Session 21 September 2024

Thanks for another session. Middle East is becoming explosive like those revelations about music and movie industry that is same in every country more or less. It will only undermine more belief in authorities and reveal them, but it could be also distraction from other things like M East.
The thing about the revelation about Hollywood is that I feel like people take it almost as entertainment. It's kind of like when you hear scandalous gossip about a work colleague or a neighbour. Also, for some people, it becomes this weird self-righteousness. Kinda like how MeToo became this thing to show how "bad" men were.

But what people should've realised was that people like Weinstein or currently Diddy were friendly with ALL the current top celebrities, and who knows your secret best than you friends (plus Hollywood is super small everybody knows everybody)? Also, people don't seem to realise that actors, singers, models etc are thirsty for fame and the vast majority are genuinely willing to do anything to succeed and be seen, including sleeping with monsters/ ruining their body. They have a completely different moral code than the rest of us.

Has it never occurred to anyone how weird it is that an actor/ singer/ model keep complaining of how much abuse they get (be it sexual harassment, pressure to look perfect or lack of freedom from their publicists/ label/ movie studio) , but yet remain in an industry that they call vile and always seem to jump at any opportunity to promote themselves and be in the next big campaign?

People's brain seems full of chewing-gum, and I blame the food and the media they consume.
I should elaborate and add that I have a 13 month old that doesn’t give me much time to myself except at the end of the day for about an hour before I’m too tired to be awake anymore, then I’m up multiple times through the night, sometimes for hours.
I’m beyond exhausted, I just have to keep on going though, I don’t have any options but to keep on going and I just want to hide under a rock some days and pretend I don’t exist.

In addition to sleep deprivation, it sounds like you're stuck in dorsal vagal state. Doing the Rosenberg exercises daily would probably help with mood if you aren't already.

One way to increase energy is exercise, as it generates mitochondria. I read recently that doing short bursts of high-intensity exercise on a regular basis gives just as much benefit as long gruelling workouts. The example was something like 3 exercises of 1 minute in length every day is equivalent to 2 days of 45 minutes of exercise.

So even something like 5 push-ups, 10 crunches, and 10 squats is better than nothing. It may feel horrible to start, but it gets easier each time. It's good to start slow, and then increase from there little by little.

There's a guy named Dr. Jerry Tennant, and he has a great personal story. He contracted a viral infection in his brain that knocked out his ability to concentrate. But he used those small and very brief moments of lucidity to research, and the result was a change in his understanding of the body. He eventually managed to cure himself and develop his own understanding of energy in the body. It also focuses on our muscles as our battery packs, which get charged up when we use them.

I don’t fear dying, it actually sounds good to me. I could say I fear others dying and not knowing what’s coming and how that looks for the people I love.

I always told myself I don't fear dying, which I am unsure is true - but I did sure as hell fear LIVING! That can be just as big a fear. It's fear of death but in a different way. I held myself back from living because a part of me was hell bent on protecting me from failure, or the death of a certain self-image. This holding-back part of me, or little i, was responsible for generating anxiety, and it had affected my choices since I was a teen. Richard Schwartz has a great practice of getting into dialogue with these protective parts or little i's, called Internal Family Systems. May be useful in your case? He also has a book, which I haven't read, but has been recommended.

All that aside, is there any way you can ask a friend or relative to come over to help watch your little one while you catch up on sleep during the day, or something like that?
information field

A: Consciousness of God for lack of a precise term.

A: Pranalytical.

If that term involves, among others things, a play on words, there might be a reference to "prana".

Prana is often described as "breath", "vital force" etc. I think it's normally considered to be separate from "consciousness". But there are different views. Some say it's "formless (nondual?) consciousness". This also brings to mind "pre-analytical", which might connotate that which comes before conscious analysis can be made. Analysis involves or necessiates duality, and nondual comes before that, and therefore it can't be analyzed in the classical sense. I might be overstretching :S
Thank you for the session.

In a lot of the reading material on the afterlife and particularly near death experiences it appears that choosing to return to 3D is often presented as the more difficult choice to the person.

Considering the STS dominated nature of our 3D reality consistent visitations to far more pleasant 5D environments would probably risk interfering in one’s life lessons. It may produce longing for 5D and dissociation with 3D life, undermining the reasons for incarnating in the first place. Thus whilst a singular visit might inspire and drive people to recognise and confront the lessons before them, regularity of such an event might well have the opposite effect.
"(L) All right, this is, what is today's date? It's the 21st of September 2024. Tomorrow is the Autumnal Equinox. It'll be about 11:47 in the morning here. So y'all have to figure out where it is in your places. So, okay, today is the 21st of September, 2024. We've got the usual crew: [Review of those present] Is anybody there?

A: Great discussion! True networking! 4D STO is active in all of you tonight! Viconneaeil here of Cassiopaea."

Ditto to the above! Great discussion, man, IMHO, it feels like those discussions that could really change something down here in this 3d blue marble, with 4D STO inspiration, such a "breath" of truth and energy to all of us. Thank you once more!

This was a great session, thank you! I especially LOVED the way the entire group + on-line members grooved on their own without the C's presence early on. I'd almost want to ask, ok I AM asking: could some future group sessions also start this way, with a list of questions the entire group has been presented with to think about, personally research, and discuss beforehand? Maybe on the "Questions for the C's" thread? It seems like a pretty darn good way to groove not only a channel, but entire groups, to be able to find answers for themselves on their own in the times to come.

I loved the content of this session, and I am very thankful for it! But I appreciated the sharing and interplay between all those present even more before bringing in the C's to close the ballgame out.

You said it all, Ketone Cop. Truly and beautifully written.
Thanks Chateau Crew, Laura, The C's and et. al in the forum... Awesome Channeling.

Greatly appreciated information, specially the ones that @Laura and @iamthatis gave about Sleep disturbances... :cool2: :cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
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