Maybe you care about none of these things, but culture cares about you. While much can be made of ignoring the pop culture aspects of society and media programming, the reality is that you still must be aware of the larger cultural forces at play and how they affect you.
For those who are out of the loop on why I'm talking about this tonight.
1. The American Psychology Association released guidelines on masculinity that characterize it as toxic, misogynistic, violent, repressive, and the language they is entirely derived from social justice "philosophy".
- Belief in blank slate theory.
- Scapegoating.
- Collective guilt.
- Classifying masculinity as a whole as being defective and aberrant.
2. Gillette released their new ad, a highly politicized screed that masculinity's definition needed to change, and characterizing the old definition of masculinity as being rape, violence, emotional, repression, sexual abuse.
3. PETA released a bizarre ad with men swinging around vegetables as genitalia, with the implication being real men with functional sexual organs don't eat meat, they eat veggies.
4. The NFL announced Serena Williams would speak at the Superbowl, giving some sort of talk / statement on empowering women.
How did we get here?
The reality is that there is sociopolitical "war" against Men, traditional values of masculinity, and healthy sexual relationships between men and Women.
Is this a real war with armies and generals? No, but that's not how propaganda wars are fought.
Is it a war in the frame of propaganda that one group of people has been programmed to frame their beliefs within a "good vs evil" lens and believe they have moral superiority to attack the opposition?
Oh absolutely.
Propaganda would perhaps better be called "the Controlled Programming of the Mind".
And an ideological war is best won when you:
A) Program one side to attack.
B) Program the other side to believe nothing is going on and they are imagining it.
C) Program the attacking side with moral certainty and self righteousness.
D) Program the other side with GUILT.
The Overton Window has Shifted
The Overton window, also known as the window of discourse, describes the range of ideas tolerated in public discourse. The term is derived from its originator, Joseph P. Overton, a former vice president of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, who, in his description of his window, claimed that an idea's political viability depends mainly on whether it falls within the window, rather than on politicians' individual preferences. According to Overton's description, his window includes a range of policies considered politically acceptable in the current climate of public opinion, which a politician can recommend without being considered too extreme to gain or keep public office.
I've seen the Overton window shift massively the past 20 years. The rise "acceptable and moral hate" is most notable, but there have been many others as well, which I'll get to.
I've seen the following take place over so many thousands upon thousands of stories and shifts in the Overton window that I could spend years crafting a timeline
- The promotion of testosterone as being unhealthy and cancer causing.
- The breaking apart of exclusively male spaces.
- The "homosexualization" of normal heterosexual male bonding behavior.
- The demonization of white men as being the scapegoat for ALL the worlds problems.
- The promotion and acceptance of white guilt.
- The enforcement of double standards.
- The rise of the oppression Olympics.
- The masculinization of women.
- The feminization of men.
- The promotion of false rape statistics on college campuses and The promotion of statistically false narrative of an epidemic of rape.
- Title IX kangaroo courts and the destruction of young men's lives through false accusations.
- The promotion of sexual degeneracy as being "identity".
- The splintering of gender.
- The promotion that boys are aberrant, dysfunctional girls who must be "good humans".
- The promotion that all men are collectively guilty and boys must be "allies".
- The promotion of prescribing drugs to control young boys behavior.
- The promotion of cultural Marxism.
- The promotion that all men are rapist and sexual predators.
- The promotion that masculinity should only be defined by women.
- The normalization of accusing men of sexual assault and misconduct if a woman is displeased with a how many acted towards her in any ways as means of revenge.
- The normalization of female promiscuity as empowerment.
- The normalization of "implicit racism" as being a real phenomenon.
- The proliferation of all the above being taught in universities as "fact".
- The promotion that female authority is unquestionable and any criticism of a woman is "misogyny".
- The sexualization of children.
- The normalization of pedophilia.
- The promotion of "queer" culture as being what constitutes "gay identity".
- The promotion that homosexuals are a protected class/identity, and that homosexual men can never be sexual abusers.
- The denial of biological and scientific fact of any kind.
- The promotion of meritocracy as racist.
- The promotion of the "Tabula Rasa" and that human beings are blank slates.
- The promotion that gender is a social construct and is "made up".
- The demonization of comedy.
- The normalization of political correctness.
- The politicization of all forms of expression.
- The assumption of "moral high ground" and "right side of history" by left-leaning people.
- The demonization of Christianity.
- The promotion of single motherhood and the marginalization of fathers.
- The rise of divorce rape—the normalization of courts being anti-father in custody battles over children.
- The normalization and acceptance of double standards in how men and women are sentenced.
- The belittling of men in advertisements (credit to Rosemary Loughlin).
- The overlooking of driven men for promotion in organisations that ultimately need to deliver to survive (credit to Rosemary Loughlin).
- The demonization of brilliant deceased males (e.g. Einstein to name just one) for failure to live up to current day PC standards (credit to Rosemary Loughlin).
- The infiltration of every industry with "diversity, tolerance, inclusion" SJW policy making.
- The rise of tech monopolies run by people with ideological agendas who believe they have moral authority and view themselves as gods.
- The awareness that government is run by an entrenched bureaucracy.
- The exposure of the media as being a propaganda machine driven by people with ideological agendas.
This isn't even a complete list, and I could keep going. I could talk about the rise of soy and seed oils and the world wide decline in testosterone levels and sperm count. I could talk about the current political environment in different European countries and how in England you can prosecuted for for your Facebook posts.
I could talk about the rise of beta males, the hypocrisy of modern feminism, the fact that 95% of school shooters were raised by single mothers.
I could talk about a lot of things. And all those things are supported by REALITY.
The "evidence" for all of this is the world we live in.
All the above are categorical fact. They have happened, they are happening, and they continue happening. Any one of the above points would be a book unto itself, filled with endless examples and bountiful evidence.
How did this start?
It's polycausal.
And the idea of a "social virus" and social engineering must be accepted.
Part of these trends are part of broader social trends going back to industrialization and the automation of labor and the removal of physical strength being a necessity in many jobs.
Part of it is the decline of transcendent and religious belief and the rise of secularism.
Part of it is the social cognitive virus of Marxism and how that paradigm is ultimately poisonous to everything that it is applied to.
Part of it is the fundamental mimetic escalation of human behavior.
Part of it is birth control and the commodification of sex when consequences are removed and certain incentives are increased.
Again, I could go on and on and on and on and on with the "whys".
Raising one's voice about any of this will have you dismissed and silenced by mainstream narrative. It's the Ultimate Catch-22.
Real ALPHA MALES don't care about this war on men stuff.
Real men who don't have micopenises don't complain about women.
Real men listen to women because they are STRONG enough to do so.
The emotional and logical manipulation is damned obvious when you recognize it, but obviously it's highly effective on society at large.
"Men cause wars, men rape, men are violent." is the siren song of low IQ female logic. The Soviet Union and Nazi Germany recognized the lack of rational and logical thinking by women and it was a recognized and formal part of their propaganda campaigns that young women were far more inclined to "group think" and responded to pseudo logical emotional rhetoric.
Especially for women; any women with a bad marriage, sh—y father, lack of male models, traumatic experience, her pain is validated as being not her fault, and she can scapegoat the entire half of the human race that is collectively guilty and complicit.
And she can then assert power by way of a feminist narrative that everything she does thinks speaks says is good and brave and just and correct, and any criticism is hate.
From a mimetic perspective, it's quite brilliant, as it makes women a perpetual victim and gives them all the power that comes with being a victim. The ego investment in this is soul deep.
(This whole process is unconscious, obviously. People that are programmed always assume their beliefs are their own.)
What is a Man to Do?
This is how this is going to go, gentlemen.
If you are a man, and especially if you are a young man, the only freedom you will experience is:
A) Working for yourself.
B) Isolating yourself from common bureaucratic structures and social environments that could put you at risk.
C) Avoiding work environments that are mixed gender and controlled by female-led Human Resources or female managers.
D) If you own a business or start any kind of structured business, you must:
- Never hire SJW women of any kind.
- Establish a concrete masculine-feminine dynamic in how you deal with women.
- Follow the Mike Pence rule; Don't eat alone / spend time alone with women who are not your wife (assuming you are married).
E) If you want safety, work in male-only environments and hire only men (I expect sexual segregation to increase the next 10 years with small businesses.).
F) If you are online and make your living online:
- Everything you ever say can and will be used against you.
- Don't ever be overly antagonistic towards women. Fat bluehaired SJWS and liberal white women will readily organize en masse and report you.
- You'll probably be doxxed or have a mob go after you at some point or another.
- Beta male slaves will always be at the beck and call of women to tell you you're not a real man and are toxic.
- Maintain an email list and own your audience.
- Never apologize, and always triple down when attacked. Apply back with sarcasm and mocking arrogance. Mute and block and let people scream into the abyss. Take whatever they accuse you of and dial it up 10X.
G) If you find yourself around obvious Lunatic Leftists, get along with them and be utterly diplomatic. Do not communicate with anyone who is antagonistic. Don't reveal your position and unless drawn directly into an argument circumvent their insanity with gently-phrased questions and innocent curiosity.
H) In dating, be judicious and vet who you date. Be the Man at all times, she is in your frame, you're not in hers. Don't put yourself in compromising positions with drugs and alcohol and crazy girls.
- Also, NEVER date anyone with blue or green hair. Ever.
I) If you are on a college campus and are a young man, you might be in communist hell. You should probably quit college or transfer. Modern college campuses are like East Germany with SJWS trying to report people for thought crimes.
J) Success breeds increasing immunity: the more money you make and the more financially prosperous and productive you are, the more protected you will be. Money is power and protection.
K) The Tom Brady Rule is always in effect. The Tom Brady rule is the real phenomenon that woman have different standards of behavior for men based upon their sexual attractiveness.
I.e., if you are a tall and handsome man, you can readily get away with behavior that other men cannot, because women WANT to f— you.
The line between flirtation and sexual harassment comes down to whether a woman wants to f— you. That's the line.
Dirty jokes?
You interrupting and "mansplaining" to a female coworker?
You being assertive and aggressive in your personality?
You acting like a healthy masculine man and treating women like women?
All are totally fine if she wants to f— you / thinks you're attractive.
No woman is ever going to report Brad Pitt for "sexual misconduct".
Harsh reality: Most men are not Tom Brady, Brad Pitt, Idris Elba, InsertYourRaceHere
Get yourself as fit, well dressed, and attractive as possible. But if you're not in the top 20% of male attractiveness (women when surveyed rate over 3/4 of men to be unattractive) and rocking the energy that makes women like you