Session 25 February 2023

Did anyone ever get any baoding balls? I have a link for the jade ones and I never bought them, but I heard they can be loud.
I've got a pair. I've received them some time ago as a gift. They are very dark blue so, unfortunately, I don't think they are jade.

I think you can say they are loud, however, it depends on what you perceive as loud. And also, the tone of the chime depends on how good you are with maintainig the fluidity of the movement. In my opinion, when the balls are moved in harmony, the sound is pleasant and relaxing. It also helps you to evaluate your improvements as you immediately hear whether you'rd doing it good or not.

In overall I would recomment to try it.
Howdy all!

This is the pair I purchased from Amazon. I find when I use them the clacking is an indication that they are not moving smoothly. When moving smoothly they create a white noise type of sound which is quite relaxing.

I occasionally use them before I play guitar as they help relax the hand and finger muscles and I find my playing flows better. I’ve also used them when composing and found they enhanced concentration and strengthened what I call "the download".

I would recommend that you choose a size appropriate for your hand. The pair I have are just a tad too big. I get a good swirl going, clockwise in right hand, counterclockwise in the left. Because of the size I have some difficulty getting the swirl going in opposite directions in either hand.

I hope this helps!


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Did anyone ever get any baoding balls? I have a link for the jade ones and I never bought them, but I heard they can be loud. However, I did buy something called an Ono roller (the small plastic model) and it helps with RSI. I imagine it is similar to baoding balls and it's harder to drop and more durable depending on the material.

Mike got a pair in white jade. They are noisy, clacking when you roll them together, didn't seem to bother him as he used them, but drove me crazy. :-D He said they were relaxing.

I used a pair of baoding balls years ago as part of physiotherapy after a shoulder and elbow injury. I was told that the aim is to try to manipulate them without them coming into contact with each other. They're much quieter that way!

Thank you for the new session, perfect ending for a short month. Great info as always.
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Thanks for thanking though.
Contente de te lire Goyacobol, tu me manquais...

Nice to read you Goyacobol, I missed you...
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