Session 4 July 2015

Thanks for sharing this session, definitely an uplifting message from the C's at the end.

SeekinTruth said:
Thanks for another great session! Glad you returned from your adventure safely.

Lots to think about, as usual. After reading the session a second time, I'll probably think things over and let it all sink in; then read it again at later times.

About getting discouraged at the state of the world / humanity. For me it's usually a periodic thing. Most of the time in recent couple of years, the big changes and shifts on the planet in all domains seems actually exciting and important to keep following closely. Because many things that didn't seem likely a few years ago, have come to pass - and not just the bad now, but actually positive / re-balancing signs that all is not lost. There may be a lot more people who can benefit from sharing knowledge and we can never know what kind of non-linear effects can follow....

Regarding the state of the world, I'm much the same. While there is so much negative about the planet at the moment, there are positive signs as well, even if on a smaller scale. It is important to see the world how it really is, but just as important to not let it overwhelm us.
Thanks for the session guys & gals. I'm not one to normally post "meaningless" thanks, but it does help to read these.

I feel your pain too; it seems every day the world gets worse than you could have imagined. I watched a video about geoengineering the other day ("chemtrails" in conspiracy parlance) and it was very discouraging, and the next day read a separate article about it. Talk about synchronicity.

For my two bits, I just keep trying to learn, trying to share pearls of wisdom with my family where I can, trying to be a positive influence at work and not letting the psychopaths get a foothold (and there are a few).

I sure hope me-in-the-future can get through that thick skull of mine though!
Thank you for another session. The final message from the C's does indeed give me some semblance of hope, but I am under no illusions regarding the enormity of my task, which is daunting but I have to "face it". I can't help but think that I am in some respects, perhaps even more so, in danger of becoming an "immortal thing" myself, because there is knowledge within me but very little heart. So many times I've thought to myself how much I hate life as it is, and how I'd never want to come back to 3dsts earth to suffer like this ever again, but that's simply missing the point; where else can I go? To the 4dsts primordial soup? NO THANKS!!!! I know my inner child is the key to my healing on an emotional level, to get me to open up to myself about who I am and what I really feel. My conscience nags at me, I feel that I have betrayed my essence, and because of this I am little more than a child emotionally, save for a few more clued-up i's.

There is still so much that I do not understand, both about the world and myself, but I just have to keep chipping away at what feels like to me to be a stone edifice of lies (ego/predator's mind) that just will not budge, so I just have to keep going, and appeal to the fragments of conscience and self-awareness that is still within me.

You guys and gals are a godsend (DCM, natch), thank you from my little heart for all your continued efforts. :thup:
Skipling said:
Thank you for another session. The final message from the C's does indeed give me some semblance of hope, but I am under no illusions regarding the enormity of my task, which is daunting but I have to "face it". I can't help but think that I am in some respects, perhaps even more so, in danger of becoming an "immortal thing" myself, because there is knowledge within me but very little heart. So many times I've thought to myself how much I hate life as it is, and how I'd never want to come back to 3dsts earth to suffer like this ever again, but that's simply missing the point; where else can I go? To the 4dsts primordial soup? NO THANKS!!!! I know my inner child is the key to my healing on an emotional level, to get me to open up to myself about who I am and what I really feel. My conscience nags at me, I feel that I have betrayed my essence, and because of this I am little more than a child emotionally, save for a few more clued-up i's.

There is still so much that I do not understand, both about the world and myself, but I just have to keep chipping away at what feels like to me to be a stone edifice of lies (ego/predator's mind) that just will not budge, so I just have to keep going, and appeal to the fragments of conscience and self-awareness that is still within me.

You guys and gals are a godsend (DCM, natch), thank you from my little heart for all your continued efforts. :thup:

This reminds me of what Laura wrote here. It's below the Cs session she quoted.

Also, the concept of KNOWLEDGE being the key to transitioning is supremely important. All you have to do is think about the Parable of the Talents to get the point. It really isn't important that you have "supreme knowledge" or that you are totally prepared by virtue of that supreme knowledge, what is important is what you do with what you have! Another useful parable is that of the 10 Wise Virgins. Then, there is the "Widow's Mite" principle. If a person is doing all they can with what they have, and the AIM is to contribute to the STO position, then if there are energies of transition/ change/ whatever, those energies will "frequency resonance" match to yours and you don't have to get your knickers in a knot of fear.

If you are just doing all you can to gather knowledge, to apply what knowledge you DO have to whatever is set before you each day, with an overarching AIM of "knowing the truth that sets us free" (keep in mind that "knowing" is also LOVE), and being connected to a network striving to strengthen the STO reality/position, you'll be okay!

It's not perfection that is important, it is the STRIVING, the continued movement, the refusal to stagnate, the constant efforts to give and help in whatever way is available to you that counts.

These are ideas that have come to me in the writing of "Moses" because when I write, I go into a somewhat altered state and all kinds of things just sort themselves out somehow.

Those people who have awareness of potential famines, political and economic upheavals, possible cometary events, just by constantly acquiring knowledge about our reality and the people within it, who then activate that knowledge by making whatever preparations are available to them to make, are basically in the ACTIVE/CREATIVE mode. They are acting based on knowledge, SEEing, DOing, investing their talents, giving their mite, keeping their lamps filled and prepared. JUST BEING IN THAT ACTIVE MODE is more important than that you are able to achieve some sort of "total preparedness." Learning, SEEing, DOing SENDS OUT A SIGNAL

As the Cs said:

'Life is religion. Life experiences reflect how one interacts with God. Those who are asleep are those of little faith in terms of their interaction with the creation. Some people think that the world exists for them to overcome or ignore or shut out. For those individuals, the world will cease. They will become exactly what they give to life. They will become merely a dream in the 'past.' People who pay strict attention to objective reality right and left, become the reality of the 'Future.'
Richard S said:
Let us spread the truth and use what we know to let the universe be itself, instead. Which includes allowing those that are willing to remain ignorant, remain ignorant.
That describes well what we actually do.
Because I was only giving an interpretation of that line. :P

casper said:
I do not agree with this statement, I think that the spread of knowledge. mutual assistance to each other, everyday learning -We're not the same as others.
People on this forum are still STS. This also includes me.
Even though we might try to become less of it, we still are. Some less and some more, but we still are.
We wouldn't be in this reality if we weren't, right?

So let me change the words in the quote to explain more clearly what I wanted to say.
You are all potential converters of information into chaos. Let that information be love/truth.
Keep up the work and spread truth, but be careful not to do it because you think "you know better". Do it for those who want to know, not to "save the world". You can't save those who doesn't want to be saved. Trying to save others when they don't want it isn't caring about them, but caring about yourself and "your world" only. It creates more chaos.

Strive to utilize information so it brings love/truth (which is what STO is), instead of chaos (which is STS).

That is all I wanted to say. Only an interpretation of the quote, nothing more. I'm really not someone that's going to tell others how to live.
Amazing session as always! Thanks for all the hard work...and the C's message to all was very inspiring to say the least-the Force is with us!
Yep Nienna, I'm all worry about time wasted and time running out, and I've bookmarked Redfox's new threads about anxiety also, hopefully I'll be able to understand them. It's really frustrating but I've way overestimated myself, I'm just nowhere near as smart as I once thought myself to be. I can only do what I'm capable of doing. I can only understand what I'm able to understand. Of course that is of course pertaining to my current state, but that is who I currently am, where I'm at, so no dramas, I've just got to accept me the way I am, for now at least.

Anyway, I'm off to read about anxiety, thanks Nienna for the reference! :)
taratai said:
casper said:
I do not agree with this statement, I think that the spread of knowledge. mutual assistance to each other, everyday learning -We're not the same as others.
People on this forum are still STS. This also includes me.
Even though we might try to become less of it, we still are. Some less and some more, but we still are.
We wouldn't be in this reality if we weren't, right?

So let me change the words in the quote to explain more clearly what I wanted to say.
You are all potential converters of information into chaos. Let that information be love/truth.
Keep up the work and spread truth, but be careful not to do it because you think "you know better". Do it for those who want to know, not to "save the world". You can't save those who doesn't want to be saved. Trying to save others when they don't want it isn't caring about them, but caring about yourself and "your world" only. It creates more chaos.

Strive to utilize information so it brings love/truth (which is what STO is), instead of chaos (which is STS).
I recommend that you read the work of Laura
"Order out of chaos", from 23 May 2008

Quote from the article:
"In other words, if the observer's knowledge about the real situation close to the truth, then the very act of observing and checking quickly causes the jump, and the ensuing situation is more organized, cleaner. If the observer's knowledge about the real situation incorrectly, then it usually takes a long time to cause changes in the state system, and the ensuing situation is chaotic.

In short, all those who "believe" in an attempt to "create reality" that is different from what it really is, contributing to the growth of chaos and entropy. If your beliefs are orthogonal to the truth (perpendicular to the truth, Op. Prev.), No matter how strongly you believe in them, in fact, you are coming into conflict with the very universe, and to how the Universe looks at himself and with certainty one can say that you will not win in this conflict. Inviting destruction on himself and all that you engage in this exercise "power struggle with the universe."

On the other hand, if you are able to see the universe as he sees himself, objectively, without blinking, with the acceptance of reality is the appropriate reaction to the real situation, then you are a "harmonized" with the creative energy of the universe and your own consciousness becomes the power supply lines, and your actions are in line with what IS. Your power of observation, given unconditionally, that is followed by appropriate action, can bring order to chaos, can create the infinite potential. "
A: For all forum members: Do not lose heart. Just remember that if you do all you can, yourselves in the future will bridge the gap. You are all potential transducers of information into chaos. Let that information be love/truth. Goodbye.

Thank you all very much for the session and the things that were brought up.

This last one will keep me going - - - Thank you very much! :flowers:
(Galatea) I have a quick question. Do you talk to 4D STO people?

A: "Talk"?

Q: (Galatea) Communicate with?

A: Yes

Q: (Galatea) Okay. Say hi for us!

Haha I liked this part.
"You are all potential transducers of information into chaos."

Thinking again. We haven't asked, chaos from whom?

Remember who wants a New World "Order"? a New World Chaos will be fighing for your freedom, perhaps.
A: For all forum members: Do not lose heart. Just remember that if you do all you can, yourselves in the future will bridge the gap. You are all potential transducers of information into chaos. Let that information be love/truth. Goodbye.

An inspiring message! Even for us newbies.

Sounds like another reason posting and sharing here is so important.
Fascinating! Thank You All once again! Great job on the re-directing of negative energies!

We're out here and we're with you!

Ava People of Cassiopaea!
Wow. Great session. Sorry to hear you haven't cleared out the bugs yet, but you're on the right path. Quite interesting to get more insight into intent and energy, and how your protection released the negative energy elsewhere.

When I read your thoughts on futility and hopelessness, I am reminded of some of the earlier sessions. Back then, you were also discussing senses of hopelessness and futility and the Cs would reply, "help is on the way". Le plus ca change...

It must be hard to see your progression when you are busy living your life. But we have seen many of you constantly go from one challenge to another, each time growing in strength, courage, awareness and ability.

So, perhaps it might be beneficial to look over your history with the Cs and see how you have grown, how you've increased distribution of information and how many more people interact with the information.

I might get a little discouraged at the pathological progression around me. But your work has created hope, and for that I am eternally grateful.

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