Session 21 March 2020

J'essaie d'imprimer les brochures de la FOTCM depuis une heure. Je n'ai jamais vu ça. L'impression ne correspond pas à mes réponses. Par exemple, au lieu de mon lieu de naissance, mon adresse e-mail apparaît. quand je regarde l'original, rien n'a changé, il y a le lieu de naissance. J'ai même essayé de mettre des majuscules à la place des minuscules. est-ce que quelqu'un à rencontré ce problème? Mon wetiko m'empêche-t-il d'imprimer? :-)
I've been trying to print the FOTCM brochures for an hour. I've never seen anything like it. The printout doesn't match my answers. For example, instead of my place of birth, my e-mail address appears. When I look at the original, nothing has changed,my birthplace is at the right place. I even tried to use upper case instead of lower case. Has anyone encountered this problem? Is my wetiko preventing me from right printing?
Jenn, yes I can print the blank page but I will try to import everything into a new element in "office" and complete it at that time. Can we send the questionnaire directly by internet?

Hey mamibio74, you can send a scanned copy of your filled in application via email for now, but for legal reasons the team will need the original paper document sent via post too. I guess given the current lockdown situation it may be tricky, but do mail it as soon as it becomes possible. :-)
Oh don't feel alone, I've been there! We have good intentions but we forget that people need to make their own choices. We want so bad to give our loved ones what we see as the correct view on things, "the truth," so that they can be protected with that knowledge. Unfortunately it does not work that way! Everybody needs to come to these things on their own, and the sad truth is many have no interest in pursuing facts, knowledge, etc. It is a very painful lesson to go through as so many of us here have gone through the same difficulties as you are experiencing. It is not easy to accept their choices, but it is what we must do if we are to respect their free will.

All we can really do is share the info that we have with no expectation that anything will come from it. No "weighted choices," no anticipation. Sounds easy, if only! But I think we've all refused to listen to someone who was browbeating us about something we should or shouldn't be doing. We have to be strategic, and despite all our emotions wanting to scream at them they are missing the truth, the most considerate thing to do is to reassure, be kind, and offer what we can to help them without making it like some sort of ultimatum.

Thank you very much for this reminder, I had an event today that disturbed me a lot and reading you made me relativize. It's never really obvious, especially when it's the close ones and especially the family.
But on another hand, PTB wants to stop the spread of Coronavirus for all the costs. Then I think that Consortium also told something to the Swedish Government to stop the spread of virus. Dunno why they prefer not to take so many drastic measures in Sweden. Hm Maybe migrant issue in Sweden is More beneficient for the consortium than stop STO mutated virus?
It could also be that they have realised that in Sweden they will perhaps not be able to reinforce it due to there being too many no-go zones. No go zones is a big problem from what I gather. A link from 2017 mentioned 61 no-go zones, but whether that is a reliable number is hard to say and also if that number has increased or decreased since. As no go zones would be in the cities, I presume, that could mean that to put big sectors of the cities outside a quarantine would not be practical and that too many would not effectively be in quarantine.

I am a few pages behind so perhaps somebody has already had a similar thought.
It could also be that they have realised that in Sweden they will perhaps not be able to reinforce it due to there being too many no-go zones. No go zones is a big problem from what I gather. A link from 2017 mentioned 61 no-go zones, but whether that is a reliable number is hard to say and also if that number has increased or decreased since. As no go zones would be in the cities, I presume, that could mean that to put big sectors of the cities outside a quarantine would not be practical and that too many would not effectively be in quarantine.

I am a few pages behind so perhaps somebody has already had a similar thought.

Good point, continuing this trail, maybe one of the aims of PTB is not that we sit at home (example of Sweden) but do not go to specific places outside.
Jenn, yes I can print the blank page but I will try to import everything into a new element in "office" and complete it at that time. Can we send the questionnaire directly by internet?
I sent mine via Express, which was super expensive (€49;), but worth it IMO. All the stamp machines had run out of paper, LOL, anyway the post office guy said it would take about 3 days to arrive.
I filled it out by hand, as I too had issues with print-outs with the incorrect data.
Good point, continuing this trail, maybe one of the aims of PTB is not that we sit at home (example of Sweden) but do not go to specific places outside.

Like I just posted in the other thread, Swedish people are famous for being very compliant and I think that is being demonstrated now. There is social distancing (no large gatherings of people), face masks, policing one another, buying toilet paper and staying at home here also. High schools and Universities are closed. Museums are closed, etc. But little kids are at school, and the jobs that can continue are still continuing. Small businesses are really suffering, I have friends and family who are just watching their income drop to zero.

There are so many situations here that one could point to.. I think the unemployment is way worse than they have been saying... and the migrant situation must cost a fortune... The future is not looking pretty. My son is half American so I guess we could move there if it comes to that:shock:

I don't know about the no-go zones, I haven't heard much talk of them. It could also be that it is completely segregated and I just don't see any of it or hear about it. I know there are a lot of drug-wars happening and lots of little kids getting robbed not far from the peaceful suburb where I live. That is our new reality.
The situation with my wife is very much like what is being discussed here about dealing with loved ones. I have to be tactful in voicing my views as she is unfortunately among those who follow the MSM/PTB line. It’s a bit of a dance to be true to my position without stepping on her lessons which I must not interfere with. I offer when she asks my opinion, but gently. And when she speaks out what I know is her being completely mind-f***ed, I just have to let it go, and offer an alternative path to consider, but without pushing her down it. I can only shine a light and hope she heads towards it. And I thought it was tough when she preached the Gospel of Hillary in 2016! This is next level!:-O
It is very draining and heartbreaking to have every single person you love programmed to the hilt and heading for destruction.

I can practice strategic enclosure for the most part, but how can we stop the draining of our own energy when witnessing family and friends partaking of the madness?

My family and I have more or less agreed to disagree; we do have great affection for another, but lately I've been attacked for my diet, called a vitamin addict (now I take them when no one is around, tricky, because 4-5 people live with me), being a smoker, etc.,etc.,
I can understand this being a very difficult situation. If you are feeling drained watching your loved ones behave like that, then I guess you have to do your best not to be identified with the choices they make. That doesn't mean you shouldn't care or try to help them see things a little more clearly, but do so without expectation and knowing that they will very likely reject your help. If you're not identified with their choices and have accepted that they will learn their lessons in the way they have chosen (no matter how painful that might be), then you can help stop the draining of energy. One of the things the C's said a while ago is something I try to keep in mind in these kinds of difficult situations: "STS does not become STO by determining the needs of others." We have to be emotionally prepared to let our loved ones make their own decisions and use their free will to learn lessons. If we don't, the result is often what you report: a feeling of being drained of energy.

cassandra, I second Beau's words. If my own experience is anything to go by, it's not them who is draining you, it's your identification with their actions that's causing your energy leaks. I agree that it's heartbreaking to watch those you love proceed further along the path of destruction but this is the choice they made. Our trying to determine their needs for them is as much STS as their wilful ignorance and choice not to see the truth.

As you probably remember from the Wave, the soul isn't an infant at this stage. Who our family members are in this life is a result of consistent choices made, or failed to make, over many lifetimes before. I really doubt those choices can be reversed just becuase we don't like them, or because we know where they lead.

It's incredibly painful to watch my own Mother slip into the matrix web, but I decided to focus on giving her the best possible experience of me during the time I still have with her. I gave her what she waned, and what she always asked for: a daughter who is helpful, caring, sweet and nice to be around. Well, within the limits of my capability, I ain't no angel and I'm still one heck of a 'work in progress' ;-)

This way, on the day me and her part ways for the very last time, I will be able to remember nice moments we spent together, bike rides, phone calls, and silly chats that made both of us laugh. Not arguing about Putin, diet and the state of the world, that hurt her, made her feel rejected, judged and unloved.

I understand it may not change her destiny, but I do feel it helps me act in favour of my own.
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Yes, Ant22, you are right I will reread these posts again and again whenever I run into these situations again. I don't want this thread derailed by any means, but I am pretty sure a lot of us can use this advice from time to time.

Yes, it's important to create beautiful memories for your friends and loved ones, and speak kindly and gently, the way I have been spoken to here.

I should also not judge, lest I also be judged.
Oh, btw, Madame de Salzman just told me how it is, and said she's sick at the sight of me, who do I think I am , when will I learn and don't bother her again any time soon.
The situation with my wife is very much like what is being discussed here about dealing with loved ones. I have to be tactful in voicing my views as she is unfortunately among those who follow the MSM/PTB line. It’s a bit of a dance to be true to my position without stepping on her lessons which I must not interfere with. I offer when she asks my opinion, but gently. And when she speaks out what I know is her being completely mind-f***ed, I just have to let it go, and offer an alternative path to consider, but without pushing her down it. I can only shine a light and hope she heads towards it. And I thought it was tough when she preached the Gospel of Hillary in 2016! This is next level!:-O
I'm with you Evan. It can be quite tough. I am navigating around being asked to do ridiculous things in the name of safety by quietly suggesting that we are prudent in our actions - nothing wrong with prudent, I say to her. Seems to be relatively successful and I am managing to avoid extreme actions
Day 10 of quarantine: my family officially sees me as a crazy person!

Jokes aside, it is not easy being focused while 95% of people you know play the way Matrix wants and bombard you with silly advices. In my family I am definitely acknowledged as a black sheep. I have already given up changing their minds, even before Corona came, now the only battle undergoing is the one for my sanity. :) I consider myself lucky for having work permit and leaving my town, it is a breath of fresh air now... driving alone in car, listening to some music and reassessing my control and behavior.
Generally to be honest, some days I feel happy that all of this is in a final state and there is a bunch of people waking up, but other days I feel it's too much and I have a strong urge to go back "home"
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