Session 29 May 2021

On 07/19/2021, he was warned that there would be a "global cyber attack" simulation exercise.

If that's correct, (I'm just translating) everything will be down, since we are an electricity-based society.

Hey Channa, what evidence is there that the global cyber attack will shut down electricity? Does he give any data in his presentation that the power grid will specifically be targeted?
Hey Channa, what evidence is there that the global cyber attack will shut down electricity? Does he give any data in his presentation that the power grid will specifically be targeted?
See the video
I have no proof of anything at all… ..
I am not talking about electricity directly
But if that should happen, my pc, my mobile, cars (not mine, it's an older model), devices in hospitals, etc, etc, run on electricity.
Imagine all the computers in a hospital attacked and, hello damage ...
If you want more information and contact the author, I think at the end of the article there is his address on Facebook

This message, I hesitated to post it because I have no proof of anything at all.
But if that were to happen (and I hope not) I would have regretted not having sent it
See the video
I have no proof of anything at all… ..
I am not talking about electricity directly
But if that should happen, my pc, my mobile, cars (not mine, it's an older model), devices in hospitals, etc, etc, run on electricity.
Imagine all the computers in a hospital attacked and, hello damage ...
If you want more information and contact the author, I think at the end of the article there is his address on Facebook

This message, I hesitated to post it because I have no proof of anything at all.
But if that were to happen (and I hope not) I would have regretted not having sent it

It's always good to share your thoughts with the network. I'm glad you did so. So long as one has a genuine impulse to share and think together, and be open to being wrong (or right!) there is no reason to hesitate. And sharing concerns like you have is very important, and always welcome, especially in these very troubling times.

It's a possibility that a cyber attack will take down the electric grid - but I don't think it will happen all at once, everywhere in the world. I don't think the psychopaths would go for such a large-scale and totally destructive manoeuvre.

Witness how they have been gaming the lockdowns - very strict lockdowns here, but less strict there; then an opening up, followed by a new scare (gasp!) and subsequent shut-down; Christmas cancelled, but summer is open for business. It seems like this interplay of torture and nurture is important for (1) keeping the population confused, thus fearful, thus dependent on 'experts' to tell them what to do; (2) to slowly soften people up to accept further manipulation and eventual total slavery; and also (3) because they sadistically enjoy our suffering like a cat toying with a mouse.

We have already seen a number of cyber attacks. SolarWinds, Colonial Pipelines, and that industrial meat company. I see these as test runs for what's coming. There a number of scenarios that could play out very soon. The cyber attacks could steadily increase in number. Or there could be a kind of 'cyber 9/11' that takes out one key pillar of the global economy. Whether that's the electric grid in New York State, or the London Stock Exchange, or the national health database in Russia - it's anybody's guess. I could be wrong, though, and there could be some kind of 'cyber-armageddon' planned. But I am less inclined to think so for the three reasons given above.

Whatever happens, I think you're correct in that medical facilities may be targeted. Just in time for the vaccinated people and the immune-weakened populations of the world to meet with a brand new flu season.

I think your focus is a good one, given how the virus narrative is so central in justifying the tyranny of the Great Reset. Covid, after all, is 'The Big Lie' paving the way for mass suffering and death (due to vaccines and lockdowns), for the wipeout of all savings, private property, and even currency itself (according to Catherine Austin-Fitts), reducing humans to slavery in a new social-justice based 'ecological technocracy'.

So in the new flu season, we have millions of people who are immune compromised, due to the vaccine or due to the lockdowns. Not to mention a real plague, mentioned by the C's. Even with a functional medical system, it would be utter chaos. Without a functional medical system, taken out by a cyber attack, it will be much worse. This chaos would be twisted, of course, to justify past totalitarian measures (lockdowns and vaccines), and also justify future measures of increasing severity (who knows what). Even though it was exactly those past measures that played a central role in the crisis in the first place! The covid narrative, then, which has come under increasing scrutiny, would be vindicated as the truth - again.

Whatever happens, I think we can guess that there will be a new 'war on cyber-terror' in response to whatever cyber-attack occurs. This war will be when the PTB (1) begin to increase the 'liquidation' of their domestic populations; and (2) give them a good excuse to go after geo-political enemies, who will have the cyber attack pinned on them... like in the Vault 7 WikiLeaks files that strongly suggests the CIA can and do disguise themselves as Russian hackers.

But all this, too, shall pass. We came here as Souls to watch the show, and live through these times. The same force that moves all worlds and all galaxies lives in us - we can make the choice to orient ourselves to that force, to hear it, to Know it, to be it, speak it, live it - and of course, somehow learn to love it? Im still working on that one...
But all this, too, shall pass. We came here as Souls to watch the show, and live through these times. The same force that moves all worlds and all galaxies lives in us - we can make the choice to orient ourselves to that force, to hear it, to Know it, to be it, speak it, live it - and of course, somehow learn to love it? Im still working on that one...
Thank you
I too do the best I can
I completely agree with what has been discussed right above. I may just have little thing to add to the topic :

It's a possibility that a cyber attack will take down the electric grid - but I don't think it will happen all at once, everywhere in the world. I don't think the psychopaths would go for such a large-scale and totally destructive manoeuvre.

Witness how they have been gaming the lockdowns - very strict lockdowns here, but less strict there; then an opening up, followed by a new scare (gasp!) and subsequent shut-down; Christmas cancelled, but summer is open for business. It seems like this interplay of torture and nurture is important for (1) keeping the population confused, thus fearful, thus dependent on 'experts' to tell them what to do; (2) to slowly soften people up to accept further manipulation and eventual total slavery; and also (3) because they sadistically enjoy our suffering like a cat toying with a mouse.

Not intentionally at least. However, by toying with such large processes and patterns they may break something important as well. Just like the precessional effect of a butterfly flapping its wings engendering a hurricane on the other side of the world. For instance, by gaming the lockdown we already have hints of possible side-effects (the breaking down of global economy) that are in my opinion as damaging as a global shutdown of the electric grid.

While the latter may not be a likely scenario, there are many ways we could get to a similar situation (a.k.a. being knee deep in a tsunami of problems). What I'm trying to say is that the psychopathic elites that are running the show are entropic by design, meaning they break down stuff with everything they do (e.g. the duty of a state to be of service toward its citizen, providing quality goods and services as a company, various systems and infrastructures, your health, your spirit,etc). So this entropic effect includes the direct results of their actions of course, but also I believe, all the other unintended precessional effects which are probably even more damaging because they catch everyone by surprise.

For instance, with the push of the "ecologic agenda against climate change" some European countries (such as France) didn't renew or maintained old nuclear power plants and coal-fired power plants in favor of renewable sources of energy (which, ironically aren't a sustainable way of producing energy). Much like hospital beds and staff, it was most probably a cover to reduce expanses and break the system down in saleable pieces in order to globalize the energy production business.
In any case, last Fall/Winter there were as usual cold snaps that created a spike in the energy consumption. Since the local providing infrastructure wasn't scaled properly (I believe it was in southern France), it almost buckled up under the weight. The most interesting in this is that if the local grid had shut down because of that seasonal load, it would have taken out in a ripple effect most of the Western European electric grid as well (at least that was what the journos reported at the time if I remember correctly). So, mirroring the state of healthcare in many countries we have the state of energy production which won't be able to handle a pandemic-type scenario (think Ice Age here). How many more of our vital modern systems are in a similar state ? How dependent are we of such systems ?
While the primary motives of the elite was enrichment and control through globalization and climate change fear-mongering, they'll probably get instead mass deaths and a complete break down of the infrastructure which they own and rely on. How can you control something that don't exist anymore ? How could you get rich if you shut down your digital financial system in the process ? If that's an outcome they outlined in their "master plan", I really don't know where they'll be going after that. A feudal, Middle-Age type of control system ?

We could also imagine a scenario where they craft a cyber-virus for use in a targeted operation with a massive impact on the population in mind (such as 9/11) but at any point could this virus get out of hand and wreck havoc in the world's cyber-space. A scenario similar in the way the COVID pandemic came about. Who knows...

Maybe keeping watch of the effects of their game (intended or not) is as important as tracking their actual moves and plans, since there may be as much of a direct impact as an indirect one (thus creating a different reality of what they initially intended). I guess what matters boils down once again to who you are and what you see. Enjoying the show, sure, but getting caught in all this drama unprepared, no thank you.
See the video
I have no proof of anything at all… ..
I am not talking about electricity directly
But if that should happen, my pc, my mobile, cars (not mine, it's an older model), devices in hospitals, etc, etc, run on electricity.
Imagine all the computers in a hospital attacked and, hello damage ...
If you want more information and contact the author, I think at the end of the article there is his address on Facebook

This message, I hesitated to post it because I have no proof of anything at all.
But if that were to happen (and I hope not) I would have regretted not having sent it
The electrical grid is extremely vulnerable no matter where you live. The recent "freeze" in Texas is a good example of that. In Hawaii, almost all electricity comes from oil burning electrical generation plants which sit on the edge of the islands near the sea for the free cooling water from the ocean. On Oahu, it means a good sized tidal wave will eliminate electricity probably for years since the generators that Hawaiian Electric uses are pre-world war 2 design and would take ages to repair. So it doesn't even need a war, just a big space rock falling into the ocean.
Hey Channa, what evidence is there that the global cyber attack will shut down electricity? Does he give any data in his presentation that the power grid will specifically be targeted?

There is no direct proof for this theory. We do have the information from "the C's" regarding this matter from various sessions and, as pointed out in the video, "things" follow a certain pattern. Like the "Event 201", pandemic simulation in 2019 which had been follow by "Covid" as well as others.

So now "they" are doing a kind of "global cyber attack" simulation next month (july 2021) and we already had a couple of succesfull attacks on infracstructure like the one in the US on the "oil pipeline company". We also know that "cyber attacks" on powerplants are unluckily possible. Either direct or indirect (see US/Isreal "cyber attack" on Iranian uranium plant via Stuxnet) via infected USB stick. Means you can succesfully attack systems which are not "online"/not connected to the internet.

In addition a internet blackout could be very usefull for the PTB because it would basicly end the current economic cycle therefore throwing a lot of people into poverty AND it can be used as an argument for implementing a "new internet" where only signed data packages will be allowed. Means every piece of data can be tracked back to the sender. If its a person or a company etc. They will say "See how much damage the "old internet" has done to people" and then enforce total surveillance on all data transmissions.

So, better be prepared. If nothing happens, fine.. you got some extra food/water stock and spend some money on solar cells, wind-turbine and books etc.
Hello everyone
I come back to you for my last post regarding the cyber attack.
English is not my mater language, so excuse me if I don't always put sentences well.

The video (and myself) did not mention a cyber attack on electricity ...
The video talks about a "simulation of a global cyber attack"
And the video was made to talk about and prevent a food shortage….
As all orders and purchases are now done by computers, this can become very important for the sectors that would be attacked.
Now there are cyber attacks ...
And "global attack", we should be able to understand what that means.
And food shortage (and famine), the Cs talked about it.

As Tycho said:
« So, better be prepared. If nothing happens, fine.. you got some extra food/water stock and spend some money on solar cells, wind-turbine and books etc. »

Tenderness for all
My questions for Cs.. WHAT IS CONSCIOUSNESS ?? What forms does it acquire? What keeps it together?
(these are -not- mundane questions, so I am not interested in mundane answers. Heard them all..)

Regarding consciousness, you don't want to hear mundane answers. okay
But have you read all the CS sessions because they have talked about it very often, from 1995 to now.
1995/1/21 – 1995/09/09 – 1996/06/29 – 1996/07/14 – 1997/04/05 – 1999-07-10 – 1990/10/23 –
2002/02/26 – 2005/08/06 – 2013/05/28 – 2015/07/18 – 2016/10/15 – 2018/02/10 – 2021/05/29

Good reading
My questions for Cs.. WHAT IS CONSCIOUSNESS ?? What forms does it acquire? What keeps it together?
(these are -not- mundane questions, so I am not interested in mundane answers. Heard them all..)

How would you define "mundane" in your case ? Something that bores/doesn't interest you ? Mundane questions may lead to interesting discoveries and -not- mundane questions may have very plain and simple answers (e.g Occam's Razor). I believe I understand where you're coming from but without any more details given your questions sound more like demanding something rather than asking.

Have you done research on the topic on your own ? Did you reach the end of all possible line of inquiry ? If so what did you find out ? Where are you stuck ? This forum and its members gathered a lot of knowledge already, it may be a good way to further your quest for truth before going straight to the C's for an answer. And just like when questions about "time" or "gravity" are asked, you/we may not even be able to understand fully what's being said because of your/our lack of knowledge/understanding, which may lead to wild speculation that prevents true research to take place.
I added hyperlinks to the sessions, so they can be found more easily - and thank you for the information, Channa! :-) (Btw., a list for the sessions - with respective links - can be assessed here: Casseopaean Session Transcripts by Date)

@zeddic: Further, the term "consciousness" (or any other one) can be searched within the forum part for transcripts, if you type in the term into the search field and choose the option "this forum" next to it. Alternatively, you can also search the webpage of the Cassiopaean experiment - so you would have context of the term in many of the sessions in questions within Laura's writings there. Hope that helps! :flowers:
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By the way, thank you very much for the session - I am honored to have been part of it. It's a very precious gift. :love:

There are some things I'd like to comment on or tell, but it's getting late here, so am posting this picture from the SOTT Earth Changes video which shows a beautiful sun halo over the town where Laura and the Chateau Crew conducted the session with all those many members in attendance, and on the day of it taking place (hope it's okay to post this here).

It was a pleasant surprise when watching the video, and I can't help the feeling of hope it instills - that as a group we actually can make it into a brighter future if we live by principles like faith, hope and love. And to grow more together while working on us individually as we can (I certainly still have many "construction sites") guided by Knowledge and Awareness, and translated into Being & Communion. It's a worthwhile aim, that brightens the path like a sun and extending to others (like a halo) ;-)


My questions for Cs.. WHAT IS CONSCIOUSNESS ?? What forms does it acquire? What keeps it together?

Cs already gave us lots information about the topic of “what is consciousness “ .
And everything that exists in the universe beings are some level of consciousness, even Rocks. That’s means, consciousness level is different in each density beings.

Q: (L) Do rocks have consciousness?

A: Refer to material re: 1st density.

Q: (L) Yes, well it has been previously said that 1st density does have consciousness... that even rocks have consciousness and can learn.

A: In terms of consciousness, which is why everything exists ultimately, and with gravity as the "glue" that holds all on physical and ethereal planes together!

Q: Is the object to 'dematerialize' or is the object to transpose something that is material to some other point in space/time? I mean, when you collapse the gravity wave, is it necessarily that the object or person 'dematerializes' or 'disappears' from this point...

A: Break the veil of "time," and dematerialzation is no longer necessary, because one enters the realm of pure consciousness, where the illusion of physicality serves no longer, a purpose.

Q: Is it an issue for one to be able to retain internal coherence if one is no longer in a physical state?

A: Internal coherence can only be guaranteed in a purely non- physical "state." And this state is really only a state of mind, anyway!!

A: Think, my dear... And remember, your consciousness operates on four levels, not just one!

Q: And what are these four levels?

A: Physical body, consciousness, genetic body and spirit- etheric body.

Q: Are those the four composites of the human manifestation in 3rd density?

A: 3rd and 4th. One leads oneself, through physical actions, as well as psychic ones, to develop these "problems" when one is preparing to "bump it up" a notch.

Q: Very interesting..

Q: (L) Next question on the list: How do consciousness, information, and matter relate to each other?

A: Different concentrations of truth.

Q: (L) So I'm assuming you mean that matter would be one concentration, and consciousness would be another, and information like maybe pure information would be the purest form?

A: Not necessarily, information arranged by a truth becomes consciousness. That is why truth and objectivity are so important. Without it, consciousness and individuality fractures and disintegrates.

A: Awakened conscience.

Q: (L) But how did we manage to get awakened consciences, and how can other people manage to do it, too?

A: Recall how you started, you acted on your own as the conscience of the world.

Q: (L) Well, what do you mean? How do you mean?

A: Recall why you began to try to see everything that was happening on your plane of existence.

Q: (L) You mean SOTT? My Signs of the Times?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) Well, the reason why was because I could see that other people were not remembering from one freakin' day to the next what happened! I mean, they needed to be reminded every day, day after day, what was happening.

A: And that is what developed your conscience. And those who helped were also in the process.

Q: (Andromeda) You have to constantly keep awake about what's happening.

(L) You have to get awake, you have to wake up, and you have to stay awake... all the time, about EVERYTHING. Any minute you allow yourself to sleep, you're putting your conscience to sleep. Dissociation is putting your conscience to sleep.
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