Session 28 March 2010

Oxajil said:
Thank you All! Interesting as always.

Laura said:
Q: (L) So you're saying that health issues, destroying people's health - like even the introduction of wheat and other things that are not conducive to good health - are ways of preventing awareness and spiritual growth?

A: Yes. A long and carefully thought out plan of 4D STS.

How evil can you be!

Many thanks for sharing the session. When I read this quote a sad thought crossed my mind: It reminds me of a certain 3D STS species that feeds meat-and-bone meal to cattle and causes BSE in the process.
Stormy Knight said:
Yes, prostitution - it's not a joke :)
In some penguin species, the females, even when in a committed relationship, will exchange sexual favors with strange males for the pebbles they need to build their nests

I think that the Cs had rather a different definition of recreation in mind; RE-Creation. Exchanging pebbles for sexual favors has little to do with sex as a spiritual practice.

Added: Read Mouravieff's discussion of sex as RE-creation for insight.
thanks for this Shijing, interesting references to HAARP.

What came to mind immediately whilst reading below is that Indianapolis is the site for this year's Final Four in college basketball. A very large gathering of people.

IF anything like this happens next weekend, which I certainly hope not, would be interesting in terms of C's 'predictions' - unless an "Indy" event already occurred?

Just thought I would mention this.

Shijing said:
September 24, 2001

Q:(L) Can you designate any of the areas where this violence may occur in the near future?
A: Indianapolis.

Q: (L) …What kind of violence?
A: Hit by focusing beam of the HAARP array.

Q: (L) What will be the outcome of Indianapolis being hit by this focusing beam of the HAARP array?
A: Mind controlled violence.

Q: (L) Can we know what form it will take?
A: Shootings.

So based on the answers above, it looks like HAARP actually kicked in completely sometime around the turn of the millenium or slightly before, and it can only be assumed that its functions are being fine-tuned over time with ongoing use and experimentation. It looks like some of the edginess that people have been feeling lately is a direct result of HAARP use, and I wonder if this is going to be ongoing into the indefinite future until the time (if and when) HAARP is finally shut down, however that would come about.
Hi Hildegarda,

Thanks for replying and good to hear your thoughts.

Whereas the preference for hetero-or homo-sexual relationships is hard-wired (regardless of whether it is exercised or not), the C's appear to be pretty clear on that.

I did not interpret the same way as you. It did not appear to me that the preference, or in short, one's sexuality, is hard-wired, exercised or not, but that certain parts of the process are "hard-wired" with a whole host of variables, the most common being the three mentioned.

Or am I missing something? Perhaps because Ark states sexuality is not hard-wired, as-is growing two legs for instance, that I assume C's confirm this?

Maybe I am taking the term "hard-wired" to mean something other than intended? To me it means like Ark said, we grow two legs because it is hard-wired.

(Ark) What I don't understand is why sexuality is not hard wired, and for what reason?
It could have been wired like number of legs and then there would be no problem. Everybody this way with two legs and everybody is born heterosexual except with radiation, mutations, blah blah blah. There must be a reason for that, but what is this reason? Why is there this possibility of people being changed in this way that leads to suffering? Or maybe I don't know anything about internal structure.

(Burma Jones) Well, I was wondering if that imprint comes in with an adult model, does that also set the sort of person that you're going to look for to mate with?

A: Yes

Q: (Burma Jones) So maybe it's also to make it so that you will look for a mate within your own "group"? Like setting up the parents early on in life.

A: Control system modification.

Q: (Perceval) It's probably like you were saying, a pleasant interaction with an adult model. So, if it's later than 18 months to 2.5 years...

(L) So if you have an unpleasant interaction, it can really mess you up.

(PoB) Does it mean that somebody can make another person homosexual by specific kind of treatment?

A: Yes.

Q: (Burma Jones) Well, it sounds like if you knew when someone's imprint vulnerability was, and you abducted them and put them with someone that you wanted to pair them with, you could set up the whole imprint for them.

(L) Yeah, you could.

(Perceval) The problem is that the normal window is 18 months to 2.5 years, and then there are people who have delayed windows.

(L) And maybe people who have early windows. So, it's like Sidney Baker talks about our individual physiology in terms of health and how completely individual we are. There are certain patterns for the majority, but still there are ranges. So everybody is really completely individual and different.

(Andromeda) Are they talking here about having a role model of the same sex, or the opposite sex?

A: Opposite generally.

Q: (L) So if you have a pleasant experience with a member of the opposite sex during this moment of imprint, that will set you up to be attracted to members of the opposite sex.

(Perceval) It kind of suggests that a normal person in a normal family with both a mother and father, that baby or small child is going to have interaction with both...

A: It should be noted that the infant is sensitive to pheromone type substances that can trigger the imprint window. That part of the process is "hard wired".

Q: (Perceval) So for girls and boys they're hardwired to be attracted to male or female.

(L) So say a female infant is hardwired to be triggered by the presence of the pheromone of a male, and the interaction is pleasant, then what is supposed to get written to the circuit gets written, and everything is fine. If the pheromone opens the window and what happens in the interaction is extremely unpleasant, then everything gets screwed up. And possibly it could be that if there is some genetic difference in the infant, then maybe they are set up so that the pheromones of a female will open the window. So, there are a number of possibilities here. It's obviously an interactive thing that triggers it, writes the circuit, and whatever.

(Ailén) So the way that some homosexuals are overidentified with being gay, like gay bars and that stuff, that has to be just cultural then...?

A: The gay "movement" is a CIA program incepted by 4D STS designed to set up antipathy, differences, and to identify individuals for purposes of inflicting further suffering.

Q: (L) Huh.

A: It is the soul that counts.

Hildegarda said:
Herakles said:
One question I have in relation to the factors associated with homosexuality that were listed (imprinting, past life, genetics) and the relative importance of 18-30 months of age; what of those instances when homosexuality is chosen at a later time in life, say in one's 30's? [..] I mention this for it seems to vary significantly from the case of those who are gay from an early time in childhood or even around the adolescence age, to a couple decades later.

I always thought that in case of people switch to homosexuality in their 30-s, they were initially ambiguous but due to cultural or religious programming has not let themselves explore that other side of them and live it out until a more mature age. This is very similar to what you are suggesting in your idea of a code being activated later in life due to certain choices.

I guess what I am getting at is that because sexuality does not seem to be "hard-wired" there is the case of choice and free will (considering one is truly capable or at least aiming to be conscious and free in one's will) for the purposes of learning some specific life lesson?

Perhaps the choice and free will apply rather to the the person's actions? I.e., whether a person chooses to engage in this or that relationship or type of relationships. Whereas the preference for hetero-or homo-sexual relationships is hard-wired (regardless of whether it is exercised or not), the C's appear to be pretty clear on that. It's like celibacy and asexuality. Celibacy or abstention is a choice of lifestyle, asexuality is having no interest in sex.

Sp in a way the hard-wiring, in the form of brain patterns, appears to be always there, but it may not be experienced and recognized immediately, and if the person's life lesson profile includes possibly learning things in that department, then his/her free will and choices will guide him/her.
Thanks for the session, a whole lot to think about!

An interesting period indeed. The EE breathing hit me hard recently with insomnia and that led me to practice less, being more sleepy during the day and unable to practice before going to bed. But I'm not going to fall! ;-) Thanks again!
Thanks for once again sharing the latest session.

Danny S Wrote
Is there anything we can do to determine who are vectors in our lives, if we even have vectors?

All the worlds a stage and in ones individual life one is , or so i think , a kind of director.
In theatre every character that appears on the stage is there for a reason , even those who may appear and say nothing. Every one is there for something otherwise they would not enter onto the stage for the audience to see.

This is the same in ones normal daily living , some people just enter into your life via one reason/way or another. , via a friend , a friend of a friend , in a pub , a shop , anywhere. Some how you get talking , swap a phone number and so on and on. They are now in your field.

They can also enter your life because of a weakness or a need that you had/ have .

If you are striving to reach your highest potential in life , to do the work , then one will already be on a path where one will be very sensitive to the things that one allows into ones life , people , food etc.

I guess im saying that one has to be very observant and strict and serious about the work , this will allow choices to be made which the majority of humans on this planet never think of or have to make .

If they are already in your life , maybe one wont want to see them as vectors because they are a part of ones addiction .

Again as Henry once said , this way , is not a game. Im continually watching who enters into my life at this present moment , asking where have they come from before they have entered onto ones stage let us say.

Its a tough one and im glad it came up in this session.

sitta said:
Thank you for your wonderfull efort Laura and Group :thup:

Laura said:
Session Date: March 28th 2010


(L) Okay, next question: "Lately, we all felt as if we had 'returned to our old selves'. A lot of people in the forum also felt depressed, had accidents, etc. Is this related to the shifting of the Earth's magnetic poles or was it a sort of attack?"

A: Both. The environment is changing and certain forces are aware of it and seek to counter or take advantage.


That explains so much. Unfortunately for me i did very stupid thing, that is i didn' participate in the forum and networking. If i did i would know that i wasn't the only one going through those things agrr :headbash:

One good thing I did the EE. It's a lifesaver :love:

Wow this is exactly how I have been feeling this last month. I have been really feeling down "like my old self" and not participating with the group and this certainly could explain why. We all must remain vigilant during these times.

Thanks for the session everybody!
Thank you Laura and team for making available another insightful session for the public!

It explains also for me a lot what has been going on in me recently and is still going on by now, all this processing of thinking, the feeling like I am thrown upside down etc. It is good to have some suggestions of the possible sources of these feelings - other street lights, that keep an otherwise dark road illuminated and keep me away from falling into a ditch on the road side.

Strange dreams also occured to me, but I rather ascribed it to my EE-practice than to HAARP f.ex., as I also did the sad emotions, the feelings of inner struggle attribute to the process of becoming aware of many more old programs and issues due to my attempts of working on myself especially through EE and participating in this forum. But maybe the outer influences that were mentioned by the Cs intermingled with the inner ones and let me thus feel the way I recently felt (and still feel more ore less).

Masamune said:
We all must remain vigilant during these times.

How true!
Thanks for posting this session. They're always interesting.

A: Strong dogs can be broken if their health is broken first.

Q: (L) So you're saying that these effects are primarily health-related?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So if your health is compromised, it makes it more difficult for you to achieve any kind of awareness or spiritual growth. Is that it?

A: Yes. Hasn't that always been the case?

Q: (L) So you're saying that health issues, destroying people's health - like even the introduction of wheat and other things that are not conducive to good health - are ways of preventing awareness and spiritual growth?

A: Yes. A long and carefully thought out plan of 4D STS.

So sad but not a total shock after reading some of the history of the medical field and the baffling, yet evil practices that still continue. Detox is oh so important.
Masamune said:
sitta said:
Thank you for your wonderfull efort Laura and Group :thup:

Laura said:
Session Date: March 28th 2010


(L) Okay, next question: "Lately, we all felt as if we had 'returned to our old selves'. A lot of people in the forum also felt depressed, had accidents, etc. Is this related to the shifting of the Earth's magnetic poles or was it a sort of attack?"

A: Both. The environment is changing and certain forces are aware of it and seek to counter or take advantage.


That explains so much. Unfortunately for me i did very stupid thing, that is i didn' participate in the forum and networking. If i did i would know that i wasn't the only one going through those things agrr :headbash:

One good thing I did the EE. It's a lifesaver :love:

Wow this is exactly how I have been feeling this last month. I have been really feeling down "like my old self" and not participating with the group and this certainly could explain why. We all must remain vigilant during these times.

Thanks for the session everybody!

That explains so much! I almost left the Church and the Forum - (actually I did!). Now I am back on track, and I can consider my recurring dreams of incapacity to be STS in origin. Subtle bastards aren't they!

Laura said:
Stormy Knight said:
Yes, prostitution - it's not a joke :)
In some penguin species, the females, even when in a committed relationship, will exchange sexual favors with strange males for the pebbles they need to build their nests

I think that the Cs had rather a different definition of recreation in mind; RE-Creation. Exchanging pebbles for sexual favors has little to do with sex as a spiritual practice.

Added: Read Mouravieff's discussion of sex as RE-creation for insight.

I am quite confused about healthy sexual behaviour, and as I am partnered it is most important for me to understand how to behave safely in the context of ATTENTION to the Heart. I will read Mauravieff's discussion - could you state where it is in the Gnosis trilogy as that is without index. And please, a forum discussion about this subject would be most helpful to me. :-[

edit: I have found relavent passages in Gnosis III chapter XXII. And I can see I have some issues with external considering and co-linearity - another lesson, another gate. This one will only be "fun" when it is resolved, but it is a joy to have more understanding. :)
Gawan said:
Thanks for sharing Laura and team!!

Laura said:
Q: (L) So if your health is compromised, it makes it more difficult for you to achieve any kind of awareness or spiritual growth. Is that it?

A: Yes. Hasn't that always been the case?

Q: (L) So you're saying that health issues, destroying people's health - like even the introduction of wheat and other things that are not conducive to good health - are ways of preventing awareness and spiritual growth?

A: Yes. A long and carefully thought out plan of 4D STS.

Just to keep -us- alive, but below the level of optimum. That's a really devious economic and plan.
One thing that keeps coming to mind is Petrol and its products to destroy the entire planet. How systematically it was introduced as lubricants to every other product now use to destroy density 1,2,3 - Black Gold for few Elite and Black death for the rest of the entire planet.

Thank you Laura and team for sharing the sessions.
A: Early imprinting could be said to be marginally most frequent cause.

Q: (Ailén) So you were very close, Laura.

(Perceval) Does the early imprinting case have to do with abuse?

A: Not necessarily abuse as lack of proper input at moments of high susceptibility. Also, in some individuals the sequence of imprint slots is different or not synchronous with the pattern of the majority. In a sense, then, this is genetic though all such individuals do not necessarily develop as homosexuals.

A: 18 months to 2.5 years.

This would seem to have been one of the childhood influences on both me and my partner (although she doesn't identify as being gay). My mother and my biological father split soon after I was born and I spent the first 4 years of my life living with either my great grandmother or my grandmother and grand father. Although my grandfather was a very happy go lucky type, he was very physically distant. My partners father was in the airforce and spent much of her younger childhood away on overseas assignment and their family was estranged from extended family by both family disagreement and often distance.

One question I have in relation to the factors associated with homosexuality that were listed (imprinting, past life, genetics) and the relative importance of 18-30 months of age; what of those instances when homosexuality is chosen at a later time in life, say in one's 30's?

In some cases it would be because social conditioning would frown upon one being gay, so the individual with homosexual tendencies may try to hide them and put on the socially acceptable mask. We can be pretty good at lying to ourselves and others in order to ‘fit in’. This and reading the ‘coming out’ stories of many seems to point to the fact that it can take a long time for people to get honest with themselves about their sexuality and often if they do get honest with themselves, they may choose to not rock the boat with their friends and family by being honest with them. With some, sooner or later the pain of not being honest becomes greater than the pain of hiding the truth and then they come out. That can happen at any age, or some might take it to the grave with them.

Alfred Kinseys studies into sexuality in the ‘60’s (I think it was) basically come to the conclusion that 10% of the population is exclusively heterosexual, 10% of the population is exclusively homosexual and the other 80% fall somewhere on a line of continuum somewhere in between. This seems to reflect the idea that there are things in life that are not black and white…that there are varying degrees of intensity existing between two extremes.

I can’t testify as to the scientific accuracy of Kinseys claim, but if I take my laymans understanding of ‘retrojection’ which is ‘those things that you dislike in other people exist in you, but you try to hide it’ you can see how the PTB might use/manipulate differences in sexuality to ‘divide and conquer’.

Steve Biddulph (sp?) in his book “Raising Boys” made the claim that ½ to 2/3 of teen suicides involve confusion about sexuality. This is not saying that those boys who are suffering are homosexual….just that they are confused!

If you consider that there are a bunch of people out there that are painfully (to varying degrees of intensity) confused about their sexuality, but in trying to hide it for fear of social rejection, retrojectively either display or feel hatred, anger or violence towards those who are openly gay and that some force has actually encouraged, fed or directed this dynamic in order to weaken a whole population over thousands of years…phew!

I’m starting to see that there is no element of life that 3 and 4D STS have left untouched in their quest.

Thank you all for the education!
Thank you so much for the session. It was interesting to hear from CC's that homosexuality is not caused only by genetics. I have always thought that homosexuals are born that way; I had no idea that some can also grow up to become homosexuals. My best friend is gay and he is quite ashamed about it. He is almost 50 and I have never seen him in a relationship with either women or men. He does not even want to talk about his sexuality; which is OK because it is nobody business whom he has a relationship with. He is a great guy and I wish he was more confident about himself. Maybe I will try to discuss with him about what was said here about homosexuality.

Also, I have also been feeling strange lately, I am still depressed. I even had thoughts ofwhy I chose this pathway, life could have been much easier if I chose to be like others. I could have laughed more in my life, could have found more joy and acceptance in this crazy reality of ours instead of analyzing everything and trying to understand the many 'whys'. I look at other people around me and they seem so happy and content with themselves, and they seem not to be bothered by anything ugly that is going on in this world. It's like they feel that the world will find a way to fix itself on its own. I wish I could believe that. I was even thinking that what if I will die soon and my checkout will be to 5D and back to 3D. Why did not I have at least more fun? Why didn't I dance more, laughed more, drank more? Oh boy, I am glad that there is a reason for me feeling this way; the 4D STS trying to shut us down. I hope it gets better. And even my dreams are ugly. A few nights ago I saw a man taking a bite out of a human body.

I guess I have to remember to hang in there. And I was feeling so good.............. Wishfull thinking for me did not last too long as usual. The reality is I am still in 3D body.

THanks for the session again.
Herakles said:
I did not interpret the same way as you. It did not appear to me that the preference, or in short, one's sexuality, is hard-wired, exercised or not, but that certain parts of the process are "hard-wired" with a whole host of variables, the most common being the three mentioned.

Or am I missing something? Perhaps because Ark states sexuality is not hard-wired, as-is growing two legs for instance, that I assume C's confirm this?

I apologize, I wasn't clear. What I meant by "hard-wired" is that, once the imprinting is done during the sensitive period, it's in and really can't be changed, e.g., at past 30 years of age like you have suggested.

The C's do make a distinction and say that it's the pheromone-based triggering opening of the imprint window is truly hard-wired, i.e., genetically determined.
Away With the Fairys said:
If they are already in your life , maybe one wont want to see them as vectors because they are a part of ones addiction .

Again as Henry once said , this way , is not a game. Im continually watching who enters into my life at this present moment , asking where have they come from before they have entered onto ones stage let us say.

Yes, I think you hit the nail with that comment about addiction! Vectors reel you in like fish to a bait, like a psychic hook or something of that nature now that I think about it.

I have a group of friends I hang out with, and I'd swear one of them is a vector. Everytime I leave hanging out with them, I have trouble focusing and concentrating on driving. I always feel like I'm going to get into an accident and have to be extra vigilant and careful, which is unusual because I'm an excellent driver.

Thing is, like you said, they become part of one's addiction, and I can't help but always go back. What I've noticed about possible vectors, is that they psychically hook onto you, meaning they seem to pick up on subtle changes within you, almost as if they know what your attempting to do and try to disengage you from attempting to gain awareness and understanding of the situation at hand. They play on your weak areas, and feed off you. They literally are the Petty Tyrants of ones life, but play a more subtle, subversive game, unconsciously I assume. And I think a tell-tale sign is how one feels the next day. Is there a severe lag in the morning, unusual energy depletion and tiredness? It's never during that you see it happening, but always later in retrospect.

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