Session 21 September 2024

Many thanks to all those who have contributed their efforts, so that this wonderful session can take place.
I cannot find the words to say exactly how I feel at this moment.

While all of the sessions have touched me deeply, this one has felt the strongest in that sense.
I really feel a kind of before and after this session.

For example on a personal level, the need to engage more with the Work has become more apparent to me.
Despite my fears, I will take whatever steps I have to take to continue on the Path.
Thank you all again. :flowers:

Translated with (free version)
Thank you for the wonderful and interesting session! :flowers:

Can I ask what is the prompt you guys use to search in ChatGPT?

I dont think I have the same results. I put explore paranalytical mathematics after what is pranalytical and it doesnt give me anything still.
Screenshot 2024-09-30 at 1.38.13 AM.png

The term "pranalytical" interpreted by ChatGPT:

Exploring "pranalytical mathematics" as a phase of mathematical thinking before formal analysis leads us to a fascinating concept: the intuitive, creative process that precedes the structured, rigorous methods of modern mathematics. Here are a few areas where this kind of pre-analytical thinking could be relevant:

If that term involves, among others things, a play on words, there might be a reference to "prana".

Prana is often described as "breath", "vital force" etc. I think it's normally considered to be separate from "consciousness". But there are different views. Some say it's "formless (nondual?) consciousness". This also brings to mind "pre-analytical", which might connotate that which comes before conscious analysis can be made. Analysis involves or necessiates duality, and nondual comes before that, and therefore it can't be analyzed in the classical sense. I might be overstretching :S
I think it's PRA- as prefix with analytical as the root word.

Has it never occurred to anyone how weird it is that an actor/ singer/ model keep complaining of how much abuse they get (be it sexual harassment, pressure to look perfect or lack of freedom from their publicists/ label/ movie studio) , but yet remain in an industry that they call vile and always seem to jump at any opportunity to promote themselves and be in the next big campaign?
Perhaps most people in the industry see Hollywood as the top of the pyramid like in a corporate setting, where there are struggles too and you have to also keep on with these things. What they're doing is just a different kind of evil. And how many left and exposed the abuse and have to be silenced for fear of their life?

Thank you all for the session!

I had to ask my self and people around me the same question. Is it only me, our reality is somehow changed, something is going on, building up, although PDB trying to stretch 'time' make it look like nothing is going on, all is just fine and people just don't care or just don't notice anything...
Im following the politics in the country and also the war in Gaza and most of my friends tell me to not watch it for I'd just be stressed. I also shared yesterday with my brother the book im currently reading "The Sociopath Next Door" and he asks me why Im reading those weird stuff when it's very rare to stumble with them. Anyhow, it's true that it's uncomfortable to watch but as it goes by, I kind of understand some things and learn and these made me realize that yes, it's sad and perhaps depressing to know that they simply do not care but the joy of learning makes me go on.
I feel the same, I don't have many friends that I hang out with or talk to. I often cuddle up with my rough collie (Simba). But I always push though it. But I always come down to, I'm here for a reason, what I don't know. At least I'm not leaving in a country with bombs going off at this time.

Simba is beautiful. We had Cherie and Elvis, but they are both gone to doggie paradise now. Miss them so much.
I’m open to tips on how to help life suck less.
I understand! What (usually) helps me is assisting others, learning (new skills) and reading, being active on Twitter (most of the time I just retweet posts, but it gives me a chance to and follow the news and help broadcast a signal to the Universe) and so on. I do meditate from time to time and take some supplements that support my brain. Also, working on the self even if the whole world is burning and making certain that I can deal with life and the world with more equanimity. All this keeps me on my toes and focused. The world is still what it is, but I can improve my place in it, knowing that I am not of this world! FWIW.
But I don't know that it's the best use of our time. I don't know that it's the best use of my time because frankly, I'm no longer curious about it. I know it's a mess. And I know that so much stuff has happened on this planet, and so much stuff has been messed with on this planet by our evil archon overlords.
Laura, after many years of studying history, religion, mythology and etymology deeply I came down to the idea that everything I learned turned into a new quality of associative connections.
I will explain: when I started studying all mythologies of the world my original plan was to organize all gods into a table of 12 main archetypes. While doing this I realized that all of them actually fit into 2 categories. So I decided to make a table of only 2 raws. While doing thig I realized that one group turns into another. Ouroboros.

The works of Nosovskiy and Fomenko was very important in my understanding of how one historical character can reflect another. For example they found at least 39 reflections of John the Baptist. And even more reflections of Jesus. All historical events and characters fall into the understanding of the ouroboros.

At around the same time I was doing my research in etymology, looking for the original language from which all other world languages came forth. At first I organized all words in all languages into groups of most common two letter roots, such as CR or BL. And when I wanted to draw out the meaning that will fit all words that have that root I realized that all of the roots come down to one meaning: ouroboros. Or Janus. In other words, this is the dialectical unity of Yang of Yin and Yin of Yang. This two seemingly oposite archetypes Yang and Yin that are like two pillars joining into an arch or a sphere. Yin is a type of Yang, and Yang is a type of Yin. I dont think I can explain it any better and I am not sure I understand the entire depth of this concept.

It is a Cycle of duality. All phenomennons can be understood through this algorithm. So what i am trying to say is that when you process so much information for so many years you start seeing this.
So once we are on the archetypal level of understanding we dont need to dig as hard as before to understand.

Session 17 August 2024:​

Q: (L) Okay. But what about his thing about the cycling around of space and time? He says they cycle round and he even draws a picture of it. It's like a cycling yin yang symbol, almost. And it seems to me that when the cycle comes and meets in the end, you know, like the past and the future and everything kind of meets in the middle, that that would be the definition of the whole Wave process. But he's saying that all space and time does this, and that it cycles forever. And that kind of fits with some of the C's definitions about the Wave. They say it's always there, it's cycling through the universe forever. And so that struck me as being very close to what he was talking about, this cycling of space and time, and this doubling thing. Is that in fact the case?

A: Yes.
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Also don't forget the 4DSTS don't like smokers! C's saying too that those weakest and more susceptible to abduction or alien interference were Non Smoking Vegetarians. (I guess Vegan, even more so).
So I wonder what does nicotine/ tobacco smoke do to them? How would it affect them?
Though I don't think smokers are truly out of the woods if they truly wished to target us.

But I seriously think we should be stocking up on baccy products while we can. As another swipe at us is currently on their agenda, especially in the UK.
Apparently, 4DSTS aliens don't like alcohol much either. I recall reading in Jessup's The Case for the UFO that the three Gypsy commentators mentioned how being in an inebriated state allows a person to see through the aliens' freeze frame abduction methods because the abductee is in an altered state of consciousness when drunk plus alcoholic fumes can be lethal to the Greys. They specified a case where several aliens died whilst trying to abduct a person who was rip roaring drunk as the alcoholic toxins emitted from his breath proved fatal to them. However, I wouldn't recommend being in a permanent state of inebriation as a viable method of preventing abduction :-D.

As to UK Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer and his over zealous 'nanny state' regulations, it says it all that he was photographed at the last World Economic Forum meeting at Davos with Bill Gates and George Soros. They say you can judge a man by the company he keeps. Boris Johnson was by nature a libertarian whereas Starmer seems by instinct to be a natural authoritarian. He was far more in favour of harsher and longer Covid lockdowns during the faux pandemic. He now holds the unenviable record for the fastest decline in popularity of any new prime minister with negative approval ratings. And that is after less than three months in office.​
(Niall) I can. It'll go against the entire body of work that says he's a real historical person, but I'm sure he isn't because he fits our pattern of someone who arrived on the scene. There's a whole body of work in his name, it becomes a founding document, and then there's two centuries before there's even a commentary on it.

Niall, I think at a certain level of abstraction it doesn't matter if he is a real historical person or not. All characters fictional and non fictional fit into the two major archetypes.
Please see my previous message on this thread about the ouroboros.
I am sorry for the typos on that post, I was typing it from my car and while I was editing it the time ran out😅
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