Apologies if I have misinterpreted your connections. Do you mean it is simiilar to the Quorum, where you have STO and STS persona/architypes and the fluidity between them represents the 'mix' between the both, thus forming the ouroboros?
I need to refresh my knowledge on the Quorum idea.
But STO and STS represent the 2 elements of the ouroboros.
More examples of dual pairs include physical man - spiritual man, being - non-being, + -, life - death, modern man - ancestors, children - fathers, olympic gods - titans, day - night, concious - subconcious, man - woman, Cain - Abel, Peter - Paul, aliens - native, lawless pirates and thieves - the law, prince Ali - genie, sun-moon, phoenix young - phoenix old, boaz and Jachin etc
I think all historical events, and words and phenomenons can be looked at through the prism of this algorythm.
The ouroboros can be related to active and passive principles of nature. Active are seekers and pointers and piercers. Heros seeking knowledge. Because they think they dont have it. The passive ones is the knowledge itself, the bountiful prime matter, the ark of the covenant, the Noa's ark, the ancestors, the spirits, everything that the hero considers to be not the part of the "I".
Good is what is known understood and applied. Medusa beautiful - Medusa the monster. Monster is the knowledge not learnt - ancients forgotten prophecies /fairy tales/myths/books spoken in languages that are not understood. When this information is taken in a literal sense, it leads to death, suffering, fear.This is why it is two-faced. Once understood the beautiful face shows and no more suffering and risk.
The seekers of knowledge/heros/prodigal/ "I" are the ones born from knowledge/the spirit/the ancestors/world but lost it and trying to return. The knowledge is everything that surrounds the "I" and what the "I" preceives not as a part of itself.
Legends say that before gods lived alongside with people, not behind the veil. That means people had the knowledge and had and access to all-bounty. There were no walls and no wars. But when they lost the knowledge the "gods" went to another world behind the veil, that world vecame unaccessible like Shambala, Atlantis, Troy, Heaven etc.
This idea to me is similar to to the theory of Superposition. It is the principle that quantum systems can exist in multiple states at once (like the all knowing golden age), while the collapse of the wave function is the phenomenon where a quantum system reduces to a single, definite state upon measurement (scarcity, pain, suffering, the fall).
So a knowledge seeker is a knowledge finder. This is where I think the two parts of the ouroboros become one. It is the same person, but located at a different point of the Möbius strip path. He is not many different people as might appear to us if viewing from the timeless state similtaneously in different points of the hero jorney. But the hero has been copied infinitely on every point of her journey, and at every point a new name was given and a new separate story was made.
The key in understanding these characters is not to judge them. Or they will multiply even more. We just need to understand whether this character (a specific point in the space-time) is the seeker or this is what is being seeked, which is essentially the same at the highest level of abstraction. And whether the Queen Sheba came to Solomon or Solomon came to Sheba depends on how we are looking at the situation: do we come to knowledge or knowledge come to us?
For example, St. PatRick can be viewed as a character relating to the sPiRit-ancestor part. He is similar to apostle Peter, PeteR the FiRst of Russia, Santa BaRBaRa, BaRBaRians (aliens not obeying the established logical laws of settlers), ABeL/Jacob who was peirced/fertilized by the seeker/angel into the mouth for the word to be born. So, in this relationship life is born. Profecying heads are not understood by the seeker because they are speaking the bird/green/magus/art gout/angel/foreign language from behind the veil to the seekers and many other characters. The characters often dont walk on the ground, sit,walk on water/fly, dont have proper legs; they often have heads with weird features such as one eye, or white /blue magnifying eyes, white skin, invisible, headless etc.
Among the seekers we can think of the following characters: Perseus, Heracles, angels, Alexander the Great, Samson, Achilles etc.
So the seeker is abandoning knowledge and eventually returning to it. And every point on this journey is a space-time copy of himself.
If you were to insert a pin into a map to trace every step of the journey you will have many of those pins inserted into the map. Every pin is usually presented as a separate character with a separate story in a separate location. Time is the multiplier. This is why in English we say "times" when we multiply. This is is how things get copied.
Apart from each other these elements cannot exist and cannot create life.