Session 29 August 2015


FOTCM Member
Session Date: August 29th 2015

Laura, Andromeda, and Galatea at the board

Pierre, Perceval, Niall, Chu, Arky, Scottie, Timótheos, Alana, Parallel, Windmill Knight, Prodigal Son, Noko the Wonderdog

Q: (L) Today is 29 August 2015. [Review of those present]

A: Hello children of Cassiopaea! It is good to see all of you together. We are aware of the trials that currently beset certain members of your grouping and want to extend a helping "hand".

Q: (L) Okay, so how best to...

(Galatea) Wait, they didn't say who they were. Who is this?

A: Leolimma of Cassiopaea.

Q: (L) Okay, so how best to extend a helping hand? Well, first of all, let me ask this: Are you referring in particular to our German satellite group?

A: Yes

Q: (L) So how best to extend a helping hand to them?

A: All of them would benefit from a regular meditative practice. no-man's-land is severely lacking in knowledge necessary to fulfill goals.

Q: (Pierre) Maybe one question concerning no-man's-land: He's lacking knowledge, but does he have enough ability and will to acquire this knowledge? Is it worth trying, or is it beyond repair?

A: He has plenty of ability, will is up to him. Aiming needs more discipline and Pashalis could use a method for releasing stress. All of them need to learn to communicate.

Q: (L) Well, we already kind of knew all of that. Is there anything a little more...

(Perceval) Well, the meditation is a good idea.

(Chu) What about Gawan? Or Altair?

A: Gawan needs a reason to be.

Q: (L) And what is a reason to be?

A: To use his abilities to reach out to others rather than shutting them out.

Q: (Perceval) When they said they'd benefit from regular meditative practice, would some version of EE and the Prayer of the Soul be enough, or something more specific?

A: The EE program can be used as a foundation, but straight meditation with seed is more along the line intended here. All of them need to learn to discipline the mind.

Q: (L) So, a seed would be like having a short phrase to meditate on, or...

(Chu) Or just the Prayer of the Soul?

(L) Well, the Prayer of the Soul might be too complex. I think they need something a little more tight... a short phrase. The Prayer of the Soul really helps you in a lot of ways, but...

(Perceval) It's like a broad spectrum thing.

(L) It's also like training wheels for achieving a relaxed state. If you really want to go into a deep meditative state, you need something really tight. Holding your focus on something really tight is much more difficult than allowing yourself to drift while you're listening to words or reciting the Prayer of the Soul.

(Perceval) It's designed to make you drift away, almost.

(L) Yeah.

(Pierre) Maybe just visualize what they want.

(L) Well, I don't think visualizing is what we need here. We're talking about disciplining the mind. Disciplining the mind through meditation is like exercising a muscle. It's taking something really short and tight like a very short phrase and sticking with it.

(Ark) Maybe they should first meditate on the things that they should meditate on?

(Chu) "Focus on the aim," or something simple like that?

(Ark) And then it will come to them in German.

(Perceval) Arbeit macht frei. [laughter]

(Pierre) Maybe we could ask about the nature of the seed. What would be the best seed to help them progress?

(L) Well, I think with each one... Well, maybe some of the things they already said. Aiming needs to meditate on the word "discipline" and what it means. Gawan could just focus on the phrase, "A reason to be".

(Galatea) And Pashalis: "Relax"

(Chu) What would be Altair's seed?

A: Altair already has these skills to some extent. He needs to "lighten up" a bit and allow some pleasure in.

Q: (Galatea) He's TOO disciplined.

(Pierre) He's very monk-ish.

(Chu) So, no-man's-land: Knowledge. Pashalis: Relax. Gawan: To be. Aiming: Discipline. And Altair: Lighten up.

(Perceval) So is it okay if they do this suggested meditative practice separately or individually?

A: Yes

Q: (L) This is not something that has to be done together.

(Galatea) It's specific to each person.

A: Yes.

Q: (Galatea) Speaking of meditation, has our weekly meditation been working and strengthening our shields?

A: Yes

(Galatea) Yay! Cool.

Q: (L) Okay. What other problems to we have to deal with? Oh... Well, let's just get on to the main one here. Hey! Is the Earth flat?

A: I can't believe you would even ask!!!

Q: (L) You didn't answer the question! [laughter] Well, of course you know the reason I'm asking. I know you're trying to be a little humorous here, but the reason I'm asking is because this is just like... I mean, there is this CRAZY group of people who are claiming this Dark City kind of reality is what really exists in our world. They've take conspiracy theory to the ultimate extreme. They're preaching the Gospel of the Flat Earth.

A: Disintegration and ultimate soul smashing takes many forms and pathways!!!!

Q: (Perceval) What was very familiar to me about the whole Flat Earth thing after watching a video and looked at the theory and stuff was that the way people were presenting it was very similar to the Boston Bombing Actors thing. People take conspiracy theories to extreme subjective levels. When we asked them about the Boston Bombing Actors thing, they mentioned disintegration. I think they said, "Pattern recognition run amok."

(L) Yeah.

(Perceval) It's pretty much the same thing, ya know?

(Pierre) I had a question about the genesis of this Flat Earth movement was due to one guy pretty much. It has some stigmas of a deliberate, coordinated psyop. So, does this Flat Earth theory come from one mind, or is it a deliberate concerted enterprise?

A: Recall your intuition, Pierre!

Q: (Pierre) My intuition that it had all the stigmas, all the marks, of a deliberate and coordinated...

A: No! 2nd density perception.

Q: (Perceval) They were not talking about your intuition that it was a psyop, but your intuition about 2nd density perception.

(Pierre) Ah, okay.

(Perceval) Laura, you were talking about it being like a 2d...

(L) It was Pierre's idea. I just brought it up on the forum.

(Pierre) So, the intuition was that there is some analogy between density and dimensions. In 2nd density, things like horses and dogs can only see in 2 dimensions. In 3rd density, we human beings can perceive 3 dimensions. Organic portals recently graduated into 3rd density from 2nd density are only used to these 2d worlds, and they have difficulties to perceive or live with 3 dimensions. So the Flat Earth idea appeals to them.

(Perceval) Maybe it's not so much that they have "problems with 3d", but that there's a harking back to 2d.

(L) Well, that would mean they would have problems with this reality.

(Perceval) Yeah, but not in a strict sense like in terms of being able to navigate in 3 dimensions like a dog can. They have no problem walking around doors or whatever.

(Chu) But in a deeper, more abstract way...

(Perceval) Yeah. Maybe they're thinking would tend towards 2d.

(Chu) But why only OPs and not young souls?

A: Who said there was any such thing?

Q: (L) I think they once said that all souls were created at the same time, so there's no such thing as young souls.

(Chu) But they mentioned something before about old souls, no?

(L) Who says anything about old souls?

(Galatea) Can't someone grow a soul?

(L) Well, growing a soul is different from young vs. old soul.

(Galatea) Well, when you grow a soul, your soul is young.

(L) Well...

(Chu) No, I mean a soul that has been around and had many, many lives in 3d. But maybe it doesn't exist.

(L) Not in that context, I don't think....

A: No

Q: (L) I think people when they talk about young souls, they're probably really talking about OPs.

A: Yes

Q: (Ark) Maybe this Flat Earth theory is created to distract from the Hollow Earth theory?

(Pierre) It can be flat and hollow. [laughter]

A: No there is more "truth" to the "Hollow Earth" theory!

Q: (L) As in underground bases and 4th density planes of existence under the Earth?

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) We have no problem with that one. We can run with that one.

(L) Huh?

(Perceval) We're willing to entertain the Hollow Earth theory.

(L) Yes.

(Perceval) Just not flat. Hollow, yes. Flat, no. [laughter]

(Alana) Can it be hollow if it's flat?

(Timótheos) Like a tire!

(L) Alright... So, what else?

(Niall) In the last session, we asked about the deaths of 4 British and 1 American climate scientists who were working on Arctic ice. And another one who's alive spoke to the press and said what happened to them was suspicious. And we asked if there was any connection to their deaths, and the C's said yes, their deaths were induced. But we didn't ask why. Why were they killed?

(L) Do you know what they were working on?

(Niall) They were working on the thickness of Arctic sea ice and changes up there and its effects on the ocean currents.

A: Just think of the discovery in the movie.

Q: (L) The Day After Tomorrow?

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) Okay, so they saw the buoys that were showing sudden temperature drops?

A: Close.

Q: (Perceval) Does it have anything to do with gravity?

A: No

Q: (Perceval) Good, I don't like gravity.

(Galatea) It's always putting you down!

(Perceval) One of the guys who was killed was involved in gravity mapping of the Arctic and the Earth in general from satellites.

(Niall) They found some anomalies or something.

(Perceval) It's basically so they could see the Earth below the icecaps with some kind of gravity sensor. Obviously, by the nature of the technology they were using, it was giving readings on fluctuations in gravity or the magnetic field or something. I can't remember exactly what it was about. There was just an interesting point that they discovered that when the sea ice melted in Antarctica, there were small changes in gravity for some reason.

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) I was just thinking that this opens up a lot of different questions.

(L) Well, one of things that happens when land surface is laden with ice, it's compressed. There's a lot of compression. Supposedly when the Canadian ice sheet melted, the land came up and it's still coming up. When you have less compression, I would imagine that changes the gravitational field to some extent.

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) They did say it was very small.

(L) Yeah.

(Perceval) People wouldn't float off the planet or anything.

A: Gravity is related to density to a small extent.

Q: (L) I think they mean "density" in the sense of the density of matter.

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) That's also related to hyperdimensional realities.

A: It can also be related to subsurface materials.

Q: (Ark) These gravity measurements can detect underground bases.

A: Yes

Q: (Perceval) So, the reason I was mentioning this about the guy doing gravity mapping was to determine if that had anything to do with his death?

A: No

Q: (Perceval) One less conspiracy.

(L) So, these Flat Earthers claim that nobody's allowed to go to Antarctica.

A: Not true. Nobody wants to!

Q: (Perceval) Nick L___ was there!

(L) Well, is there any restriction on travel to Antarctica?

A: Some.

Q: (L) Why?

A: We have mentioned bases.

Q: (Galatea) Oh, speaking of... Are there lots of bases under the Yukon?

A: No

Q: (Galatea) Okay, just wondering. Lots of weird things happen over there, and nobody goes there. There's also gold there, and you'd think they'd be mining it, but they leave it alone.

A: Gold is the clue!

Q: (L) I think aliens mine gold, and they'd probably create conditions to keep people away.

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) That's why people don't go there: because aliens claimed it.

(Pierre) They use gold. It's in the transcripts.

(Perceval) They use gold for transitioning between densities, or something like that.

(L) Yeah, different things.

(Perceval) I have a 9/11 question since it's a current hot topic. What was the source of the flash that was seen just before the nose of the second plane hit the second tower?

A: Plasma exchange.

Q: (Pierre) That makes sense.

(L) You've got a plane flying through the air, and it's charged.

(Pierre) And the tower has a different potential, and when they get close enough there is a discharge.

(L) Like a mini lightning bolt.

(Perceval) The reason it was anomalous to some people is that it's not every day you see a plane flying at 500 mph that close to a building. You don't get to see that kind of thing.

(L) Yeah. Next?

(Galatea) Oh, it makes sense. Leprechauns are supposed to be aliens, and leprechauns covet gold!

(L) Exactly. The end of the rainbow is in the Yukon. And they don't like iron.

(Galatea) Can I ask a question? They claim that lots of transdimensional creatures like Bigfoot and Mothman go after menstruating women. Is this true?

A: Sometimes, yes.

Q: (Galatea) So why is that?

A: Egg harvesting.

Q: (L) Egg harvesting.

(Galatea) Weird! It's like Easter for aliens! [laughter]

(L) Oh GOD!!! It gives all new meaning to the Easter Bunny. [laughter]

(Perceval) The Easter Bunny is Donnie Darko.

(Galatea) I'm guessing they take the eggs to make clones or do some genetic stuff?

A: Close enough.

Q: (Galatea) Or is it for caviar?

A: No

Q: (Galatea) PHEW! [laughter] Well, they eat people, so it's not far-fetched.

(L) Well, I don't think we're talking about a volume of eggs that's enough to make up a Ritz cracker. [laughter]

(Andromeda) This is going downhill...

(Perceval) Scottie, DO NOT transcribe this part! [laughter]

(Pierre) I think they already said that they eat sliced babies.

(L) Fat babies.

(Galatea) Pierre, you just hit the bottom.

(L) Yeah, that was the bottom. We can't go any lower. Let's try to bring it back up again...

(Parallel) Can I ask a personal question?

(L) How personal is it?

(Parallel) I've always had difficulty with meditation, and lately I've had a few problems with keeping my mind straight. So, I was wondering if they had any advice on meditation.

(L) You've had trouble keeping your mind straight?

(Parallel) Ya know, my little diversion with the Flat Earth stuff.

A: Meditation would benefit you as well. But notice that when properly done, it is far from dissociation.

Q: (L) Do you know how to do it?

(Parallel) Well, I'd say no. I mean, I do the Prayer of the Soul, but...

(L) That's training wheels. Yeah, you need to learn how. Well, alright then. I guess we can teach you how.

A: Yes. Good idea! Goodbye.

(Galatea) Nighty night! Thank you.


(L) So... How to explain how to meditate.

(Andromeda) Well, how have you been doing it?

(Parallel) Well, I have the audio track, the Prayer of the Soul, and then I follow the words and then I see sort of relations to my daily life and how I could improve.

(L) That's kind of more like guided thinking. Lemme see the easiest way to explain it... Probably the tightest way to start to do it would be to stop using the audio track. Instead, repeat the prayer in your mind in time with your breathing 20 times, one after the other.

Breathe in, first line. Breathe out. Breathe in, second line, breathe out. If you can do it 1 time, that's something. The goal is to be able to do it 20 times. Shoot for that.

Here is the key: At a certain point, you will stop doing what you're doing in your mind, and thoughts will come in. You will realize that all of a sudden, you've drifted and started thinking about other things. What you do at that point is you stop that other thinking, and you immediately start again. You'll notice these interruptions happening a lot. Your mind wants to...

(Parallel) To go on holiday.

(L) Your mind wants to go on holiday. You just keep pulling it back. You don't do that in a hard way or a rough way or get angry about it. You just realize you've drifted, and then pull it back and start again.

If you could manage to just do that for 5 minutes, that's a lot. If you can do it for 5 minutes, then increase to 10 minutes.

(Parallel) So no visualization.

(L) No visualization. Just words. Visualizations come later. Visualizations can induce interesting effects, but you have to get to the point where you can discipline your mind enough to repeat a selected series of words or a phrase continuously without being deviated by the mind wandering.

It's like lifting weights. Your brain will get tired. But the more you do it, the longer you can do it, and the less tired your brain gets. Eventually, you can get this single pointed focus on exactly what you're doing and hold your attention and focus on it for an indefinite period of time.

When you can do that, let me know.

(Perceval) What words did you suggest he use?

(L) You can use the Prayer of the Soul, or you can recite a poem. It almost doesn't matter since you're just exercising your focusing power. I always used the Lord's Prayer.
Thank you for sharing :flowers: Great tips for meditation, it inspires me to exercise my "attention muscle" along with other members.

I'm sure it is going to be enormously helpful. Thanks again! :flowers:
Thanks for the session. It's also another good confirmation on meditating properly which is something i've been wondering and working towards lately. Thanks again :)
Yes, thank you very much for sharing the session! :)

I've noticed when I first started redoing EE/POTS, my focus actually seemed better than it is now, after doing it regularly.

My my tends to start to drift during EE, round breathing and listening to POTS. Whereas, on nights when I get into bed to go to sleep, I start off with a few pipe breaths, and then start doing POTS in my mind, but quite a bit slower than the POTS audio, and after I've done each phrase/line, I wait and make sure my mind is clear/focused before moving onto the next line.
Thank you to all of you for this session! I really appreciated the explanations on how to meditate, it'll be very helpful to me :)
Laura said:
(Parallel) I've always had difficulty with meditation, and lately I've had a few problems with keeping my mind straight. So, I was wondering if they had any advice on meditation.

(L) You've had trouble keeping your mind straight?

(Parallel) Ya know, my little diversion with the Flat Earth stuff.

A: Meditation would benefit you as well. But notice that when properly done, it is far from dissociation.

Q: (L) Do you know how to do it?

(Parallel) Well, I'd say no. I mean, I do the Prayer of the Soul, but...

(L) That's training wheels. Yeah, you need to learn how. Well, alright then. I guess we can teach you how.

A: Yes. Good idea! Goodbye.

(Galatea) Nighty night! Thank you.


(L) So... How to explain how to meditate.

(Andromeda) Well, how have you been doing it?

(Parallel) Well, I have the audio track, the Prayer of the Soul, and then I follow the words and then I see sort of relations to my daily life and how I could improve.

(L) That's kind of more like guided thinking. Lemme see the easiest way to explain it... Probably the tightest way to start to do it would be to stop using the audio track. Instead, repeat the prayer in your mind in time with your breathing 20 times, one after the other.

Breathe in, first line. Breathe out. Breathe in, second line, breathe out. If you can do it 1 time, that's something. The goal is to be able to do it 20 times. Shoot for that.

Here is the key: At a certain point, you will stop doing what you're doing in your mind, and thoughts will come in. You will realize that all of a sudden, you've drifted and started thinking about other things. What you do at that point is you stop that other thinking, and you immediately start again. You'll notice these interruptions happening a lot. Your mind wants to...

(Parallel) To go on holiday.

(L) Your mind wants to go on holiday. You just keep pulling it back. You don't do that in a hard way or a rough way or get angry about it. You just realize you've drifted, and then pull it back and start again.

If you could manage to just do that for 5 minutes, that's a lot. If you can do it for 5 minutes, then increase to 10 minutes.

(Parallel) So no visualization.

(L) No visualization. Just words. Visualizations come later. Visualizations can induce interesting effects, but you have to get to the point where you can discipline your mind enough to repeat a selected series of words or a phrase continuously without being deviated by the mind wandering.

It's like lifting weights. Your brain will get tired. But the more you do it, the longer you can do it, and the less tired your brain gets. Eventually, you can get this single pointed focus on exactly what you're doing and hold your attention and focus on it for an indefinite period of time.

When you can do that, let me know.

(Perceval) What words did you suggest he use?

(L) You can use the Prayer of the Soul, or you can recite a poem. It almost doesn't matter since you're just exercising your focusing power. I always used the Lord's Prayer.

Thank you all for so much interesting info, and thank you Parallel and Laura for Qs & As about meditation improvement.
Thank you board staff and Cs for this rewarding session. I just wish we deepen the PO 2nd density. What was this race (these beings), did they get trapped by lizards? Meditation is really related to the concentration. They would be great to make a post of meditation and concentration.
What an interesting session. Great suggestions on meditation, too. My mind tends to wander also, so I'll be trying the suggested techniques to improve focused attention.

Best of luck to the German group with their meditation seeds and thanks so much for the session. :)
I have really enjoyed this session. Love when you asking question what is happening on forum and about the people that I can see posts every day. That gives even more life in this hard work you doing.
Also, you sound like you have a great fun. Very easy and fluently session. Thank you so much.
And even I can't imagine how much work you have to do to put session in readable form I must admit that I was so said when the session comes to the end :-[.

:dance: :thup:
Thanks for sharing another great session. Last part with meditation advices is great. I`ll try to follow then since i also have a difficulties during meditation.
Thank you once again :)
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