Laura said:
Excellent summary, ajseph 21. Question is: if everyone took those points and pondered them, how would they rate themselves on a scale of 1 to 10 in "performance"?
Rating our 'performance' can be deceiving, if we use that to emotionally beat ourselves forward. I think 'balance' is an important concept to keep in our back pockets. A lot of musicians I know ride themselves to pain, by their own drive for perfection. The most interesting ones come to an understanding with themselves, gather knowledge at whatever rate they can and then get out of their own way and let Nature and it's muses take their course. What muses you allow to channel, is of course about how conscious you want to be about that.
Being diligent and attempting to be as focused as you can be, is more what gets you to an ongoing state of awareness and some semblance of excellence. You can't judge your own excellence. It closes the flow of things. We're dealing with things here that are much like music---or maybe they are music in terms of universal vibration and frequencies. These things don't have an end. We're talking about the infinite.
Tell me if you think I'm wrong, but I feel that facing the right direction, having the intent to succeed and doing whatever it is that you can at any time, is the right thing to do. And then, be alright with your actions.
I see a lot of folks on the forum holding themselves to some kind of standard, where anything less then full and total realization should be considered failure, as if there is a 'normal' anything going on here. Even the Cs aren't fully realized, or they'd be floating around in 7D, no?
We should choose the direction of our destiny and then go towards it every day. No need to feel guilt ridden, but rather walk steadily toward that direction, step by step, monitoring ourselves as well, as we're capable---and enjoy the opportunity that we have been given to be taking these actions, in the first place.
After all of that, I do think a master list, as being discussed here, which could additionally be available as a PDF, would be a good resource for all of us to consider looking at when we need to refine our routines and refresh our juices.