Session 29 May 2021

Information recorded equals time
That reminds me of what people do. Almost every talk is like memorizing casual life somewhat positioned in time which is nothing more than box of slides. Since many years I feel like the time has stopped. But sometimes I have that anxious or thrilling sensation of a whirlpool. I was also aware in the past how every question brings and answer and every even provokes a rhyming event. I guess that's maybe what you can call the mystical karma? Information recorded = time = karma = activity. Even alien activity indicates manipulating time due to Cs. It also relates to how much Cs avoid speaking the 3rd dimension reality: it would interfere the actual record.
"A: Modifying the concept of gravity may help. But consider dark things in terms of your former question about fine structure and its relation to light and "electricity"."

This is a very interesting point. The current model of the four fundamental interactions does not fully convince me. However, I really like the concept of gravitoelectromagnetism. In this concept, the gravitational and electromagnetic interactions are unified. This is a step towards UFT.

Some time ago, teleparallelism suddenly revealed itself to me as well. In this theory, mass not only bends but also "twists" space-time. I think teleparallelism and gravitoelectromagnetism may be beautifully linked.

It seems to me that this approach can be innovative in some way. Perhaps it will not require an explanation based on the concepts of dark matter and energy.

Was actually reading this last week. Still have the tab open, had to go back a few pages to the part Laura mentioned about petty tyrants. Will post here incase some havent got the book, or are not familiar with it. The story about how he dealt with his petty tyrant starts half way down. Its worth starting from the top though.

You could just move to California to understand petty tyrants.
OK, so I had to look up the word frissons. Never heard it before. For those of you from Hawaii, it means "chicken skin".
This is the meaning of frissons according to Merrial-webster dictionary:
: a brief moment of emotional excitement : SHUDDER, THRILL
produce a genuine frisson of disquiet
—Patricia Craig
a frisson of surprise
a frisson of delight

Frisson and Shiver

"I feel a shiver that's not from the cold as the band and the crowd go charging through the final notes.... That frisson, that exultant moment...." That's how writer Robert W. Stock characterized the culmination of a big piece at a concert in 1982. His use of the word shiver is apt given that frisson comes from the French word for "shiver." Frisson traces to Old French friçon, which in turn derives from frictio, Latin for "friction." What does friction—normally a heat generator—have to do with thrills and chills? Nothing, actually. The association came about because frictio (which derives from Latin fricare, meaning "to rub") was once mistakenly taken to be a derivative of frigēre, which means "to be cold."
heinrich, would you kindly stop yelling at us? Using all caps is the same as yelling in text. This is not the only thread you have been using all caps exclusively. We hear you just fine when you are not yelling.
dear nienna, thank you. i did not know that capitals are equivalent to yelling. to me, they signify emphasis. i am >80 y old, so i have to learn about new uses. kind regards...

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