Session 21 March 2020

Thank you very much, dredger, nature, Beau, Drea and all those who have taken time to give really good, thoughtful advice. I will try my utmost. I'll read those posts again, try to be more humble, more discerning, more considerate and have more empathy for my family. It's tough for them, and I shouldn't make a bad situation worse. That's what I have to focus on the most right now. My family, not just the news.

Would it be okay to give a kind of progress report re family in a separate thread, if I run in to problems again with them? ( And I will) It would be enormously helpful and give me a much-needed growth spurt, so I can contribute more also. I feel bad taking up everyone's time at this moment.

Meanwhile, I think we're going to have a family conference tomorrow, discuss how we can make this situation better; everyone living on top of each other, worried, bored, cooped up - just like so many other families! Many people have it so much worse, I know. In a lot of ways I am very lucky. Not every day is bad anyway.

I feel better having got that off my chest. Phew!

Thanks again!
Brilliant session. Although the S is HTF, this seems very hopeful, especially the remarks about the plan beong wishful thinking that will ultimately fail. I'm definitely seeing more and more pushback, and I've personally been moved to take more action, in my life and on this forum as well. Thanks guys
"STS does not become STO by determining the needs of others." We have to be emotionally prepared to let our loved ones make their own decisions and use their free will to learn lessons. If we don't, the result is often what you report: a feeling of being drained of energy.

Thank you so much, Beau! Your words hit me like a ton of bricks. Your attitude struck me as one of true strength, sophistication, and benevolence and I saw a glimpse of something about myself that I hadn't seen before.

When all the panic started, I was deeply shocked and appalled that so many people I know bought into it hook, line, and sinker. I literally could not believe that everyone wasn't reading what I've been reading for so many years and working to shield themselves from the lies fed to us in this crazy world. So, I sent them SOTT articles and chided them for falling prey to manufactured fears (as if I don't do exactly that in many other areas too!!) and made a good many people angry enough to not want to associate with me any more. My younger brother turned to me for help and reassurance, and all I did was tell him his fears were groundless!

I've spent my whole life thinking that, somehow, everyone else had a head start on me and that I need to work really hard in so many areas to catch up. I realize now, after reading between the lines of what you posted, that this is a narcissistic lie I've told myself to cover an arrogance I hadn't noticed. I feel so unworthy.
Thinking about the name Epikinaea,

the prefix epi means ~ upon, on, over, near, at, before, after
and kin means ~ family, relations

also the session referenced in the comments by someone from
Session 23 September 2000 where DNA and Tribal units are discussed
"Laura said:
Q: Now, let me get to MY questions! You once said that the core of DNA is an as yet undiscovered enzyme related to carbon. Is that correct?

A: Yes.

Q: Here in this book it says:

"Evidence is accumulating that only a relatively small portion of the DNA sequence is for so-called structural genes. Structural genes lead to the production of protein. There are an estimated 50,000 structural genes with an average sized of approximately 5,000 base pairs, which then accounts for only 250 million of the estimated 3 billion base pairs. What is the rest of the DNA for? Some of the DNA is so-called repetitive sequences, repeated thousands of times. The function is unknown. The ALU, repeat, for instance, contains over 300,000 copies of the same 300 base pair sequence. Certainly this DNA is not junk and plays some important role in the gene regulation chromosomal architecture or chromosomal replication. Until 1977, it was thought that genes were single sequences of DNA that are coded into RNA and then into protein. However, further study has shown greater complexity. It is now known that there are pieces of DNA within a gene that are not translated into protein. These intervening sequences, or INTRONS, are somewhat of a mystery, but appear to be a very common phenomenon."

Now, is this thing they are talking about, these INTRONS, are these the core that you were talking about?

A: In part.

Q: What about this ALU repeat with over 300,000 copies of the same base pair sequence. What is it?

A: Tribal unit.

Q: What is a tribal unit?

A: Sectionalized zone of significant marker compounds.

Q: What does this code for?

A: Physiological/spiritual union profile.

Q: Could you define "tribal" for me?

A: You define."
So, I sent them SOTT articles and chided them for falling prey to manufactured fears (as if I don't do exactly that in many other areas too!!) and made a good many people angry enough to not want to associate with me any more. My younger brother turned to me for help and reassurance, and all I did was tell him his fears were groundless!

Oh don't feel alone, I've been there! We have good intentions but we forget that people need to make their own choices. We want so bad to give our loved ones what we see as the correct view on things, "the truth," so that they can be protected with that knowledge. Unfortunately it does not work that way! Everybody needs to come to these things on their own, and the sad truth is many have no interest in pursuing facts, knowledge, etc. It is a very painful lesson to go through as so many of us here have gone through the same difficulties as you are experiencing. It is not easy to accept their choices, but it is what we must do if we are to respect their free will.

All we can really do is share the info that we have with no expectation that anything will come from it. No "weighted choices," no anticipation. Sounds easy, if only! But I think we've all refused to listen to someone who was browbeating us about something we should or shouldn't be doing. We have to be strategic, and despite all our emotions wanting to scream at them they are missing the truth, the most considerate thing to do is to reassure, be kind, and offer what we can to help them without making it like some sort of ultimatum.
All we can really do is share the info that we have with no expectation that anything will come from it. No "weighted choices," no anticipation. Sounds easy, if only! But I think we've all refused to listen to someone who was browbeating us about something we should or shouldn't be doing. We have to be strategic, and despite all our emotions wanting to scream at them they are missing the truth, the most considerate thing to do is to reassure, be kind, and offer what we can to help them without making it like some sort of ultimatum.
Love it Beau, very reassuring as sometimes we have the information but fail in the application process. I myself slip up at times but i have learned from my mistakes after understanding external consideration.Since i got a grip of the importance of this process i am much happier after all or most of my discussions over the past two years. In Paul and the Stoics i see where Paul had to step down to the level of the people he was speaking to in order to get his message across. So its something i have been practising with some of my siblings and close friends.
Oh don't feel alone, I've been there! We have good intentions but we forget that people need to make their own choices. We want so bad to give our loved ones what we see as the correct view on things, "the truth," so that they can be protected with that knowledge. Unfortunately it does not work that way! Everybody needs to come to these things on their own, and the sad truth is many have no interest in pursuing facts, knowledge, etc. It is a very painful lesson to go through as so many of us here have gone through the same difficulties as you are experiencing. It is not easy to accept their choices, but it is what we must do if we are to respect their free will.

All we can really do is share the info that we have with no expectation that anything will come from it. No "weighted choices," no anticipation. Sounds easy, if only! But I think we've all refused to listen to someone who was browbeating us about something we should or shouldn't be doing. We have to be strategic, and despite all our emotions wanting to scream at them they are missing the truth, the most considerate thing to do is to reassure, be kind, and offer what we can to help them without making it like some sort of ultimatum.

I think that's the expression of the learning circle where you are. My dynamic always came from helping, saving, enduring, being disappointed. This gave rise to an “I”, which today seems rather disturbing to me with distance and sufficient reflection. You become very narrow-minded, bossy and, if we don't stop ourselves, also arrogant and arrogant. I believe that it is a path to narcissism. My mission was right for me, wrong for others who judged it from the outside. Today I am scared of some things as I have portrayed myself.
And no ... I was a pretty big STS even though I saw myself as an STO. My mission was not to dominate or dominate others, I always wanted to save suffering and intervened in the lessons of others. It was only through this forum and reading a lot of information that I realized what my thinking has done to me. An important sentence for me was: only help those who ask.
And that was when my personal change began. I became patient and today I am a stoic. Instead of comparing everything with my thinking and judging and condemn the situation of the other person, I listened carefully.

Made me understand that I was taking each other's perspective, which led to a good connection. Sometimes I only say if someone wants help: If I were in your situation, I would ... Not as help but as a statement of my own. This creates freedom.
The choice is open to the other. Today I only intervene if the request is clear or if another or a group puts itself in danger through appropriate behavior. I had to learn to let go that I don't have the right to prevent lessons that cause suffering. It was only through deep suffering that I became what I am today. Change takes place and so you move around the learning circle and set an example for others. Today I am listened to because I do not determine, I used to delegate and nobody wanted to hear. Today I am a role model with what I am, what I show and what I do - according to the words: do not listen to the voice, look for the deeds. With courage, discipline, will, patience and the pursuit of knowledge and truth you change, develop your virtues and character traits. With my change, my environment changes automatically. But sometimes I see the STS shining through - but I'm working on it.

The difficulties of living together in quarantine
At the beginning of the quarantine, I set up new house rules. We are not talking about the virus. We cook together and eat together when the youngest comes home. There are fixed times when we do house work. Not before 10 a.m. because the boys want to sleep in too. Everyone has determined how much freedom they want and where their retreat is. Everyone has to accept this. In these times, I think it is important to agree on and adhere to fixed rules and procedures.
But I know of other cases where living together doesn't work at all. It is the families in which there have been tensions before and I do not believe that a harmonious community is possible here. If my ex-husband still lived here, we would indeed have murder and homicide. It becomes very difficult for people who only lived for fun and games and are not used to spending long periods in the house and with the family.
I feel so unworthy.
Hi Cassandane, I know this feeling of unworthiness that stayed with me quite a long time, freezing me. Finally I realized that I was like everyone: a soul learning her lessons here on earth, not worthier, nor unworthier than others, what matters the most is to keep on learning and applying this learning the best I can. This made me feel much "lighter";-)
Would it be okay to give a kind of progress report re family in a separate thread, if I run in to problems again with them? ( And I will) It would be enormously helpful and give me a much-needed growth spurt, so I can contribute more also. I feel bad taking up everyone's time at this moment.

Sure, you can start a thread in the Swamp whenever problems/issues come up again.
Hi Nico, why would you yell at your brother? Gurdjieff said about external consideration: "External consideration is adaptation towards people, to their understanding, to their requirements. By considering externally a man does that which makes life easy for other people and for himself."

Also, when we push the truth onto others, it can have the opposite effect, they will withdraw even further from it and believe the lies even more! So it's important to practice external consideration as much as we can. I do understand the frustration, though. If the coronavirus makes them fearful, then perhaps you can simply show that you're calm through nonverbal behavior, and maybe that will have a positive effect on them. :-)
Thank you Oxajil, I am learning this lesson with my family slowly. Sometimes it just pop up like I have to defend my territory, because I am not yet out of the narcissistic lunatism of my mother behavior and it's effect on me. Their requirements and the mutual boundaries come slowly toward my awareness, as I find my own requirements and let go of my childish resentment.
I am overwhelmed with gratitude from your work thank you. A feeling appeared to me the other day, that It may back fire on the elite. And after reading this, it is interesting to guess on the ways this may happen.
For the first time, People are going to be in a position where they have the time to think, feel and realise.. And this will could be really positive. But negative too, if in difficulty and in some ways possibly leading to more learning also?

This along side the 'upgraded' DNA from the virus could cause the frequency, (for those that are open to it) to change to a level where the STO channel is so strongly anchored into our reality, (if that makes sense lol? ) that the STS and elite are going to have a hard time to 'pull it back' maybe.

Also the peace and quiet, the absence of pollution and the serenity from this is amazing in some cases! Maybe not so for those in difficult living circumstances granted.. However this break from the constant mass of people and machines, the noise and dirt.. Its so surreal! The rat race has stopped! Maybe this will also help to allow us to gain a deeper understanding about ourselves and the reality we inhabit, also strengthening the frequency.. Then making it very difficult for the PTB to carry out their plans as they intended?
Well I'm hoping so, and I hope it's not just wishful thinking. Maybe having faith in this power will also help to strengthen us? Maybe these things among others yet to be descovered, will come together. And maybe the elite have completely miscalculated the acutal outcome of this due to wishful thinking. Well see I guess.
Much love, and thanks so much for all the information again! 😊
I realize now, after reading between the lines of what you posted, that this is a narcissistic lie I've told myself to cover an arrogance I hadn't noticed.

Having been there myself and not noticed what you have, we can now go forward with lesson learned. Thank you for letting me see what I was really doing.
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J'essaie d'imprimer les brochures de la FOTCM depuis une heure. Je n'ai jamais vu ça. L'impression ne correspond pas à mes réponses. Par exemple, au lieu de mon lieu de naissance, mon adresse e-mail apparaît. quand je regarde l'original, rien n'a changé, il y a le lieu de naissance. J'ai même essayé de mettre des majuscules à la place des minuscules. est-ce que quelqu'un à rencontré ce problème? Mon wetiko m'empêche-t-il d'imprimer? :-)
mamibio74, please translate your posts into English since this is an English forum. It's the considerate thing to do.

Quite a few people on this forum are not English speakers so they use an online translator such as and are very successful with being understood.

mamibio74, veuillez traduire vos messages en anglais, car il s'agit d'un forum en anglais. C'est la chose à faire.

Un certain nombre de personnes sur ce forum ne sont pas anglophones, elles utilisent donc un traducteur en ligne tel que et réussissent très bien à se faire comprendre.
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