Session 21 September 2024

My best guess is this happens because our choices cause changes in the body. Like say we let our anger flare up and burn out of control. This corresponds with changes in the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, as well as the endocrine system - just about everything. Our health and mood is really tied closely to our peptides.
A fun curiosity.

I just saw the superhero movie Madame Web and there is a biologist girl who studies spiders that, with their bite, give superpowers to the person they bite.

The daughter of this biologist girl, when reading her mother's work diary, closes it in boredom and says:

"Peptides, otherwise she talks about peptides everywhere."

We know who can inspire screenwriters and I was surprised by that phrase when I remembered your post.
I was always under the impression from what I've gleaned from the C's that when we get to 5D we experience the full force of the pain we have caused others, the guilt of all our actions, etc. So I've never really thought of 5D as somewhere where you go to have a holiday from STS.

Actually, the way you mention STS at the beginning of the quote, you almost use it synonymously with suffering, but for many, an STS environment is extremely pleasurable - just not forever.

So I don't think 5D is a necessarily more pleasurable experience for a 3D STS being than 3D STS itself.
As observed I was indeed associating STS with suffering. The situation is more nuanced but I was trying to verbalize my immediate thoughts in a concise manner. I will attempt to expand on the subject matter.

Future me here, I seem to have gone on a bit of a ramble here trying to outline some of my thoughts, a lot of them are drawn from the C’s material, ‘Life & Afterlife’ by Michael Prescot and ‘The Life Beyond the Veil’ by Rev.G. Vale Owen.

If I was to try and condense the issue on my mind into a single question I might go for
“In general is it productive for an individual to have multiple 5D experiences across a single incarnation on STS dominated 3D Earth?“

To which with my current understanding I would expect the reality to be dependent on the individual. But probably for the majority of people I would say no. This does not dictate whether the action is good or bad the choice is open to the free will of the individual, but people can want and choose to do things that are not helpful or unhealthy to them.

If a person visited 5D multiple times in a single incarnation and each time experienced a thorough life review. I think this would be likely to reduce the impact of these revelations. If the person first saw their life and ways in which they could better interact with others but back in 3D fails to do so, will another reminder of this help push them forwards or might it make them wallow in failure.

In the event the person does react positively to the initial visit, might they start to become reliant on the review process and subsequent visits to instruct them on how to better their behavior, dulling their actual judgment and discernment capabilities? This may be violating your own free will in a sense. It may have been better for them to practice application of their knowledge and hone it via networking.

I hope you might understand my thoughts on why repetitive visitations to 5D within a single incarnation especially if intentional might be unhealthy for ones spiritual development at least from the perspective of a being trying to increase STO polarity.

Even from the perspective of a more STS polarized beings perspective it might be disadvantageous to their path. A 5D experience might increase hatred of creation or induce fear of mortality that might propel you further along the STS path. But the 4D control system may not be present to the same degree as in 3D, the occasionally mentioned silver cord is meant to be impossible to manipulate by outside forces to my understanding. Keep in mind STS is all about control so any event that interferes with that is probably perceived negatively. Repeated visits might push someone away from the materialism centered doctrine that seems to be currently favored. There may even be a slight risk that in 5D they might contemplate their true nature and choose to turn away from the darkness.

Perception of the afterlife of course is based upon ones perspective. Free will is still present in such a place so people do not have to have a pleasant impression of their surroundings even if they might be described as beautiful in objective terms. Nor are people compelled to be happy. Sad things still exist and can be observed; darker more STS aligned realms (maybe there is a better term) in the afterlife and of course 3D Earth. Though people are no longer impaired by a human vehicle subject to 4D STS tampering, trauma is not erased. As we know trauma can in fact cause issues and build up over many lifetimes. Life in 5D requires adjusting to and can take some ‘time’ which can be further impacted by the circumstances of one’s life and particularly death.

5D may not be a holiday from life but it is the contemplation zone where one can recover from the high energy demanding existence of physical incarnation; as well as issues that can come with it. In more lighter/positive realms of the afterlife it seems that the occupants and higher beings put effort into making the environment and architecture suited to aid in this purpose and others suiting their needs.

A life review is not all doom and gloom and in a positive realm those with soul connections to you will be available to support you in the process if willing to accept such help. I think it is not unreasonable to think that for a person without high STS polarization lighter realms of 5D might be more pleasant than 3D STS Dominated Earth. Thus my suggestion that repeat visits in a single incarnation might have negative results.

Keep in mind that though 3D humanity on Earth is STS to some degree, many people (but not all) seem to experience positive afterlife realms.

It seems that things are organized to where they belong in a sense. Strong anticipation of a specific afterlife may result in ending up in one conforming to these beliefs until they are able to open up to the reality of 5D. More STS beings will end up in realms relatively darker than higher ones and dislike the light given off by them.

If a person is not comfortable with their location they can call for aid to receive help to escape darker place or else make the journey themselves; the second appears the more challenging approach. In the same way there are realms and beings of light brighter than others too much so even for those comfortable in relatively light realms; light is knowledge. The separation of people by alignment and awareness seems like a natural process.

I will end this ramble with some words reportedly from the deceased Mrs. Owen mother of Rev.G.Vale Owen in his book ‘The Life Beyond the Veil’; pg 16-17 in my version.

“the influences around those in the darkness here are much more evil than the influences on earth, where good influences are ever mingling with the bad. It is only when careless and wicked people get over here that they realize the awful task before them; and that is why so many of them remain for ages in a condition of hopelessness and despair.

When they are safely over the bridge they are welcomed by those on the slopes where grass and trees grow, and they are just stupefied with delight, in spite of the gradualness of their preparation.

For they have not yet become used to love and its sweetness after their experience of the opposite down there.”
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