Session 21 March 2020

You are right Maat. I am ashamed to say it here but I sincerely have no financial means to prepare for this although I am working hard to find a solution! In the meantime the work is focused on my body and mind. I hope that a solution will come

I sincerely think that for this kind of living, money will not be very helpful, but knowledge....

And no need to be ashamed. And to be fair, if you asked me the same question just one or two years ago, I was like 'no ! I prefer to die !"

Just like living this "temporary" totalitarian world today, I'm grateful to my grand-father to have somehow ruins my childhood with his stories, but with that I was prepared, sensibilizated, and not so chocked today. Hope I'm clear, I have a hard time to say it in english...
I am ashamed to say it here but I sincerely have no financial means to prepare for this although I am working hard to find a solution! In the meantime the work is focused on my body and mind. I hope that a solution will come

Don't forget that in the meantime you are working on that FRV thing and there will be other, totally new means of communication and creative possibilities if your intentions are honest which I believe they are so don't feel lost... Further more, if you are in France then the Cass Farm is never far away and the community might need your help just as you might need theirs... the future is open no matter the ice age! ;-)
Q: (L) Okay. Another person asks:
Where is the safest place for us to be during the existing and upcoming turmoil?
A: Any place is safe to the knowledgeable person. Do you have the energy and resources to change?
Session 21 March 2020

The change I believe comes as the wave through the virus. The problems are the : ENERGY and the RESOURCES? Now that is a good question? Maybe some of us already understand? Maybe we can expand?
I sincerely think that for this kind of living, money will not be very helpful, but knowledge....

And no need to be ashamed. And to be fair, if you asked me the same question just one or two years ago, I was like 'no ! I prefer to die !"

Just like living this "temporary" totalitarian world today, I'm grateful to my grand-father to have somehow ruins my childhood with his stories, but with that I was prepared, sensibilizated, and not so chocked today. Hope I'm clear, I have a hard time to say it in english...

The purpose of financial research is to buy useful things / accessories to be prepared for these kinds of events since in the future money will disappear. If you have any books to recommend on agriculture or surviving the ice age, could you share a few names with me... unless they are in the list of recommended books? I fully understand what you mean with your grandfather, I went through the same things with my father and I think in a way it was to prepare myself for that time! (I made a thread in the swamp about it) ! thank you very much for your message dear Maat

Don't forget that in the meantime you are working on that FRV thing and there will be other, totally new means of communication and creative possibilities if your intentions are honest which I believe they are so don't feel lost... Further more, if you are in France then the Cass Farm is never far away and the community might need your help just as you might need theirs... the future is open no matter the ice age! ;-)

It's true, Anka, that I didn't think about these possibilities, it would perhaps make the events to come sweeter to go through. Your words have comforted me, I thank you for that.
Since there are complexes of agendas: One for sure is the elimination of cash, then next to take all personal property in the name of the NWO. Nobody wants to hear it but for sure this is why govts are 'LENDING' people money to get by, until WHAT? WE/You will owe your arse to the state of course... Sorry for my french! IT's in front of our eyes! Especially more if this drags on? Just think about it? 2 Months back pay everything? Even in 2 years you would have trouble paying back even at today's low rates? - IMHO (preaching for my choir, as I see it's toast already for entire dreams and layers of possible futures as in owning whatever) We come to the breaking point between sharing everything for real or keep oin pretending like the old world? (I know it's not an easy one!)
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I came across to this article 2 days ago

Just a note, the NY times didn’t write “US administration” they write “The Trump administration” and they repeated “Trump” 8 times. It looks that they separate Trump and the US, like it is separate "things".

They are saying Trump and China, are the bad guys. USA is a good guy, and at the same saying that China is a good in the way she went through this virus and that we do need Chinese help. It seems controversial for me.

The Trump administration is angry about China’s failure to share information about its own epidemic, as well as its role in propagating a conspiracy theory that the virus was started by the American military. The Chinese government is deeply upset about the Trump administration’s efforts in recent days to label the newly emerged coronavirus as a “Chinese virus,” and leery of being perceived by the Chinese public as too eager to help the United States at a time of bilateral tensions.

Sorry if this has been addressed before: If the virus escaped already two years ago and could freely spread, why did it become seemingly more deadly than the flu only recently after spreading to China? Just a mutation?
For us, the events were not the least bit humorous. Ark nearly died, though the details are only available in the private section of the forum. The rest of us had less severe symptoms, in some cases, almost no symptoms. But all of us are still suffering PTSD because of the seriousness of Ark's illness.

So sorry to hear that Laura, wishing you all the very best on the road to recovery 🤞💜
I had a thought today after looking at the weather forecast for the coming week. I was a little surprised already that it was down to about 1 C last night, and generally quite cool all day today, so I wanted to know when is it going to warm up.

Same in germany. The temperatures went down up to -4 degree Celsius the last couple of days in the morning when I went to work. They are now predicting that today during the day it will get about max 18 degree Celsius and starting tomorrow the max temperature will drop down a flopping 10 degrees Celsius in just one day and will stay that cold at least for a while.
3.So as I understood it there is at least one strain out there with the ability to turn some people into badass psychos and some into enlightened bodhisattvas depending on the inner makeup? Correct me if I am wrong.....

Sort of. What I understood was that there was an original fairly benign coronavirus that was used as the 'test subject' to create a vaccine that would, in theory, 'dumb people down'. But when the results were looked at, it was discovered that it could, in some cases have the opposite effect. That modified virus then 'got out' and spread around the world. In the process of spreading, it further mutated in a beneficial way. So basically, there are now TWO strains that can, at least in some people, have positive effects.
4. Another question would be this. Supposedly almost all of you went through this sickness.....Ok..... Did it make you smarter and a better STO tool?!!So at present we have officially at least 110 000 people who recovered from this virus and I know that this number is a lie just like any other in COVID 19 stats and yet how many of them do you suppose did turn by virtue of being infected by it become enlightened saints and gurus perfect tools for STO energy and info and how many did turn into Dr Hyde type of persons? 😊😂

There are a lot of assumptions in your questions. No one said the virus was going to make someone an "enlightened saint", why would you go to such extremes? In case you haven't noticed, humanity at present is pretty lost. The level of awareness in most is abysmally low. Even a small increase in that level of awareness, a greater ability to question and to think critically, would be a pretty large increase, relatively speaking. Maybe you're looking for some kind of "spiritual enlightenment" for yourself, but in that case, I'm sorry to have to tell you that such a thing does not happen by getting a virus, and it cannot be attained easily any other way. "Spiritual enlightenment" is a function of knowledge and being, and knowledge is gained through hard work, and Being is generally gained through suffering. So if you want it, that's how you "get it". Better get to work.

5. If it were not for the fact that one of my higher educations is medical and generally I was brought up in the family with third generation doctors that is my great grand mother - grand mother and mother are and were doctors I would not pose such questions...... But when I see that at least only one of you( I suppose it is Gaby right?) has a medical background and some real knowledge about what bacteria and viruses can really do and yet you make these ridiculous statements it makes me almost laugh out loud. By the way one of my uncles is also a high ranking military medic in the capital of Russia and what he told me is way different from some of your fantasies.....
If the present as you call it nothing burger virus is so innocuous then why did Russia send so many professionals to Italy? So you still think that this situation is a toy and Putin soent so mych money time and energy on a simple trifle virus?

It's a "nothing burger" in that the response aimed at stopping ANYONE from getting it is WAY out of proportion to the danger it poses. Therefore, we hypothesize an ulterior motive for the lock downs. There are many reasons why Putin would be interested in sending troops and professionals to Italy. If you can't think of any yourself, then you seem pretty ignorant about geopolitics and world affairs in general.
Same in germany. The temperatures went down up to -4 degree Celsius the last couple of days in the morning when I went to work. They are now predicting that today during the day it will get about max 18 degree Celsius and starting tomorrow the max temperature will drop down a flopping 10 degrees Celsius in just one day and will stay that cold at least for a while.

Yeah, nice weather for the continued spread of a virus!
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