Session 21 March 2020

It is very draining and heartbreaking to have every single person you love programmed to the hilt and heading for destruction.

I can practice strategic enclosure for the most part, but how can we stop the draining of our own energy when witnessing family and friends partaking of the madness?

This is my struggle too and has been for years. The other day I broke down and cried because I know there is nothing I can do for my family now. I've been mostly absent from this forum for 5 years while I dealt with chronic lyme disease that spread to my brain. It was truly a life altering experience to lose the ability to type, read, function on a normal level or remember anything. 2 years ago I didn't think I'd make it but here I am still hanging on. Yes, I have a rocking chair right beside me, necessary item if there ever was one. :D

In those 5 years I also watched my twin sister who was always with me slip into psychosis/schizophrenia due to lyme. This is a story I could write a book on that would read like the exorcist or Stephen King. My brother and mother are also showing signs of memory loss and a huge array of other lyme/mold illness symptoms. They've decided to continue living in a house with black mold knowing it is killing them and for years I've been gently nudging them, helping and listening to their problems. Did it help? Nope, not at all. My heart has been broken but it has been a lesson in feeding black holes.

The part that still bothers me is, is it the mind warping effects of the disease, nature or nurture that things turned out this way? Does it even matter or should I just accept that this is how they chose things even if they didn't understand their choice.

Even though I'm still sick, this forum and the work gave me the motivation to keep going because gosh darn it I want to see the fireworks. Thank you for giving me 12 years heads up on all this Fotcm. I'd be totally lost right now without it.
No, you miss that it has not serious effect other than to really frighten the PTB.

It can be both a somewhat serious epidemic and frighten the PTB for other reasons. Unless you assume that the vastly increased deaths in places like Northern Italy and Madrid are all made up, this seems to be the case.
It is very draining and heartbreaking to have every single person you love programmed to the hilt and heading for destruction.

I can practice strategic enclosure for the most part, but how can we stop the draining of our own energy when witnessing family and friends partaking of the madness?

I can understand this being a very difficult situation. If you are feeling drained watching your loved ones behave like that, then I guess you have to do your best not to be identified with the choices they make. That doesn't mean you shouldn't care or try to help them see things a little more clearly, but do so without expectation and knowing that they will very likely reject your help. If you're not identified with their choices and have accepted that they will learn their lessons in the way they have chosen (no matter how painful that might be), then you can help stop the draining of energy. One of the things the C's said a while ago is something I try to keep in mind in these kinds of difficult situations: "STS does not become STO by determining the needs of others." We have to be emotionally prepared to let our loved ones make their own decisions and use their free will to learn lessons. If we don't, the result is often what you report: a feeling of being drained of energy.

I'm not saying that's easy, it's certainly one of the most difficult lessons we have to deal with in this life. But if we respect others' free will and their choices to learn (or not learn), then it can help us let go of the desire to affect the outcome of their lives.

And if they badger you for not "following along" like they want, then sometimes you have to pretend to be doing just that in order to keep them off your back. Pretend to be outraged that people are going outside, act just as programmed as them when talking to them.

It's in times like these that a deep, visceral understanding of the inherent nature of humans can help us. This is where Gurdjieff's teaching of man as a machine is so useful. And reading "The First Initiation" as well.
But on another hand, PTB wants to stop the spread of Coronavirus for all the costs. Then I think that Consortium also told something to the Swedish Government to stop the spread of virus. Dunno why they prefer not to take so many drastic measures in Sweden. Hm Maybe migrant issue in Sweden is More beneficient for the consortium than stop STO mutated virus?
I’m not sure, at the moment I don’t think we have large streams of migrants anymore. The Prime Minister held a speech some days ago (very short and zero information) and he was shaking in his boots. So I have wondered if the Swedish Epidemiological Institute have ”gone rogue” telling people it’s ok to go out etc. Because it was their guidelines That everyone listened to. In fact the former chief of this institute (now retired) said in an interview the other day ”what is everyone doing inside? Get out and enjoy the sun”
[Цитата= " Beau, сообщение: 848205, участник: 27"]
И если они изводят вас за то, что вы не "следуете за ними", как они хотят, то иногда вам приходится притворяться, что вы делаете именно это, чтобы держать их подальше от своей спины. Притворитесь, что вы возмущены тем, что люди выходят на улицу, действуйте так же запрограммировано, как и они, когда разговариваете с ними.
Разве это не будет выглядеть как распространение лжи? То есть я хочу сказать, что вам, конечно, нужно защищаться, но я действую более мягко, более пассивно в этой ситуации. Я буду молчать, если это возможно, или соглашусь с тем, где есть какая-то истина. Заранее приношу свои извинения за перевод, я использую онлайн переводчик.
[QUOTE = "Unistage, postitus: 848192, liige: 4041"]
Ka see on minu võitlus ja on kestnud aastaid. Teisel päeval lagunesin ja nutsin, sest ma tean, et praegu ei saa minu pere heaks midagi teha. Olen sellest foorumist enamasti eemal olnud 5 aastat, samal ajal kui tegelesin kroonilise puukborrelioosiga, mis levis mu ajus. See oli tõesti elumuutev kogemus, et kaotada võime kirjutada, lugeda, normaalsel tasemel tegutseda või midagi meelde jätta. 2 aastat tagasi ei uskunud ma, et teen seda, aga siin ma ikka ripun. Jah, mul on kohe kõrval kiiktool, vajalik ese, kui seda kunagi oli. : D

Selle 5 aasta jooksul jälgisin ka oma kaksikõde, kes oli alati minuga puukborrelioosi tõttu psühhoosi / skisofreeniasse libisenud. See on lugu, mille kohta võiksin kirjutada raamatu, mida saaks lugeda nagu eksortsist või Stephen King. Mu vend ja ema näitavad ka mälukaotuse märke ja tohutut hulka teisi puukborrelioosi / hallitusehaiguse sümptomeid. Nad on otsustanud jätkata elamist musta hallitusega majas, teades, et see tapab neid ja olen aastaid neid õrnalt nuhkinud, aidanud ja kuulanud nende probleeme. Kas see aitas? Ei, üldse mitte. Mu süda on murtud, kuid see on olnud mustade aukude söötmise õppetund.

See, mis mind endiselt häirib, on see, kas asjad mõjusid sellele haigusele, loodusele või kasvatasid seda, et asjad osutusid selliseks? Kas sellel on isegi tähtsust või peaksin lihtsalt leppima sellega, et just nii nad valisidki asju isegi siis, kui nad oma valikust aru ei saanud.

Kuigi ma olen endiselt haige, andis see foorum ja töö mulle motivatsiooni edasi minna, sest jumal küll, see on ju ilutulestikku näha. Aitäh, et andsite mulle 12 aastat kogu selle Fotcm-i peal. Oleksin kohe täiesti ilma selleta.
Puukborrelioosile on ravi olemas - Harilik kukesaba (Lythrum salicaria)
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All this was at about the same level two years ago I think. Yet the virus apparently spread freely back then without the serious effects it has now.

The living world is not mechanical. The reaction of cells (human or animal or invertebrate) is incredibly complex and intelligent, and above all very reactive, it adapts to the conditions of the environment (external to the organism) or its own metabolism (internal to the cell). The covid-19 had been there for 2 years, then the conjunction of several elements caused its virulence.
Not all germs will react in the same way. For example, a group of bacteria will be resistant to one antibiotic and not to another. And even, in a same group of bacteria, let's say streptococcus, a strain will remain sensible to the antibiotic (ex: strepto A) and another strain (ex; strepto B) will acquire a resistance against the same antibiotic.

Examples for you to understand:
1) a variety of bacteria, in order to survive, will begin to develop resistance to penicillin because of the permanent presence of this drug in their environment. It will then become more difficult to treat and therefore will do more damage. Any organism developpes a resistance or strategies to survive (ex: genetic features in inuits to live in cold).

2) You can carry the hepatitis B virus in your liver without even knowing it, then one day, because your liver, with time and exposure to hepatotoxic drugs or heavy metals (the liver can no longer catabolize the toxins in too many, is no longer able to do the overload work, it weakens and the virus is no longer contained, it multiplies and reaches the liver). Is this virus nasty ? No. It's a law in nature: what doesn't works properly must be eliminated, in order to stop suffering when it has reached a high level, unless a solution is brought to this
suffering, like giving the body supplements that will help the liver, by chelating toxic chemicals and throwing it in the urine, decreasing the liver's suffering.

Here, for the coronavirus, a change in the environment inside the body caused it to start expressing itself, to make the body react against it: something triggered it. And it's funny because while I was reading this thread and answering your question yesterday, Laura in the other thread was writing this:

Saw this on FB. Needs to be investigated to find out if it is true:
Christopher Lyden QUOTE Yes, Italy has an elderly population. But why are they dying predominantly in Norther Italy, not throughout the country? I was discussing this recently with Italian friends from Bergamo, the epicenter of COVID deaths. Then I read, and they confirmed, that 40 days Before the deaths began there was a meningitis scare in Northern Italy. The government response? Vaccinate every older person with the Meningitis vaccine and the vaccine for pneumococcus pneumonia! All the elderly population (only in the North) received immune-weakening vaccines weeks before getting exposed to corona viruses. They are dying by the thousands around Bergamo, in Lombardy (Norther province), but not much at all elsewhere in Italy. NOT a coincidence. But no one is discussing this.

We don't say this vaccine is THE reason, maybe it is but we don't know. Nevertheless, we read here and there good observations, good questions. We must continue to network in order to find the truth. It is possible that for that strain, vaccine is the reason and for that other strain (there is currently 8 strains identified in coronavirus) it is another factor that triggered the virulence (drugs, pollution, chemical, EMF, cosmic changes, etc...)
So I have wondered if the Swedish Epidemiological Institute have ”gone rogue” telling people it’s ok to go out etc. Because it was their guidelines That everyone listened to. In fact the former chief of this institute (now retired) said in an interview the other day ”what is everyone doing inside? Get out and enjoy the sun”

Yes, given that all of this may have come as a surprise to the PTB and they needed to act swiftly, perhaps all it took to soften the blow in Sweden was a few (or even just one influential?) sane voices within the medical establishment/authorities? We shouldn't underestimate the difference a good and courageous spirit can make who acts swiftly and decidedly. Whether they can keep withstanding the pressure remains to be seen though.
Yes, given that all of this may have come as a surprise to the PTB and they needed to act swiftly, perhaps all it took to soften the blow in Sweden was a few (or even just one influential?) sane voices within the medical establishment/authorities? We shouldn't underestimate the difference a good and courageous spirit can make who acts swiftly and decidedly. Whether they can keep withstanding the pressure remains to be seen though.
Yes that could be it. Or maybe it’s the fact that we are already a cash-free society, like I posted in the other thread. My impression of the Prime minister is he definitely knows something more. He isn’t saying diddly-squat, just very nervous.
I am a member of FOTCM since 2011 or so. I have followed the work here but I have not been active on the forum. I feel like I owe any knowledge and ability to reason critically that I may have, to this forum and the work of FOTCM. I am interested in joining the private FOTCM forum if that is possible at this point.

Same way here. I'm here and hope it is possible to come back. Although, I first have a 'few' things to explain for years now.
I'm working on it and will be posting soon. Much love to everyone
It can be both a somewhat serious epidemic and frighten the PTB for other reasons. Unless you assume that the vastly increased deaths in places like Northern Italy and Madrid are all made up, this seems to be the case.
It's not made up.
1- The strain in Italy and Spain seems to be more virulent. I'b be interested to know the ratio virus carrier/ death toll, which is a more accurate data than absolute death toll
2- PTB, whatever the virus' virulence is afraid because it(the virus) hasn't give their expected result. They wanted it make people dumb, asleep, not showing it in plain sight! They wanted to act incognito as always.
But the Coronavirus has shown itself, and in an incredible way! Thank you very much to the Corona virus, and for its show (firework as Drea said) ! 🍾
I'm actually have a corona bier in my hand, under sun (I'm in South France and it's sunny today) Thank you Maat for the Corona beer you offered in another thread ;-D (I actually have a bottle in my hand and the weather here is incredibly sunny in South France)
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Very suspicious explosion in southern nigeria, possible impact and cover up.

from the article;

Initial, the massive explosion was thought to be caused by a terrorist attack with a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED) or even a small asteroid impact.

Can't watch the video, probably to much traffic this morning, what do you think.
I can understand this being a very difficult situation. If you are feeling drained watching your loved ones behave like that, then I guess you have to do your best not to be identified with the choices they make. That doesn't mean you shouldn't care or try to help them see things a little more clearly, but do so without expectation and knowing that they will very likely reject your help. If you're not identified with their choices and have accepted that they will learn their lessons in the way they have chosen (no matter how painful that might be), then you can help stop the draining of energy. One of the things the C's said a while ago is something I try to keep in mind in these kinds of difficult situations: "STS does not become STO by determining the needs of others." We have to be emotionally prepared to let our loved ones make their own decisions and use their free will to learn lessons. If we don't, the result is often what you report: a feeling of being drained of energy.

I'm not saying that's easy, it's certainly one of the most difficult lessons we have to deal with in this life. But if we respect others' free will and their choices to learn (or not learn), then it can help us let go of the desire to affect the outcome of their lives.

And if they badger you for not "following along" like they want, then sometimes you have to pretend to be doing just that in order to keep them off your back. Pretend to be outraged that people are going outside, act just as programmed as them when talking to them.

It's in times like these that a deep, visceral understanding of the inherent nature of humans can help us. This is where Gurdjieff's teaching of man as a machine is so useful. And reading "The First Initiation" as well.

Thanks for the good advice, Beau! I think I can do it, respect their free will and not determine their needs.

I do find it very difficult to remain calm when the attacks come from no where. For example, I had to use my daughter's phone to order some important supplements. She said, " Mum, I'm worried you're a vitamin addict", her voice was very loud and hysterical and the energy she exuded was horrible, I'm still very sensitive to energy, so this really shook me.

But I will pretend to go along with their version of reality, and try to do a better job of being considerate towards them for all our sakes. It is a great opportunity for growth.
Thanks for the good advice, Beau! I think I can do it, respect their free will and not determine their needs.

I do find it very difficult to remain calm when the attacks come from no where. For example, I had to use my daughter's phone to order some important supplements. She said, " Mum, I'm worried you're a vitamin addict", her voice was very loud and hysterical and the energy she exuded was horrible, I'm still very sensitive to energy, so this really shook me.

But I will pretend to go along with their version of reality, and try to do a better job of being considerate towards them for all our sakes. It is a great opportunity for growth.
You can ago along with their version, but at the same time make your free will respected too. You respect their opinion AND they respect yours. For example respond to your daughter: yes I'm vitamins addict, it's my personal life and please respect this, as I respect some aspects of your life. I will order vitamins because I need it. If YOU don't need it, don't take it and don't prevent ME from taking it"
Respecting the free will of others doesn't mean be submitted to others.
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