Look at that low plane! Fine then. Uh oh, overflow, population,
common group, but it'll do. Save yourself, serve yourself. World serves its
own needs, listen to your heart bleed. Tell me with the rapture and the
reverent in the right - right. You vitriolic, patriotic, slam, fight, bright
light, feeling pretty psyched.

It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.

Six o'clock - TV hour. Don't get caught in foreign tower. Slash and burn,
return, listen to yourself churn. Lock him in uniform and book burning,
blood letting. Every motive escalate. Automotive incinerate. Light a candle,
light a motive. Step down, step down. Watch a heel crush, crush. Uh oh,
this means no fear - cavalier. Renegade and steer clear! A tournament,
a tournament, a tournament of lies. Offer me solutions, offer me alternatives
and I decline.

It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine.

The other night I tripped a nice continental drift divide. Mount St. Edelite.
Leonard Bernstein. Leonid Breshnev, Lenny Bruce and Lester Bangs.
Birthday party, cheesecake, jelly bean, boom! You symbiotic, patriotic,
slam, but neck, right? Right.

It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it.
It's the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine...fine...

(It's time I had some time alone), (It's time I had some time alone), (It's time I had some time alone)


This one goes out to the one I love
This one goes out to the one I've left behind

A simple prop to occupy my time
This one goes out to the one I love

Fire (she's comin' down on her own, now)

This one goes out to the one I love
This one goes out to the one I've left behind

Another prop has occupied my time
This one goes out to the one I love


Crazy crazy world crazy crazy times
Crazy crazy world crazy crazy times
Hang up your chairs to better sweep
Clear the floor to dance
Shake the rug into the fireplace

Crazy crazy world crazy crazy times
Crazy crazy world crazy crazy times

Hang up your chairs to better sweep
Clear the floor to dance

Sweep the floor into the fireplace
Hang up your chairs to better sweep

Clear the floor to dance
Throw the chairs into the fireplace

Hang up your chairs to better sweep
Clear the floor to dance

Throw the walls into the fireplace


When I lay myself to sleep pray that I don't go too deep
Lightnin' won Lightnin' won
Because it's cold down gold down there, crow!

Flat lands low lands on the track
Shows the water pan the track
Lightnin' won lightnin' won
Close up hands to silhouette, crow!

Lightnin' won, lightnin' won

Hound bark on the track
Hound crow hold onto your hat
Lightnin' won lightnin' won
Low lands timberlands bad lands bird lands


A thumbnail sketch, a jeweler's stone
A mean idea to call my own
Old man don't lay so still you're not yet young

There's time to teach, point to point,
Point observation, children carry reservations
Standing on the shoulders of giants leaves me cold, leaves me cold.

A mean idea to call my own, a hundred million birds fly
Singer sing me a given, singer sing me a song
Standing on the shoulders of giants everybody's looking on
(Old man don't lay so still you're not yet young,
there's time to teach, point to point,
point observation, children carry reservations).

Standing on the shoulders of giants leaves me cold
A mean idea to call my own, a hundred million birds fly away, away.

I am king of all I see, my kingdom for a voice
Old man don't lay so still, you're not yet young

There's time to teach, point to point
Point observation, children carry reservations

Standing on the shoulders of giants leaves me cold
A mean idea to call my own, a hundred million birds fly away

Everybody hit the ground. Everybody hit the ground.


Oddfellows local 151 behind the firehouse
Where Peewee sits to prove a sage to teach
Peewee gathered up his proof

Reached up and scratched his head
Fell down and hit the ground again

Firehouse. Firehouse.

Why do the heathens rage behind the firehouse
Where Peewee sits upon the wall to preach?

This boy and girl that gather pearls
Of wisdom falling from his mouth
Wash off the blood, wash off the rum

Firehouse. Firehouse.

Oddfellows local 151 behind the firehouse
Where Peewee sits upon the wall to preach.

This boy and girl that gather pearls
Of wisdom falling from his mouth
Wash off the blood, wash off the 151.

Firehouse. Firehouse.

Firehouse. Firehouse.

source: R.E.M. - Document Lyrics - Full Album - Lyrics On Demand
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Regarding the brainwave entrainment via neurofeedback mentioned above I have been searching online and have come across this website:

This system purports to train the brain to reach "beneficial brainwave states: alpha, theta, and delta waves" via "EquiSync® sound technology", avoiding vision as mentioned by Ark.

The website offers both CD ROM and downloadable versions of the system, thus avoiding the requirement for physical machines which appear to be quite inaccessible.

This seems to be only brainwave entrainment, meaning no feedback. At least I could not find any reference to any hardware to read brainwaves. By the description I can only see software and digital midia. So it is only a forcing of brainwaves. You can achieve the same using free software or an audio creator/editor.

I have orderer an Openeeg device from Olimex together with the electrodes to be used with the various available and free software packages, these are totally costumizable as you can program filters and processors using the device output and make all sorts of training programs, adding cues and alarms ,etc.

Like the neuroptimal the 'secret' is in the software but this solution allows you to experiment and tinker at will without having to spend so much money for a pro machine.

(credit due do neuroptimal which is a great product!)

I will report back about it when I can.
also a note about the line in It's the End of the World as We Know It, 'Mount St. Edelite', that could be instead, 'mountains sit in a line'
After this stage of confinement, difficult or at least unpredictable times will come. Yet, it is possible that if this virus has an STO origin, some positive indirect consequences for humanity may also be foreseen. Or, let's say, more opportunities could be created for a better final outcome. :huh:
I had a thought today after looking at the weather forecast for the coming week. I was a little surprised already that it was down to about 1 C last night, and generally quite cool all day today, so I wanted to know when is it going to warm up. Well, here's the image of the upcoming daily forecast with highs in big numbers, and lows in little numbers adjacent.


That's really chilly for this time of year in this location.

So, anyway, what I thought was this: We know all the carrying on about global warming is a load of BS, but we often think that our fearless leaders must believe it. What if they don't? What if they have real data for themselves, and use fake data to scare people?

Assuming they have real data, what if they know that the Ice Age really is starting to settle on us? And if they know that, they know what it means: lower food production, less food, food riots and severe unrest otherwise.

If they know all that, perhaps this whole Covid-19 Hoax is being used to get people used to total control, because full spectrum dominance is here because of an Ice Age.

Well, I'm just speculating, but it really is weird to be so chilly this time of year. And maybe this year's food production will go kaflooey and they are expecting it.

Maybe it is not on us yet, maybe we have a little time. But if it IS here and now, then I sure hope that peeps have been listening to us and the Cs about preparations both spiritually and materially.
I have sort of panic again today, that comes from nowhere, at around 16:10 it has started. Panic goes away very fast. Suddenly I felt fever. Then goosebumps in my head and sort a buzz in my head. Then the same sort of pain in my forehead (it is like a push sort of like somebody put a brick at your forehead) it is seems like it was going down to my neck. The same condition that I experienced in November, and several times after; maybe with slight differences.

I feel scratching in my throat, I guess because I smoked too much.

It last for an hour then it turns into easier ‘state’, and then suddenly I want to eat, to eat pork. I woke up late today, I didn’t eat before it happened, pork is my favorite meat, and maybe because all of that I had a craving for it. I wasn’t supposed to post this, but then I checked what else I would like to eat. I’m eating carbs right now, sometimes a lot, so usually if you are eating carbs, you have a craving for them also. So I’ve checked what else I would like to eat, there was nothing: other types of meat that I like, sushi, potato, chips, etc. The pork and salo was the first thing on my mind.

What do you think, the better way is trying to stop it, or accept that turn you mind of sort of “receiving “mode"?

I understand that it is individually. I tried to do both and the “receiving “state of mind seems work better, these state that I’ve describes, passes easier. I didn’t have a feeling like it is making some damage.

My brain is working fine regarding daily routine and work. I don’t know.

I have to observe this state more if it will repeats and to buy a thermometer.
In addition to my previous post, it seems that fever goes away. I don't feel fever right now.

As far as I remember, the same condition that I’d been experienced before in November it was after dinner time. Some stuff was going on late evening time.

Today after this condition I felt more peaceful approx. from 21:00. I am speaking about this state a lot because I’ve never experienced it in my life before that lasts for such a long period of time and with such kind strength, such kind of flow.

Other thing that I may connect those conditions to what was going on in my private life and the stuff I went through before, but today I didn’t have some painful thoughts, and what does bothers me that it comes like from nowhere. No trigger that I can notice.
Also speculating:

If, this was to be the summer of “no-summer” it would expose the whole box of lies, and those who spread them. That would mean they only have a month or two to keep it covered up.

Again, just speculation.
hm, the historical "year of no summer" (1816) was a year without sunshine due to volcanic erruption. The sky was clouded with volcanic dust hence the sun didn't come through. In an ice age there would be sunny days aswell, though the temperature would be chilling. So maybe (speculation) there will be a year without summer temperature wise, but sunwise it could well be ok. So start your salad culture now. and cabbage! those vegetables can stand cold, when you choose the right kind. for sprouting they certainly do need a certain temperature (mostly 16 - 18 °C). Wait and see. :-)
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