The Cs did say that.
Session 24 September 1995:
Although Orion is the home for many STS beings it is also our "ancestral home and eventual destination" according to the above session.
I am not sure exactly what the STS Orions have done that the Lizzies have not done but I suspect as you observed that the Lizzies are lower in the heirachy since they are owned by the humanoid STS Orions which would make them possibly less successful in many of their attempts to control us.
There is a natural "pecking order" as the Cs have commented in the following sesion:
Session 9 September 1995:
The "pecking order" includes the Lizzies since they have their own pets too called the Sasquatch/Bigfoot.
Session 9 October 1994:
When it comes to the humanoid Orions I think it may be a good idea to not assume all are STS. The Cs describe some "Nordic" humanoids that may be the "good guys".
Session 9 August 1997:
How did we get into this mess? I think it may be a long story.
Are the STS Orions having success? So far it seems like the control attempts are being tightened like a noose around our necks or the pot is being heated up to a boil.
There is a group the Cs describe as "Orion Union":
Session 23 October 1994:
The Orion union is also mentioned as creating a "genetic construct" with a little help from their friends:
The Hebrews are not the only group or race created by the Orion Union according to the Cs:
I am leaving out a lot of background details to focus on the Orion connections. It helps me to review as I piece this together. They say there are two sides to a coin which makes sense in the duality we find ourselves I think.
There is also a group called the Orion Federation.
And more recently there is the following to consider:
Session 25 September 1999: