Session 6 December 2014

dredger said:
Thanks for this session.
This session hit me quite a lot, kind of confirmation to continue to work on the "idea" (better say kinda of intuition) I have to "prepare my native village" for the future.

In which place of the forum can I ask if some people living not so far from where I live (south belgium) and who want to move to a better place where some people would gather as you are doing in south of France and in the US (if I well understood) ? I said I was "hit" by this session because I really feel like you mentionned in various sentences in this session about "the fact that you act as a proxies for others" - I've been partially influenced by all the sott's community work, but also it's ... kind of something written in me that I have to help people to prepare... I run a lot on intuition and now, my target is to gather as much funds as possible to re-inject them in another company more focussed on gathering interesting "stuff" for the future (read my big presentation about), and also to start to sponsor some initiative in the village, like a collection of seeds (it's an advise for any community), but also a kind of village's chicken coop, and probably other ideas which will "pop out" in the future. Thus, having the help of people aware of what's going on and wishing to help to better organise in the future would be ... a good thing.

I was also a bit "hit" when I read about the "farm" in this session. There may be a farm to sell in my native village ... well, to discuss ... coming back to my first question : do you accept, and if yes, where can I post to present my views and propose members who would wish/feel it to gather in my native village, south belgium ?

Things are up and running constantly on the FOTCM front.

This three links should give you an idea on what it is and how and where to start if you are interested in FOTCM developments:,16193.0.html,35235.msg503130.html#msg503130
seiw83 said:
thank you for this session. Tribe units are important. Each of us have on in their live, but can you switch them anytime you need or you just bonded to one and can visit others ?

Hi seiw83, the idea I think is that this group here, on the Forum, is a single Tribal Unit and wherever you happen to be you are working towards the shared aims here with the goal of coming together with others (here) when the time is right. So, what you do everyday towards this helps others to help you in a way.
thanks enio for your insight. I don;t know if you ever heard about human design system. There are tribal units and tribal channels mentioned, as design to energy centers.
All based on astrological position of plants. By design and transit you can define tribe roles for each person.
:huh: Interesting regarding the French situation with Holland's visit to Putin especially given his warning of a false flag op as the infamous Sorcha Faal speaks of it.... at certain aspects of it anyway. Add in the ship issue and the usual central bank gold reserves issue and an unpopular politician with Le Pen breathing down his neck along with his old nemesis and it would make any weak political puppet feel his strings when they get plucked... and he isn't alone in these feelings in the EU, just more likely to look for an exit.
Thanks for another great session. After reading about the farm and how taking that step changed reality in a significant way I was astounded. That is insane.. well not really, the world we live in is insane, but to realize how a this quantum reality works is mind blowing. It dawned on me how useless all my anticipation is when nothing ever works out the way we imagine it. It's also interesting to note the fervor that is picking up on social media. In just a few months it feels like calling out the lies has become less stepping on eggshells and more of a widely accepted view. Of course the lack of careful maneuvering on the part of the PTB is making it especially easy for the truth to come out. I'm very curious to see how this turns out assuming I'll be here awhile yet. Interesting indeed.
Q: (L) Okay. If people are fully engaged in the network, will they receive information in time?

A: Yes, the operative term being "fully engaged" in any and every way possible.

Q: (Chu) So if they're sitting on the fence, they won't?

(Galatea) They have to commit to it.

(L) Yeah, but you can commit to something and stay right in your regular life. You don't have to commit to something and just throw all caution to the wind.

(Pierre) Fully engaged in every way possible...

(L) I think it means what is possible for that person.

A: Yes.

The last few sessions have certainly gotten my attention. A sort of "call to duty" for those of us on the edge of the network. Lurking. Struggling.

It's a struggle to even write this post. It seems that every force possible wants me to not send it. To stay on the fence. To second guess myself. I apologize this is short and disjointed but I have to get it out.
Quinault said:
Q: (L) Okay. If people are fully engaged in the network, will they receive information in time?

A: Yes, the operative term being "fully engaged" in any and every way possible.

Q: (Chu) So if they're sitting on the fence, they won't?

(Galatea) They have to commit to it.

(L) Yeah, but you can commit to something and stay right in your regular life. You don't have to commit to something and just throw all caution to the wind.

(Pierre) Fully engaged in every way possible...

(L) I think it means what is possible for that person.

A: Yes.

The last few sessions have certainly gotten my attention. A sort of "call to duty" for those of us on the edge of the network. Lurking. Struggling.

It's a struggle to even write this post. It seems that every force possible wants me to not send it. To stay on the fence. To second guess myself. I apologize this is short and disjointed but I have to get it out.
I'm interested in contributing more. I don't enough at all.
Quinault said:
Q: (L) Okay. If people are fully engaged in the network, will they receive information in time?

A: Yes, the operative term being "fully engaged" in any and every way possible.

Q: (Chu) So if they're sitting on the fence, they won't?

(Galatea) They have to commit to it.

(L) Yeah, but you can commit to something and stay right in your regular life. You don't have to commit to something and just throw all caution to the wind.

(Pierre) Fully engaged in every way possible...

(L) I think it means what is possible for that person.

A: Yes.

The last few sessions have certainly gotten my attention. A sort of "call to duty" for those of us on the edge of the network. Lurking. Struggling.

It's a struggle to even write this post. It seems that every force possible wants me to not send it. To stay on the fence. To second guess myself. I apologize this is short and disjointed but I have to get it out.

Thank you for writing this Quinault. I feel the same way. I've also been "sitting on the fence" for way too long. I even joined the FOTCM quite some time ago and I'm still not an active member. And I know why. It's because no one knows me. And that's because I rarely participate on the Forum. And just like you, this is a struggle to even write this post.

I think the force that wants me to not send it is myself. My self importance, the fear of what others might think of me.

The last few sessions have really gotten my attention as well. I feel like time is running out (for real), and all I'm worried about is what others might think of me. To heck with that. I'm going to start participating if it kills me.

BTW, your post might have been short but I don't think it was "disjointed"... in fact it inspired me.
Quinault said:
Q: (L) Okay. If people are fully engaged in the network, will they receive information in time?

A: Yes, the operative term being "fully engaged" in any and every way possible.

Q: (Chu) So if they're sitting on the fence, they won't?

(Galatea) They have to commit to it.

(L) Yeah, but you can commit to something and stay right in your regular life. You don't have to commit to something and just throw all caution to the wind.

(Pierre) Fully engaged in every way possible...

(L) I think it means what is possible for that person.

A: Yes.

The last few sessions have certainly gotten my attention. A sort of "call to duty" for those of us on the edge of the network. Lurking. Struggling.

It's a struggle to even write this post. It seems that every force possible wants me to not send it. To stay on the fence. To second guess myself. I apologize this is short and disjointed but I have to get it out.

Hi Quinault

Many of us here are struggling as well. You don't have to struggle alone.

The 'voice' or 'I' that made you post is probably very small and hard to 'hear' at times. Try listening for it, and the more you listen to and DO, the stronger it will become.

Thank you for the session, there are many things to ponder.

(Pierre) Fully engaged in every way possible...

(L) I think it means what is possible for that person.

A: Yes.

Q: (Perceval) The previous answer was that there is still a need in these times to prepare to actually receive and aid others in the outer edges of the network. That's us doing the preparation, for example, so that we are effectively acting as proxies for all those others?

(Ark)I think that the main thing is to achieve as much RESULTS as possible, you see? So if you are somewhere and you see that you are not at your optimal strength because something is leaking, you cannot achieve most results. Some other place, you can see the results of what you are doing.

(L) So if you're not seeing results in your life, you need to rethink what's going on.

(Ark) Yeah.

The bold part especially brought my attention. If I am struggling and not getting enough results, there must be something that is leaking. I interpreted as it means distraction or emotional energy drain like a stress (and it is a big one!) which can easily lead for a loss of attention and dedication. That is why I think it is vitally important to maintain our body physically and psychologically. And the network I think does help us to rethink where we need to work on and what we can do about it. Then, we need to struggle each day, it is very hard at times but that is the only way to achieve results giving.
Regarding tribal units, my ex wife and I always thought of ourselves as soul mates. We have been divorced for 12 years now, but the connection is still there. We seem to be more like brother and sister now. I have remained single and her significant other is a person that I also feel connected to.

When the genetic aspect of a tribal unit is discussed, wouldn't that also take into account the genetic profiles of families? It was brought up that people who have a soul potential also have a genetic connection by way of family. This seems to be an indication of where to look for your tribal unit. (I have trouble bringing quotes on my android)

It seemed like the C's wanted one person to be closer to his children. Right away I made a connection that this was important for him, to be close to his own family, which could be his soul tribal unit, or at least some of the tribe.

My son thinks that I am a bit crazy when I discuss things from this website, but he also has a strong desire to gather family into a self supporting group. To make a tribal unit. He thinks we would be stronger, living and working as a group, supporting each other.
Very interesting session. A lot to digest like always. ;) Thank you very much Laura and the team for sharing. May the C's be with you. Always. :D
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