My comment refers to two sentences within the content cited.
The bolded part of the text is those sentences.
,,A: Now, we would like to say something of interest to all: Soon things in your realm will become very chaotic and strange. It will give chills to many. Be not alarmed! It will pass and there will be a new reality to explore. Cosmic forces will be displayed and there will be many searching for answers. Be prepared to give the help that is needed.,,
Particular emphasis on the second sentence is an essential part of that sentence
,,Cosmic forces ,,
Drunvalo is not the subject of my contribution nor the content of the contribution offered.
Certain references in the contents of the annexes are in addition to my comment on
unusual phenomena arising from cosmic energies.
These content is not in line with the forum topic and I have not mentioned it.
I don't want to devastate a given topic.
So the text was offered to supplement my comment, there are anomalies,
unusual phenomena, how the energies of the cosmos affect human behavior, leakage
through the barrier of our planet from parallel worlds, other realities ...
I did not study Drunval, I did not read his books, this text alone found by searching by the given key, it contains what I need to supplement the post.
If the Cassiopaeans (Light Beings) think he is not good or something, it is their right to discredit him, such as his right to discredit them.
They did not state what reason to discredit him, while he could cite the reason for
to whom he can discredit them.
I am not a supporter of such a policy.
My knowledge of what happened at the time of Val's activities coincides, for the most part,
with his, thus, the Cassiopaeans discredit me as well because I set up a relationship
according to his article.
I'm not going to discredit the Cassiopaeans, it's not my way.
Dan Winter was mentioned in the session, a comment by the Cassiopaeans regarding his work
is insubstantial, they think while the gentleman in question sniffs, loops and the like.
If they are serious and often do not need to say his theory is not good or is,
she is the product of his effort and renunciation, that everything he does has not fallen from the sky.
To the Cassiopaeans everything falls from the sky, so they joke with people.
Dan Winter is trying something he is trying to create is constantly on the move for the sake of it, and for that I appreciate it and although I do not agree with some of his ideas, I support him like that they are creating something new.
He does not philosophize, like many who think they are smart.
I didn't read the content from the links provided, maybe I will read it sometime.
I read what the Cassiopaeans say in transition-related sessions, that it's one of the variants
which in this case when our planet is a waste, the conditions for it are not fulfilled.
The variant mentioned in the text provided is a classic for the entire universe,
transition is most often in this form.
There are two other modes of transition, one is the natural death of the physical body, and the incarnation from the fifth level of consciousness on the planet to the fourth level of consciousness.
The other way is a rare case, it has happened on several planets of our Galaxy.
It has to do with programming the inhabitants of this planet as well as the planet itself.
The programming is not finished as they state there in another topic, it is stopped or excluded from intervention from the Parallel Universe.
You really have superficial knowledge about programming, it's one of the biggest and worst
crimes in our universe, perpetrated by the beings of the sixth level of consciousness.
I apologize one part of the message is inconsistent with the topic.
I'm interrupting the discussion on this topic for the sake of dignity and flow of a given topic, go on I will no longer interfere with the debate.
Moj komentar se odnosi na dvije rečenice u okviru citiranog sadržaja.
Boldovani dio teksta su te rečenice.
,,A: Now, we would like to say something of interest to all: Soon things in your realm will become very chaotic and strange. It will give chills to many. Be not alarmed! It will pass and there will be a new reality to explore. Cosmic forces will be displayed and there will be many searching for answers. Be prepared to give the help that is needed.,,
Poseban naglasak na drugu rečenicu, bitan dio te rečenice je ,,Cosmic forces ,,.
Drunvalo nije tema mog priloga kao ni sadržaj ponuđenog priloga.
Određeni navodi u sadržaju priloga su dopuna mom komentaru vezano za
neobične pojave koje nastaju uticajem kosmičkih energija.
Ti sadržaji nisu u skladu sa zadatom temom na forumu te ih nisam ni pomenuo.
Ne želim da devastiram zadatu temu.
Znači tekst je ponuđen kao dopuna mom komentaru, tamo se navode anomalije,
neobične pojave, kako energije kosmosa djeluju na ponašanje ljudi, curenje
kroz barijeru naše planete iz paralelnih svjetova, drugih realnosti...
Ja nisam proučavao Drunvala, nisam čitao njegove knjige, ovaj tekst sam
našao pretragom po zadatom ključu, on sadrži ono što mi treba da dopunim post.
Ako Kasiopejci (Svjetlosna Bića) smatraju da on nije dobar ili nešto slično tome,
to je njihovo pravo da ga diskredituju, kao što je njegovo pravo da njih diskredituje.
Oni nisu naveli koji je razlog da ga diskredituju, dok on može da citira razlog po
kojem on njih može da diskredituje.
Ja nisam pristalica takve politike.
Moje znanje o dešavanjima u vrijeme djelovanja Vala se poklapa, većinom,
sa njegovim, time Kasiopejci diskredituju i mene jer sam postavio vezu
prema njegovom članku.
Ja neću da diskreditujem Kasiopejce, nije to moj način.
Dan Winter je pomenut u seansi, komentar Kasiopejaca vezano za njegov rad
je neumjesan, oni razmišljaju dok dotični gospodin nešto mrsi, petlja i slično.
Ako su ozbiljni a često nisu treba da kažu njegova teorija nije dobra ili jest,
ona je produkt njegovog truda i odricanja, to sve što on radi nije palo s neba.
Kasiopejcima sve pada s neba pa se šegače sa ljudima.
Dan Winter se trudi nešto pokušava da stvori stalno je u pokretu radi, i zbog toga ga cijenim
i pored toga što se ne slažem sa nekim njegovim idejama, ja ga podržavam takvi
stvaraju nešto novo. On ne filozofira, kao mnogi koji misle da su pametni.
Sadržaje iz ponuđenih linkova nisam čitao, možda nekad pročitam.
Čitao sam šta kažu Kasiopejci u seansama vezano za tranziciju, da to je jedna od varijanti
koja u ovom slučaju kad je naša planeta u pitanju otpada, nisu ispunjeni uslovi za to.
Varijanta koja se pominje u ponuđenom tekstu je klasika za cijeli univerzum,
tranzicija je najčešće u toj formi.
Postoje još dva načina tranzicije, jedan je prirodna smrt fizičkog tijela, te inkarnacija
sa petog nivoa svijesti na planetu četvrtog nivoa svijesti.
Drugi način je rijedak slučaj, to se desilo na nekoliko planeta naše Galaksije.
On ima veze sa programiranjem stanovnika ove planete kao i same planete.
Programiranje nije završeno kako navode tamo u jednoj drugoj temi, ono je
zaustavljeno ili isključeno na intervenciju iz Paralelnog Univerzuma.
O programiranju stvarno imate površno znanje, to je jedan od nejvećih i najgorih
zločina u našem Univerzumu, koji su počinila Bića šestog nivoa svijesti.
Ja se izvinjavam jedan dio poruke nije u skladu sa zadatom temom.
Prekidam diskusiju na ovoj temi radi digniteta i toka zadate teme, nastavite
raspravu neću više da Vas ometam.