Session 3 September 2008

webglider said:
It seems that we did have choices, but we don't anymore, at least not on a societal level.

Free will and power to do something are kind of two different things. You obviously never have the power to do everything that you want to do.
Bluelamp[/quote said:
[Quote from: webglider on Today at 02:40:11 AM

It seems that we did have choices, but we don't anymore, at least not on a societal level.

Bluelamp said:
Free will and power to do something are kind of two different things. You obviously never have the power to do everything that you want to do.

Interesting point. The concept of free will has become intertwined in my mind with the power to give expression to, if not everything you want to do, at least some of what you want to do. Now that you've encouraged me to examine my former defintion of free will, I realize that I should have chosen "power" instead of "free will"

I should have written, "Do we have any power left at this time?" instead of "Do we have any free will left at this time?"

I do feel powerless, but it I see that it is my free will to choose to feel that way, and that I can think of things to do to make me feel otherwise even if what I do has no chance of changing the C's prediction.

Thank you Bluelamp for helping me reach that conclusion which is certainly more life affirming than to give in to feelings of helplessness and despair.
webglider said:
Do we have any free will left at this time? If so, what is the context in which this free will can be expressed?
The way I see it, just because US is going to get bombed doesn't mean there's not like a billion other things that can be dramatically changed by our free will. Like ourselves via the Work and networking. It is who we are and what we see that matters, after all. Also, the US population is only 4% of the global population. That's 300 million out of 6.6 billion people. So even if US is destroyed (and I don't think it's likely that all 300 million people in US will be killed, possibly not even close), it's not "the end of the world", in fact, if anything, it may be a trigger for the "beginning of the world", maybe a different kind of world - but that all depends on what we, and everyone else, do. But that's assuming we can DO anything at all, which is where the Work comes in.

I think the probability of US being bombed was going up very fast for quite a while now. There are many things that we have little or no ability to change, but I think it wouldn't make sense to think that any one thing is everything. Before Iraq was bombed the C's said it was inevitable, in fact I think a few years before it happened. But does it mean that because Iraq was going to be bombed that nothing else mattered and SOTT and should've just shut down? Of course not!

It appears to me that the recent change of focus for SOTT and the forum goes hand in hand with what the C's just said. But "change of focus" in no way means giving up or saying that nothing we do makes any difference or matters. Change of focus is exactly what it sounds like - a change of strategy brought on by observing the signs. The rule of 3 reminds us that context is everything, and as the context changes, what we do must change too in order to continue being useful within a given situation.

So when you ask "what is the context in which this free will can be expressed?" it seems to me that you are not thinking in an open way, that you are assuming free will is limited by one specific assumed outcome, and without it there is no free will. I think you may be confusing free will (which is about what we choose to BE and DO) with control (changing something outside of ourselves). I think it's important to remember that there has never been any guarantee that anything we do will make any difference. But knowledge protects so the more we know the more we can DO and the more likely it will have an impact. But even if it does, it can be something that we have no way of knowing ahead of time. In the same session where the C's said the bombing of Iraq is inevitable, they were asked if everything Laura did in that regard was wasted, but they said the actions will result in a different return, so no.
In reading Mary's post with a summary of "For the Guardians...", I was reminded how only a few month's ago it seemed plausible that a micro-nuke-in-LA scenario would be possible, even likely. But that implies also that Bush&Co would probably stay in 'power'. With the introduction of Palin, it seems the idiot(s) has truly outgrown his(their) usefulness.
webglider said:
I feel incredibly fortunate to have found Cassiopeaia, but finding it was a matter of luck, not free will. (osit). How much does luck factor into the ability to exercise free will? If someone is killed as a child in a war, how much free will does that child have?

IMO, whatever element of our reality is not bound by choice made with our free will is then subject to the laws of luck, chaos or entropy. And it only makes sense, doesn't it? If we hesitate to choose then the universe will not pause until we decide. It is then when "Lady Luck" or "Others" who DO know what they want seem to "throw the dices" on our behalf and we are left to prey for the result. So i think that there must be a reverse-proportions relationship between how affected we are by "luck" and how much free will we possess and practice.

But, we should remember that even a cow has some degree of free will, as it is "free" to - let's say: move around the farm's property, eat as much grass as it can etc. (and not all cows have so many "choices"!). BUT, all these in anticipation of another creature called "man" who happens to have some more free will than our poor cow, and thus man decides when it is the proper time for the cow's slaughter. So maybe we can assume from that example that creatures that possess greater amounts of free will can actually over-ride the free will of other or "lesser" creatures. It is tough realization indeed, but it seems that is a law of our 3rd density, one we cannot change. But what we CAN change maybe is the extend this law applies to our own lives. And do this we should first recognize and get our "stomach" to digest the possibility that there might be other creatures that have more free will than WE do. This will remove the "cow's vision filter" from how we perceive reality. And secondly, we should try to learn and increase our Being so we can have more free will and thus more "sovereignty" over ourselves and our individual destiny, but also become less dependant on the moods of "luck".

Now we also have a new clue from the Cs about what might happen to America and the world. If the "right" dynamics for such a thing (a destruction that might claim unknown numbers of lives among other things) DO exist, that can only tell how little free will is left to the people of America and the world! And that idea fills the heart with sorrow... WE (collectively) "allowed" or will allow such a development to occur and mankind's free will -or rather the lack of it- must have some to do with whatever will unfold in the future... We still have a lot of Inner battles to fight though, each on a personal level. So let's not get depressed because everything and every moment STILL counts for our personal evolution and the Work we do on our soul. :)
Thanks for this post, SAO. It was the missing piece that helped me realize something important.
I have been re-reading my own post to this thread as well as all the others, to try and understand my own shock when I first read the transcript.

When you said:

SAO said:
[...] I think the probability of US being bombed was going up very fast for quite a while now...
[...] Before Iraq was bombed the C's said it was inevitable, in fact I think a few years before it happened.

I realized the missing piece was "awareness". The C's said 'knowledge protects'...well, how can knowledge protect without awareness?
I got caught having a spotty or fragmented awareness of world events and so 'didn't see it coming' so to speak. Oh sure, I was 'intellectually' aware of the possibility, but I didn't FEEL it, thus the 'feeling' of suprise and sadness.

Even though it's hard to do, and there are so many things requiring our attention, I think it is important for us to do our best to create and maintain a 'continuum of awareness' as much as possible, so that when we are exposed to 'announcements' such as this, it would simply be a casual confirmation of what we already saw coming.

Easier said than done, I know...I got caught with my pants down and that, itself, is a valuable lesson. Or so I think.
spyraal said:
IMO, whatever element of our reality is not bound by choice made with our free will is then subject to the laws of luck, chaos or entropy. And it only makes sense, doesn't it? If we hesitate to choose then the universe will not pause until we decide. It is then when "Lady Luck" or "Others" who DO know what they want seem to "throw the dices" on our behalf and we are left to prey for the result. So i think that there must be a reverse-proportions relationship between how affected we are by "luck" and how much free will we possess and practice.

There's also the tapestry of the universe aka synchronicity where things seemingly fall into place without a cause/choice. I very much think that helped get me to this forum.
SAO said:
I think you may be confusing free will (which is about what we choose to BE and DO) with control (changing something outside of ourselves). I think it's important to remember that there has never been any guarantee that anything we do will make any difference

Earlier Bluelamp provided a clue for me which helped me separate the concept of free will from power. Thanks SAO for giving me a different piece of the puzzle by introducing the concept of control.

Yes, I do equate free will with control as I do equate it with power and it is very helpful that it has been pointed out to me that I do this.

Someone once said to me, "The more you seek to control, the more you are controlled," which woke me up for awhile before I fell back to sleep again.

In my ordinary life, I am going through the process of college application for my daughter. Since I do find the C's credible, to continue with this process, I have to put the C's message on hold and carry on as if everything were as before. I have to externally consider my daughter, so I'm not sharing this message with her.

In the movie Titanic, the Irish woman who chose to carry on as usual while the ship was sinking to spare her children the terror of the situation as long as possiblewas the most important character in the movie for me.

She had neither power nor control, but she did have a choice about how she was to spend her last moments, and that choice was determined by her own free will.

I'd like to prepare my daughter somehow, but not in a way that would disrupt her life and terrify her. Until I figure out how to do that, I'll just carry on as usual except I'll aim to be better than usual.

spyraal said:
So i think that there must be a reverse-proportions relationship between how affected we are by "luck" and how much free will we possess and practice.

This sounds right to me. Thank you.
webglider said:
In my ordinary life, I am going through the process of college application for my daughter. Since I do find the C's credible, to continue with this process, I have to put the C's message on hold and carry on as if everything were as before. I have to externally consider my daughter, so I'm not sharing this message with her.
I was just re-reading the Iraq being bombed session I mentioned in my post above, and actually in the same session the C's mention US being nuked:

C's in 2002-09-21 said:
Q: (A) Okay, if we change the geometric structure somehow, it would help, right? (L) We could hang
something from the ceiling that moves - a ceiling fan? It would produce noise, EM, moves the air...(A) That
may help. But then, if we had the ozone generator, a fan would move ions around. Ions, while they are
moving, are an electric current. They would produce noise. So that may help. (L) So we need to build the
ozone generator.
A: All helpful. But still the best option is sell and move.
Q: (L) You have NEVER told us that it was a good idea to sell and move. Every other time I have ever
asked, the answer has been negative. Why, all of a sudden, is selling the house and moving a good idea?
A: Things are moving rapidly now.
Q: (L) Is something significant going to happen on September 22 as has been suggested by Vincent Bridges?
A: Not likely.
Q: What's going to happen if people engage in his silly ceremony of "raising the djed," as he calls it?
A: Nothing.
Q: (L) Is this bombing of Iraq that George Bush wants - is there any way to stop this gang from going to war?
A: No.
Q: (L) Are all of my efforts in that respect wasted?
A: No.
Q: (L) Well, if my efforts to stop the bombing are not wasted, and yet the bombing is going to continue, what's the point?
A: Efforts will result in different return.
Q: (L) Shouldn't we get some more work done on the house before we try to sell it?
A: If you can do it in a hurry.
Q: (L) If we move, does that just mean move from this house to another nearby, or out of the country?
A: France.
Q: (L) I thought you said France was going to get hit by a nuke?
A: Still possible but less probable.
Q: (L) Is the United States going to be hit by nukes?
A: No doubt.
Q: (L) What should I do about my oldest daughter and my mother?
A: Help them to see.
Q: (L) And if they don't see?
A: Nothing you can do.

So even back in 2002 they had little doubt. I wouldn't panic though, we just need to keep looking and listening as the universe will no doubt send plenty of signs/warnings when the "hour is nigh" as it seems to always do so.

webglider said:
I'd like to prepare my daughter somehow, but not in a way that would disrupt her life and terrify her. Until I figure out how to do that, I'll just carry on as usual except I'll aim to be better than usual.
Is your daughter in any way interested in any material you find on this site? I mean giving her channeling sessions may not be the best start - what about the many books stickied in the books section of the forum that introduce various subjects like psychopathy and narcissism in a much less "esoteric" way? Dolan's UFO's and the National Security State is a great book to introduce the UFO phenomenon in a very level-headed and critical way. And if she's voluntarily reading the material and is interested in expanding her knowledge, then you can suggest gurdjieff's books and political ponerology and other more "heavy" material, etc.
Approaching Infinity said:
Stormy Knight said:
So can it be deduced from what CS said in this session that most individuals suffering from serious psychiatric diseases are very likely to be OP's ?

It's tough to say. I think that's probably the case, except there will always be a small percentage of those who DO have developmental potential.

Likewise, I suspect that lots of people who appear to be very mentally healthy (at least on the surface and under no stressful conditions) may also be OPs. After all, it is the soul that struggles, and if you don't have one, and your machine happens to be reasonably undivided, then you would appear to be quite ok.
SAO said:
Is your daughter in any way interested in any material you find on this site?

I can't really quite figure out how she feels about this site. She observes that I spend a lot of time here, and I do discuss some of the articles I read with her.

I can't remember the context of a recent conversation were were having in which I referred SOTT to support my point about something. I was surprised when she said, "Well you know mom, SOTT is often right about things."

So she is listening. I think I lost some credibility, though, when she saw me sleeping with the light on for months after reading The Adventure Series

I do talk to her about the role psychopaths are having on our world. She knows that they exist because she saw the effect that two of them had on me at work. She lived through that and we both know that those years would have been different for her if I hadn't decided to blow the whistle on them.

Still, she's 17. She'll say, "So mommy, tell me about your psychopaths." or "Seen any UFOs or aliens lately?" (I did see a low flyng orange disc late afternoon, the day Thanksgiving 2007 in Jamaica Estates, Queeens which accelerated incredibly fast and disappeared.) She wasn't with me then, though, so she didn't see it.

Her response was, "So mom, how many other teenage girls do you think are having this exact conversation with their mothers right now? None, mom, none. Just us. Do you think this is a normal conversation mom? Do you?"

I'll look through the list, though, and see what might be most in alignment with her world so she doesn't get totally turned off.
webglider said:
Still, she's 17. She'll say, "So mommy, tell me about your psychopaths." or "Seen any UFOs or aliens lately?" (I did see a low flyng orange disc late afternoon, the day Thanksgiving 2007 in Jamaica Estates, Queeens which accelerated incredibly fast and disappeared.) She wasn't with me then, though, so she didn't see it.

Her response was, "So mom, how many other teenage girls do you think are having this exact conversation with their mothers right now? None, mom, none. Just us. Do you think this is a normal conversation mom? Do you?"

I'll look through the list, though, and see what might be most in alignment with her world so she doesn't get totally turned off.

FWIW webglider, I have conversations with my soon to be 18 year old twins all the time on these matters but they basically think I'm nuts (and from some earlier reactions I had when first beginning to awake, I probably was) and truthfully that is mostly my fault. I keep working to regain some credibililty with them but it takes time...
I know that I'm going to Drift apart of the thread but I have a doubt: are the antiinflammatory properties of the silver colloid they are talking about in this quote caused by indirectly killing the bacteria ( which causes the inflammation) or does this nanoparticles have antiinflammatories properties per se.? A new property?

Q: (Ark) Thank you. (L) Anybody else got any questions? (DD) Yeah, would a cervical correction help Laura?

A: Possibly. But the main problem is inflammation. Anything that eases the physical is helpful, though.

Q: (D) Would the nanosilver solutions help the inflammation?

A: Yes

thank you
Laurel said:
... but they basically think I'm nuts ...

Yep, I'm nuts too. Matter a fact I can have some downright crazy thoughts. Since being told these things, I have not really tried to discuss anything in-depth. Others must have that spark of curiousity to begin a journey of a seeker. The past couple years though, I have noticed they, (spouse and adult kids), have been agreeing with my little "off the cuff" remarks. About those souless ones, psychopaths, the unexplainable, and even those critters from other "dimensions"... When one is ready or willing to think outside the box, they will ask for serious discussion. Meanwhile, smile and be happy.

;D ;D ;D
I took that USA nuke thing as the probability/possibility vectors were all going in that direction, especially after all the false flag ops over the decades. This one would be just another 9-11, to reawaken those dying embers of pride/hate/revenge etc that have lost their fire in the last few years as the war drags on.

But like the Iraq war, similiar to Vietnam, we here in the States are very little affected by it, outside of the continuous propaganda, which most aren't even aware of. But then, most don't know their history and the lessons repeat. The media is all Hollywood hype and no substance. But these vectors can be postponed or changed, as in Session#960714: "Fact 3: Timing as you perceive it, is never, NEVER definite." I mention this is regard to the use of free will in that ray of creation aspect in which creators have to learn to let go like a parent with a child, and just watch and perhaps give guidance when asked for, as that ray develops in uncertain pathways. Isn't this why Marciniak's Pleidians wondered what we would do with our acquired power of free will, the energy of creation itself? Isn't this also why the C's say all those connected to events here are returning to check on their protegees? In an aspect of the omnipresence, nothing is ever certain because everyone has their fingers in the pie from the ingredients to the baking and finally the eating of it. Some more determined to fix the result than others who are determined only to let the game play out, to see what what kind of sandcastle the child makes on the beach inbetween the tides of time.

I got the impression that 6d is different in seeing the whole circle and not just the points that make it up. They seem like the opposite point of view from our limited one, but still within the wonder of that mystery of creation itself. As that unknown factor in all possible/probably vectors of creation. All kinds of sources point to the same type of cataclysmic conclusion approaching soon but such equations have those variable that are always in flux.

As for the highest potential false flag op to initiate the final phase of Armaggeden, there are usually previous plans afoot that give very good clues, such as the old Cuban plan dusted off for Iraq. The mention of the need for a Pearl Harbor type event to begin these games are always used. Also history usually serves as a guide as the STS types keep repeating themselves within these plans as the lessons repeat for us and them. Sort of like Oswald Spengler's rise and fall of civilizations, the same archetypal patterns come and go. I remember mention of that training for such an event last summer? to use a ship bombing/sinking as an excuse to blame Iran and open that theatre of operations. There is no doubt others in the works such as bombing Texas refineries to initiate economic collapse as impetus for military attack, like the 30's again only in condensed form as time runs out. I just wonder if that possible vector can be postponed until after April or sometime next year?
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