Session 30 January 2021

This is interesting. I have worsening allergies to certain nuts, as in each time I am exposed (inadvertantly I assure you) I feel more ill. Originally it was simply vomiting, then it became severe vomiting and nausea and the last time my blood pressure dropped so low I was only able to see in monochrome - my colour vision had disappeared completely. I had to remain prone for over an hour. When the manager of the residential home where I work mentioned it to the Home GP (who incidentally is also my own GP) she said that I would be exempt from having the vaccination. Hopefully this will continue to hold true. I wonder if having parents who both had pulmonary emboli and had to be hospitalised would also help my case.

It certainly won't hurt to try and wriggle out of the vaccine going down the official route rather than just stubborn refusal. I intend to push for a written guarantee that I won't experience health issues that will prevent me from working at my current level of productivity. My sick pay won't even cover my rent, let alone other expenses so I cannot be off sick for more than a week. The government has indemnified vaccine producers so I'm going to push for them to take responsibility in writing for any decline in my health for as long as I have symptoms, and for covering my salary for however long it's needed.

Apart from that, there are studies showing this vaccine increases susceptibility to other viruses. See this example. Given that I haven't had even one day off sick in 3 years, and only 2 in the past 5 years, I want a written guarantee I won't be ill more often after the jab. If I am, I want both full salary reimbursement and compensation, adjusted for inflation if it's longer term.

It's a far shot but last time I tried that approach I got a mask exemption letter from my GP so it's not like I have no reason to suspect it may work. I was polite and I made sure I sounded apologetic, concerned and stressed, but willing to go ahead with whatever they suggest provided that I have that guarantee in writing. Worked like a charm.
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Yesterday I had this weird and very pleasent experience with som kind of good energy coming into my livingroom. It is not the first time I experience this (and it is confirmed by a friend when visiting me some months ago). The entity (energy visit) lasted only some minutes. It was strong, nearly unbearable, so I deflected. The incident has given me a lot to think about. Is this a sign of the times or only me?
The good feeling might relate to the idea of balance. First there is dealing with the negatives associated with the paranoid psychosis around us including family members getting sucked into it. Then by applying knowledge, Work principles, readings, breathing, etc. we find a way out from identifying with it all,even if it's for a moment. An internal space opens. An inner vacuum is established. New possibilities open. An inner 'alchemical' transformation from our efforts of applied knowledge generate positive feeling that fill the vacuum that connect us to something higher. So I think it's about efforts, applied knowledge, Will, consciousness, inner transformation, that produces results that balance the negatives out.

In the Shaolin temple as portrayed in the TV series Kung Fu the master, as a final test for the student, would try to " kill" the student when the student has achieved a certain level of proficiency. Knowledge and skill would protect the warrior monk and get him thru the ordeal. So it might be like that if one can view the universe as the teacher/master. But we are never given more the we can handle imo.
Хвала за нову сесију.
Ја мислим да треба да припремимо наше свести на једну промену нас самих као душа. Земаљске и космичке промене направиће баланс и очистити психопате са овог 3д нивоа. Нови свет који долази, у њему неће бити места за зле и бездушне. За нову реалност треба се борити прво лично а онда и за заједницу душа. Овде су тела фактички небитна у односу на свест и последице које могу бити врло застрашујуће ако дозволимо да страх преузме владавину. Ово није време компромиса са психопатама, свако мора да изађе на линију фронта и бори се. У супротном имаћемо владавину вештачке интелигенције у свету где су људска бића само робови, а елита богови који уживају у материјалном благостању, у патњи , болу и смрти људских бића који би им били као батерије, као храна, било емоционално или физички. Ми сами као заједница морамо успоставити наш начин живота кроз избор да служимо љубав, милостивост и знање да схватимо Божански Ум и нас саме у постојању. Заборавите на кокице, нисте у биоскопу, овај животни филм може више пута да се понавља, будите ви сами редитељи и глумци, а не само статисти.

Thanks for the new session.
I think we need to prepare our consciousness for one change of ourselves as a soul. Earthly and cosmic changes will balance and clear psychopaths from this 3d level. The new world that is coming will have no place for the evil and the soulless. For the new reality one should fight first personally and then for the community of souls. Here, bodies are virtually irrelevant to consciousness and the consequences can be very frightening if we allow fear to take over. This is not a time for compromise with psychopaths, everyone has to go to the front line and fight. Otherwise, we will have the rule of artificial intelligence in a world where human beings are only slaves, and the elite are gods who enjoy material well-being, suffering, pain and death of human beings who would be like batteries, like food, either emotionally or physically. We ourselves as a community must establish our way of life through the choice to serve love, mercy and knowledge to understand the Divine Mind and ourselves in existence. Forget about popcorn, you are not in the cinema, this life film can be repeated many times, be yourself directors and actors, not just extras.

I hope that what I wanted to say is understandable.
Thank you all for your attention.
I can't say I was surprised Trump didn't stand up to the Deep State. At the end of the day the guy has a family to protect and he's already done a lot.
Yeah, I wondered about Trump not making the "bold" move (whatever it was). At the last session, the odds were very slightly that he would. Perhaps the Deep State is reading the forum and hadn't gotten to him yet. :-D It's obvious they eventually did, the tone of his last couple of speeches had changed, he backed off saying anything really controversial and seemed to be almost making nice.

Getting the vaccine is now like winning the lottery. Everybody who got one is bragging about it, and everyone else wants one and are desperate to find it. In my home town, people stood in line for four hours in front of a firehall to get a limited supply. One of my best friends refuses to have any contact with the outside world until she gets vaccinated but there doesn't seem to be much of a plan of distribution around here once the medical community gets theirs. It's a combination of who you know, and luck of the draw.

The "sit back and enjoy the show" definitely makes more sense lately, but I'm still getting triggered by the "ignorant and unaware" (quoting the Evening Prayer) and am trying to refrain from jumping into the fray on Facebook, and to bite my tongue with my family and friends IRL.
It certainly won't hurt to try and wriggle out of the vaccine going down the official route rather than just stubborn refusal. I intend to push for a written guarantee that I won't experience health issues that will prevent me from working at my current level of productivity. My sick pay won't even cover my rent, let alone other expenses so I cannot be off sick for more than a week. The government has indemnified vaccine producers so I'm going to push for them to take responsibility in writing for any decline in my health for as long as I have symptoms, and for covering my salary for however long it's needed.

Apart from that, there are studies showing this vaccine increases susceptibility to other viruses. See this example. Given that I haven't had even one day off sick in 3 years, and only 2 in the past 5 years, I want a written guarantee I won't be ill more often as a result of the jab. If I am, I want both full salary reimbursement and compensation, adjusted for inflation if it's longer term.

It's a far shot but last time I tried that approach I got a mask exemption letter from my GP so it's not like I have no reason to suspect it may work. I was polite and I made sure I sounded apologetic, concerned and stressed, but willing to go ahead with whatever they suggest provided that I have that guarantee in writing. Worked like a charm.
This sounds like a good way to go. A stubborn refusal might just annoy but if we can bring to the forefront worries about our own health due to being given the experimental vaccine - which may be worse and more long term than having Covid 19 - we might be able to swing things our way. The authorities know that they are never going to have 100% compliance anyway so they may not worry about a few who slip through the net. It really is a case of them hoping not too many people take the time and trouble to research the vaccine.
Thanks for sharing an interesting session!

I had a few thoughts to share about "enjoying the show". The first thing that came to mind, and what often does when I see "enjoy the show" is this quote from Political Ponerology:

This quote has stood out in my mind since the first time I read PP. One of the reasons I like it is that it puts things in perspective. In L's mind the vampire is "a small animal" engaging it "its for of feeding". Compared to the vast majority of human beings there are a small number of psychopaths and they are engaging in their natural behavior. We need to understand them and learn how to avoid having them drop onto our necks.

L advocates "strict control of the natural, moralizing reflexes of revulsion, and other painful emotions that the phenomenon provokes in any normal person" and as I understand it this is at least partly to protect oneself from the many emotional hooks that are used in the "narratives" that pull normal people into the pseudo-realities that the psychopaths create. We must pay attention to reality and watch carefully for the places where we are being emotionally manipulated.

It also conveys a feeling that we are visiting a jungle, but we're not from the jungle and when we're done with our research we're going to go home.

Of course no one can maintain the attitude of a naturalist 100% of the time, but its something worth cultivating IMO.

The other thing I'd like to bring up is that, while the situation is bad and likely to get much worse here on the BBM, its not that bad yet and we don't know for sure how things will play out! When I look back into what I've read about history there are many time periods that were much worse than the time we're living in now, OSIT. The Black Death in Europe, the spread of small pox and other diseases across the Americas after the conquistadors arrived, Gengis Khan and the Mongol horde raping and pillaging across Asia, the Inquisition, just to name a few. It could be that we (I?) just have it easy in this life, but I can be grateful to live where I live and have the opportunity to "enjoy the show" from a relatively comfortable position, at least so far.

That's my two cents, FWIW!
Thanks for your thoughts and quote from Ponerology, this passage also stuck in my memory after reading Ponerology. However, I have a slightly different opinion on "enjoy the show".

Cassiopaens have repeatedly said that we live, in a reality where humanity has been hypnotized and programmed and that consciousness is what is essential. They also said "programming is complete". So suppose humanity is like this humanity that is shown in the Matrix movie, programmed people, that are supposed to play a role.

So if you have a whole bunch of these programmed people, totally unprepared for what's going to happen. What's left for you? You just, you know, sit back and watch the show. And Cass's words are like an invitation to this and admiring the show, and how, I hope, is also a suggestion that we are kind of on the long side, so those who are to enjoy this show, and not be a wind up "toy" which is about to shatter.
What a wonderful way to start the day! Thank you gang for all this work that you keep on sharing with us. My partner and I often talk about how we would be completely lost without the C's powerful guidance. We have seen what these times have caused in terms of misunderstanding within couples, familles and even groups of friends over the last year. We would not to trade places with anyone, even though many of our acquaintances have shoved us to the side because of our stance concerning the plandemic and the lockdowns.

Much information to fathom as always! On our side of the planet, we too have had some pretty convincing synchronicités. Disappearances, appearances of objetcs and the likes. Also many occurences of missing time (nothing worrysome) that we make a point of sharing together in order to keep track of the events that surround these 'glitches'. I have been reminded of a session where the C's said something to the effect of: "cooking should be fun" as we approach the wave's effects on us. For several months, I am using a timer anytime I cook something that needs an oven because for some reason, time seems to slip many times when we are cooking? This may not be related at all but we noticed something happening.

As we are presently preparing to move from one house to another one, we have had several objects disappear. Also a few objects that I am convinced I already gave away reappear. Although we have not been able to see 2 of the same object yet, hahaha... It is always very inspiring for me to read news of your endeavours in France, as I spent 5 years there in the 80's In a few weeks we will be in a different house with much bigger property, surrounded by forest. We are eager to get the garden going, and to adopt some farm birds as well as. This is a big adventure for both of us who were still in the city 4 years ago. Life seems to be nudging us in the right direction as always.

Merci/ Thank you!!!
This sounds like a good way to go. A stubborn refusal might just annoy but if we can bring to the forefront worries about our own health due to being given the experimental vaccine - which may be worse and more long term than having Covid 19 - we might be able to swing things our way. The authorities know that they are never going to have 100% compliance anyway so they may not worry about a few who slip through the net. It really is a case of them hoping not too many people take the time and trouble to research the vaccine.

That's exactly my approach Tuulikki. The way I went about it with the mask exemption was by approaching my doctor and almost begging for help to make it possible for me to wear a mask. I said I absolutely HAD TO be able to wear it and I wanted them to find the cause of my symptoms and remove it. I suspect that if I had approached them saying I didn't want to wear a mask the outcome would have been different.
That's exactly my approach Tuulikki. The way I went about it with the mask exemption was by approaching my doctor and almost begging for help to make it possible for me to wear a mask. I said I absolutely HAD TO be able to wear it and I wanted them to find the cause of my symptoms and remove it. I bet that if I had approached them saying I didn't want to wear a mask the outcome would have been different.
Hah hah...I like your reasoning. In this fight against the PTB we have to use every weapon in our respective arsenals. :-)

I like my 100th post too. I have just become a Jedi. 😎
Many thanks to Laura and the team for the new session! Merging of realities (two caps) episode with lost time (matrix failure), very interesting time we live in! Thanks to the forum for an interesting discussion of the session and I think in the future new discussion threads on the forum.
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