Let us now see what happens in the motor sectors of the emotional centre following this abundant production of fine, pure energy SI-12.
It reacts quite differently from the intellectual centre. We must remember that in the exterior man the emotional centre does not work with the Hydrogen 12 which should normally nourish it, but with the Hydrogen 24 proper to the motor centre. The overflow of the energy SI-12 into the motor sectors of the emotional centre provokes a strong resonance in the other sectors of this centre - a resonance which can produce the two following phenomena:
- the intellectual sectors of the emotional centre engage in a lovegame led by the intellectual centre in harmony with the motor centre; the heart is then flooded by an influx of tenderness which is of an incomparably higher level than that to which it is used when it is only nourished with energy 24.
- If the call of the energy SI-12 coming from the motor sectors of the emotional centre is sufficiently intense and pure, a momentary flash of the consciousness of the real 'I' may be felt. This is produced in the following manner: the influx of tenderness due to the energy SI-12 opens up communication with the higher emotional centre, from where a wave of energy SOL-12 from the higher octave flows to meet the SI-12 with which the motor sectors of the lower emotional centre are infused. Then, by induction, the energy SI-12 is subject to transmutation and can become SOL-12. When this happens, the organism receives an abundant influx of new energy. Even if only for a few moments, the couple taste this higher Divine condition which is Beatitude, a taste which leaves a feeling of relaxation and ineffable peace in its wake.
Laura said:(Data) A couple of us have dreamed about bears and we've had injuries or murders in our dreams recently. Is that like reading these energies?
A: Meeting the threats!
Q: (Data) "Meeting the threats" means defending against them in the dreams?
A: Yes
Q: (Data) So, me being a bear and killing a tiger was actually self-defense?
A: Yes
Q: (L) It's a psychic act on another plane.
A: Yes
Q: (L) So, is there any relationship between this bear and Putin? [laughter]
A: Close, same ancient energy.
Q: (Galatea) So basically it's like a synchronicity because what's happening in Russia is also causing these things to manifest in our dreams because it's welling up.
(L) Yeah.
A: Yes
mkrnhr said:luc said:Thanks so much for the session! The bit about Paul is fascinating - I guess one of the books mentioned is "Cosmology and Self in the Apostle Paul: The Material Spirit" by Troels Engberg-Pedersen?
It can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/Cosmology-Self-Apostle-Paul-Material-ebook/dp/B005RBU8ZE
Unfortunately, all of his books are rather expensive, but I'm thinking about taking the plunge...
His other book would be "Paul and the Stoics": https://www.amazon.com/Paul-Stoics-Troels-Engberg-Pedersen/dp/066422234X
Being older, there are used books at more affordable prices.
PERLOU said:Merci pour cette session, passionnante comme toujours.
Je suis bien désolée que tout le bien que nous procurent nos cristaux soit douloureux pour Laura...
Infinie reconnaissante pour tous ses bienfaits...
Voir les dégâts sous 40 jours : Je ne sais pas si vous suivez la campagne présidentielle en France mais je n'ai jamais vu cela, les gens sont perdus et ne savent pas pour qui voter avec toutes les tricheries et malversations de Fillon, l'enfumage de Macron qui récupère les socialistes, Hamon qui se sent trahi et poignardé par son camp malgré leurs promesses, restent Marine le Pen et Mélanchon... Quel choix !...
Les prendre les uns pour frapper sur les autres... Quelle déception... Qu'en sortira-t-il ?...
Thank you for this session, exciting as always.
I am sorry that all the good that our crystals give us is painful for Laura ...
Infinite grateful for all its benefits ...
Seeing the damage under 40 days: I do not know if you follow the presidential campaign in France but I have never seen this, people are lost and do not know for whom to vote with all the cheatings and malversations of Fillon, Smoke of Macron who recovers the socialists, Hamon who feels betrayed and stabbed by his camp in spite of their promises, remain Marine le Pen and Melanchon ... What a choice! ...
Take them one to strike the others ... What a disappointment ... What will come out of it? ...
Richard S said:Just as nicklebleu has said, the suffering that Laura and crew went through would be well worth it if it bears fruit in the sense that the members who are in possession of the crystals do their very best to learn, grow and be totally together as a group. So, it is up to us to see that all that effort and pain does not become wasted effort.
What was most useful was that Troels (ya gotta love a guy with a name like that!) created a graphic model of what participation in Stoicism, Pauline Christianity, and The Work is supposed to accomplish for the individual and it is all about creating community at a higher level of being.
A: Frilipiaea of Cassiopaea. Good evening! You have brought two books here tonight which contain great insights. We can see the many questions in your mind. Let us answer in advance that, yes, it is true that a network can operate as suggested. Also, the model of personal transformation is exactly correct with the modifications you have devised.