Session 29 December 2018

This session was my best present for New Year. Thank you! :-)

(Joe) Is the promotion in Western society of a hostile attitude towards traditional masculine qualities part of a broader nefarious plan?

A: Yes

Q: (Joe) Is part of that to try and make a generation of weak men?

A: Yes

Speaking of making a weak men, I think that Islam does the same thing with their practise of circumsion of young boys.

A: Recall that 4D is a realm where thought has the power to create. If a mind, and here we mean much more than you understand as mind, thinks about a structure or something that needs to be accomplished, it assembles itself, more or less. Then when the structure is sent back through the realm curtain, the "idea" is the attractor blueprint that draws to itself the matching elements from your reality and they proceed through the process of organic assembly. This occurs because even inanimate matter has a minimal level of matching consciousness.

Q: (Andromeda) I think I'm gonna have to read that a few times...

(Artemis) Could that same method be used to get rid of a cold?

A: You are not in 4D yet.

This sounds exactly like the famous Law of Attraction that the New Agers are promoting. However, we see that "the secret" is that it can only be done by the 4D beings, not us.

But if we cannot fix the manipulations of 4D STS beings on our bodies, than the only option we have is to somehow connect with the 4D STO beings (our higher selves) to fix us. But that can only be accomplished by the group of 3D beings. And that is why we need a network of collinear people.
(L) I think it's easier for them to do it in 4D. They take the consciousness into 4D SO they can do that! Because they have reassembled a body around a consciousness that is a 4D body that's made out of 4D matter which behaves apparently quite differently from our matter. It's much more malleable. And then those changes get kind of "imprinted" into the consciousness. Then they dissolve that 4D body, send the consciousness back into its 3D body which then, because it has been changed... And that tells you a little bit about how powerful your own consciousness is! If you could effectively change your own consciousness at those same deep levels, you could probably effect changes in matter! And of course they're working with things that we don't have. They've got toys we don't have.
(Pierre) The way I understand it, the directing thing is the idea in 4D. The blueprint. For some reason, since in 3D molecules or elements have a bit of consciousness, there is a kind of resonance between the blueprint (the mind of 4D) and the elements in 3D. So they coalesce and finally the 4D idea materializes within the 3D world.

Exactly how Reverend George Vale Owen describes it using the blueprint idea. According to him, plant and animal species blueprints are designed by [PhD-level] master chemists in Heaven 4D/5D so 3D can receive it and it either just grows with help of the "elemental spirits energizing plant life" or I guess compatible ancestor species get mutated into the new blueprint-animal or -plant. This idea & process is really easy to understand, once one reads Owens books.
Owen even describes 5thD beginner classes of such activity - creating animal-looking, working automatons from impressable-fine-5D-matter. The assigment being a correct "working" elephant like study-thing that functions properly, like an elephant. But the study group manages only to "think-up-create" collapsing chimeras on their first several attempts. Because their lack of "Group Consciousness Unity" yet.

Weather influencers use basically this same blueprint-image idea as I repeatedly described. Thinking up a weather image blueprint of "sunshine & beauty" and atmospheric matter having some level of consciousness [now I guess] just coalesces somewhere around that blueprint. Remember engineering 1O1: Blueprints can be faulty as well. So such image could be created in a faulty way - think about mental integrity, level of meditation-focus skills, and Samenow's Thinking Errors - small "math mistakes" errors which result in getting non-exact results - because the blueprint / image is faulty = not perfect -, more anomalous weather. Same inaccuracies in car-engineering would be totally disastrous. These imperfections in the mental-image / atmospheric/environment blueprint creation process - apparently - can result in violent weather, I think.
(L) Exactly. And look at some of the genetic engineering our scientists can do. But regarding 4D minds, I mean, come on, if 4D battles manifest in our reality as Earth changes and cosmic changes and volcanoes and weather and giant storms and so forth, what the hell kind of reality is that? What kind of intelligences are those?

I was thinking the same during one of the past sessions, when you were pondering about some of this topic. Then I refrained to comment, because that reality appeared too dark to describe. Hopefully the description below - what I think is happening - is a more palatable one:

Intensity of a 3thD war: chaos, noise, concussions from explosions,
A blast injury is a complex type of physical trauma resulting from direct or indirect exposure to an explosion.
..wounds, screaming, charred parts lying around, structures collapsing. Seeing natives suffer.

Intensity of a 4thD war: [s p e c u l a t i o n]
F-5 scale tornadoes employed as heavy weaponry
261-318 mph, Violent damage, homes lifted off foundation and carried considerable distances, autos thrown as far as 100 meters.
Magnitude 10 earthquakes, exploding Yellowstones combined with Firestorm Tornadoes, tsunamis, Day After Tomorrow Supercells thrown as grenades equivalent, etc..

PTSD is pretty much a given for combatants in both environments, I think.

I speculate that - there are institutionalized 4thD war veterans living now here in 3thD Earth. From all around the galaxy. (I think:) When a 4thD soldier with serious PTSD is offered a healing therapy - which in our 3D world was usually done in form of sanatoriums and health-resorts filled with therapists at least in the past - so the equivalent of a somewhat similar "Therapy Sessions Plan" for a 4thD war veteran would be the following and what is going on right now in some cases, I think:

4thD Nurse:
- Wonderful, you finally came! So I guess you want to begin to heal your war wounds.
4thD War Veteran in strained, shaking voice:
- Yes. I want to be whole again.. and forget the hell.. in what.. we were told to march into repeatedly..
4thD Nurse:
- Okay, so we have several, effective therapeutic methods on offer. It looks like this: We give you a 3D-body. You reincarnate on 3D Earth, into a time of your choosing. We of course give advice, when.. er.. in which Earth Historical Time to incarnate, to maximize your healing chances. When you go there - your memory will be temporarily gone. You forget almost all trauma you had here in our 4thD wars. Then as you begin to live there, you gradually, very slowly.. will start to inch closer - to the human condition. And heal.
4thD War Veteran:
- But.. On 3thD Earth? But.. I'm not a human..
4thD Nurse is giving one of her warmest smiles. Her pleasant voice is ensuring:
- Oh, Dear, it doesn't matter! You are humanoid enough and that's good! When viewed from afar away, you resemble the strongest, tallest human body-builder in body shape. We have very good healing results on this Earth Therapy Project, you can check our statistics!
4thD War Veteran:
- So I won't remember all this Hell anymore... and.. I'll drive a human body.. experiencing the life as a human..

The 4thD Nurse nods assuredly and waits for the heavily injured soldier to continue.

4thD War Veteran:
- They say, humans can get in a love relationship down there. So its not all war and suffering?
4thD Nurse:
- Yes, Love of course! Its the main ingredient in getting your mental integrity back, healing up, resting a couple lifetimes. Of course, your higher-density war-like nature will inevitable draw you into a lot of bloody confrontations and massacres and executions during your several lifetimes on Earth, not too long lives that you will spend there during our 3thD Therapy Project.. but you will.. our patients usually learn kindness there and will gradually reject war and will finally experience pure, healing love there. Love is the goal, my Dear. Love and caring about your beloved is what will heal you!
4thD War Veteran:
- Okay, so these numbers look pretty good on your project results. I guess then, I'll do a couple of incarnations down there. So I'm choosing your "12 Lifetimes on 3thD Earth Offer" and hope for the best.
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Noted that the theme for the 29th December (session date) in The Daily Stoics was on 'Give Thanks' - having gratitude.

Yes, it is all pretty topsy turvy in our times and yet of course we are not the first to have encountered problematic eras. Thus how to make our way through these times requires a does of gratitude, osit.

Humor helps too!

The thing is that everyone's situation differs, so it is not easy to keep some things in mind, like having gratitude, especially if we don't pause once in a while along the path. As the C's reminded, there are things in the cracks of the road that should not be missed by moving too quickly ("gold coins and the gemstones contained within the cracks in the road"). Even if the information is difficult along the way when encountered, and the search even more difficult, there is gratitude that the encounter and search can be even be had. There is gratitude in awareness, in discovering our nature, even if painful, that has seemed once lost to us. There is gratitude for the macro and micro and simple things.

Here, there is gratitude for the work that others do, for the information that Laura has provided - the sessions et al. There is gratitude that people can work on themselves and hear what they don't necessarily want to hear, and there is gratitude to that someone who may point out errors and help the other. Where does one stop...

"Life is Religion" - indeed, and there is gratitude for that ability to participate in life.

"In all things we should try to make ourselves be as grateful as possible. For gratitude is a good thing for ourselves, in a manner in which justice, commonly held to belong to others, is not. Gratitude pays itself back in large measure."
- Seneca, Moral Letters.

As an note in The Daily Stoics to the above by Seneca:

"...Even if today was your last day on earth-if you knew in advance that it was going to end in a few short hours-would there still be plenty to be grateful for? How much better would your life be if you kicked off every day like that? If you let it carry through from morning to night and touch every part of your life?"
Thanks for the information which is a confirmation of past events and also what to expect in the future.

Ah, the programming, yes, that explains a lot. I guess breaking those barriers is necessary to progress.

A lot of people have been hit with a virus lately, me included. I thought it was food poisoning at first. I used iodine to help with it as I wasn't taking it daily. That seemed to ease the situation.

Happy New Year to all!

Recently I had the same weird virus, probably. Wondered, because it felt food poisoning. Then maybe if its that old stomach bug I got regularly 10 years ago from too many carbs. But one heavy iodine dose - Lugols 2%+lots of KI - carpet bombed it into non-existence.
This part made me think of the 'thousand points of light' and the encroaching armada. Over Christmas my sister told me of a dream she had where she was in deep space traveling with an army of thousands. All wearing armor space suits with no other feeling than to war. Just an interesting thought as well.
So, You might not get surprised, when those troop-carriers arrive. Upon hearing such news, I think, a soldiers first thoughts are a duality: "Oh, No, not war again!" A deeply rooted loathing of violence destroying everything. But then his warlike-blood begins to boil on the sound of horns and the two feelings are already fighting each other.

When this topic was brought up in the discussion following one of the sessions last year, this is the image I got. It was just too ridiculous-impossible for me to dare to post.

"Even if in 4thD the process of fighting might consist of rapid repetitions of 'becoming KIA and getting resurrected - only to be flung into the thick of it again', and even if this process might be exactly what strains the 4thD footsoldiers psyche, someones will have to stand up to the Nephilim. Rather bear this strain of war, than letting the stinking, 10 feet high, yellow skinned behemots with their large guns and thick black smoke puffing flying machines overrun this place and watch them splash hostages with one kick of their large, armored boots for fun."
First, I just want to thank the crew for this session. Pretty jaw-dropping stuff in here.

I have a couple questions:
A: Recall that 4D is a realm where thought has the power to create. If a mind, and here we mean much more than you understand as mind, thinks about a structure or something that needs to be accomplished, it assembles itself, more or less.

When they say, "much more than we understand as mind" - are they referring to our perception of a singular mind, whereas in 4D a 'mind' is actually composed of a 'group' of 'minds'?

I'm also curious about their definition of a 'structure'.

What all do they consider to be 'structures'?

This makes me wonder if this is how a 'world' or maybe even a planet is created for a 4D STO group consciousness to exist in upon transition to 4D.

It also reminds me of what Laura spoke of in the Knowledge and Being video series about creating this other world that we shift to by aligning our polarity.

What if perhaps during the 'preparation' leading to this 'shift', the group is actually constructing that world by their solidarity in 3D prior to the transition, which is made possible by amplification of energy from the approach/arrival of the wave?

Maybe I'm reaching, but thought I'd ask. :)

Then when the structure is sent back through the realm curtain, the "idea"

Am I understanding this correctly: For 4D this is an actual structure, but once it passes through the 'veil' to 3D it becomes a 'thought'?
I for one, may watch more Bruce Willis movies and read more epic novels like The Last of the Mohicans. ;-) Seriously though, learning more about the life of Caesar is sounding more attractive now - maybe he'll grant some manly guidance from 5D.

Yeah, makes me want to reread "The Leadership Genius of Julius Caesar" by Phillip A. Barlag. It's a short and easy read, but filled with good examples of healthy masculinity if I remember correctly.
I had in mind this post, so was a bit cautious of the idea of manipulating matter:

But yeah, if it's conscious and brought to the fore, you can direct it how you would prefer. An offshoot of JBP's quote: "Everything you think matters."

I really wonder if there is something to these magicians. I watched up to the first 8 minutes and those face changers really made me question what is going on here. Do you think these people really may have sold their soul to 4D STS in order to do some of these things? :shock:
I would like to pose a question, based on the above quote, please.
If some weather events in 3D are mirrors of 4D battles, what could the appearance of a rainbow, after a rain storm, signify? It is such a beautiful sight.

It is interesting that you said that. I seem to have a recollection that the C's said something to the effect that rainbows are the result of an opening of 4th density. I know I must be wrong because I could not find it in the transcripts. Very strange!
It is interesting that you said that. I seem to have a recollection that the C's said something to the effect that rainbows are the result of an opening of 4th density. I know I must be wrong because I could not find it in the transcripts. Very strange!

Or it could be a representation of this network and our connection to 4D.

Session 10 December 1994:
Q: (L) Can you tell us what is the Rainbow Bridge referred to in Bringers of the Dawn. Is this what you were talking about when you spoke of our group being a conduit?

A: Yes.

I could not find "Rainbow Bridge" in the Ra Material but just this reference:

Ra Material Book 2 said:
Questioner: Yes, here is one question. Is there any difference in violet ray
activity or brightness between entities who are at entrance level both
positive and negative to fourth-density?

Ra: I am Ra. This correct. The violet ray of the positive fourth-density will
be tinged with the green, blue, indigo triad of energies. This tinge may be
seen as a portion of a rainbow or prism, as you know it, the rays being quite

The violet ray of fourth-density negative has in its aura, shall we say, the
tinge of red, orange, yellow, these rays being muddied rather than distinct.
I speculate that - there are institutionalized 4thD war veterans living now here in 3thD Earth. From all around the galaxy. (I think:) When a 4thD soldier with serious PTSD is offered a healing therapy - which in our 3D world was usually done in form of sanatoriums and health-resorts filled with therapists at least in the past - so the equivalent of a somewhat similar "Therapy Sessions Plan" for a 4thD war veteran would be the following and what is going on right now in some cases, I think:

I dunno, I find that a very unlikely scenario. From what I understand extraordinary effort is required to move to 4d to 3d. And the main reason, why would one want to, in particular STO? Even to go to 5d first, then decide to incarnate as 3d (when 4d is an option) there doesn’t really seem to be a need if one has learned all their 3d lessons. I can’t see what could be gained from going back.

Although if there was a very specific purpose to it (eg, some specific mission) then maybe it could be a possibility. To me it doesn’t look like ‘healthcare’ would be one of them, considering the limitations one has here. It’s kinda like coming back to incarnate as a 2d being in order to get treated by the veterinarian!

But since we’re speculating, I subscribe to ‘as above so below’ – if there is some form of 4d PTSD, then there are ways of dealing with it there, at that level, which are more aligned with growth through trial and suffering and the lessons one needs to learn by being where they fit. Otherwise, by ‘taking a holiday’ from what would be important lessons to work through, we are simply avoiding them instead of owning them.

My 2 cents!
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