Session 21 September 2024

I’ve always tried to wrap my head around how this works. The C’s have said that time is an illusion and that 4DSTS are able to manipulate both the future and past. There has to be some kind of cosmic limitation to this though. Otherwise 4DSTS could wipe out entire bloodlines so any future threat would never even be born. On the other hand, maybe they have done just that. And this timeline is still their best course. See the current state of the world.

Couple this with free will and our futures are open. Maybe. Maybe the timeline has been tweaked so much, that even though we have free will, 4DSTS knows exactly how the our future plays out. Kind of like a computer simulation where you keep tweaking the program to get the desired end result.

The monkey wrench in this is 4DSTO. The C’s have said that severe weather is an indication of 4D battles between STO/STS. If 4DSTO wants free will and 4DSTS wants complete control, maybe the battles are over keeping certain futures and possible timelines open. 4DSTO aren’t going to push anybody in a certain direction but they want to (for lack of a better term) “keep hope alive”. Even if the chance is miniscule, people can still make available choices to get themselves out of this mess. Maybe 4DSTO are the ones keeping the door open for us, but we are the ones that have to make the choices that allow us to step through.

Anyway, just some ramblings from me.
Your considerations make sense. And since everything, and mainly time, is so "open", we end up by sticking to that which is one of the very few 'tangible' things we have in our hands: our consciousness, which though illusory as we know, is the tool we have available for making choices among these so many quantum possibilities.
I'll just do a quick jump in for personal timelines, this isn't really coming from the Cs. But more on what I have came across and learnt along the way.

We are jumping timelines all the time, every choice we make, the other choice or choice's play out on a different timeline. For e.g. you decided to buy this item instead of the other item. Your soul will play this out on a different timeline, but its really nothing that major. But if you choose to have a pet or a child. The other choice will play out on a different choice.

It does get very complicated and confusing, as we can only see our current present timeline, but as other have said. At one point all timelines will have to end, it might be in a result of a global ending event on that timeline. But your current timeline is still very fluid and you still have the option to choose. I guess in 4D you can see the other choice play out as 4D isn't limited to linear single timelines.
Session 1 December 1994

Q: (L) What is the probability that S__ will pay me what he owes me? There is a lot of money.

A: It depends on the course of events.

Q: (L) And what are the possible courses?

A: 956000 possibilities.

Session 4 March 1995

Q: (F) Does that satisfactorily answer the question? It's like saying, "Oh, what an interesting store, what's in there?" (L) Well, if none of the numbers that science has come up with are correct, what is the correct definition of the age of the universe?

A: Quasi-quantum possibilities.

Session 17 June 1995

A: Yes, that's true, however, we have already told you in previous sessions, in detail, the methodology that is used for what you call "abduction." And, if you are familiar with the transcripts you have created now, you know exactly how this is done. Your description of it is not completely correct as referenced in the hypnosis session you speak of, or at least your interpretation of the information given during the hypnosis session is not correct.

Now, it should be noted here that when we make clarifying statements such as “this is not correct” or “that is not correct,” it is unusual for us to do so because the nature of your state of being and everyone else’s involves various degrees of illusion. . bound. Therefore, any and all Possibilities. In most cases, there are cases of misalignment of the links of illusion. However, when two or more of these links of illusion are misaligned, then, in fact, it is possible for there to be absolute correctness or absolute incorrectness. In this case, there is a misalignment of the links. Therefore, it is, in fact, completely incorrect.

................................................ ........................

I could go on, but if you search the transcripts using the keyword possibilities, you'll have some time to read.
This session from June 17, 1995, looks promising. I'll have a look at it. Thanks!
I'll just do a quick jump in for personal timelines, this isn't really coming from the Cs. But more on what I have came across and learnt along the way.

We are jumping timelines all the time, every choice we make, the other choice or choice's play out on a different timeline. For e.g. you decided to buy this item instead of the other item. Your soul will play this out on a different timeline, but its really nothing that major. But if you choose to have a pet or a child. The other choice will play out on a different choice.

It does get very complicated and confusing, as we can only see our current present timeline, but as other have said. At one point all timelines will have to end, it might be in a result of a global ending event on that timeline. But your current timeline is still very fluid and you still have the option to choose. I guess in 4D you can see the other choice play out as 4D isn't limited to linear single timelines.
Interesting thought!
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