Session 28 October 2023

The "surprising solution to long-standing problems" is another one of those statements that could mean anything.

Indeed. For example a sudden, good old fake alien intrusion so as to stop in its tracks a near desperately close earth bound Armageddon (in the Holy Land of course) would kill multiple birds with one stone.... just saying, its coming soon... they're getting that desperate...

Thank you for the session. Despite the loss, a wonderful sense of joy - and pride - that 'our' Pierre made it safely, painlessly across the veil and is even now relaxing by a cosy heavenly fire, elixir in a glass, sacred book in hand, telling crude jokes and sharing theories on DNA transcription with a host of captivated angels. Couldn't get better. See you on the other side - or better still in 4th - brother in arms.
Session Date: October 28th 2023

Laura and Andromeda at the board

PoB, Joe, Niall, Gaby, Ark, Chu, Scottie, Leia, Falkor, Bella, Pikabu, Luna

Q: (L) Is anybody there?

A: Pierre loves all of you.

Q: (L) And who are we communicating with?

A: Korriea of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) We had in mind to try to communicate with Pierre. Is that possible or advisable?

A: Let him rest a bit.

Q: (L) Was he as shocked by the rapidity of his passing as we were?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Did he suffer more than we were aware of - as in physically? I mean, did he suffer mentally and emotionally?

A: Less

Q: (L) So he suffered less mentally and emotionally than physically?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Is he feeling all right in general?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Was he present in the room after he passed for a period?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Did he hear the things I said to him the night before when he was apparently unconscious?

A: Yes. He was already separating from his body.

Q: (L) Is he near us now?

A: Resting at 5D.

Q: (Andromeda) Was he around for a couple of days after he passed?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Was he confused in any way after he passed or was it a smooth transition?

A: Not confused.

Q: (Joe) He just hung around a bit because he was attached to us?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well we're sorry that he's not with us, but we are certainly not sorry that he's no longer suffering because it just was too much for him.

A: Yes

Q: (L) So anybody have other questions?

(Chu) Had he fulfilled his life plan?

A: Mostly, yes.

Q: (L) Did he have any attachments or anything that were harming him in any way prior to passing?

A: No

Q: (L) Other questions? Is he going to be like our representative in 5D?

A: When he is ready. He needs to review and assess.

Q: (L) Is there anything that we can do to help him?

A: Prayers and loving thoughts.

Q: (Andromeda) Did he understand how much we all loved him before he passed?

A: Yes and even more afterward.

Q: (L) Well, anything else?

(Joe) Are we going to see him again?

A: Of course!

Q: (L) Well, we feel a little bit eviscerated by it, which is probably the best way to put it.

(Andromeda) Did he on some level choose the timing such as he did, even if he was shocked at how quick it came?

A: Yes. His 5D self called him home.

Q: (Joe) Does everybody have a 5D self?

A: Yes. Those with souls.

Q: (Joe) Do people with souls have 2D selves?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And 1D selves?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So is it kind of like fractal consciousness?

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) You sound like Pierre now, Joe.

(L) Well, could you convey to Pierre that we are all devastated at his loss, but we were also equally devastated by his suffering. And we wished and we hoped...

A: He knows.

Q: (L) Is there anything further you can tell us about Pierre? Since we all seem to be kind of stymied for questions...

(Joe) His need to rest, is that normal for most people or is it particular in this case?

A: Yes. After prolonged suffering and before-death drugs.

Q: (L) So when a person is kind of put into the state of being high from morphine or whatever, that in a sense loosens something or causes them to be a little dopey as they die?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So it's kind of like their discombobulated state before they die, carries over for a little while afterwards?

A: Yes

Q: (L) How long does something like that last?

A: Not long.

Q: (L) So ideally a person would die without drugs?

A: It depends. Sometimes lack of drugs only prolongs the struggle and that creates its own problems.

Q: (L) So is it in general better to drug the body and allow the soul to exit more or less peacefully?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Because I would imagine that if somebody is in a terrible state, they could die with a lot of really unpleasant emotions.

A: Yes

Q: (L) So, all right. Anything else?

A: Loving thoughts help the most. Pierre is resting and feeling loved without restriction.

Q: (L) So is that something that is kind of like a natural response to when somebody passes over and then the people who were close to them have these emotions and sadness and regret and missing the person and that lasts for a certain period of time? Can you gauge how long that person needs to feel that by how long it lasts in the people left behind? Is there some kind of a relationship?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So when we begin to feel better, we'll know that Pierre is better?

A: Yes

Q: (PoB) Does it work both ways?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So when he starts to feel better, then we will be aware of it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So as long as he's feeling discombobulated or whatever, we'll be aware of it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Okay. Anything else about Pierre?

(Andromeda) Is it more likely that we'll see him in 5D or will he be born again?

(Scottie) That's cheating! [laughter]

A: Latter. In 4D!

Q: (Andromeda) Born again in 4D.

(Gaby) So he left because he had a higher frequency as we were suspecting? That's why he had to leave this reality because his disease was so advanced. He was incompatible with his body.

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) He needed a new body.

(L) He was trying to run a 110 body with a 220 current.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well, anything else?

A: He sends his thanks.

Q: (L) Well, he doesn't have to thank us. Any other topics you would like to cover tonight on this short session?

(Joe) Armageddon!

(Andromeda) He and JR could be getting together.

(L) Yeah, that's an idea. Tell Pierre to visit with JR!

(Andromeda) Get that pool ready for us in 4D.

(L) Yeah, an architect and an engineer: Unbeatable combination!

A: They will!

Q: (L) Okay. Well, I will comment here that when you told us at the end of last year, on the last session of last year, that it was going to be a rocky year, it has been very rocky and most of that rockiness for us personally has been due to Pierre's health deterioration. And of course it was noted that the name 'Pierre' means rock. So, it's both apropos in the sense of the really rough time that we've had because of Pierre's declining health and also in a sense kind of like that movie because Pierre triumphed in the end...

(Andromeda) Rocky!

(L) He did more in his 14 years battling cancer than most people do in their entire lives. So, we were certainly thankful that he was with us for that time. And also I hope that we have experienced the most interesting things that October can possibly offer us already. [laughter] And that there will be no more for the last couple of days...

A: Just wait for November!

Q: (Joe) So if October was 'interesting', what's November going to be? VERY interesting?!

A: Some surprising solutions to longstanding problems.

Q: (L) Is that personally or globally?

A: Both.

Q: (L) Are we going to like the solutions, at least at the personal level?

A: Mostly.

Q: (L) What about on the global level?

A: Not so much.

Q: (Joe) Well, depends what perspective you're talking about. Israel's got a longstanding problem with Palestinians.

(L) Yeah. Was Israel behind the engineering of this Hamas attack that created this new state of war between Israel and the Palestinians?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So it was basically an inside job?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) They needed a justification.

(L) Yeah.

(Joe) To do what they've been planning to do for a long time.

(L) It's so obvious. Why people can't see it, I dunno.

(Joe) Can't go there.

(L) They're so brainwashed by Israel. Not just brainwashed but blackmailed and controlled.

(Ark) Is Erdogan a good guy?

A: About 53 percent.

Q: (Joe) So the 'surprising solution to the longstanding problem' globally would, without asking what that is, would it be a good idea for us to stock up on diesel and gasoline for the cars for example?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Because Middle East obviously... There's nothing else going on right now. So a surprising solution that we're not going to like, it's going to happen in the Middle East. And if it's big enough that always causes chaos in oil markets...

(L) Does this have anything to do with a previous prediction you made that Israel would ultimately be destroyed or bring on its own destruction?

A: Close!

Q: (L) Are other countries going to get involved?

A: Yes

Q: (Andromeda) Will there be a civil war in the US?

A: Not yet.

Q: (Joe) Can't have it all at once, sweetie!

(Andromeda) Well, you know...

(Joe) Can't cram it all into November! [laughter]

(L) That suggests there IS going to be a civil war in the US. Just not yet.

(Chu) Should we seriously consider moving?

A: That opportunity will present itself.

Q: (L) Well. Anything anybody else can think of that we want to know about at this particular point in time? Is Trump going to go to prison?

A: No

Q: (Chu) Why did the Israelis do this inside job now and not before?

A: Time was right for them.

Q: (Chu) They said it had to be apocalyptic for them to do it.

(L) Yeah.

(Joe) Yeah, they created the apocalyptic situation. It's just...

A: The change is coming and 4D masters are getting desperate.

Q: (Joe) At the human level... I mean, is the rationale for at least the US getting involved in what we suspect is some kind of a major conflict in the Middle East to, from their perspective, try to destroy the process of movement towards a multipolar world where they would lose out? Is that their geopolitical thinking behind it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Also remember that at one point they called the USA a 5D city on a hill.

A: Yes

Q: (L) So there is going to be destruction in the US?

A: Yes

Q: (PoB) This recent inside job with the provoked or arranged attack of Hamas and the war in Gaza: To what extent on the 3D level were Israelis motivated by religion?

A: At the top, very little. It is a convenient ideology for the levels below.

Q: (PoB) Is there any truth to this story that is going around at least through the last 10 years, more or less, about how Jews are going to create 'Heavenly Jerusalem' in Ukraine?

A: No

Q: (Joe) How are they going to create the 'Heavenly Jerusalem'?

(PoB) They were going to move like two millions or something to the part of Ukraine that would be killed out. Some are leaving, immigrating, some are...

(L) But God didn't give them Ukraine.

(Joe) If they move into Ukraine where there's been a lot of conflict, it's not gonna be heavenly.

(PoB) There is a whole conspiracy theory about it.

(Joe) Was the counter narrative that we've concluded about the actual attack by Hamas, was it like most of the civilians were killed by Israelis themselves and crossfire and stuff?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Was there any element of that being done deliberately?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Like a kind of Secret Team group within the Israelis?

(L) Yeah. Yeah, I mean it's like 9/11.

(Joe) They're disgusting.

A: They're willing to do anything to further their goals.

Q: (L) And their goals include retaining their dominance on America, because America is like their muscle, the thing that keeps them ruling the world.

A: Yes

Q: (L) But America is collapsing...

A: Yes

Q: (Niall) So they need to use that muscle while it's still possible to use it.

A: Yes

Q: (L) Well all I can say is what was said long ago seems to be holding true: Wishful thinking gets you every time because people are just, I mean, they've got a million people assembling in Istanbul somewhere, and in London...

(Andromeda) People all over the world!

(L) And the thing is, they don't realize that... I mean, it is just shocking how many people have been brainwashed by the Israeli propaganda and by the religious propaganda. I mean, look at Jordan Peterson. He got off on the religion thing and bought into it. He bought into the whole religious thing.

(Chu) And several others.

(L) Yeah.

(Andromeda) In the wrong way.

(Joe) It's bizarre to watch.

Q: (L) All right. Anything else?

A: More to come. Just wait and see. Things are getting interesting and will move fast for the next several months as more and more people wake up to reality.

Q: (Andromeda) So people will be waking up.

(L) Does that mean people will be suffering more, causing them to wake up?

A: Indeed!

Q: (Joe) Several months.

(Niall) The next several months. Remember the guy's prediction, that Vedic astrologer?

(Gaby) From October to April will be interesting.

(Joe) So we don't get a break.

(L) Anything else? No. Okay. So if there's anything else we need to know, consider the open question asked.

A: Sit tight. Good things can come out of chaos. Goodbye.

Thank you guys for sharing this session. I am so glad to hear that Pierre is resting and feeling all the love from you guys. It brings tears of joy and happiness in my eyes every time I read this passage about him.

Love you all.
A: Yes. His 5D self called him home.

Q: (Joe) Does everybody have a 5D self?

A: Yes. Those with souls.

Q: (Joe) Do people with souls have 2D selves?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) And 1D selves?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) So is it kind of like fractal consciousness?

A: Yes

I would surmise that our 1D,2D,3D,5D selves represent our experiences or wisdom or consciousness (experience/wisdom) that stays with the being as we reincarnate over and over again. Those are all part of the self and each fraction makes up the self we then take those fractions and the current with us and the (system) uses all of it for its own benefit what that is??? I don’t know maybe to lower entropy? Or for data to create more “efficient” realities … for what I’m not sure
Thank you to the chateau crew for the session.In my previous post I was surprised about Pierre passing I didn't no how badly his health was but I would like to say I admired him greatly in 3d and now in 5 always an Open minded inquisitive soul we can all admire hope to meet him one day.
November surprises

And what does Australia have to do with all this?

The story they give is that Australia is sending troops and aircraft to Palestine to help extract Australian citizens. I think that's a rubbish narrative to protect support of the Australian population. Australian Defence Forces have been involved in every war that US has started, and Prime Minister Albanese signed Australia up to be a military asset of the US recently. Note that they will not disclose the number of troops being sent nor the exact location that they're being sent to. It was reported two days ago that there are 88 Australian citizens in Gaza.
Look what Mass Media says and the complete opposite is the truth
Welcome to our forum, MB3!:welcome:Would you be so kind as to go the newbies section and introduce yourself, so we get to know you a bit? Nothing personal, if you don't want to, but you could tell us how you found us, whether you are reading SOTT, how familiar you are with Laura's work and so on. If you don't know what to write, you can always look at posts from other so-called newbies.:-)
Thanks for this session, brought a good few tears.. Was relieved to hear how Pierre made it home safe, and then to 4D eventually, it gave me hope for the future, was very glad for him to hear that he's on his way to a better place now.

And was really interesting to hear what the C's said about how our feelings are related to loved ones who have passed and vice versa, and how it also takes time for someone to rest after prolonged suffering..
I'm only just starting to feel better generally after a loved one passing in 2021, lots of regrets and other stuff built up over many years. It was after a very prolonged suffering, really hope she is okay now. It's also amazing to know how loving thoughts help.

And hope you guys at the Chateau are alright after what's happened.. Many thanks again for this session, really grateful for this knowledge, lots of love X
Knowing that our soul materializes in all densities of consciousness helps us to better understand the phenomenon of rapture described by the Christian religion, which the Cs describe in an ancient cession, as an alignment of our soul on all densities.
I was thinking about the rapture by the Christian religion as well, in my opinion as I see it is possible that the rapture could be a massive 5D calling to home of many individuals or mass populations and then REJOINING In the 4D planet Earth.
Q: (L) So there is going to be destruction in the US?

A: Yes
Hm some time ago in a session I can't remember which one it was said that the elections in the usa in 2024 would be remote. If not by covid it is possible that for example by a small dirty bomb explosion or lack of fuel to drive. This is the thought that occurred to me while reading this session.

I pray for Pierre and for all of us. Step by step forward.
I've thought about this a bunch in the past, too. Here's how I picture it right now, which is kind of similar to your thoughts above. Rather than being fully populated all at once, or populating at 1D and moving up unidirectionally to 7D, what if cosmic evolution of consciousness proceeds in a more mirror-like fashion? The first division is 7D/1D. The jump from physics and basic chemistry to life is mirrored by 6D thought-forms. "Quantum" potential collapses into particles, and "infinite potential" takes "thought" form (like the templates of STS, STO, and unity).

The jump from basic life forms to "human" or 3D mirrors the filling in of 5D as a recycling zone for souls choosing particular life plans and lessons, and anticipating 4D which will also utilize this "space". And 4D is the center, where both directions meet.

This is necessarily a "timebound" way of looking at it (the only way possible for beings like us). So in a sense it must all be happening at once. It perhaps only looks like there is a definite progression from within physical reality.

But taking that into account as much as possible for my 3D brain, even at that initial 7D/1D "population", cosmic mind must envision the whole. Physical reality must be such that it allows for 2D, 3D, and 4D. So each density is "envisioned" all at once, at least in broad terms. So perhaps what we see as an evolution is the gradual "filling in" of the potentials that are already broadly defined.


I have thoughts on this too. :halo: Maybe the 1D self is something like the collective "consciousness" of the 1D matter/information out of which we are made. It is our matter, so it is uniquely ours. The 2D self would be something like our "animal" self, on the level of DNA and basic biological and emotional natures. Like a matrioshka doll. Our 1D self is nested within our 2D self (matter informed by DNA), and our 2D self is nested within our 3D self (biological nature informed by our psyche/soul). 3D self is nested within 4D, which informs our actions/choices in anticipation of our 4D state, which is nested within 5D, overseeing incarnations and lesson plans. Etc. Or something like that!
Yeah I have been thinking very much the same but your explanation is way better.
Thank you for the new session!
So glad to hear that Pierre is okay🙏Thoughts and prayers continue to be with you all.:hug2:
Q: (L) So is that something that is kind of like a natural response to when somebody passes over and then the people who were close to them have these emotions and sadness and regret and missing the person and that lasts for a certain period of time? Can you gauge how long that person needs to feel that by how long it lasts in the people left behind? Is there some kind of a relationship?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So when we begin to feel better, we'll know that Pierre is better?

A: Yes

Q: (PoB) Does it work both ways?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So when he starts to feel better, then we will be aware of it?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So as long as he's feeling discombobulated or whatever, we'll be aware of it?

A: Yes
I have been thinking more about what is written above as this past Monday a family member shared a regret they still struggle with after the loss of a family member close to ten years ago. I listen but I also wonder if there's more I could say or do to help as it is something that continues to come up (though not as often anymore and usually only briefly when it does).

I tried to find further info about this topic of things working both ways but couldn't find any mention online so far. Do others here know of Afterlife reading material that covers this topic?
Thank you for a wonderful session! Good news about Pierre. He’ll be rested up in no time! I’ll still miss seeing him on the forum, but I’m glad he’s okay.
There will have to be some pretty hefty shocks for people to start waking up, so an expanding war or economic downturn would cause a lot of stress. More dramatic false flags? I guess we’re going to see soon, so until then will just take things one day at a time. The comments about Pierre are moving and this session is unique.
I have been waiting for this session with anticipation to see how Pierre was. Even though I have never met Pierre, I had tears in my eyes reading that he’s doing well on the other side, and I’m sending him loving thoughts ❤️
Things are definitely heating up, and being in the US is a bit scary right now…but I always think of what the C’s have said, “it’s not where you are, but who you are and what you see.” So I am keeping faith and hope in my heart.

Hugs to every one of you at the chateau 🌼
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