Session 22 October 2022

Many Thanks to Laura, The Château Crew et. al. for this very dense session...

Lots of things to ponder... The Pseudo-Demon crystallization is very intriguing indeed, Maybe more info is needed
or maybe it is time for me to Re-read some old books of Allan Kardec on that subject...

Allan Kardec (French: [kaʁdɛk]) is the pen name of the French educator, translator, and author Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail ([ʁivaj]; 3 October 1804 – 31 March 1869). He is the author of the five books known as the Spiritist Codification, and the founder of Spiritism.
Rivail wrote under the name "Allan Kardec", allegedly following the suggestion of a spirit identified as Truth.[17] On 18 April 1857, Rivail (as Allan Kardec) published his first book on Spiritism, The Spirits' Book, comprising a series of answered questions (502 in the first edition and 1,019 in later editions)[citation needed] exploring matters concerning the nature of spirits, the spirit world, and the relationship between the spirit world and the material world.[citation needed] This was followed by a series of other books, including The Medium's Book, The Gospel According to Spiritism, Heaven and Hell and The Genesis According to Spiritism, and by a periodical, the Revue Spirite, which Kardec published until his death. Collectively, the books became known as the Spiritist Codification.

Seems from what I barely remember of the Allan Kardec readings on that subject that he was onto something.

Just my two cents... :cool2::cool2::cool2:
Thank you to everyone involved for the last two sessions, they sure help to clear the mind and keep us more grounded.
Thank you happyliza for your very thoughtful post and describing your daily routines which has given me some ideas. I constantly fail to set up and adhere to a routine for so many reasons that I feel some days I have achieved nothing

Your post is a challenge for me to create and stick to some form of routine
Thank you so much for all your efforts, and this is without mentioning the joy I feel each time I'm invited as a guest and participant, be it through screen and waffers!

Thinking about the C's answer saying 64% knowledge is what we get as a group, I presume Laura and Ark were included. Well, in any case thank you both for levering our expectation. ;-)
Just a train of thought....

Q: (Glenn) Is this [their hand wringing] behind a lot of their actions right now?

A: No. They are driven by forces they do not understand for the most part.

According to RT - Putin kept silent when asked the possibility about a nuclear apocalypse.

My 2 cents - i guess knowing all the information he knows about NATO deployments in Europe, maybe he too possibly thinks that all bets are off - and there is no knowing how crazy the Empire can be when faced with defeat. MAD is assured, but as the C's said they are driven by forces they do not understand for the most part.

Putin reacts to question about nuclear apocalypse​

Russian President Vladimir Putin jokingly became “lost in thought” when asked to follow up on comments he made in 2018 about Russians being the victims of aggression who would go to heaven in the event of a nuclear apocalypse.

During Thursday’s Valdai Discussion Club event in Moscow, moderator Fyodor Lukyanov told the Russian president that “we grew a bit worried remembering your comments made here four years ago when you said that we would all go to heaven.”

“We’re not in a hurry to get there, are we?,”
Lukyanov asked.

Putin stayed silent for a couple of seconds, as some audience members laughed. The moderator broke the silence by stating, “Now that you are lost in thought it’s getting alarming.”

The president laughed and said, “I intentionally got lost in thought to alarm you,” adding that “the effect has been achieved.”

In 2018, the Russian leader was asked about the likelihood of a nuclear war. He responded by saying that Moscow, in accordance with its doctrine back then, could not launch a preemptive nuclear strike and could only conduct a counter attack. Russia would launch its nuclear warheads only after confirming that a potential aggressor had launched ones targeting Russian territory, the president explained.

Nevertheless, he noted that the aggressors should know that retaliation was inevitable and that they would be destroyed. “And we, as the victims of aggression, as martyrs, will go to heaven while they will simply die,” he said, adding that “they won’t even have time to repent.”
Myślę, że jest więcej nieskończoności lub głębiej, tak że każda nieskończona ilość cykli wywołuje nieskończenie więcej pytań, które potrzebują więcej nieskończonych cykli, aby znaleźć odpowiedzi, co doprowadzi do nieskończenie większej liczby pytań i tak dalej...
One thing I don't understand is the actual mechanics of how entire countries or groups of nations can be driven by 4D STS without their understanding or knowledge? How does this influence work?
Maybe it has something to do with nations electing and accepting their leaders and their actions. The leaders make decisions consciously or unconsciously driven by 4DSTS and take their nation down a path. Because these leaders are meant to represent the population, by definition, if the population do not resist the path, their agreement is implied.
I think there's a qualification here. Sometimes people on 3D do things to creatures on 2D (eg. baiting a bear) that end up getting the people killed, not the animal. Just because a being "wants" to do something doesn't mean they'll do it successfully. Wishful thinking is always a factor with STS.
Interesting point. Some 2D and 1D beings can definitely harm or even kill a 3D being.
If there have been an infinite number of Grand Cycles, then everything that can happen (and all variations of it) has already happened an infinite amount of times. But since time does not exist, it kind of means that everything that can happen is happening right now at the same “time“.

This brings up the question of what the purpose of these Grand Cycles is. If everything has already happened an infinite amount of times (or happening right now), what is the purpose? It may well be in the realm of the unknowable, at least as long as we are 3D humans.
Perhaps everything that is happening in the eternal NOW has and is happening but maybe the eternal NOW is ever changing?
I think there's a qualification here. Sometimes people on 3D do things to creatures on 2D (eg. baiting a bear) that end up getting the people killed, not the animal. Just because a being "wants" to do something doesn't mean they'll do it successfully. Wishful thinking is always a factor with STS.
Interesting point. Some 2D and 1D beings can definitely harm or even kill a 3D being.

Yep.. of course there are dangerous animals.. There are even cases of animals seeming to have an almost supernatural ability to hunt humans, like the Champawat Tiger - Wikipedia who killed 400+ people over 7 years.. I wonder if the gap between the levels of knowledge of 2D and 3D is much smaller than the gap between 3D and 4D.. ie is the knowledge increase as density rises linear, or on an exponential curve or something? Could a group of dogs working together attain 63 percent the level of knowledge of an entry level human? :)
Q: (Joe) Is it more likely that this war is not going to be won one way or the other, but other events will intervene?

A: Yes
Thanks for new session, much appreciated for knowing what’s to come in near future. And I found some very interesting transcripts that might relate to latest information.
A: Good time to ask about future.

Q: (L) Well, how do we want to ask about the future?

(Perceval) That's broad. The last thing they referred to in the last session was that 4 month thing... Dramatic changes within 4 months.

(Andromeda) Oh yeah...

(L) Dramatic changes are coming. Can you get us in the ballpark as to what kind of changes we're talking about here?

(Perceval) I was thinking it's the economy. The "ecomony, stupid!"

(L) Are these gonna be economic changes?

A: First, yes. But consider all that entails.

Q: (L) If the economy goes kaflooey, then there's starvation...

(Perceval) Mass migrations, mass movements, food fights, violence in the streets, crackdowns...

(L) Pestilence, plague...

(Perceval) Police state goes into overdrive.

(Andromeda) Confiscations.

(Perceval) People might go to war.

(Andromeda) Beheadings.

A: And in the present time, all those energies are amplified cosmically.

Q: (Galatea) So it'll be like that, but times ten.

(Perceval) Basically, the idea would be economic crash, then in a relatively short period of time, you'd have social chaos, suffering, police state goes after hungry mobs, people rioting, lots of people killed, etc. And that energy is magnified and maybe it attracts a big load of space rocks.

A: Yes.
(Perceval) Do people in major urban centers - as in our FOTCM members - would it be advisable for them to at least be forewarned about this? Maybe they can move in advance?

A: Most cannot move. But there are those who can assemble at current community locations if needed.

Q: (Perceval) So, should we be preparing those community locations for possibly influxes of refugees?

(L) I suppose if there are different group members in different locations, people can assemble together somewhere.

(Perceval) And those people should be informed.

(L) I guess if they should just have a plan. If the poo hits the fan, they go to the designated person's place...

(Perceval) ...and that person is ready to receive them.

(L) Because there is a plan. Well, we can only do what we can do, and see how things pan out. People are aware.

(Perceval) Is it likely that this kind of social chaos as a result of the economic collapse or whatever would be predominantly in the USA?

A: Yes.
Q: (Perceval) So, someone in a position of power somewhere in the US is planning to sort of stage-manage the social unrest or revolution after an economic collapse?

A: More or less. However all may not go as planned.

Q: (Perceval) Well, the whole Ferguson, Missouri shooting last year...

A: Outside influences may intervene.

Q: (L) What do you mean "outside"?

A: Cosmic
I wonder if the gap between the levels of knowledge of 2D and 3D is much smaller than the gap between 3D and 4D.. ie is the knowledge increase as density rises linear, or on an exponential curve or something? Could a group of dogs working together attain 63 percent the level of knowledge of an entry level human? :)
I think it could even be more complex than that. Perhaps certain "entry level" 4D understandings could become accessible to 3D beings who are closer to graduation as part of getting a "clue to the view?" I think knowledge is not so much about "percentages" or "this, then that", but rather a mosaic of interrelated "areas" of information of which access and recall contribute to individual and collective understanding. As such, the boundaries between densities are not some "hard border" but more like curtains through which it is possible to see, and potentially move, if one has sufficient knowledge and, more importantly, Being, osit.
I think it could even be more complex than that. Perhaps certain "entry level" 4D understandings could become accessible to 3D beings who are closer to graduation as part of getting a "clue to the view?" I think knowledge is not so much about "percentages" or "this, then that", but rather a mosaic of interrelated "areas" of information of which access and recall contribute to individual and collective understanding. As such, the boundaries between densities are not some "hard border" but more like curtains through which it is possible to see, and potentially move, if one has sufficient knowledge and, more importantly, Being, osit.
I think you're right... makes sense to me! My thoughts in this thread weren't about trying to pin down some hard rules or percentages (because, totally agree with what you said about that), but more meant as ponderings on what analogies can be made between [2D->3D] and [3D->4D], where we could possibly extrapolate, in very general ways, to get some idea of what 4D or STO might be like... Like from this old session:

Q: (L) So, in other words, if you're a 4th density being, everything is more or less happening, excuse the term happening, everything is simultaneous, and if you wish to discuss or communicate or have any focus upon any particular aspect of this unified dimension, then what you do is you kind of extract it out, project it into 3d...

A: Close.

Q: (L) ... like a movie.

A: But you will not understand fully until you get there

Q: (T) Okay, so it's a concept that we can't completely grasp in 3d at this point.

A: Can a dog grasp algebra? You got it.

:) Since I read that I always enjoy trying to think of how dogs might think about or perceive things that us humans do.. and wondering if it can be analogous (in scope, not specifics) to the difference in how we perceive the effects of actions in higher densities... If that makes sense...
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