Session 23 September 2000

Q: Okay, can you tell us what this specific liquid or transmitter [is that] was truncated?

A: Think of the most efficient conductor of chemical compounds for low wave frequency charge.

Q: (A) Well, gold is one... (L) Acetylcholine?

A: No.

Q: (L) Water?

A: No.

Q: Saline?

A: Closer. It is a naturally bonding combination.

This seemed pretty interesting to me, was it ever determined what was truncated from DNA. When I read the part about the most efficient conductor of chemical compounds the first thing I thought of was Carbon, because I'm familiar with automotive mechanics and most spark plug wire cores are made from carbon because its the most conductive material with the least amount of resistance, for the money, which is needed in high performance vehicles to maintain a strong spark at high engine RPMs. I started looking in to carbon compounds, and I'm not a chemist either, and found some interesting correlations, besides the fact that most life is based on carbon. For example a buckminsterfullerene or buckyball, which is an all carbon molecule or fullerene, with a spherical cage-like fused ring structure, also know as a Truncated icosahedron, it resembles a soccer ball with 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons in its structure. Buckyballs occur naturally in soot and derivatives of fullerenes such as inclusion compounds, like other ionic compounds, can in principle, pair with a counterion (ion that maintains electric neutrality and accompanies an ionic species) to form a salt. Saline being salt water, which the C's said was close. I'm not a scientist nor a chemist, but this seems to be on the right track.

Just wondering if anything ever came of this question if so could you point me to that session so I could read through it.

As always thanks for the hard work everyone does to make this website available to us.
orion186 said:
Q: Okay, can you tell us what this specific liquid or transmitter [is that] was truncated?

A: Think of the most efficient conductor of chemical compounds for low wave frequency charge.

Q: (A) Well, gold is one... (L) Acetylcholine?

A: No.

Q: (L) Water?

A: No.

Q: Saline?

A: Closer. It is a naturally bonding combination.

This seemed pretty interesting to me, was it ever determined what was truncated from DNA. When I read the part about the most efficient conductor of chemical compounds the first thing I thought of was Carbon, because I'm familiar with automotive mechanics and most spark plug wire cores are made from carbon because its the most conductive material with the least amount of resistance, for the money, which is needed in high performance vehicles to maintain a strong spark at high engine RPMs. I started looking in to carbon compounds, and I'm not a chemist either, and found some interesting correlations, besides the fact that most life is based on carbon. For example a buckminsterfullerene or buckyball, which is an all carbon molecule or fullerene, with a spherical cage-like fused ring structure, also know as a Truncated icosahedron, it resembles a soccer ball with 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons in its structure. Buckyballs occur naturally in soot and derivatives of fullerenes such as inclusion compounds, like other ionic compounds, can in principle, pair with a counterion (ion that maintains electric neutrality and accompanies an ionic species) to form a salt. Saline being salt water, which the C's said was close. I'm not a scientist nor a chemist, but this seems to be on the right track.

Just wondering if anything ever came of this question if so could you point me to that session so I could read through it.

As always thanks for the hard work everyone does to make this website available to us.

During my search on DMSO today I came across this, which may be an answer to the C's question. It was posted by Xman in September 2012.

These abbreviated sessions are so good to read and pickup on things I missed first time round on the full sessions.

Thank you so much for all the work you do, it is much appreciated.
Laura said:
September 23, 2000

Q: Now, on a couple of occasions we have talked about trees. You have said that the trees would lead me to an answer. Then you made remarks about beechnut, and oaks, and beech and bloodlines and family trees and the Nordic Covenant. Basically, I asked about this Nordic Covenant and you said that I would find the answer, that the trees would lead me to it. I asked what literary source I should go to to find the least distorted source of information. You answered "trees" again. Then, you pointed out the leaves of the trees on this book. Later, when I read the book that was all about trees, it said that there was a need for someone of a certain bloodline to come along and free the dragon spawn. "None other than she can bring the pryf, or soul, up from the deep, no matter how they may make the serpents squirm. If she can hold her place in the gates of time." You answered me "You cannot see?" It also says that this person with this certain bloodline has the duty of creating a bridge between man and the gods to open the doorways of time. You said to me that these things had explanations that were readily apparent. Then, when I asked the question about this book and all the trees in it, that this was a clue given so that I would notice the things in this particular book, you said "certainly."

Now, having gone through all the shamanic stuff, all the information about the world tree, the world axis, and your remarks about building a staircase, which is another variation on the world axis or world tree, and having some kind of mission, and the mission being piercing the spider, which relates again to the world axis and the world tree, which one climbs one step at a time. Then, you talked about Jack and the Beanstalk, which is another example of the world tree. Over and over again we are having all these representations of trees which basically has something to do with some sort of destined action, and it is almost as though you are hinting that some person has to be physically tuned as a transducer of some sort to "stand in the gates of time," for the rest of humanity. Then, you made the remark recently about lodestar. Well, there might have been a time in my life when I might have thought that it was me who could do something like that. And, if I ever did, maybe it was even ego thinking. However, I am getting a little old for that sort of thing, so I don't really think that it is my role. But, I do think that there is somebody in the world whose role that is, and I would like to know if that is somebody we are supposed to be looking for, or that we are going to find this person?

A: Perhaps you shall find, or perhaps they will find you!

I call this person the Bloodline Bridge

I love this session and how the C's express the way the bridge works. I have been thinking about this for quite a long while, maybe a year or so...Has this person been identified yet? Has anyone come forward? Have the C's made any comments about who this could possibly be?

Port of the Angels
The getting of Wisdom:
"Wisdom shall be a tree of life to those who seek it."

The Bible mentions, among others, two trees, the Tree of Life (which fruits twelve times a year, and which is for the healing of nations), and the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil (this is the forbidden fruit).

The tree of life is mentioned here: Old Testament, Genesis 2:9
and here: New Testament, Revelation 22:19

"I am the beginning and the end. The Alpha and the Omega."

I thought I would add this to the discussion about the trees.
(Unfortunately, I couldn't locate my concordance which gives the reference to 'Wisdom')
Q: And would this chemical transmitter, if it were allowed to flow, cause significant alterations in other segments of the DNA?

A: Yes.

Q: So, there is a segment of code that is in there, that is deliberately inserted, to truncate this flow of liquid, which is a chemical transmitter, or neuropeptide, which would unlock significant portions of our DNA?

A: Close Biogenetic engineering.

Q: I assume that this was truncated by the Lizzies and cohorts?

A: Close, but more likely Orion STS designers.

Q: Okay, can you tell us what this specific liquid or transmitter [is that] was truncated?

A: Think of the most efficient conductor of chemical compounds for low wave frequency charge.

Q: (A) Well, gold is one... (L) Acetylcholine?

A: No.

Q: (L) Water?

A: No.

Q: Saline?

A: Closer. It is a naturally bonding combination.

I wonder what about zinc or rather zinc oxide. It has some link to nicotinamide uptake and has an effect on fear regulation somehow.
Here are a couple of references
Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors are modulated by zinc./
E Vazquez-Gomez., J, Garcia-Columba
Zinc transporter 3 is involved in learned fear and extinction, but not in innate fear
Guillaume Martel,Charles Hevi,Olivia Friebely, Trevor Baybutt and Gleb P. Shumyatsky1
dant said:
Was it said somewhere that psychopaths have no souls?
It was talked as if Hitler, a psychopath, has a soul?

The "robots" have no soul, the psychopaths are simply not limited by moral concepts ... beneficial qualities from an STS point of view
dant said:
Was it said somewhere that psychopaths have no souls?
It was talked as if Hitler, a psychopath, has a soul?
Although I must mention something else ... surely you will have understood it but I leave it to facilitate the way for some new reader, hitler if he had soul despite its psychopathic character, in fact would be in the state of "quarantine" due To the Immense number of situations to which this soul was subjected ... now beings without a seated soul are quite more common than I remembered. Forget the subject of the organic portals that more or less make up half of our population (although we are 3D, because of our past 2D a bridge is created and this facilitates that there are many indibiduos without an impression of the seated soul, To see transcripts of cycles of long and short wave for more information ... where the incarnation in bodies is mentioned of apes) in spite of this they can settle to these souls, but due to the influence STS is more difficult that with an influence 4d STO
gottathink said:
Q: And would this chemical transmitter, if it were allowed to flow, cause significant alterations in other segments of the DNA?

A: Yes.

Q: So, there is a segment of code that is in there, that is deliberately inserted, to truncate this flow of liquid, which is a chemical transmitter, or neuropeptide, which would unlock significant portions of our DNA?

A: Close Biogenetic engineering.

Q: I assume that this was truncated by the Lizzies and cohorts?

A: Close, but more likely Orion STS designers.

Q: Okay, can you tell us what this specific liquid or transmitter [is that] was truncated?

A: Think of the most efficient conductor of chemical compounds for low wave frequency charge.

Q: (A) Well, gold is one... (L) Acetylcholine?

A: No.

Q: (L) Water?

A: No.

Q: Saline?

A: Closer. It is a naturally bonding combination.

I wonder what about zinc or rather zinc oxide. It has some link to nicotinamide uptake and has an effect on fear regulation somehow.
Here are a couple of references
Neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors are modulated by zinc./
E Vazquez-Gomez., J, Garcia-Columba
Zinc transporter 3 is involved in learned fear and extinction, but not in innate fear
Guillaume Martel,Charles Hevi,Olivia Friebely, Trevor Baybutt and Gleb P. Shumyatsky1

I found this web page:

"The effect of low-frequency electromagnetic field on human bone marrow stem/progenitor cell differentiation"

There is discussion there on calcium channel signalling and stem cell treatments, and it has heaps of references, for those who are interested.

Just as an aside for gottathink, I have been prescribed nicotinamide (Vitamin B3 -500mg, 2xD) for skin cancers, so that may fit in somewhere as well. Being a red-headed Caucasian this has been an ongoing concern. The one I have is Blackmores' INSOLAR, and it is "specifically formulated, to support DNA repair and support skin health".
Although I must give him the reason...which makes me think of being even more cautious.
3 september 2008:
Q: (L) That leads me to my next question. You've said that psychopaths are defective OPs?

A: Yes
Hello everyone,

I was hoping someone could help me out in finding the books mentioned in this session, I believe the book regarding trees is "The White Goddess" by Robert Graves,
I have tried to find the one about the dragon and the pryf but I cannot find the earlier sessions mentioned in this one...any help would be appreciated...

Q: Now, on a couple of occasions we have talked about trees. You have said that the trees would lead me to an answer. Then you made remarks about beechnut, and oaks, and beech and bloodlines and family trees and the Nordic Covenant. Basically, I asked about this Nordic Covenant and you said that I would find the answer, that the trees would lead me to it. I asked what literary source I should go to to find the least distorted source of information. You answered "trees" again. Then, you pointed out the leaves of the trees on this book. Later, when I read the book that was all about trees, it said that there was a need for someone of a certain bloodline to come along and free the dragon spawn. "None other than she can bring the pryf, or soul, up from the deep, no matter how they may make the serpents squirm. If she can hold her place in the gates of time." You answered me "You cannot see?" It also says that this person with this certain bloodline has the duty of creating a bridge between man and the gods to open the doorways of time. You said to me that these things had explanations that were readily apparent. Then, when I asked the question about this book and all the trees in it, that this was a clue given so that I would notice the things in this particular book, you said "certainly."

Now, having gone through all the shamanic stuff, all the information about the world tree, the world axis, and your remarks about building a staircase, which is another variation on the world axis or world tree, and having some kind of mission, and the mission being piercing the spider, which relates again to the world axis and the world tree, which one climbs one step at a time. Then, you talked about Jack and the Beanstalk, which is another example of the world tree. Over and over again we are having all these representations of trees which basically has something to do with some sort of destined action, and it is almost as though you are hinting that some person has to be physically tuned as a transducer of some sort to "stand in the gates of time," for the rest of humanity. Then, you made the remark recently about lodestar.

I was consulting "The woman´s encyclopedia of myths and secrets" by Barbara G Walker, and reminded me of several sessions....

Page 256-Druids
"...Europe´s sacred-oak cultists were known by many names. Greek myth said the dryads were oak nymphs, each an oracular priestess with her own personal tree spirit, like the biblical Deborah who lived under a tree that bore her own name (Judges 4:5) Dryads were called priestesses of Artemis, whose souls dwelt in their trees. They could also assume the shapes of serpents, and were then called Hamadryads, or Amadryades. In their druid groves throughout northern Europe Strabo said, they practiced rites "similar to the orgies of Samothrace"
Dryadism and druidism were two phases of the same religion, evidently restricted to a female priesthood in the earlier matriarchal stage later opened to male priests as well. Gaulish and British priests of the oak groves formed a class of bardic wizards, keeping a sacred tradition by memorizing orally transmited material, the nucleus of medieval sagas, epics, and ballads.
There is no break between the ancient semi-magical formulae chanted by the Druids and the later incantation of the wizard and the wise woman. They both arose in the Veda-like sacred hymns......"

"....Druids were attacked by the Christian church for their paganism, but specially for their propensity to include sacred women in their ranks...."

Page 257
"...Traces of druidism were found as late as 1874 in Russia. Even clearer traces were found in the 20th century in the Holy Land, where the Goddess of the sacred groves was worshipped as Asherah since pre-biblical times, and was known in Canaan as progenitress of the gods. Her priestesses the oak-nymphs continued to be venerated under the title of Benat Ya´kob (Daughters of Jacob), said to dwell in their trees near old shrines that were rededicated to mythical Moslem saints. The trees were taboo...."

Q: I noticed in Genesis Chapter 33, verse 11, it says that Jacob, who wrestled with the angel the previous night and was on his way to see his brother Esau, who he had tricked into giving up his blessing years before, “gave Esau the blessing”. What was this? The birthright from his father or the blessing Jacob received from the angel?

A: Trampled leaves of wrath.

Q: This is what Jacob gave to Esau?

A: Yes, and what is the "core" meaning there?

Q: I don't know. What is the core meaning?

A: Leaves are of the Tree of Apples, from whence we get the proverbial "grapes of wrath," the Blue Apples incarnate!

Q: Why are these leaves 'trampled?'

A: Removes chlorophyll.

Q: What is the significance of the chlorophyll?

A: When the chlorophyll dies, the autumnal equinox is at hand.

Q: Did this signify something about the autumnal equinox?

A: Discover what the significance is, my Dear!

Page 49- Apple

"The Norse Goddess Idun kept the magic apple-land in the west, where the Gods received the fruit that kept them deathless. Apples carried souls from one body to the next. Sigurd´s or Siegfred´s great mother conceived by eating an apple. The Yule pig was roasted with an apple in its mouth, to serve as a heart in the next life....."
"...One reason for the extreme reverence paid to this fruit is revealed by cutting it transversely as the gypsies and witches did. Hidden in the apple's core was the magic pentacle or sign of Kore (core). Just as Kore the Virgin was hidden in the heart of Mother Earth (Demeter and represented the World Soul so her pentacle was hidden in the apple.
The five pointed star in a circle was the Egyptian hieroglyph for the underworld womb where resurrection was brought about by the mother-heart of "transformation" In Christian iconography also, this apple-sign represented the Virgin concealed within the Mother, like Kore within Demeter.
Among gypsies "occult couples" carefully cut the apple to reveal its pentacle and ate it together as magical nourishment during tantric intercourse. A gypsy maiden was supposed to bring about her partner´s mystic union with the soul of the earth through her own body thus she was Shakti and the apple was her sexual symbol...."

Q: What artifacts? Where are these artifacts?

A: France, Spain, Canary Islands and Morocco.

Q: What kind of artifacts are they? Things that still exist?

A: Yes.
Q: In the information I now have on the Canaries, I found that a strange icon appeared on the island long before the conquest, long before any missionaries or Europeans arrived. The natives were the big, blond types. They said that they knew this icon was divine because following its appearance, there were processions of angels, or divine beings, up and down the beach where it appeared, lights, smells, chanting and singing and so forth. How did the statue of the Virgin of Candelaria arrive on the beach at Tenerife?

A: Teleportation.

Q: Who teleported it there?

A: The "Celts."

Q: Celts in the sense of the Druids?

A: Or in the sense of Atlanteans.

Q: Now, you said before that Atlanteans were not Celts, is that correct?

A: No.

Q: The Atlanteans were Celts?

A: "Celts, Druids," etc... are merely latter day designations.

Q: Let's back up here. You said that the Celts came from Kantek. They were transported by the Lizzies... brought here, correct?

A: Yes.

I was at some point surprised to find in Cadiz several places with the name "Candelaria" which is a name related to fire, one of those places is this fortification:

Baluarte de la Candelaria

In Cádiz was located one of the three temples dedicated to Phoenician god Melqart (fire-related) and also related to Astareth (named in one of the above texts. The three temples dedicated to this deity were located in Cadiz, Cartagena and Ibiza.

I am currently studying with a Shaman from a Colombian indigenous tribe, (she is the only person I know that has some form of understanding of ET´s...)
According to her, the indigenous tribes in Colombia have a few different cosmologies (more matriarchal or patriarchal) and they believe we were brought from another place to earth (Sirius), they have been always in contact with other civilizations.
For them, the serpent is the earth that every 100 years try to wake up humanity and gave us knowledge. Now back to the pryf...she mentioned a story about a battle held a year ago and four "Mothers" (matriarchal elders) were lost since in some form of energy battle as they were stopping "things" from coming in (she is not sharing more info yet as to what those things are). This is the first time this tribe is training outsiders and it seems the intention is that we learn to identify in our own land the link between the pre-roman civilizations here and the correspondent cosmology/tribe in Colombia. So it is related to waking up a female-earth energy type, on this note I was pointed to watch Frozen II (haven't had time yet) the plot seems rather complex for a children movie and somehow reminds me of "The fifth Element".

I apologize for the long post...all these pieces kind of kept coming to me in bizarre ways over the last couple of weeks and thought someone might find it interesting...including this beautiful song based in the poem...

Tori Amos - Battle of Trees

Thank you for everything
Grâce à Thorbiorn, je découvre cette séance, tout à fait surprenante... Merci à Laura et son équipe pour cela...
Le sel Celtique que nous prenons le matin à jeun a-t-il un lien avec le fameux "liquide" perdu ?...
Merci pour vos réponses...

Thanks to Thorbiorn, I discovered this session, quite surprising... Thanks to Laura and her team for that...
Is the Celtic salt that we take in the morning on an empty stomach related to the famous "liquid" that we lost ?...
Thank you for your answers...
Grâce à Thorbiorn, je découvre cette séance, tout à fait surprenante... Merci à Laura et son équipe pour cela...
Le sel Celtique que nous prenons le matin à jeun a-t-il un lien avec le fameux "liquide" perdu ?...
Merci pour vos réponses...

Thanks to Thorbiorn, I discovered this session, quite surprising... Thanks to Laura and her team for that...
Is the Celtic salt that we take in the morning on an empty stomach related to the famous "liquid" that we lost ?...
Thank you for your answers...
Dear Perlou, this reminds me something I read in the very same book from Barbara Walker, The woman´s encyclopedia of myths and secrets.
Page 887
"...A common Semitic metaphor for enghlighted seers was "salt of the earth" i.e true blood of the Earth Mother. The term was pplied to Christs´s followers (Matthew 5:31) to suggest that they could prophesy truly..."

"...Cabalistic tradition suggests that the biblical Lot´s wife was really a form of the triple Goddess. Hebrew MLH, "salt" is a sacred word because its numerical value is that of God´s name power, YHWH, multiplied three times. The same word is also a root for Malkuth the cabalistic Queen Mother Earth..."

Have a great day
Hello everyone,

I was hoping someone could help me out in finding the books mentioned in this session, I believe the book regarding trees is "The White Goddess" by Robert Graves,
I have tried to find the one about the dragon and the pryf but I cannot find the earlier sessions mentioned in this one...any help would be appreciated...

I was consulting "The woman´s encyclopedia of myths and secrets" by Barbara G Walker, and reminded me of several sessions....

Page 256-Druids
"...Europe´s sacred-oak cultists were known by many names. Greek myth said the dryads were oak nymphs, each an oracular priestess with her own personal tree spirit, like the biblical Deborah who lived under a tree that bore her own name (Judges 4:5) Dryads were called priestesses of Artemis, whose souls dwelt in their trees. They could also assume the shapes of serpents, and were then called Hamadryads, or Amadryades. In their druid groves throughout northern Europe Strabo said, they practiced rites "similar to the orgies of Samothrace"
Dryadism and druidism were two phases of the same religion, evidently restricted to a female priesthood in the earlier matriarchal stage later opened to male priests as well. Gaulish and British priests of the oak groves formed a class of bardic wizards, keeping a sacred tradition by memorizing orally transmited material, the nucleus of medieval sagas, epics, and ballads.
There is no break between the ancient semi-magical formulae chanted by the Druids and the later incantation of the wizard and the wise woman. They both arose in the Veda-like sacred hymns......"

"....Druids were attacked by the Christian church for their paganism, but specially for their propensity to include sacred women in their ranks...."

Page 257
"...Traces of druidism were found as late as 1874 in Russia. Even clearer traces were found in the 20th century in the Holy Land, where the Goddess of the sacred groves was worshipped as Asherah since pre-biblical times, and was known in Canaan as progenitress of the gods. Her priestesses the oak-nymphs continued to be venerated under the title of Benat Ya´kob (Daughters of Jacob), said to dwell in their trees near old shrines that were rededicated to mythical Moslem saints. The trees were taboo...."

Page 49- Apple

"The Norse Goddess Idun kept the magic apple-land in the west, where the Gods received the fruit that kept them deathless. Apples carried souls from one body to the next. Sigurd´s or Siegfred´s great mother conceived by eating an apple. The Yule pig was roasted with an apple in its mouth, to serve as a heart in the next life....."
"...One reason for the extreme reverence paid to this fruit is revealed by cutting it transversely as the gypsies and witches did. Hidden in the apple's core was the magic pentacle or sign of Kore (core). Just as Kore the Virgin was hidden in the heart of Mother Earth (Demeter and represented the World Soul so her pentacle was hidden in the apple.
The five pointed star in a circle was the Egyptian hieroglyph for the underworld womb where resurrection was brought about by the mother-heart of "transformation" In Christian iconography also, this apple-sign represented the Virgin concealed within the Mother, like Kore within Demeter.
Among gypsies "occult couples" carefully cut the apple to reveal its pentacle and ate it together as magical nourishment during tantric intercourse. A gypsy maiden was supposed to bring about her partner´s mystic union with the soul of the earth through her own body thus she was Shakti and the apple was her sexual symbol...."

I was at some point surprised to find in Cadiz several places with the name "Candelaria" which is a name related to fire, one of those places is this fortification:

Baluarte de la Candelaria

In Cádiz was located one of the three temples dedicated to Phoenician god Melqart (fire-related) and also related to Astareth (named in one of the above texts. The three temples dedicated to this deity were located in Cadiz, Cartagena and Ibiza.

I am currently studying with a Shaman from a Colombian indigenous tribe, (she is the only person I know that has some form of understanding of ET´s...)
According to her, the indigenous tribes in Colombia have a few different cosmologies (more matriarchal or patriarchal) and they believe we were brought from another place to earth (Sirius), they have been always in contact with other civilizations.
For them, the serpent is the earth that every 100 years try to wake up humanity and gave us knowledge. Now back to the pryf...she mentioned a story about a battle held a year ago and four "Mothers" (matriarchal elders) were lost since in some form of energy battle as they were stopping "things" from coming in (she is not sharing more info yet as to what those things are). This is the first time this tribe is training outsiders and it seems the intention is that we learn to identify in our own land the link between the pre-roman civilizations here and the correspondent cosmology/tribe in Colombia. So it is related to waking up a female-earth energy type, on this note I was pointed to watch Frozen II (haven't had time yet) the plot seems rather complex for a children movie and somehow reminds me of "The fifth Element".

I apologize for the long post...all these pieces kind of kept coming to me in bizarre ways over the last couple of weeks and thought someone might find it interesting...including this beautiful song based in the poem...

Tori Amos - Battle of Trees

Thank you for everything

Hello everyone,
I have found a very interesting picture in a book that comes with comes with the Celtic oracle tree by Colin Murray.
Somehow it feels it matches the ages of humanity, and the time of the apples encarnating...and the grapes.
Sorry for the scribbles on the side by I added other bits of information coming from the cards...
So we would have ages:

1 to 5 (lines going to the right)

Beith Birch
Luis Rowan
Fearn Alder
Sable Willow


6 to 9 (lines going to the left)

6 Huathe Hawthorn (purple)
7 Duir Oak
8 Tinne Holly
9 Coll Hazel
****Quert apple (green a shade of blue)

10 to 12 (slanted lines as if right-left get mixed and in tension)

10 Muin Vine (multicolor)
11 Gort Ivy
12 Ngetal Reed
*****Straif Blackthorn (purple)
13 Ruis Elder

Until here purple colour is associated with strife/cleansing (this is my interpretation but we could be in Hawthorn age....and from Elder onwards the era of convergent blood, 4D)
From here onwards the cards have no number and the lines in the symbol are horizontal, the meanings make me feel of a golden age of sorts.

I am sorry if there is a lot of subjective information but there are not many other ways to find information on these...

Thank you if you have managed to read so far...

It would be greatly appreciate, if anyone could let me know the of the book mentioned in the session with the myth of the woman holding the gates of time.

Thank you

Q: Now, on a couple of occasions we have talked about trees. You have said that the trees would lead me to an answer. Then you made remarks about beechnut, and oaks, and beech and bloodlines and family trees and the Nordic Covenant. Basically, I asked about this Nordic Covenant and you said that I would find the answer, that the trees would lead me to it. I asked what literary source I should go to to find the least distorted source of information. You answered "trees" again. Then, you pointed out the leaves of the trees on this book. Later, when I read the book that was all about trees, it said that there was a need for someone of a certain bloodline to come along and free the dragon spawn. "None other than she can bring the pryf, or soul, up from the deep, no matter how they may make the serpents squirm. If she can hold her place in the gates of time." You answered me "You cannot see?" It also says that this person with this certain bloodline has the duty of creating a bridge between man and the gods to open the doorways of time. You said to me that these things had explanations that were readily apparent. Then, when I asked the question about this book and all the trees in it, that this was a clue given so that I would notice the things in this particular book, you said "certainly."
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