Session 23 March 2013

Moonfly, it seems when you did not get the response you wanted you simply kept repeating the question. Just what is it about the answers you couldn't accept? It seems you want us to divert our attention because you think we should. We think otherwise. Maybe you could read the material on this site, then analyze the CHANI material with your own time and resources, and then it would be the same as if we did it for you?

moonfly said:
I guess it would have been nice if someone said, hey, do not speak until you have finished the entire WAVE series. You haven't earned the right. That would've been crystal clear. I still would've gone about my reading my way, and then settled in on the WAVE totally before posting anything.

It's not a problem to continue networking while you read the material, but if you ask a question and don't accept the answer, don't expect the answer to change. It's better to ask to clarify the answer.

This is why the Work is so important. So we don't waste vital energies on pointless things.
I just realized, when one reads a book it may take a while to digest and as time goes on you'll remember different parts of the book that did not stand out before. Maybe this is directly related to the oil in the lamp? IE, how much information you have ready to transform into knowledge.
monotonic said:
Moonfly, it seems when you did not get the response you wanted you simply kept repeating the question. Just what is it about the answers you couldn't accept? It seems you want us to divert our attention because you think we should. We think otherwise. Maybe you could read the material on this site, then analyze the CHANI material with your own time and resources, and then it would be the same as if we did it for you?

moonfly said:
I guess it would have been nice if someone said, hey, do not speak until you have finished the entire WAVE series. You haven't earned the right. That would've been crystal clear. I still would've gone about my reading my way, and then settled in on the WAVE totally before posting anything.

It's not a problem to continue networking while you read the material, but if you ask a question and don't accept the answer, don't expect the answer to change. It's better to ask to clarify the answer.

This is why the Work is so important. So we don't waste vital energies on pointless things.
I never saw an answer and let it go , until I got another question from a mod. So back to the oil. Thank you.
I've searched for the ten virgins parables and found some clues. First virgin in hebrew means almah or a young women past puberty who is not yet married but ready for it. Second a point saying that the virgins were invited to the marriage but they weren't the bride who isn't mentioned. Third oil means meshach in hebrew who was a man who sought the true God and with two others were thrown into the fire by Nebechanezer ( oil fire ) but survived because an angel helped them. Fourth the lamp was more like a torch and in hebrew there is the ner tamid which translates as eternal light/flame symbolizing the presence of God. Now from Hericlitus we can recognize the artisan fire, the everlasting fire of creation ( ner tamid =artisan fire= Cosmic mind?) Getting in tune with the cosmic mind and in sync with the network seems to be key because we're stronger as a unit than mere fragmented pieces.
One last thing from Corinthians: There is a difference between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman careth for the things of the Lord, that she may be holy both in body and in spirit : but she that is married careth for the things of the world, how she may please her husband. Maybe talking about our false personality vs our true self? Lord can be translated as master or our soul in 4th way terms.
Also, if science is going to be "cast out", shouldn't we prepare for that also? I think a good question would have to do with what takes place after that.

Also, if our technology ceases to function, we will no longer be able to use it to study physics. If this happens we must have a way to proceed. How do we prepare for this?
I just wonder if the parable of the virgins will be related to the two races on earth. That race, Adamic, endowed with the ability to connect with the upper levels (oil lamps), pre-Adamic race without ability to connect with higher planes, or have not been developed as candidates STO. In the latter case they would have to reincarnate to or stay in 3D, where "could buy their oil." Nobody can give your oil "conscincia-awakening" to another, each must buy "their oil". :)

And how will be the ground, or the 4D environment?, plants?, animals?, Which is the livelihood of 4D beings, which will be there our food? ... I don´t remember reading about that ... that's like asking what the 4D is...
Yozilla said:
Hm, it is also interesting (to me) similarity of widows - windows (portals?) ... if windows are closed, no fresh air (new knowledge) can't enter - and air inside is stagnant - so it is wise to open windows for some fresh air/draft... :wow: :-[

Yozilla D'monster

Uh i have mistaken virgins for widows in my previous post so i apologise for that :oops: ...

So please do forget the above paragraph from my previous post :-[ ... or maybe moderators could delete the same ... luckily this post is at the bottom/end of previous page :rolleyes:

As usual..

Yozilla D'monster

Mod's note: Done as requested.
Yozilla - how did you mix up virgins and windows? That sounds funny!

Often when I'm learning or reading, especially on this forum, I feel energized and don't feel hungry. It reminds me of how, if I recall correctly, in 4D you feed on impressions (?). This is how I imagine food in 4D will be like. Just like when I stop reading and learning I tend to fall into linear thinking and 3D illusions and food anxiety, I think in 4D one will need to continually acquire understanding.

I think we need to round up the questions and update the list. Why don't y'all repost your questions since the last listing so we don't miss any? Here are mine. The first section is questions relating to potential dangerous future situations. The second section are pertinent but not necessarily as dire. Both sections are ordered with the most helpful questions first.

Could you elaborate on what it means to prepare?
In what ways do we NOT need to prepare?
What will be the nature of our unique future experiences and how does this relate to preparation?
If we are cut off from the network, how do we know how to reestablish contact and when? Will there be non-physical communication and if so, what are the prerequisites?
Will we need to use metaphysical knowledge in the future?
We know that higher density STO are limited in their assistance because of free will, but that this situation will change eventually. Could this be in the immediate future or no?

What happens after science is "cast out"? How do we prepare for it?
if our technology ceases to function, we will no longer be able to use it to study physics. If this happens we must have a way to proceed. How do we prepare for this?
monotonic said:
Yozilla - how did you mix up virgins and windows? That sounds funny!

Well, English is not my first language - one of possible reasons...Both words are starting with v/w - could be another. I realized my mistake only later - after turning off computer, already in bed after saying POTS in English - i've noticed that i ponder about C's and this forum only in English (Monstrous - of course) so after a while i remembered virgins - and start laughing :-[...

monotonic said:
Often when I'm learning or reading, especially on this forum, I feel energized and don't feel hungry...

Maybe something similar happened to me: That post wasn't intended to be nothing more than quote plus some short comment... Than seemed to trigger some perspectives on energy in second paragraph, and just moment before concluding post in 2nd attempt, further ideas about auras keep pouring out ...ether?

And interestingly i was hesitating about adding that final words about widows... :thdown:

This question has come to mind:

Were those people who were accused of being witches and burnt at the stake for vampirism or blood sucking treating people with/for Hemochromotisis?
monotonic said:
Yozilla - how did you mix up virgins and windows? That sounds funny!

Often when I'm learning or reading, especially on this forum, I feel energized and don't feel hungry. It reminds me of how, if I recall correctly, in 4D you feed on impressions (?). This is how I imagine food in 4D will be like. Just like when I stop reading and learning I tend to fall into linear thinking and 3D illusions and food anxiety, I think in 4D one will need to continually acquire understanding.

I think we need to round up the questions and update the list. Why don't y'all repost your questions since the last listing so we don't miss any? Here are mine. The first section is questions relating to potential dangerous future situations. The second section are pertinent but not necessarily as dire. Both sections are ordered with the most helpful questions first.

Could you elaborate on what it means to prepare?
In what ways do we NOT need to prepare?
What will be the nature of our unique future experiences and how does this relate to preparation?
If we are cut off from the network, how do we know how to reestablish contact and when? Will there be non-physical communication and if so, what are the prerequisites?
Will we need to use metaphysical knowledge in the future?
We know that higher density STO are limited in their assistance because of free will, but that this situation will change eventually. Could this be in the immediate future or no?

What happens after science is "cast out"? How do we prepare for it?
if our technology ceases to function, we will no longer be able to use it to study physics. If this happens we must have a way to proceed. How do we prepare for this?

I would also like for ya'll to try to imagine the answers you will get to a particular question. Sometimes that helps to reframe it. There are a lot of assumptions in the above questions.
I always thought that the C's had a sort of Tao approach as in letting things take their course.
So perhaps worrying to much will hinder rather than help.
I don't know if it was mentioned but be prepared is in quotation marks.
In thinking about preparing I've thought of what you said Laura about thinking about practical ways. Maybe if we take it from each part of our life we can come up with a whole solution.
1. knowledge input on daily basis: I remember this from a transcript speaking about protection from 4D Sts. This is also related to building a magnetic centre and discerning between A and B influences or everyday petty mundane concerns vs Reality and esoteric work. An idle mind is the devil's playground could apply here.
2. EE to prepare emotionally for the wave: The wave will bring a hyperkinetic sensate and all feelings will be felt. A good example would be LSD ( which produces an opening into 4D). Reading the descriptions of these trips may give you some insight as some have people have been traumatized by their own repressed negative emotions. I'm sure the wave is much more potent as your soul could be smashed by it! EE is essential and in esoteric work the principle aim is development of the emotional centre.
3. read learn meditate: this contains the first two points with a third i.e learn. Meditation heals the soul and emotions (EE), reading is knowledge input and learning is connected to being. Now being is the capacity to assimilate knowledge ( Gnosis vol 1) and is also paired with memory and who you truly are. If you continue to work though buffers, rationalizations, prejudices and lies than your level of being is stopped in its growth. It's most likely the emotional centre that will suffer from these psychological defects. So lies to the self must be stopped immediately. The books dealing with narcissism and thinking fast and slow can help reveal these issues.
4. be aware and network: aware means having or showing realization,perception, or knowledge and in archaic terms means being watchful and wary. Do you know that we're in prison? What is going on in the world? Are you watching and reading the Signs and changes? Sott can keep you up to speed on these things.
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