The Living Force
mkrnhr said:You may not realize that the discussion is about Islam, not Muslims. Means that both Judaism (not Jews) and Christianity (not Chriatians) have bad aspects, and Islam (not Muslims) is a mix/crossbreading of thos bad aspects. Not sure why such an obvious distinction is overlooked so easily.
I think this 'overlooking' is interesting. It seems you can't criticize or question Islam (or simply say: I don't like this religion) without most Muslims… and also leftists… and actually, most people taking it as an attack and hate speech/islamophobia, because most Muslims seem to be so identified with their religion. It's a bit like that with Judaism too, but less so with Christianity, I think; from what I can tell, most Christians don't get hysterical or aggressive when their religion is critized or mocked. Try defecating in a church (say, as part of a post-modernist "art performance"), and compare the reactions of the Christians to those of the Muslims and Jews if you did it in a mosque or a synagogue. Also, compare the media coverage and general outrage. One should be able to criticize Islam without immediately feeling obliged to add "hey, but I don't hate