Notice the Cs said "
exaggerated human philosophical construct", which to me implies that the philosophical construct itself (i.e. "as a general rule, killing is bad") might be on the right track, but it has been exaggerated. Obviously, Western legal systems make exceptions to the "no killing" rule, such as self-defense, wars and so on. Increasingly however, people are being weakened with simplistic "love and light" philosophies, which makes them cringe at the very idea of violence, guns and so on. Not only that, it's extended to "psychological violence" with all the hate speech nonsense. There are also pacifistic camps that say "war in of itself is bad, always" (except of course when Trump ends wars, then wars are good
). I'd say Jordan Peterson is right when he points out that weakness is not a moral virtue (quite the opposite actually), but when to apply force and in what way depends entirely on the specific circumstances. FWIW