Transition into 4th Density Realm

Kay Kim

The Living Force
FOTCM Member
The information about transition to higher density is really exciting and adventurous.
I am sure most of us looking forward to experience such a marvelous event.
A new realm! For the possibility of so many new things to learn and explore.

May 28th 2013

Q: (L) What did you mean by, "New world coming"?

A: You are in the transition and it will accelerate dramatically soon.

Q: (L) So you're saying that - as we have speculated ourselves - everything that used to be prophesied for the future, now we're in it; It's happening.

A: Yes. Isn't it grand?

Q: (L) Well, we've certainly been having, in addition to all of this rain, a veritable sprinkle storm of little meteorites that hit people's houses, and hit people's cars. It's getting to the point where it's like weekly and sometimes multiple times a week. It's not - I don't believe - a phenomenon of people simply reporting it more or noticing it more. It's just like freaking bizarre!

A: See opening remarks.

Q: (L) You mean "new world coming", well a new world coming means that the old world has to go. That doesn't strike me as being entirely pleasant.

A: You have long been aware of the cataclysmic nature of cosmic transitions, why get nervous now that it is at the door?

October 14th 2017

Q: (L) You say the word, "transition"... What kind of transition are we talking about here?

A: Planetary movement through space-time area of realm border.

Q: (Artemis) It's like when you're giving birth and like the head comes out?

A: Not exactly. More like dissolution followed by reconstitution.

Q: (L) So it's like something being dissolved. Once everything is dissolved in the solution, and everything is chaotically mixed up, then the solution will be evaporated and the dissolved substances will precipitate out? Is that closer?

A: Closer.

Q: (L) So, we are in a period where the energies around us are basically dissolving things. Is that it?

A: Close. If subject to that. Other things are solid and merely experience the surrounding chaos externally.

Q: (L) So maybe that relates to like some people who are disintegrating. It kinda goes back to: do you go under the Wave, or do you surf it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Those that go under the Wave get dissolved. Those who ride the Wave or surf it... And it affects our critters and things around us, but because of their interaction with us, we can pull them along with us on the crest of the Wave. Is that it?

A: Yes.

So right now, we are midst of transitioning to fourth density. And every day we see the deep state lies, corruption from mainstream media, so all the chaos generates from STS forces, that cause more and more people are disintegrating around us.
And because we loves our families and other humans, sometimes we suffer emotional breakdown. It cause emotionally unstable and causes anxiety, depression, worries, fear, or angers.
And from the all the high emotional pain affect our body and mind negatively, if we are not careful, then most likely those feelings leads to go down under the Wave.
Sometimes ago, I realize that I can’t change other person’s ideas or believes. So my mind is now peaceful, and my body has more energy too.
So we have to be strong and balance our emotions towards to positive way.

April 28, 1996

Q: (L) Okay. And what is the most effective way to get out of this maze of emotional control?

A: Calculate.

Q: (L) Would it be a fair statement to say that people who have potential to do very positive things in terms of clearing away and understanding the reality in which we exist, might be primary targets for this emotional turmoil?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Can you tell us what might be the characteristics of a person who is not caught in the emotional trap?

A: Embracing? No. Uniting? Yes.

Q: (L) Ah! So, you are saying that people who can clear the emotional traps can unite in a higher emotional sense?

A: Emotions are chemicals only

August 11th 2018

Q: (L) We were wondering why it was that the kind of madness and denial of truth and reality that is going on in the world today is so upsetting to us. ...
Why can't we just close our eyes to it and not stay stressed about it? We do tend to stay stressed...

(Artemis) High empathy.

A: High empathy plus lies tend to diminish the individuated soul.

Q: (L) So in other words, that would go with paying close attention to reality, right and left. If you can’t deal with the truth, accept it and act on it, you become a dream in the past? And when you become a dream in the past, that means you cease to exist?

A: For many, yes.

March 18, 1995

A: Okay, here we go: Oncoming wave is a transformation from third density to fourth density so, events happening due to the approach of the wave are causing changes across densities and realities!
In third density, you will notice changes that will have third density explanations, but they are a manifestation of the approach; you see them as third density because that is your current point of reference! Remember that all reflects in and cross all density levels but also there is a merging upon arrival of the wave, it is realm border crossing!!!!!!

Session 9 April 2011

A: The wave has begun in earnest!

Q: (L) What do you mean?

A: Energy is pouring into your universe from higher densities.

Cs have ability to see and knows past and future once, and assures us everything will be fine, so I am trusting their judgement, everything will be fine, we will eventually transition to next density, when the time come.

October, 22 1994

A: Because we see it. We are able to see all, not just what we want to see. Their failing is that they see only what they want to see. In other words, it's the highest manifestation possible of that which you would refer to as wishful thinking. And, wishful thinking represented on the fourth level of density becomes reality for that level. ...
Therefore they cannot see what we can see since we serve others as opposed to self, and since we are on sixth level, we can see all that is at all points as is, not as we would want it to be

December 28, 2019

A: Hello to beloved ones. Cassiopaea calling. Fear not; All will be well! Wave effects produce many unusual manifestations and chaos.

A: Keep eyes and ears open so that you can enjoy the show. But also pay close and careful attention to those around you in love and harmony. Balance is key. Goodbye.

A: Be calm! Things will change! Love and Goodbye

January 14, 1995

Q: (T) As 4th density candidates, anyone that is, when the wave comes, if they have reached the correct frequency vibration, and have raised themselves up to the point that the wave will take them, they will, at that point, move into 4th density, true?

A: Close enough.

So, how can we reaches the correct higher vibration frequency? Well, we all are gathering here by information from Laura, Cs, and forum members discussion that give us truth knowledge. That’s why I read every topics that sometimes I don’t even understand fully. But I read anyway, because I don’t want to miss anything.

October, 22 1994

A: You can have glimpses of illumination and illumination comes from knowledge. If you strive perpetually to gain and gather knowledge, you provide yourself with protection from every possible negative occurrence that could ever happen.
Do you know why this is? The more knowledge you have, the more awareness you have as to how to protect yourself. Eventually this awareness becomes so powerful and so all encompassing that you do not even have to perform tasks or rituals, ...

Q: (L) Does knowledge have a substance or an existence apart from its possession or its acceptance?

A: Knowledge has all substance. It goes to the core of all existence.

Q: (L) So acquiring knowledge includes adding substance to one's being?

A: Indeed. It includes adding everything to one's being that is desirable. And also, when you keep invoking the light, as you do, truly understand that the light is knowledge. That is the knowledge which is at the core of all existence. And being at the core of all existence it provides protection from every form of negativity in existence. Light is everything and everything is knowledge and knowledge is everything.

September 9, 1995

Q: (L) So, you are saying that the path to illumination is knowledge and not love?

A: That is correct.
While we are getting closer to the realm border, it seems like some of members already started to merged one’s other-self from other realities.
The two links have some interesting stories that I think that is possibilities in some cases. And it might increase more gradually as time gets closer.
And the final merging is, maybe right before or while crossing-into other density.
Imagine! All the other-selves come rushing into jointing with us.
At that moment of merging, it will generates tremendously high energy, so that instant, we becomes a New-Being.
And probably restores all the lost strings of DNA too.

Forrest Gump and parallel realities

December 29th 2009

(Joe) It's about being aware of all the reality of the situation because I can't think of any other way that it can happen because our reach is really limited. If we are having some effect, I can only assume it's a mental and psychic thing. And the more that each individual perceives the situation more clearly, and the real truth about it the situation, then that has a greater effect. There are a lot of people out there in the conspiracy...

A: The more who see, the more that can see! And didn't we once say that it is not where you are but rather WHO you are and what you SEE!!

January 4,1997

Q: (L) Is awareness the only thing that determines what density one exists in?

A: No.

Q: (L) What else?

A: Awareness is the bond that unites the reality

July 18th 2015

(Ark) Did we really have as I think a reality split concerning differences in remembering of me seeing this girl who visited recently?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) So in one reality you did, but in one reality you didn't.

(Ark) So, the following question: Was this something unique, or we should expect more reality splits?

A: Expect more! Be aware and alert! Unify or some may be left behind!

Q: (Scottie) So maybe the splitting reality thing might also explain why I remembered the girl’s name as something completely different?

A: Yes

July 16th 2016

(Galatea) Several nights ago, I had this semi-awake dream that there was an entity in my room and my palms started burning really hot. What was that? Was there something in my room?

A: No

Q: (Galatea) Okay, then why were my palms burning?

A: Bleedthrough of alternate reality.

Q: (Galatea) But why did it cause my palms to become hot?

A: Higher energy other-self melding.

Q: (Galatea) So I melded with myself from another reality. Is that what happened?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Was that a good thing?

A: Yes

December 9, 1994

Q: (L) Now, tell me the name of the beings D__ M__ experienced as preying Mantises in her hypnosis session?

A: Her essence.

Q: (L) Is there a difference between essence beings and incarnate beings?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So we have a distinct difference. Okay, who were the ant/fly beings shedescribed?

A: Her essence too.

Q: (L) And what were those snakey, slug-like beings that she saw?

A: Same.

Q: (L) Are you saying that all of this stuff is who she is? All of these horrible creatures and these..

A: In some of the alternate realities.

Q: (L) Do I have creatures like that that are my essence?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) My essence is something that horrible and dark and icky?

A: Subjective.

Q: (L) Well, weren't those horrible icky beings eating little children? Weren't those real human children?

A: How do you think you are viewed by deer, for example?

Q: (L) Well, I can immediately see that. I saw that already. I mean, cows and chickens would have to view us that way. I mean, it's pretty gross.

A: Roaches, too.

Q: (L) Is that why the night before D__'s session, I dreamed of ants that I could have stepped on and smashed, and for some reason I decided I did not want to take the life of even a single ant?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Was that dream preparing me for what I was going to experience in that session?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, what do we do about these essence parts of ourselves?

A: Wait and see.

Q: (L) Well, am I going to have to remember myself doing things like that in order to come to terms with it?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Is that going to happen to me, that I am going to have memories like that surfacing?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, I can't even cope with it in someone else, how am I going to deal with it in myself?

A: You will.

Q: (L) Is this something we are all going to have to do?

A: All eligible.

Q: (L) And who is eligible?

A: 4th density candidates.

Q: (L) How does one know that one is a 4D candidate?

A: You gradually "awaken

December 10, 1994

Q: (L) I want to ask again for the benefit of Terry and Jan, what or who were the beings seen by DM in her hypnotic regression the other night?

A: Her essence.

Q: (L) This happened in a so-called alternate reality?

A: Is still.

Q: (L) So, in some alternate reality, DM is a preying mantis being eating little children?

A: And so are you. And all others.

Q: (L) This is an essence of what?

A: Her being.

Q: (L) Are these aspects of our being coming to earth as part of the realm border crossing?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are all of us going to have to face these aspects of ourselves as other beings?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Are there other parts of us in all realms doing other things at this moment?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) And how is this going to be affected by the realm border crossing?

A: Will merge.

Q: (L) Do we need to do extensive hypnosis to bring these aspects of ourselves up and deal with these things a little at a time?

A: Will happen involuntarily. Will be like a thermonuclear blast.

January 14, 1995

Q: (T) Now, when those who move into 4th density make the move, will they experience a completeness or merge with all other densities of their being, at that point, even if it is for a short time?

A: For one immeasurably small instant, this is what is meant by "illumination"!

Q: (T) But, for that small instant, because there really is no time, maybe an instant or an aeon, depending on how any individual might measure it, we might experience oneness with ourselves?

A: It may seem to last "forever."

Q: (L) Is this what is known as the "rapture?"

A: Some have attempted to explain instinctive thought patterns this way

Some times ago I was thinking about meeting all the forum members in the 4th density realm and celebrating or singing together with Laura and true 4th density STO beings.
But now I understand that we are going to Sub-Density that according with our own vibrational frequencies correspond to.

August 5, 1995

Q: (L) Okay, the question has arisen: at the time of the transition to 4th density, is there going to be any assistance to those who are newly arrived in that density, or does the knowledge of that density come automatically?

A: Neither. When one arrives in 4th density, it is one's choice to find one's way just as it is in the other densities. There is no one waiting there to assist you. That would be an illusion. It is you assisting yourself as you choose to do it, the way you choose to do it.

17.34 Questioner: Well, then if an entity is harvested into fourth density with a grade, let’s say, of fifty-one percent for others, forty-nine percent for self, what level of the fourth density would he go into? I’m assuming there are different levels of the fourth density.
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. Each enters the sub-density which vibrates in accordance with the entity’s understanding
And in the sub-density realm, we have to working ourselves to become completely STO beings. Some might make sooner, but eventually everyone will make through. Maybe remaining few people think that working process feels like a thousand years long.

January 7, 1995

A: No. Transition is the "Millennium." A thousand years is the 3rd level interpretation.

Q: (L) So, for a thousand years we will be living as physical beings in 4th density... so to speak... making this transition during this period... and, by the time it is over we will have done away with our physical appetites?

A: Close. Some will be there at the beginning, others will need more "time."

Q: (T) So, when we are on the 4th density, we are still in the physical, and we will still be consuming, will we then be consuming that energy from 3rd density, the orgasmic energy, or something like that?

A: Some.

Q: (D) Even if we are STO?

A: Not if completely STO.

Q: (D) Then how do we get energy.... we get energy from each other. Which is more powerful... the service... well we have to be service to others... (L) That is because STO multiplies and grows... STS just fragments, segregates, and gets smaller and smaller... (J) The law of diminishing returns. (D) We can access or receive other's energies as we give our own?

A: Yes

August 17, 2000

A: So many questions rolled up into one. But, one way it might go is that all of a sudden, everything that ever was is new, everything that IS is new, and everything that will be is new. Programs change, oh we suppose, what an awesome event indeed
Hello Kay Kim,

December 9, 1994
Q: (L) Well, I can immediately see that. I saw that already. I mean, cows and chickens would have to view us that way. I mean, it's pretty gross.
A: Roaches, too.

About 2 months ago I had a dream that I was looking down at the floor at a cockroach with a human head. The human head was my head. In this dream I was simultaneously the human version and the cockroach version. The dream would have been freaky with just about any insect. However, I have always had BIG issues with cockroaches.
Hi KayKim
I really appreciate the time you take to compile these transcript excerpts and the topics you bring up. Thank you for your work and time.
I wonder about this transition and hope for it but discipline myself to not be so hopeful.

I had a lucid dream in 1995 where I sat up out of my body whilst also being aware of still being in my body. I felt fully conscious in two places at the same time. Then I saw a tall being of light in front of me.

A little over a week ago my husband and I were both inside and we saw a bright flash, a very brief lighting up in the room. It was not likely to have been caused by a reflection of something as we were well inside.
I had another lucid dream a couple of weeks ago of merging with my opposite. It felt incredibly real.
So perhaps these experiences are due to the transition.
I don’t know, I just keep observing and listening/reading to other people’s experiences and reasoning.
Thanks again for all your posts!
Also want to say thanks for putting this all together. It helps connect the dots that are otherwise split across a dozen or so transcripts; not easy, to be sure!

The sections on awareness were particularly helpful. I've noticed exactly what's described in my life; as understanding comes, and with it the expansion of awareness, the negative potentialities of which there is strong awareness are effortlessly avoided because one is aware of them far in advance.

I'll have to return to this thread and read it again.
Reading this, the martial arts movie "The One" came to mind.

In this movie the protagonist travels to the different "timelines" where there are other versions of "himself".

Once there he murders his alternate "I" and that "essence" passes to him. With each "alter ego" he kills, he becomes more powerful.

And his goal is to become "the only one" in all timelines, thus becoming an "almighty" being.

I think your 'thread' is very interesting.

Thank you very much.
Thanks Kay Kim for this fine compilation of excerpts from the sessions, it's been a fascinating read. It kind of drives home the concept of our being multi-dimensional soul essences, and it kinda also reminds me of that old idea of the multiple faces of god. Jeez, we are all acting out strange tangential lives in other realms, many of which would be pretty scary to behold!

It reminds me of a strange night I had recently; I started seeing weird flickering effects in the air and a figure standing behind my wardrobe in my bedroom. It was weird 'cos I could sense this presence rather than actually see it, it's hard to explain. Now, I've been seeing weird stuff since the age of 5, so nothing special going on here I suppose. I used to call them ghosts, spectres, spirits, etc in times past before I became fluent in C's terminology. But the strange thing is I had a kind of internal dialogue as I was "seeing" some kind of disturbance in the ether in my little room. In my mind I enquired "what is it?What are you?", and a voice came straight back into my mind "You". This slightly freaked me out, I wasn't expecting such an answer!

Anyway, the conversation went no further because I decided the time was right to have a cig and not worry about something beyond my control. But I began wondering about this later on in the week. Was that an "other" part of me that I sensed, or was it something else? I figured subsequently that there has to be some sort of amalgamation process that has to be undertaken in order to reconcile yourself with all these other types of you that have been hidden but perhaps lurking all along. Maybe they act through us at times? I'm barely scratching the surface of what's possible in these types of ideas/events, but it really gets me wondering...

I've had my fair share of spooky moments over the years, but I get the impression that we've seen nothing yet compared to what's on the way! I expect the unexpected in terms of bleed-though, There's no time like the present to toughen up a little, psychologically speaking.
Anyway, the conversation went no further because I decided the time was right to have a cig and not worry about something beyond my control. But I began wondering about this later on in the week. Was that an "other" part of me that I sensed, or was it something else? I figured subsequently that there has to be some sort of amalgamation process that has to be undertaken in order to reconcile yourself with all these other types of you that have been hidden but perhaps lurking all along. Maybe they act through us at times? I'm barely scratching the surface of what's possible in these types of ideas/events, but it really gets me wondering...
This little section has got me wondering some more about the absolute primary importance of striving for discernment and good psychological hygiene. What could be happening is the attraction of an attachment or outright possession if you're not careful about how you relate to the unseen elements. I just thought I'd clarify that point because this is really out there stuff to comprehend, and if you go in naive the real world will eat you alive.
Thanks Kay Kim for this fine compilation of excerpts from the sessions, it's been a fascinating read. It kind of drives home the concept of our being multi-dimensional soul essences, and it kinda also reminds me of that old idea of the multiple faces of god. Jeez, we are all acting out strange tangential lives in other realms, many of which would be pretty scary to behold!

It reminds me of a strange night I had recently; I started seeing weird flickering effects in the air and a figure standing behind my wardrobe in my bedroom. It was weird 'cos I could sense this presence rather than actually see it, it's hard to explain. Now, I've been seeing weird stuff since the age of 5, so nothing special going on here I suppose. I used to call them ghosts, spectres, spirits, etc in times past before I became fluent in C's terminology. But the strange thing is I had a kind of internal dialogue as I was "seeing" some kind of disturbance in the ether in my little room. In my mind I enquired "what is it?What are you?", and a voice came straight back into my mind "You". This slightly freaked me out, I wasn't expecting such an answer!

Anyway, the conversation went no further because I decided the time was right to have a cig and not worry about something beyond my control. But I began wondering about this later on in the week. Was that an "other" part of me that I sensed, or was it something else? I figured subsequently that there has to be some sort of amalgamation process that has to be undertaken in order to reconcile yourself with all these other types of you that have been hidden but perhaps lurking all along. Maybe they act through us at times? I'm barely scratching the surface of what's possible in these types of ideas/events, but it really gets me wondering...

I've had my fair share of spooky moments over the years, but I get the impression that we've seen nothing yet compared to what's on the way! I expect the unexpected in terms of bleed-though, There's no time like the present to toughen up a little, psychologically speaking.

Reading this I immediately thought of this scene from "The Empire Strikes Back".
Luke: "What's in there"
Yoda: "Only what you take with you"

It's funny that I never noticed before, in the past, all the snakes and lizards that Luke walked through as he entered down into that cave.
Reading this I immediately thought of this scene from "The Empire Strikes Back".
Luke: "What's in there"
Yoda: "Only what you take with you"
That's one of the best scenes in the original trilogy, and I love those movies. You carry what you've experienced through life, and that is clearly multi-dimensional in scope. In essence, because we inhabit a 3d STS realm, we are all a child of the "dark father", and as we arise we must face "him" in an esoteric confrontation. No pyrotechnics or special FX however, just a testing of the will. I know as a schizophrenic how 4d STS can attempt to seduce the recipient with grand visions. Your aim must be true, and you need a dogged determination to get to the very bottom of things.

It's funny that I never noticed before, in the past, all the snakes and lizards that Luke walked through as he entered down into that cave.
Neither did I, haha! It's interesting to note that our ancient awareness of selfish critters has never left us, I think it's embedded in our dna. makes me wonder about the "Dweller on the Threshold"; I suppose you find out what you're made of at times like that. I've seen all kinds of weird stuff over the years, I log it all down on a USB journal. It makes me glad to reflect that I'm not really Skywalker material, just a diligent logger of weird things. What's interesting to note is that in my wider reading, I've noticed that "the programming is complete", yet strange things are still happening to people. Now then, we acknowledge here that it's most likely that the Lizards are now sitting back waiting for the dominoes to roll, fine. But what does that suggest about those of us who are still experiencing strange things? I hesitate to speak about this definitively, so I'll just sit back and try and be an engaged observer of life.
This thread is really working my mind today, just what I needed. I have a tendency to be a passive listener to podcasts, and that means not really do-ing anything. But this concept of dealing with the jungles of confusion that is multi-dimensional soul essences and 4d STS entities is a really grey area, and surely is absolutely the big area of contention in the world population. How could it be otherwise, and people perish for a lack of accurate data on the subject matter? How do we go forward as sovereign beings unencumbered by selfish attachments or dark possession?

We need to get intimately involved with "who we actually are". Now I understand why Laura has been pressing the notion of reading emotionally instructed fiction. It was lost on me until I figured that out. Why in the world would you want to attract a non human presence? By that I mean a multi-dimensional creature. It may well be "you" in another dimension, but do you really want its appetites influencing you in the here and now? No way! You really need the "white knight" and not the dark beast.

So this idea of multi-dimensional amalgamation is vexing me a little. You may want a little sturdiness and robustness, but you don't want to be aligning with creatures of non-being, with a loss of moral being. So choose your allies carefully. To be honest I can't actually believe I'm writing this, and it's only because I've been reading Sott/LKJ over the years. I didn't have the intellectual vocabulary until I made it here, still astounds me to this day. I've learned a higher level of vocabulary here, which leads me on and encourages me to become a more clear communicator. But it must be said that the fine tuning of the finesse of our souls, and an outright rejection of chemical needs and appetites is a big issue. I see it in myself to a certain degree, and I understand in what areas I can improve. The time has surely come where we are able to perceive life events and not struggle to understand things, but of course a network remains vital.

Great thread, Kay Kim! Really got me thinking, and time is speeding up it seems. Don't know why, but this subject area really energises me.
Some times ago I was thinking about meeting all the forum members in the 4th density realm and celebrating or singing together with Laura and true 4th density STO beings.

A: Neither. When one arrives in 4th density, it is one's choice to find one's way just as it is in the other densities. There is no one waiting there to assist you. That would be an illusion. It is you assisting yourself as you choose to do it, the way you choose to do it.

I admit that I also thought of this beautiful idea ... 😁 But I really hope that in this Sub-Density where the work seems to be to assist us by ourselves on all aspects of the self, which 'there will be no total "loneliness" (but it is a possibility?) and that we can all relate together to continue to share and why not ... Sing and celebrate... and... and ? 🤔😉
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