Session 30 January 2021

(Niall) Maybe it depends on what they say on Facebook? Those who are dissident get targeted for a chip.

A: Knowledge protects. Review what you have learned about "alien" implants.
I remember reading this somewhere but I can't find it now, could someone point me in the right direction? Much appreciated, I've had lots of high strangeness throughout my life. Had many needles, ears, arms, spine nose and nuts, would be interesting to see where I stand. Thanks!
I remember reading this somewhere but I can't find it now, could someone point me in the right direction? Much appreciated, I've had lots of high strangeness throughout my life. Had many needles, ears, arms, spine nose and nuts, would be interesting to see where I stand. Thanks!

Hey Brewer, for me the easiest way to find what you're after in the session is to to the Session Transcripts board, put the desired phrase in the search bar, change 'Everywhere' to 'This forum' and then select Laura as the author.

There have been one or two sessions posted by others, one was definitely posted by Chu, so it may not always work, but for me it works in most cases.

Here's the search result I got for the word 'implants' that I searched for the way I described: Search results for query: implants
Q: (L) I did want to ask about our little missing time episode today. Was there any significance to this missing time episode we had earlier this evening?

A: Glitch in the matrix.

Q: (L) So a glitch in the matrix... Does that mean there was something of a program change?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And what caused this program change?

A: You.

Just so folks will know about my "missing time" thing, here's the story. Ark does a FAR IR sauna about every other day. Usually, once he is done, I do one too unless other things interfere. I usually read during the sauna. I was reading one of my favorite of the romance novels that are part of the current reading project. My eyes got heavy and I put the book down and closed them. I drifted near sleep for a bit, then opened my eyes to check how many minutes were left of my sauna. The timer said 16. I was a bit surprised because I hadn't actually slept, and it had been something like 37 minutes remaining when I put the book down. No biggie. I closed my eyes again at 16 minutes remaining. Then, I heard Ark; he had come to check how many minutes were remaining, so I looked again too. Timer said 10 minutes. I thought, wow, that was fast! 6 minutes just gone! I closed my eyes again, but was thinking that the time was a bit malleable so I quickly opened them again to look at the timer. Now it said 4 minutes. Just gone, like that! I closed my eyes again and suddenly the beeper announcing the time was up started. I was really startled at that point because I KNEW I had just closed my eyes. Ark came in and said "how did that happen? I just checked and went out, did three clicks on my computer, and now the time is up?!" So, he was surprised too; I wasn't the only one feeling like time was just a bit quirky. If it had just been me, I would have written it off as being more sleepy and in a semi-sleeping state and thus, subject to miscalculating time. But since Ark was also surprised I realized that something strange really did happen thought it was, of course, one of those things that you can never prove.
Here is my Time Glitch:
I have a grandmother clock (just a little smaller than a grandfather clock) that is over 40 years old and it was last serviced about 3 years ago by a clock specialist. It strikes on every quarter hour with the Westminster chime pattern, then the correct number of chimes on the hour. So at 7pm it would chime 7 times.
On January 28 2021, I happened to be in the washroom at 4am for a visit and I distinctly heard the clock chime 5 times at 4am. I figured I was mistaken but vowed to check how it chimed later that day. Everything checked out later with the correct number of chimes.
On January 29 2021 at my 8am (EST) breakfast the clock definitely chimed 9 times and later, at 9am it chimed an incredible 16 times as both my wife and I counted and verified it. Never before have I ever noticed extra chimes occur to that extent. Sure, when doing a setup or adjustments being made, some mis-chiming can occur. No more extra chimings since then!! But I am keeping a close ear on the situation.

If it was a matrix glitch, I'm wondering how the timing of my apparent glitches align with Lauras time glitch.
This session is very thrilling. Love it.

A: It is very bad juju for the forces of darkness to take over against the free will of the majority.
The power of mass conscious judgement by the people that knows that the election was a blatant fraud is being directed at the forces of darkness. This high vibrating energy of the truth is also being directed at the illegal politicians and the political machine that oversaw the fraud. This revealing searchlight of truth is agitating the inner demons of the dark ones. Because of this increased inner agitation, they will lash out against anybody that offends them. There irrational reaction will only intensify the people judgement. Oh, the glorious judgement of the dark lords has over 70 million searchlights directed at them and now there is nowhere to hide. This show will be fun to watch.

I personally sense this judgement happening through me. Since the military coup that installed Biden as its puppet, I have been vocally calling out the lie when listening to the news. I suspect that others are also calling out the lies. This large-group-energy has focus and power behind it and it will find its targets. If I were the receiver of such energy, I know my life would be extremely painful.

A: They were weakened by "good times" and "freedom" that permits the flourishing of pathology.


From wikepedia:
"Affluenza is a psychological malaise supposedly affecting wealthy young people. It is a portmanteau of affluence and influenza, and is used most commonly by critics of consumerism. It is not a medically recognized disease. It is thought to have been first used in 1954,[1] but was popularised in 1997 with a PBS documentary of the same name[2] and the subsequent book Affluenza: The All-Consuming Epidemic

In 2008 James wrote that higher rates of mental disorders were the consequence of excessive wealth-seeking in consumerist nations.[5] In a graph created from multiple data sources, James plotted "Prevalence of any emotional distress" and "Income inequality", attempting to show that English-speaking nations have nearly twice as much emotional distress as mainland Europe and Japan: 21.6 percent vs 11.5 percent.[6] James defined affluenza as "placing a high value on money, possessions, appearances (physical and social) and fame", which was the rationale behind the increasing mental illness in English-speaking societies. He explained the greater incidence of affluenza as the result of 'selfish capitalism', the market liberal political governance found in English-speaking nations as compared to the less selfish capitalism pursued in mainland Europe. James asserted that societies can remove the negative consumerist effects by pursuing real needs over perceived wants, and by defining themselves as having value independent of their material possessions."

Q: (L) I did want to ask about our little missing time episode today. Was there any significance to this missing time episode we had earlier this evening?

A: Glitch in the matrix.

Q: (L) So a glitch in the matrix... Does that mean there was something of a program change?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And what caused this program change?

A: You.

Q: (Artemis) Oh god! What did you do, Mom?! What have you DONE?! You messed up the timeline again! [laughter]

(Chu) Stop organizing your room!! [laughter]

(L) Is the new program better? Will I like it more?

A: Yes.
When and how much missing time? Would be fun to see if it affect others as well.

A: At this point you should better understand "enjoy the show." So do it. Goodbye.
The way I understand the endtime "show" is that the battle will be with our inner demons. Those who have been working at controlling their inner demons will not be affected by the "show." However, those who have placated, employed or ignored their inner demons will experience a shit "show." The fun will be seeing the popular heroes being consumed by their inner demons.
Thank you very much for the session! 💙

I put on the mask because I felt like I didn't have the energy to deal with the questions and potential arguments every time I went to the store. My only fear is that this only shows to the Univers that I'm a quitter and that even though I tried I'm still one of the sheep.
I too go to the store with a mask... otherwise I can't enter... I don't think you are a quitter for that. You just needed to buy some things in peace. I take off my mask when I leave stores and even though people still look at me badly they don't say anything (yet)

Yesterday I had this weird and very pleasent experience with som kind of good energy coming into my livingroom.
I don't know if it was a glitch but a month ago we heard a burp in the living room, it was funny but WTF. Both my partner and I heard it.

What does, "A: At this point you should better understand "enjoy the show." So do it. Goodbye." mean to you?
For me it means that we can relax, we can use the knowledge in order not get carried away in the narrative. I understand that in that position one can enjoy observing all the nonsense. Personally I freak out sometimes and others I enjoy. Still learning!
Session Date: January 30th 2021

Q: (L) Well, before we jump off the topic of Trump, these people wrote to us. They call themselves the Leo Network. They were saying something about Donald Trump being the ruler of the "lower world" or in other words this world, and referred to him as some sort of trumpet…

(Joe) Trump-ets of the apocalypse. Trump, Trumpets… of the apocalypse...

A: Well, that is a bit imaginative, yes? However, we do find some humor in the expression: The last Trump shall sound!

Q: (L) The last Trump shall sound... And then what?

A: Wait and see! But wouldn't you say that the universal retrieval system has a sense of humor?

I think this hint can be undestood as follows:

1.- The last of the Trump distany shall sound, may be his younger son or last longing son will do something in the future.

2.- I dont want to fall into wishful thinking, but maybe this is not over and "The last Trump shall sound" could be a movement started and motivated by this elections and Trump as Icon, not him directly. The C's said "some humor in the expression", they didnt said "some irony in the expression" as if "The last Trump shall sound" could meant the opposite.

Just a thought
Thanks for new information that give me hope and positive energy to enjoy the rest of the show.

I am glad that Laura have noticed about the missing times occurred , so also some members too. So aware and knowing might play significant role in this realm that shift to new better timeline?
It could have slipped by nobody ever noticed, but not Laura!

Q: (L) So a glitch in the matrix... Does that mean there was something of a program change?

A: Yes

Q: (L) And what caused this program change?

A: You
(Joe) It's like watching a slow train wreck. For a long time, you might think you'll sound the alarm and prevent the worst that's going to happen. But at some point you realize nobody's listening and it'll happen anyway. At that point, you have to realize it's simply out of your hands. And you see it happening over a long period of time, so you do get a bit anesthetized against it in a certain sense. You can't keep being stressed about it and survive.
Thats a very good way of seeing it.

I was thinking something similar, more like the Austin Powers movie when the guard is in the way of a steamroller.

I think most of people (me included), tend to expect thinks to happen in a sequential, predicted and dramatic way, like in the moves. I sometimes see myself as the guard in that scene, scare and freeze for something that has not happen yet, instead of chillout and enjoy and keep learning, then I remember to take a few steps back (in my mind) and see the whole as one, just then I understand that this is a very long journey, full of things that depending on our point of view, they may look painful or part of the lessons.

Thanks for the session.
This part really stood out for me:
A: It is very bad juju for the forces of darkness to take over against the free will of the majority.

Q: (L) So in other words, the fact that the majority voted FOR Trump and he was not allowed to become the president and they took over means that they took over against the will of the people. I think that has some kind of energetic implication. There was some stuff about that in the Ra material.

(Pierre) You once asked what is the main universal rule. The C's said Free Will. At some level, energetic or informational, respect of free will of life forms is a rule. If you infringe on the rule, you expose yourself to some consequences even if you are high up 4D STS.

(L) In other words, cosmically speaking, they just painted targets on their own heads!

A: Yes
It makes my heart rush with, "YES!"


Not because I want the dark side to suffer for their crimes. (Not at the moment, anyway. I have my moments.)

I love this because it means that no matter if you lose, if you are cornered on the game board, if your opponent cheats or overwhelms you with superior force, if you Just Can't Win no matter how you twist and turn, it doesn't matter. So long as you try in earnest, bring your best game and refuse to submit, they CAN'T take you down without knocking themselves out of the game as well. Even when they win, YOU win.

Agent Smith isn't right, (about all values being constructs), and I'm not sure Neo was informed enough to know that, but he's still on to something here...
Thank you for the new session. :thup:

I can imagine that when the members of the supreme court were visited by those MIB:s, they were made an 'offer they couldn't refuse' like in the Godfather. Dirty bastards!

As the orwellian dystopia becomes more and more a reality in the US, I wouldn't be surprised, as the C's hinted, that some states like Texas will try to become independent. Then, Biden's demonic group would probably send the military to intervene and all hell would break loose. Sometimes things need to get really bad before they get better.

Lately, I've been feeling more positive about the long term outcome. It may take a long time but I sense that something good will be waiting for us in the end. As Ertugrul says: "God is the best of plotters".
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