Session 29 December 2018

Thank you very much for the New Session!
So, there have been and will be more Bleedthrough of 4D activities...

“(L) Bleedthrough of 4D activities into our reality. Things are really getting weird, and people just aren’t collecting the signs.
50 cows dropping dead, radar anomalies, transformer fires...

(Joe) Observatories being evacuated..”

Grateful for all the Cosmic and Earthly informations, surely knowing about that makes my/our energy bit more higher.
“Cosmic information is Higher energies”
I also have never warmed to the stereotypical gay lifestyle. I find it very hedonistic with its emphasis on clubbing, fashion, drink, drugs and sexual promiscuity. As a child I felt like I did not fit in with the wider world and now as an 'out' homosexual man I feel like an outsider to the so-called gay community too. I wonder if this hedonism is part of what the C's are referring too in this session. In an earlier session they stated that homsexuality has been around as long as sexuality has been around. I have thought that it was just an aspect of nature's great design; not an aberration or deviation as some psychiatrists would still posit. That is, having a certain percentage of a species being different in pattern from the norm served some purpose in the great overall pattern of life. However, since STS can use time travel to manipulate our species what if it is due completely to their manipulations?

I am comforted however in the recall of the C's words that it is the individual auric profile that counts not their social grouping. Unfotunately, I am unable at present to find it using the search function but shall keep looking.

The way in which homosexuality has been brought to the forefront of public consciousness does appear to bear the marks of it IMO, in conjunction with feminism and other parallel social currents; all different "tools" in the toolbox of 4D social engineering it sadly appears.

In light of these comments about the cows dying suddenly, I must say my mind is turning to the C's comments on Gandhi and "human cattle", and the possibility that something similar might emerge in the human world soon. Time will tell I suppose.
The way in which homosexuality has been brought to the forefront of public consciousness does appear to bear the marks of it IMO, in conjunction with feminism and other parallel social currents; all different "tools" in the toolbox of 4D social engineering it sadly appears.

In light of these comments about the cows dying suddenly, I must say my mind is turning to the C's comments on Gandhi and "human cattle", and the possibility that something similar might emerge in the human world soon. Time will tell I suppose.

Yes, it is all part of the push for non-traditional ways of being. It has been particularly obvious to me with the gradual promotion of transgenderism. For years I have been watching how it has slowly been increasingly pushed on the BBC website until now where it is pretty full on. I used to go there for 'news' but there is very little of that nowadays; it is mostly propaganda of 'social justice' issues. I have also been pondering how fertility rates have been dropping in the western world and how part of this is due to the average dietary intake. 'Test tube babies' came along as the 'solution' but it is probably just another step in the 4D STS plan of normalising artificial incursion into a simple, normal process. Before we know it 'we' shall accept genetic manipulation as normal as 'we' accept genetic manipulation of food. I wonder how long it will be before 'we' accept cross-species hybridisation. I expect there are a few furries online who would sign up to be gene-spliced with a cat, for example. :-/ Sadly since they have time travel at their disposal they pretty much have all the time in the world.

Yes, they want us servile. Emasculate all the males and be good little chattel who behave themselves. Still, we treat our 2D friends the same so we can hardly criticise them for doing the same to us. Fortunately, unlike our 2D brethren, we have the potential to be consciously aware of this and can do something about it. Knowledge protects and so on.
Thank you for the session C's and Chateau Crew!
What a great gift for the end of the year, totally unexpected:love::flowers:

And as always, it's packet with so much interesting information!
Can't wait till the books mentioned in thesession arrive, thought firs I need to finish fighting with Collingwood, and what a fight that is... :headbash:. Well, for sure this is giving me the motivation to overcome myself and work on the procrastination that came back full force. No other books will be read until I finish with Him.
Thanks for sharing the session, definitely gives food for thought, along with the recent recommended reading material.
Thank you for the session! Lot's of things to think about!

Connecting the C' excerpts about dominating the male with the ongoing toxic masculinity psycho talks all over the medias, makes the fact of STS trying to hijack our souls feel sooo tangible and plain in your face.
Hopefully, there are some globally recognizable people like Peterson who help us, young males, to strive to be stronger and avoid being a cannon fodder in this crazy ass world.
I think this ties in to a number of things we've been discussing recently, most notably the stuff in Consciousness: Anatomy of the Soul. According to the authors, consciousness is hyperdimensional, existing and operating in abstract, mathematical hyperspace. Other relevant stuff: Damasio (to a degree), Evolution 2.0 and Whitehead (we've discussed all these on the Truth Perspective).

I assume that many of the recommended books are necessary before digesting this kind of information the C's have given us. At least the threads where these topics are discussed.

Some of them halfway through...yet I had forgotten Consciousness: Anatomy of the Soul, BTW.

Thank you AI.
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Thanks for yet another fascinating session!

Regarding Islam, if it is the worst of Judaism and First Wave Christianity combined together, how does Sufism(of the Ibn Arabi type) fit into all of that? Is it a more ancient form of spirituality that was merged with Islam/corrupted by it?

Probably, although not more corrupted than any other original teachings. Even Christianity has it's 'esoteric' remnants.
I think it's very clear that Paul meant most things metaphorically. The epic error of Christianity seems to be that it proclaims things to be literal - Jesus literally existed, literally was resurrected, the body of sin literally dies with baptism and so on. If Christians focused on Paul and generally a more metaphorical reading, rooted in real-life experience, they could have a pretty great religion, or so it looks to me.

Yep, and I think this is one reason why Jordan Peterson is doing what he's doing - trying to make Christian teachings understandable and applicable in our literalist and materialist-minded world - and why his efforts are so widely appreciated.
(Joe) It's dependent on the person's life lesson plan. If their plan is to experience something nasty, then they're probably not gonna get any help. If it's part of some maneuver by some other forces trying to subvert that life plan, then you get help.
A: Yes exactly.
It reminds me of the stories about the contract with the devil.
Were they drones?
A: No
Q: (Joe) Were they UFOs?
A: Yes
Weather balloons have a replacement.
(Joe) Putin ate my lunch! Is the promotion in Western society of a hostile attitude towards traditional masculine qualities part of a broader nefarious plan?
A: Yes
It's so hard to figure out the complete agenda. In the West, they destroy traditional values and make men feminized, but bring Muslim migrants from a traditional environment where the strong male and traditional family relationships are still respected.
Q: (L) So, you're saying that Islam is a mix of the worst parts of Judaism and Christianity? [Review of last answer] Is it possible that there was a strong influence of the Dead Sea Scroll people on the formulation of Islam?
A: Indeed!
Islam really looks like a mix of the two faiths, and it presents itself as a continuation of the two religions and their "holy" books. But in the texts of Islam, Christianity is respected more.
"You will surely find the most intense of the people in animosity toward the believers [to be] the Jews and those who associate others with Allah ; and you will find the nearest of them in affection to the believers those who say, "We are Christians." That is because among them are priests and monks and because they are not arrogant." (quran 5/82)

There are allegations in Islam (the Qur'an and Hadith) that can be interpreted as reincarnation, but most Islamic scholars do not recognize reincarnation, and those parts try to interpret differently, but for example, the Sufis openly recognize reincarnation.
After the creation of Islam, there are several unfortunate things against a more advanced understanding. These are: central location: S. Arabia, where people have lived for a long time in tribes as desert nomads instead in developed civilization, hence a certain mentality and similar problems as with south Africa. That is why maybe Iran shows a more advanced state. Next: Britain helped strengthen the Wahhabism and Saud, who were in a mutual alliance against the Ottoman Empire. Next: Even today, the United States encourages the strengthening of extreme groups, directly and indirectly. It is indirectly through aggression. More directly through arming extremists in Afghanistan, Libya and Syria, and demanding Saudi Arabia to fund Wahhabism.
Asked about the Saudi-funded spread of Wahhabism, the austere faith that is dominant in the kingdom and that some have accused of being a source of global terrorism, Mohammed said that investments in mosques and madrassas overseas were rooted in the Cold War, when allies asked Saudi Arabia to use its resources to prevent inroads in Muslim countries by the Soviet Union.
Successive Saudi governments lost track of the effort, he said, and now “we have to get it all back.” Funding now comes largely from Saudi-based “foundations,” he said, rather than from the government.
"Like Britain before it, the US has tended to support radical Islam and to oppose secular nationalism, which both imperial states have regarded as more threatening to their goals of domination and control."
Zbigniew Brzezinski has admitted, “You know, we started helping the rebels, whatever they are, and they’re certainly not fighting for democracy, given their sponsorship, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, as far back as early spring of last year, 2012, without saying it publicly.”
The Myth of the Secular, Pro-Democracy Syrian Rebel
Hillary Clinton: "Let's remember here. The people we are fighting today, we funded twenty years ago and we did it because we were locked in trouble with Soviet Union they invaded Afghanistan and we didn't want to see them controlling central Asia and we went to work. It was president Regan in partnership with congress led by democrat’s who said you know what? Loving! Pretty good idea! Lets deal with the ISI in the Pakistani military lets go recruit Mujahidin, that’s great, lets get some to come from Saudi Arabia and other places importing their WAHABI brand of Islam so that we can go to beat the Soviet Union and guess what? They retreated, they lost billion of dollars and it led to the collapse Soviet Union."
If a lesser educated reads this transcript, he can come to the conclusion that the best are Christians, then Jews and then Muslims, but I think it would be a wrong conclusion because it is about religions, not people. People are not so simple that only one factor is mirrored in them by 100%. So you can not evaluate Mr John, etc. on the basis of religion.
If what is practised and preached at present is the outcome of an "exaggerated human philosophical construct", I wonder what a legal and moral code or guideline that would allow for the right "to defend oneself and what is right and true" would read like in terms of practical legislation. To make a law that fits all circumstances may not be found, but to even reconsider the basis of the philosophical constructs with a view to find more balance when deciding what to do and what not to do in critical circumstances might be rewarding.

Note the word 'exaggerated'. The black and white claim of "thou shalt not kill" obviously cannot apply in ALL circumstances. Everyone is entitled to defend themselves against aggressors and attempted domination. If in doing that, the circumstances mean that you had no other option but to kill the aggressor, then I don't think there can be any judgement. For example, someone wants to push you off a cliff, you struggle, and push them off, you killed them. Are you "bad"? Someone threatens to kill you and your family with a gun. You have a gun and kill them first. Are you "bad"? Does anyone care? Not "the universe" for sure. In the end, everyone lives and dies according to their own nature and conscience. If you are true to your nature, regardless of what acts you do or do not perform, then why would you ever think that you were "bad"? Well, you CAN think you are bad or good or whatever you want. The bottom line is, it is for YOU to make that call. Again, "the universe" really doesn't mind one way or another, because it can't because of free will.
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