Q: (T) So, when we are talking: "California will fall into the ocean, which is just the analogy we are using, we are talking about, as far as earth changes, is the possibility that several seismic events along the fault line, which no one really knows the extent of...
A: Or it all may be symbolic of something else.
Q: (L) Such as? (J) All the fruitcakes in California are all going to go off the deep end together. (L) Symbolic of what?
A: Up to you to examine and learn.
Q: (L) Now, wait a minute here! That's like sending us out to translate a book in Latin without even giving us a Latin dictionary.
A: No it is not. We asked you to consider a reexamination.
Q: (L) You have told us through this source, that there is a cluster of comets connected in some interactive way with our solar system, and that this cluster of comets comes into the plane of the ecliptic every 3600 years. Is this correct?
A: Yes. But, this time it is riding realm border wave to 4th level, where all realities are different.
Q: (L) Okay, so the cluster of comets is riding the realm border wave. Does this mean that when it comes into the solar system, that its effect on the solar system, or the planets within the solar system, (Jan or us), may or may not be mitigated by the fact of this transition? Is this a mitigating factor?
A: Will be mitigated.