Session 21 September 2024

Thank you for the new session. The discussion was great.
It wondered about acetylcholine and why smokers are less likeable by 4d sts... If acetylcholine is created also when we learn new stuff, then it must be some "creative compound", if 4d sts feeds on suffering and also STS is not creative but entrophic, then it don't like anything what is creative as acetylcholine produced by smoking/learning/creativity :) ? Just wondering, not sure if it is in any way "true".

I had a bit of a revelation this week regarding creativity. I’ve been relearning how to use my knitting machine. I had the wonderful experience to be a production knitter in the 90’s. It had been 24 years since I have worked on it. In the past two years I have been learning to hand knit. Now I want to use both of these methods and ideas are springing up all the time. The joy from thoughts centering around this learning and physically creating are so uplifting. I realized I am happy from such thoughts and efforts! I can feel a physiological change welling up that I notice and hold onto. I think it is producing acetylcholine.

Rain said:
I didn't quite understand, how does mental blocking produce acetylcholine? What would be psychological means to protect ourselves (if we are not using nicotine)?
I asked GPT about acetylcholine production, here's what it returned :

2. Cognitive Processes

Acetylcholine plays a central role in attention, learning, memory, and focus. During tasks that require heightened concentration or mental effort, neurons in the brain's basal forebrain region release more acetylcholine to help enhance these cognitive processes.
Examples: Studying, solving puzzles, or learning new skills.

So mental effort and concentration like Mental blocking produces more acetylcholine.

Also I am turning to nicotine gum after reading this session to strengthen my immune system and mental blocking.

Many thanks to all for sharing such gifts of knowledge.
Thank you so much for this session - the discussion at the beginning was a great way for us to understand how to think about the questions we propose.

Regarding Joe Dipenza:
(L) So anyhow, I think that we should be extremely cautious about this. And you've got red flags and dugdeep says that he got some red flags from these meditations. And you said, Gaby, that you…?

(Gaby) Some of the seeds are really… contractile, in a sense.
I recently came across a Youtube channel for Scott Carney with a segment on Joe Dispenza. A few notes from the video with approx timestamps:

[5:58] Dispenza was interviewed about his workshops, and claims there are ‘beings present’ that he can see - rather large ones that congregate while he is conducting the workshops. Of course he is convinced they are benevolent.

[6:55] One of his former workshop attendees, says she had a psychotic break after attending a workshop - and thinks his methods are dangerous.

[9:07] Film clip of his ad for Ancient Aliens show..

[12:00]. Dodgy meditation studies used by Dispenza. to back up his outrageous claims

[16:]. Dispenza’s foundation / school funds ‘scientific’ studies, then misrepresents the results to pack his conference centers.

Scott Carney also investigated Dispenza’s quantum healing school and the people who are listed as Directors or Advisors. Several of them have questionable backgrounds, and / or lack any real qualifications.

Here’s the relevant video:
I should elaborate and add that I have a 13 month old that doesn’t give me much time to myself except at the end of the day for about an hour before I’m too tired to be awake anymore, then I’m up multiple times through the night, sometimes for hours.
I’m beyond exhausted, I just have to keep on going though, I don’t have any options but to keep on going and I just want to hide under a rock some days and pretend I don’t exist.

I don’t fear dying, it actually sounds good to me. I could say I fear others dying and not knowing what’s coming and how that looks for the people I love.
Sounds like you have a good bit of post-partum depression going on, as well as exhaustion. I went thru it bad with my oldest. Just wanted to die! I was too zombiefied to want to do much of anything due to lack of sleep. I kept telling myself that it won't last forever, and that helped a bit. But you have to take care of yourself...make that baby take a nap and then you nap too! Melatonin can be your friend, especially when you give it to the little one to help them sleep the whole night through.
In the past 30 years more or less I have only been to the dentist a couple of times for a fractured tooth. My wife on the other hand, kind of lives there.
Same here. After a totally unnecessary and heavily intrusive orthodontics (pulling perfectly healthy teeth) as a teenager which ruined my teeth stability for these 40+ later years, I never been to a dentist since 30 years.

For receded gums, sensitive teeth: I use Himalayan salt water + sodium bicarbonate for restoring pH. After that a teaspoon of E327 = Calcium lactate, rougher but even ground Cala Zoon is better than home-made fine powder from Ebay. Swish for 15-20 minutes. Sometimes still use sesame seed oil pulling. But recent experiments with Calcium lactate really helped.

For nights: Lysine + L-Proline + C-Vit + Potassium Citrate cocktail with a teaspoon magnesium malate to handle The Flame© as Judy Mikovits called it. So no inflammation. For "toothpaste": concentrated Xylitol+salt+water in a small bottle.

Reading these dentist horror stories here, I bless my instinct and poverty to have not had the misfortune to visit any dentist butcher.

I would want the Russian science of growing new teeth via shark stem cells or a similar new teeth-growing new ways. All other dental procedures I consider a laughable barbaric butcher-shop torture on this ridiculously low-tech planet: All For War and minimal health science development.
I have a question or questions about the nicotine.
I use pouches. And as of late they are getting harder and harder to get. Obviously smoking and vaping and chewing are out due to the harmful effects of tobbaco and chemicals used. Am I correct in that.
And Two what does everyone think about my wife using nicotine pouches as she was a long time smoker (hasn't in 14 yrs) but hugely addicted to nic. Is it better to be on then off pouches.

For clarity pouches in Canada and USA are 3 to 6 mg each. Where as places in Europe are up in the 20mg range as I've found in iceland. So if this is a good idea
How much nicotine in mg per day or period is optimal

Finished reading the session: Dispenza CV-read failure from my part acknowledged. Members here posting more data suggests the Lizzies might be pulling a Billie Meier number on him. Anti-Christ prophecy also stated, how it will come offering powerful healing, but deception and possession behind the curtains.
My "healing via etheric blueprint hypothesis" is a strike-out from the bucket list. Back to faith-healings like Slavic elderly lady eating sand and healing her cancer, probably via higher centers and faith: positive physiological symptoms.
(L) Yeah, I'm not sure, but I remember what's his name, Michael Topper. And I'm pretty sure, I think I referenced it in my article on stalking - Michael Topper, stalking - that a 5D STS being was incredibly contractile, gravitation… I mean, you would think of it as the laziest thing on the planet because it's so contractile, it doesn't even move. It doesn't even stir… I mean, almost like a black hole, and maybe it's close to a black hole. Maybe that's what black holes are: they are these contractile 5D STS beings floating around in the universe. Maybe the universe is 5D for all we know.
Recently elsewhere in the Forum Arwenn and nicklebleu had already posted this link, and I'm putting it back here because in the general context of this session, it's really worth reading it again.
Stalking or Precis on The Good and The Evil

A: Great discussion! True networking! 4D STO is active in all of you tonight! Viconneaeil here of Cassiopaea.
About NetWorking:
Whereas self-serving beings naturally form hierarchies with the strongest and most ruthless at the top, service to others beings would form networks. In the words of the Cassiopaeans, the concept of networking is a foretaste of fourth density service to others.
To bring the idea into context, we can start with George Gurdjieff’s definition of a group: In a group, what is gained by one is gained by all and what is lost by one is lost by all. A group in this sense can only exist within the context of esoteric work. Such a group is free from disagreement not because of a command structure but because the same truths are seen by all.We can distinguish two types of group effects:
1.The group descends to the level of the lowest common denominator, as happens in lynch mobs and other cases of mass hysteria.

2.The group rises to the sum total of the understandings and capacities of all members. This happens to a small degree in teams displaying good synergy. However, the imperfect quality of human communication and friction coming from personality dampens these effects and usually limits their scope to a well-practiced area such as playing a team sport or playing in an orchestra.
The hope of esoteric work is to make these effects greater and more comprehensive. Achieving this is sometimes called the communion of saints. This goes beyond a social phenomenon and involves sharing the ’substance of knowledge’ or ’higherhydrogens’ generated in group work.
In general we can say that a group amplifies whatever is a consistently shared and applied principle in the group’s work. This contains a catch: We often find, specially on the Internet, New Age groups that are in a sense ’open’ but where the exchange degenerates if not into a shouting match then into a more subtle feeding or pleading or manipulating contest.
It seems that internal work for purifying the signal and making the self first clear is a prerequisite for a group to amplify anything but subjectivity.
For mixed, predominantly self-serving entities such as present day humans, indiscriminate sharing of everything simply makes noise. A great deal of attention is required for the participants to overcome first themselves and then act in a manner approximating service to others oriented beings,rather than according to their default impulses.
Again, determining what constitutes service to others in each case is its own question but a certain skill or sense for this can form via practice –seeLaw of Three.
In practice, a network does not imply the interchangeability of all members. This is not achievable nor is it the goal.
Having reached a similar level of development does not imply identity of personality or group think but does imply striving for seeing the same understandings. A group can involve specialization and contain teachers and students, but is by definition a voluntary structure
and does not exist for the benefit of any single member or subgroup. Instead, such a group may exist for performing a specific esoteric task, as may be required by the time and context.
The concept of giving back is emphasized by the Fourth Way. Since the principle of service to others represents balance through the idea of serving self through serving others, this principle requires reciprocity in order to work. Balance cannot be legislated but it may occur naturally if the participants share the same direction, i.e. are collinear.
For fourth density harvestability, a network offers distinct advantages over working alone. The members can complete each other even though their own vibrational purity were not perfect.
For graduating to fourth density service to self, the aspirants must generally work alone since the very idea of service to self sees sharing as generally undesirable.

(L) All right. I'm tired. Do we have anything that's absolutely urgent?
With these quotes posed, I can say that before, during and after the session, Laura showed us by example the symbiosis of Work and Networking in good and due form.
Thank you Laura for all your love, session after session.
Nothing is free in this world of STS, but really thank you to you and to those who took part in this experience for giving a glimpse of what a world of STO can be.
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