Session 30 January 2021

oh la la I just read the last session and there are already 20 pages to read! I am happy to learn that they will not control those who don't want to. As a medical secretary I'm going to do everything I can not to get vaccinated hoping that my deepest will will be enough to protect me from it! I printed the Nuremberg code of 1947 and I'm walking around with it. I thank the Earthlings and the Cassiopeans for this new session.:clap::flowers:
Thank you for this new session.

Q: (L) Alright. Honey, what was your question?

(Ark) My question is that in my research, related to the paper I've been writing for a year now, there appears a mathematical structure, an antisymmetric matrix or something like that. I believe it's important, but I don't know whether it's related to action of electromagnetic field, or gravitational field, or some kind of informational field. I have no clue and I would like to have a hint what it is doing this thing that is there and I don't know what kind of job it is doing?

(L) So, you're asking if it's informational, gravitational, or electromagnetic?

(Ark) Or something else.

A: Electromagnetism structured by information emitted by gravity.

Q: (Ark) Alright. [laughs]

A: Go deeper to find the structuring forces.

I will follow this very closely.

Q: (Pierre) About the interaction between us and the information field... I wanted to know if basically the DNA because of its spiral shape acts as an amplifier and universal antenna, while the proteins act as a specifier of the information received due to their geometric conformation? DNA amplifier, protein says what FM station you're tuning into?

A: Yes

Combine these two things.

the interaction between us and the information field[...]of its spiral shape acts as an amplifier and universal antenna the proteins act as a specifier of the information received due to their geometric conformation?


I don't know whether it's related to action of electromagnetic field, or gravitational field, or some kind of informational field.
A: Electromagnetism structured by information emitted by gravity.
A: Go deeper to find the structuring forces.

What kind of forces are present when a protein is structured? What forces are present when chemical bonds occur?

Geometry and gravity always seem to go hand in hand....
When Cs said that A: It is not that those who endure to the end will be saved, but that those who endure to the end shall save others. It is your choice to be among those who choose to be a part of the vanguard of the new reality!!!
This statement by the Cassiopeans always challenges me whenever I read it as an intuition of the future. This choice to be active witnesses of something seems to me more important than being saved, to be the door is more important than going through the door, in this incarnation which I believe is present. ;-)
(L) Here's another question: Were Trump and his team able to assemble any credible evidence for election fraud?

A: Yes

Q: (L) Was the election rigged in such a way that there was no presentable evidence?

A: No

Q: (L) So why didn't this evidence prevail?

(Joe) It didn't get a hearing. We know that part. No one would go near it.

A: Yes

Team Trump badly bungled the Stop the Steal effort. Patrick Byrne, the founder of, had assembled a massive forensic investigation file. When invited to present the detailed data to Giuliani, et al, he was stunned to see the lack of direction and organization. He presents his case here. A pretty shocking read - and all of the millions donated to the cause have disappeared.

How DJT lost the White House, Chapter 1: All the President's Teams
(Ark) My question is that in my research, related to the paper I've been writing for a year now, there appears a mathematical structure, an antisymmetric matrix or something like that. I believe it's important, but I don't know whether it's related to action of electromagnetic field, or gravitational field, or some kind of informational field. I have no clue and I would like to have a hint what it is doing this thing that is there and I don't know what kind of job it is doing?

(L) So, you're asking if it's informational, gravitational, or electromagnetic?

(Ark) Or something else.

A: Electromagnetism structured by information emitted by gravity.

Q: (Ark) Alright. [laughs]

A: Go deeper to find the structuring forces.

I will follow this very closely.
An antisymmetric matrix would normally be rotations aka bosons which could include gravity's gravitons and electromagnetism's photons (not to be confused with an antisymmetric wave function state which would be fermions). For me the information structure would be Clifford algebra and its 2^n bit structure which makes your matrices 4x4, 8x8, 16x16, etc. Then there's the emitted by gravity part which inspires laughs. My best guess is you could first think of the whole matrix as gravity at high energy and then think of it as symmetry broken at lower energy where part of it becomes electromagnetism perhaps including longitudinal and time-like photons.
oh la la I just read the last session and there are already 20 pages to read! I am happy to learn that they will not control those who don't want to. As a medical secretary I'm going to do everything I can not to get vaccinated hoping that my deepest will will be enough to protect me from it! I printed the Nuremberg code of 1947 and I'm walking around with it. I thank the Earthlings and the Cassiopeans for this new session.:clap::flowers:
I am attaching this link which could also help you to avoid vaccination.
From : 7.3
Thank you so much for this session. This past week I‘ve felt much more light-hearted. Phew! A burden has somehow been lifted from my shoulders in simply stepping back and letting the chips to fall where they may. It’s so very freeing.

I have a great, albeit, grudging, respect for the PTB, who have been extremely diligent, patient, cunning, and have left absolutely no stone unturned in checkmating us plebs - almost! But not quite. I do look forward to the times when the cosmos will effortlessly topple the board.
That being said, I‘m still somewhat doubtful of watching or participating in mass starvation, chaos, death, tremendous upheaval whilst eating popcorn, but I hope I‘ll be able to become more objective about this. I think most of our energy will go towards the practicalities of surviving. I am reasonably good at keeping calm in a crisis.
The idea of the vaccination doesn’t terrify me quite as much anymore, but I‘ll try to dodge that bullet as best I can.
One thing is for sure: Thanks to all of you here, I have learned so much, and grown a little, I think. This place is nothing short of awesome There hasn’t been a single boring day!!
I thought about a previous session remark today that is probably useful to keep in mind in the current state of affairs. We should recall that ultimately, the forces behind all the insanity are 4D STS. And....


Q: (P) I would like to know about the apparitions of the Virgin Mary at Conyers, GA, as well as this book "Mary's Message to the World" and all the other messages about the End Times that are coming out all over?

A: The forces at work here are far too clever to be accurately anticipated so easily. You never know what twists and turns will follow, and they are aware of prophetic and philosophical patternings and usually shift course to fool and discourage those who believe in fixed futures.

We've sure seen enough of this going on over the past 20 years and more. That's the reason so many people became discouraged (and still do).
An antisymmetric matrix would normally be rotations aka bosons which could include gravity's gravitons and electromagnetism's photons (not to be confused with an antisymmetric wave function state which would be fermions). For me the information structure would be Clifford algebra and its 2^n bit structure which makes your matrices 4x4, 8x8, 16x16, etc. Then there's the emitted by gravity part which inspires laughs. My best guess is you could first think of the whole matrix as gravity at high energy and then think of it as symmetry broken at lower energy where part of it becomes electromagnetism perhaps including longitudinal and time-like photons.

Ok. But remember, even though I know there are no simple answers, I am looking for a way to understand it in a way that does not involve years of mathematical studies that I do not possess. I leave the math to the mathematicians. On the other hand I was reviewing the structured atom model. And there are several things that can be extracted from there. Let's see, I will try to put the ideas in order.

What strikes me most about the model is the characteristic of not using neutrons as we know them, and instead, are nuclear electrons shared with neighboring protons. Then there is the geometric representation.

An important point is the elimination of forces making things simpler. For the time being the model does not need the strong and weak nuclear force. But it is not because it is simple, but because there are things in this model that can make sense when we review some things said by the C's and what we find in Mouravieff's writing.

Except from Gnosis book- one

The Law of Three
In esoteric science the first law is called the Law of Three- all that exists, exists as a result of the converging action on the same point at the same time of three forces: Passive' Active and Neutralizing.
The Passive force is a derivative of the Static Condition: Space.
The Active force is a derivative of the Dynamic Condition: Time.
The Neutralizing force ensures the maintenance of Equilibrium in all the Universe, on every plane and at every step.

Without the strong and weak nuclear force, there is only gravity and electromagnetism/electrostatic force and the third mediating force.

At the same time we have this that the C's commented:

A: Electron is borrowed unit of 7th density.

Q: (Laura) All right, in the picture of the crop circle you designated as being 'Atomic Structure', there was the concentric circles and then these three things on the outside corners of the triangle, one being zigzag, one being plain and round, and the other one kind of like a wheel, it had like little divisions. Would the zig-zaggy one be the electron?

A: Not correct concept atomic structure unifies elemental atoms.

Q: (Laura) What is an elemental atom, as opposed to an ordinary atom?

A: Elemental defines singular body of structure. Within, as in: "element of." Electron is element of atomic structure.

In the structured atom model, it is the proton-electron pair that makes the neutron. The electron has the particularity of being the algutinating agent.

We have a duality which we call a proton-electron pair with the electrostatic force acting between them. This force is the causal mechanism for the principle of densest packing that creates geometric shapes based on the platonic solids. These geometric shapes in a specific ordered sequence and number, create all the elements.

SAM shows the observed nature and properties of the atom and explains the reason why the nucleus of the atom is positively charged, why the outer electrons stay at range from the nucleus and it addresses the causal factor for chemistry.

Of the most important things said by the C's, The gravity is:

A: Gravity binds all that is physical with all that is ethereal through unstable gravity waves!!!

A: Gravity is no byproduct! It is the central ingredient of all existence!


First I want to clarify that in addition to paying attention to the context of the information provided by the C's, I usually pay attention in detail to each of the words within the sentence. In this case the word is structure. And for me it is no coincidence that I associate that word with what I found on the internet regarding the model of the structured atom. I confess that when a word catches my attention, pieces of information that may be related begin to fall in a vertiginous way. I just follow the clues.

Now, I think about this:

If the electron is a unit of the 7th density, the union with the whole, it still does not cease to be gravity. Now we know that gravity emits information.

How about this: The electron is the 7th density (the whole) which is gravity and that this is the information that informs the structure of an element via geometry. That is, the electron as a fundamental building block in conjunction with other electrons contains the information/instruction for the manifestation of an element. How this happens is established by the law of three, depending on the combination of active, passive and neutralizing.

You have the positive proton, the negative electron, and how these combine in the proton-electron pair is indicative of the third force, the neutralizing force.

The classical example- To make bread we must have flour, fire and water; flour is the conductor of the passive force, fire of the active force, and water of the neutralizing force.
In another classical example, that of the conception of a child. The woman appears here as a passive force, the husband as the active force, and carnal love as the neutralizing force.

The three forces act through matter, the Tradition makes the following distinctions.
When it serves as a conductor for the passive force, we call it Oxygen(O).
When it serves as a conductor for the active force, we call it Carbon(C).
When it serves as a conductor for the neutralizing force, we call it Nitrogen(N).
When considered independently from the forces of which it is the conductor, the substance is called Hydrogen(H).

If the junction of the forces remains sterile, this means that in the esoteric sense their co-operation was not complete.
This would lead us to conclusion that the action of the active and neutralizing forces must be regulated in accordance with the content of the passive force.

The search will continue...
I know, for me, that I’ve been learning at an exciting rate. I’m seeing reality as more of a cosmic interplay of ideas and energy and my mind is putting it together in a way where, as bad as things are, I’m thrilled to finally be able to “see” it better.
I think what I am seeing have been the dynamics that have always been working throughout history but now as I am gaining cognitive abilities I’m finally able to find out how I actually feel about the world.
Truth be told I’m happy to see the painful truths because it’s not just about what we are going through in this age but rather what it is to be STS. How could we possible advance if we can’t properly understand our condition?
I have also had serious bouts of anxiety but recently I’ve been able to “let it go” per se. I no longer feel as much a victim of some oppressive force but rather someone who understands this oppression since I’m able to put my ignorant self into the position that does the oppressing. (Jung shadow, Castaneda predator mind).
Can’t wait to leave the pig style and go back home though. (Prodigal son parable).
Wow, this really resonates with me, Henchman 21. Thank you for articulating it so clearly.

What a time to be alive! Now when the anxiety begins to overwhelm me, I just open up the forum and begin to read. The messages here are like a strong, fatherly hand squeezing my shoulders and saying, "It's ok. All the tools you need are right here. Keep learning, you are growing stronger!" It is amazing to be part of such a community. Thank you to all who have sacrificed and poured energy into making these sessions so quickly and freely available.
Just to add to that a thought: not to belittle the potentially disastrous effects the vaccine can have on some people, but maybe our attitude plays a role too. Think about it: if you believe the Covid lies, and regard the vaccine as the savior of humanity sent by our benevolent leaders, you treat the vax as your God and Savior. And indeed, you give it all your power so that it and the forces behind it actually become your God. If on the other hand you treat it as the devil that it is, and try your best to mitigate the effects using knowledge, while mentally pulling a Gandalf "though shall not pass!", then it might have much less power or psychic "entry point".

Besides, as sad as it is to see loved ones getting vaxed and believing the lies, they probably won't drop dead like flies. Paranoia isn't good for psychic protection either!

I was remembering that I was vaccinated at around 6 years old. I stayed home from school because my arm frozen in pain (I think the nurse hit a nerve). I recall a lot of crying, my Dad trying to comfort me. It was when I was in the sauna the other day that I remembered this. Suddenly it seemed that there was the 'echo' of the needle, still stuck in my arm. So I pulled it out, tossed it on the hot rocks, put down some cedar smudge to clear things up, and mentally took my 6-year-old crying self up in a hug and told him that it'll be okay.
In Quran also there are some verses including "trumpet"

- The Day when the Trumpet will be sounded: that Day, We shall gather the sinful, blear-eyed (with terror) (Taha-12)
-Then when the Trumpet is blown, there will be no more relationships between them that Day, nor will one ask after another! (Muminun,101)
-And the trumpet is blown. This is the threatened Day. (Kaf,20)
- The Day that the Trumpet shall be sounded, and you shall come forth in crowds (Nebe,18)
and a few more

(I am not a follower of Quran but the similarity caught my attention ;-):cool2:)
Ok. But remember, even though I know there are no simple answers, I am looking for a way to understand it in a way that does not involve years of mathematical studies that I do not possess. I leave the math to the mathematicians. On the other hand I was reviewing the structured atom model. And there are several things that can be extracted from there. Let's see, I will try to put the ideas in order.

What strikes me most about the model is the characteristic of not using neutrons as we know them, and instead, are nuclear electrons shared with neighboring protons. Then there is the geometric representation.

If the electron is a unit of the 7th density, the union with the whole, it still does not cease to be gravity. Now we know that gravity emits information.

How about this: The electron is the 7th density (the whole) which is gravity and that this is the information that informs the structure of an element via geometry. That is, the electron as a fundamental building block in conjunction with other electrons contains the information/instruction for the manifestation of an element. How this happens is established by the law of three, depending on the combination of active, passive and neutralizing.

You have the positive proton, the negative electron, and how these combine in the proton-electron pair is indicative of the third force, the neutralizing force.

The search will continue...
Even for the more conventional models, that law of three idea works well. For root vector geometry, you would have the positive electroweak boson/color gluons on one side and the negative electroweak boson/anticolor gluons on the other side with the neutral electroweak bosons/gluons in the center (called the Cartan subalgebra). The 8 gluons form a hexagon with 2 of them in the center (related to a hexagon being 2-dim); the 3 weak bosons form a line segment with the W+ and W- bosons on the ends and the neutral Z0 boson in the center (related to a line segment being 1-dim). The photon is just a single point with nothing extra centered on it (perhaps because a point is 0-dim) but the neutral photon gets to be centered with the neutral Z0 boson for electroweak.
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