Q: (L) Well obviously we would like to be underwritten for any of our choices that we make in life. But we understand that we have to make choices based on our own thinking, our own assessments, our own understanding, and of course using some clues and guidance, some things that we have learned. But still having said all of that, is there anything you can tell us?
A: (Pierre) Things are going to be fine and I will add my voice and energy to your own endeavors.
Q: (L) Well, maybe you could find jar, and Anam Cara, and liam1310, and Lee.T.
(Joe) One at a time.
(L) Yeah. You know, find them and touch base with all of them and remind them that we're here struggling on this... in this Vale of tears trying to get through the mess that we're in. And I know that you would have been very upset to see what was going on since you passed. Because, I mean, things really are ugly out there.