Session 21 September 2024

Tuesday George Galloway said that maybe Netanyahu was killed or very bad hurt in that Yemeni attack. I checked information about this and found nothing. But eh, you put this news here, thanks!

I'm wondering how true that report might be with the thought that if it is true, there would be massive effort to cover it up. I wouldn't be at all surprised if doubles for some of these main stage world players exist - they certainly project non-human personas as it is, so a double could easily pass for the "real" thing, IMO.

I've read that Iran's missiles were 80 to 90% effective at hitting their targets and the number of missiles was as high as 500 rather than the 200 reported. Of course, MSM including the CBS monitors of the VP debate, declared the attack a failure with the majority of the missiles shot down. Truth is more than the first casualty of war - it's MIA!
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Thanks for another amazing session 😊. I can definitely feel something explosive coming!

I’m good on the nicotine front. I have a steady stream going into my body all day…I chew nicotine gum like it is bubble gum 🤣
I started doing that years ago after reading some studies about it. I cannot smoke, I have a history with asthma and bronchitis and so anything that tickles my lungs are a problem.
Speaking of nicotine and smoking:

Russian MPs to back groundbreaking smoking ban – speaker​

The draft law would make it illegal to sell cigarettes, vapes and similar goods to anyone born after December 31, 2009.

The legislation tabled by the left-leaning New People faction means the legal smoking age will increase every year, eventually leading to a total prohibition for the entire population.

Unfortunately, Russia is in some ways even ahead of the West in going in the wrong direction.
(L) Yeah, they got bored. All right. And poor Scottie is going to have to transcribe all of that discussion! [laughter] He's going to hate us.
Always wondered who did this work..... thank you Scottie!!

(Joe) We gave a mouse two kilos of ivermectin and…
:lol2::lol2: Ive been taking IVM for years....if it wasnt safe id be dead by now.

Thank you for another session, always look forward to the next one!!! Please more current events,... :love:
When it comes to tobacco, nicotine, and acetylcholine, is tobacco smoke from tobacco incense helpful in relation to nanobots?

I think it would depend, is the incense actually tobacco or is it tobacco 'flavour'? I've never heard of it before. The benefits of nicotine come from getting the smoke into the lungs, so I'd guess that unless you're hovering over the incense breathing it in, I think the benefits would be minimal in comparison to a cigarette, patch, gum, etc.
Well this is touchy for sure.
What about protecting children with nicotine?
I certainly don’t want to encourage my 11 year old to smoke, but she out of everyone at home is the most sensitive and weak in immune response, I have considered putting a patch on her for may be just an hour a day. Is that crazy?

Has anyone made homemade patches using tobacco? I itch like crazy if I wear a nicotine patch and wonder what else is in them. I was thinking if a pea sized piece of tobacco was dampened a little, dmso on the skin and then covered with some waterproof medical tape that could work?
I'm wondering how true that report might be with the thought that if it is true, there would be massive effort to cover it up. I wouldn't be at all surprised if doubles for some of these main stage world players exist - they certainly project non-human personas as it is, so a double could easily pass for the "real" thing, IMO.

I've read that Iran's missiles were 80 to 90% effective at hitting their targets and the number of missiles was as high as 500 rather than the 200 reported. Of course, MSM including the CBS monitors of the VP debate, declared the attack a failure with the majority of the missiles shot down. Truth is more than the first casualty of war - it's MIA!
Well the C's said the subterranean civilisation have the ability to produce cloned bodies into which they can place the souls of soldiers killed or missing in action. Could they have produced a clone for Netanyahu perhaps? Just a thought.

I read today a newspaper account of the missile attack which detailed how Israel has three layers of defence for incoming missile attacks. Their highest altitude shield is called "Arrow" , which is intended to protect against incoming ballistic missiles. The article described how their anti-missile missiles have a top speed of Mach 7 (c. 5,200 mph). However, the Iranians have hypersonic missiles that can achieve speeds of 11,300 mph, which is more than twice as quick as the IDF's missiles. Can a missile half as slow as its target lock-on, track and hit a missile that is moving at more than twice its own speed? This makes me think Iran's claim that 80/90 % of their missiles hit their target is more likely to be correct.​
Sorry. I didn’t mean it as telling you what to do or something like that. It was just meant as an idea of why we might strive to do what we can to survive.

FWIW, I completely understand your point of view.
Perhaps we should not fixate on coming catastrophes but just do what we can whilst we can judging from what the C's said here:

Session 28 November 2009:

L) On all of them. Put it on all of them. Okay, so now you say that we have taken steps towards joy. The joy of a new world.

A: The wave is coming, you are teaching people to surf it instead of being dragged under and out to stormy seas.

Q: (L) You once said that the wave was something like "hyperkinetic sensate". And I've often wondered if that means that it's something that massively amplifies whatever is inside an individual? And if that were the case and they were full of a lot of unpleasant, painful, miserable feelings, repressed and suppressed thoughts and so forth, and something that was hyperkinetic sensate amplified all of that, what would it do to that individual? I mean, can you imagine any of us in our worst state of feeling yucky and then having that amplified a bazillion times? If it was bad stuff inside you, you would implode!

A: Soul smashing!

Q: (L) So it is really important for people to go through this process of cleansing to prepare themselves for that?

A: Yes, then they will "rise up with wings as eagles"! *

*Isaiah 40:31 But they who hope in the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall rise up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.


A: These factors should be kept in mind by all the new PC members. You are all on the threshold of a new life. Anticipate not what the universe can and will do, just do the work asked of you and the wave will come to meet you and lift you up.

(L) So it's best to pay attention to reality and deal with reality that is here and now in a most effective and efficient way and let the universe take care of itself. As long as you are doing your part...

A: Yes

(I**) What about these New Agey people who are so excited about the wave without any knowledge about it. And there is kind of anticipation...

A: If they want to surf the wave they must work to get ready, they must do the EIRIU EOLAS program to get in synch. A lot of little personal wavelets or ripples won't change anything. That is what 4D STS knows and why they seek to engender divisiveness. It is also not worth the risk of being smashed by hidden negative emotions, so best to get on with getting them cleared. Better safe than sorry!!!!
Sorry if you've mentioned this before, but have you talked to him about your issues and how you'd like him to be more supportive so that you don't feel so burdened?
Oh yes, he’s trying, he’s almost a different guy to when we met 28 years ago, I still have to ask for help but sometimes he can recognise it on his own which is a welcome improvement. It’s been a long bumpy road. He’s had health issues in the past 8 months that have caused him to lose a lot of weight and be a lot more lethargic and unmotivated than before, and his job has also gotten very demanding, so, it’s very hard to want to put much pressure on him. I have had a few recent conversations where the I’ve had to point out that with little children our freewill is compromised and we don’t just get to do what we want when it suits us.
I’ve had a hard time watching him deteriorate and feeling helpless to support him other than dietary changes so things like asking for a back rub or anything similar is something I don’t do. I let him lead there, but it’s not very frequent.

I count my blessings in other ways, like financial support and being able to be a stay home mum. I don’t go without when it comes to things I need to be healthy and comfortable.
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