Session 21 September 2024

I do not take any kind offence to what you say, in fact I like a good whipping into place, so thank you. I’m not looking for sympathy either, just some relation and then observations like ones you have given.

It does appear rather brattish that I seemingly choose to be like this. Today I have had enough sleep and my mood is much better and I’m way better equipped to cope. I’m a mum, so that makes me a woman (depends who you ask though) but extremely detached from my femininity and creative side, another battle I fight.

Truth, my situation is good compared to another, I do not discount anything I have, I feel lucky to be where I am and for what I can see, it sounds so conflicting and it is, how can you feel blessed then depressed from one moment to the next? It’s likely chemical rather than situational.

I have stopped trying to understand why, I was born this way, discontent and restless.. i just try to deal with the feelings as they arise because trying to figure it out and control it has only caused more misery. So go with the flow instead of forcing anything.
As a parent who raised five children I can sympathise with you and your problems of getting sleep when a little one is still very young. With our first child, a lovely but very boisterous girl (who lives down under in your neck of the woods now), I never had a full night's sleep for the first two years of her life. She was quite happy to play during the early hours of the morning and had tremendous energy and endurance. My parents offered to look after her one night to allow my wife and I to get something like a full night's sleep. They never offered again :-D. Intensive play and one-on-one learning sessions helped to work off some of her excess energy. She would often burn brightest just before she finally blew out for the night. We took her out for an evening meal once and her behaviour was absolutely terrible as she sat in her high chair playing with her meal, which went everywhere. One moment she was all energy and trouble the next she just conked out without warning head first into her meal. A passing waiter found it highly amusing and we had to smile too. Most of our other children were pussy cats to look after in comparison. Children are just what they are, some being easy to deal with and others requiring more personal care and attention.

I trust your problems are just based on a lack of sleep as you suggest but when you say that you feel blessed then depressed from one moment to the next, it makes me wonder if you may possibly be suffering from some form of bipolarism (previously known as manic depression), which is characterised by periods of depression and periods of abnormally elevated mood. The onset of a manic or depressive episode is often foreshadowed by sleep disturbance. I am familiar with the condition first hand as my eldest son suffers from it. He can be bubbly, highly energetic and full-on one moment and then he suddenly becomes depressed and withdrawn the next (a state sometimes called the "black dog"). Fortunately, he was diagnosed and has been on medication to control it. It helps that he understands his condition and has learned to live with it. Your problems may just be a temporary blip of course as we all go through rough periods like you are right now but it might still be worth a chat with a health practitioner to see what they think.​
@Fluffy, you need to start transitioning your little one to beef/lamb/chicken purees type food asap as that's part of the problem you are experiencing. Babies don't need to stay on breast beyond 6 months as milk is only a growth promoter, its not really food. We transitioned our little one to home made purees at month 5 and he has been great. He is well fed and satisfied, only cries when he is hungry, physically hurt or needs our hugs and comfort. Sleeps really well and we only have to get up once during the night to give him some milk and he is often taking it in half-sleep state, going back to deep sleep right after. For milk, we feed him a home-made formula of coconut milk mixed in with MCT and Ghee.
Below video will help. If you need puree recipes, let me know and I will ask my wife to post a few.

Outside of the above, I do agree its a full-time job looking after a baby and personally between work, home chores and everything else, I get no time to research, post or participate in anything useful on the forum. Its a difficult gig even for 2 working parents and doing it single is very hard. But it is what it is and we are just trying to be the best parents we can be.

Thank you Sid, we’ve been feeding her meat since she was 6 months, she was having 3 meat meals a day until we got sick last week and now won’t eat it at all (I’m not very interested either, been eating more veg and fruit just to eat something)

Believe me I’ve tried to get her into a bottle from the very beginning, just to have something so she’s not so dependent on me, she just won’t drink out of it and barely drinks water from a sippy cup, if I don’t feed her she ends up very constipated. I’m giving her some time, baby led weaning, and as you can imagine doing things when the kid isn’t ready just creates more hell for the parents.
As a parent who raised five children I can sympathise with you and your problems of getting sleep when a little one is still very young. With our first child, a lovely but very boisterous girl (who lives down under in your neck of the woods now), I never had a full night's sleep for the first two years of her life. She was quite happy to play during the early hours of the morning and had tremendous energy and endurance. My parents offered to look after her one night to allow my wife and I to get something like a full night's sleep. They never offered again :-D. Intensive play and one-on-one learning sessions helped to work off some of her excess energy. She would often burn brightest just before she finally blew out for the night. We took her out for an evening meal once and her behaviour was absolutely terrible as she sat in her high chair playing with her meal, which went everywhere. One moment she was all energy and trouble the next she just conked out without warning head first into her meal. A passing waiter found it highly amusing and we had to smile too. Most of our other children were pussy cats to look after in comparison. Children are just what they are, some being easy to deal with and others requiring more personal care and attention.

I trust your problems are just based on a lack of sleep as you suggest but when you say that you feel blessed then depressed from one moment to the next, it makes me wonder if you may possibly be suffering from some form of bipolarism (previously known as manic depression), which is characterised by periods of depression and periods of abnormally elevated mood. The onset of a manic or depressive episode is often foreshadowed by sleep disturbance. I am familiar with the condition first hand as my eldest son suffers from it. He can be bubbly, highly energetic and full-on one moment and then he suddenly becomes depressed and withdrawn the next (a state sometimes called the "black dog"). Fortunately, he was diagnosed and has been on medication to control it. It helps that he understands his condition and has learned to live with it. Your problems may just be a temporary blip of course as we all go through rough periods like you are right now but it might still be worth a chat with a health practitioner to see what they think.​

I’ve been tested multiple times for personality and mood disorders. First when I was in my early 20’s and again in my 30’s. I wanted answers the second time and kept pursuing it, it was intensive screening over a couple of months that came up with nothing of interest apart from things like lacking self control and being lazy, indulgent and some narcissistic tendencies.

Later in my 30s I was doing a lot of research in gut health as I was having some pretty severe and debilitating problems. I have had 2 occasions in my life where I became antibiotic resistant, the first when I was 18 months old and the second at 15, my health really deteriorated after the second time. It’s only been in the past 4 or 5 years where I’ve been able to get on top of my gut issues enough to not be completely miserable 24/7. I’m not going to put all of my mood problems down to bacteria (lack there of) problems but I do give it a very high credence, there’s a causal link for sure but other underlying issues I haven’t sorted out.
It would have been easier to just get a bipolar diagnosis because then I’d have more support and understanding. What I know I’m lacking is intense exercise and ability to some long fasting.

I have 3 other children that didn’t even slightly prepare me for my grand finale, baby 3 didn’t sleep either but was very chilled out when she was awake. I would see other parents with busy beaver children and think ‘thank god that’s not my kid’ …. and here we are, I’m not sure why the universe thinks I needed one of these children but I know I have to step up my game to keep up with her, she’s the boss and will run rings around me if I don’t find outlets for her energy all day long.

Intensive playing, yes, that’s what she needs. Now where do I get the energy for that?
I wonder if supplements Like Alpha GPC, can help people to increase production of Acetylcholine, is there any other ways to increase production Acetylcholine without smoking? There some studies that show that eating grass fed beef and pasture eggs can help as well, and what about NAD supplement?

You don’t need to smoke to get nicotine from tobacco, there are other ways, like patches or supplements with nicotine, it’s just that it’s way more effective if absorbed through the lungs. You can also do vaping, if the smell of the cigarette or tobacco its something you can’t handle.
You don’t need to smoke to get nicotine from tobacco, there are other ways, like patches or supplements with nicotine, it’s just that it’s way more effective if absorbed through the lungs. You can also do vaping, if the smell of the cigarette or tobacco its something you can’t handle.
FWIW, there's also Eiriu Eolas, that is stimulating the vagus nerve through breathing exercises that enhance the production and increase the concentration of acetylcholine in the body. At least according to my knowledge of that program, and if my memory still serves me well.

And thank you all involved for the session shared and great discussion prior to the planchette actually moving around the board. :flowers:
Outside of the above, I do agree its a full-time job looking after a baby and personally between work, home chores and everything else, I get no time to research, post or participate in anything useful on the forum. Its a difficult gig even for 2 working parents and doing it single is very hard. But it is what it is and we are just trying to be the best parents we can be.
Much agreement. Having raised 6 daughters in one of the most expensive places in the world (Hawaii), it is difficult, but that in itself is an amazing journey.
Thank you Laura and the rest of the team for another fascinating session! As others have mentioned, I really liked the inclusion of the discussion beforehand.
Luckily I found his voice and repetition style to be irritating and even slightly nauseating, so I did not continue.
Same here. I tried a meditation of his once at the recommendation of a relative, but I just couldn’t stand his tone of voice or style of speaking!
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