Session 6 July 2010

Argonaut said:
Stevie Argyll said:
Can't understand all the thumbs ups, great sessions etc, I get the impression some people feed on the excitement of new messages , message junkies. I'm new here so maybe I got it wrong and don't see the history, I just can't for the life of me see why anyone pastes Thumbs up at such dire portents.

... in general I see it as a show of support and appreciation for those who work to bring the C's messages to us.

I agree with Argonaut's reply here.
Stevie Argyll said:
Laura said:
Funny to me that so many are so relieved that there is no "grand plan" of psychopaths while, from my perspective, that there is not is even scarier!

Totally agree, juggernaught out of control with NO ONE driving. Sleepers.

Can't understand all the thumbs ups, great sessions etc, I get the impression some people feed on the excitement of new messages , message junkies. I'm new here so maybe I got it wrong and don't see the history, I just can't for the life of me see why anyone pastes :thup: at such dire portents.

In appreciation for the hard work that goes into asking the right questions, taking the time out to do a sitting, and then having to take more time to rest and recover, we all extend appreciation to Laura and those who sit for a session. :) As for the messages, while they are not what we perceive as positive all the time, the C's give us information and a better idea on what can be coming next, which is invaluable in the long run. Being attuned to the Earth, the latest news gave me a better idea as to why my body's been going nuts lately. ;D It further tells me its time to take a technology break and go offline a bit, which I'm doing in just a few minutes. :D

With even a general idea of whats to come...the birth pangs of a new era vague or gives everyone something invaluable we can pass on to other people who are suffering....Hope, and a direction to take action.

And that's why I say: :headbanger: :thup: :clap: :rockon:

Seeya in a while good people.
Mixtli said:
Yesterday I was talking to my wife about the Cs and the impending changes. She seemed more receptive than other times. I guess that the climate changes are making people start to seek for information about our planet and what happens in it. In my country (Mexico) the hurricane season has been damaging for the northern states. The ones closer to the gulf. I was watching the news. Looking at the people and felt like I was standing in line for something like that to happen in the south of the country. Anyways, I am glad I have this place. I am glad about the Cs and Laura and Ark and all the team.

Hi Mixtli,

Is your wife colinear? Remember about the strategic enclosure? If she is not receptive "at times" then perhaps it would be best to keep the C's to yourself. Of course we want to share our knowledge with everyone, but there are those who are not ready for it. Sharing articles from SOTT on the subject might be more acceptable to her than "channeling."

In the worse case scenario, what if you should separate and she starts up with the "cult" accusations? Don't think it can't happen, it has, over and over.
Michael said:
I'm curious of how much the earths rotation has slowed. If this is the case, how long is a day? If the earths rotation is slowed, it would not make the day longer than 24 hours?

If there is a deceleartion, then I guess it would be very tiny. But if you consider the mass of the earth, and the huge momentum it has (speaking in terms of kinetic energy), even tiny changes can cause all kinds of noticable imbalances, I guess. It is like multiplying a very large number with a very small number.

Michael said:
How could we the general public notice this? Perhaps this isn't noticeable because the days have only been extended by minutes. Eventually, our clocks would not sync with nature. Example: It's 10PM and the sun is rising. This is extreme but you get my point?

I would say, if there is a deceleration, it is only in the order of milliseconds or even microseconds a day. But I am sure that there are scientific institutes somewhere out there who constantly measure the earth's rotation speed relative to the stars. Maybe someone could do a little research on this? After all, the C's said once: "You understand the concept, now you must decide if it is factual."

Michael said:
Another thing. Thank goodness the rotational slowing is occurring slowly (so far). Can you imagine what would happen if the earth suddenly stopped spinning? Where would the earths oceans go?

I don't think that the earth will completely stop it's current rotation in the time frame of several years. The momentum is just too huge, osit.
Mrs. Peel said:
In the worse case scenario, what if you should separate and she starts up with the "cult" accusations? Don't think it can't happen, it has, over and over.

I can only second this Mixtli. Don't underestimate the fact that friends and family members listen sometimes only because we want them to do so. If there is no genuine interest by active asking on their part, then in it better to say nothing, even it is very hard to do. It might fall on your head later on.
Trevrizent said:
Argonaut said:
Stevie Argyll said:
Can't understand all the thumbs ups, great sessions etc, I get the impression some people feed on the excitement of new messages , message junkies. I'm new here so maybe I got it wrong and don't see the history, I just can't for the life of me see why anyone pastes Thumbs up at such dire portents.

... in general I see it as a show of support and appreciation for those who work to bring the C's messages to us.

I agree with Argonaut's reply here.

I also agree and give many thanks for the messages that 'HELP ME GROW IN KNOWLEDGE OF ALL CREATION'.
dugdeep said:
RedFox said:
Laura said:
Funny to me that so many are so relieved that there is no "grand plan" of psychopaths while, from my perspective, that there is not is even scarier!

I find this worrying....because I found that relieving too. I'm trying to turn it over in my head but I cannot see it the way you do....which is even more worrying!
Is it simply that this leaves them open to run amok in any way there desires take them? I really want to grok this....I think its going to take some time too thought......its like a gnawing gap in my understanding and its making me very uncomfortable its there. Thank you for pointing it out Laura.
Any input welcome.

I think there's some danger in assuming the psychopathic elite don't have a "grand plan". All that was said in the session is that the chaos surrounding the gulf crisis isn't planned but just a result of psychopathy gone awry, as usual. My own "comfort" felt when reading this session (although this isn't really the best word to describe it) was mostly due to the revealing that all this chaos in the gulf isn't being perpetrated on purpose. I guess the idea that the psychopaths would completely decimate the entire gulf region, and the entire planet by proxy, was truly disturbing for me and to find this wasn't the case, that what we're witnessing is the result of "natural" planetary changes, was a bit of a relief, even though the end result will likely be the same (mass death and destruction).

And even if this gulf disaster is an "accident", this doesn't mean the elite won't take full advantage. I'm sure there's a true 4D STS feast happening as a result of this disaster and the suffering it's causing. Nothing has changed, really - we're still in the same peril we always were in, but it's not without hope.

my 2 cents...

I just want to add that dugdeep came very close to writing my thoughts on this!
It's good to hear from C's again. In the past I would spend endless hours thinking whether the psychopaths truly had a plan or not. In a way they seem to have, but also in a way the whole thing is just too big for any "human" element to plan out.
Woodsman said:
Thank-you all for sharing!

I DID go through a couple of months ago a massive re-alignment of my Left side. Bones shifting and pains vanishing and my jaw un-tightening. I didn't realize how miserable I was until my skeleton and muscles began working properly again. I feel much more in tune now with many things, but that was weeks ago now, and in my other side, so I don't think it's the same thing.

Left siders come in ;)

I've spent a whole year fixing left-side pains, they come in succession from neck to the upper abdomen. Wrong breathing did the worst to neck muscles together with stress and bad habits on a sitting positions at work. For lower pains on that side the first suspect could be always the colon and so is probably all detox-zone issues. Just yesterday my left ear was lightly swollen in the morning and I've noticed an increase in tinnitus, but today the pain is gradually lessening.

Perhaps the 'Planetary linkage/More or less' answer points to more than meets the eye? Thinking about 'linkage' elicit in me something 'positive' generally, but we're dealing here with a sort of inflammation, so an 'attack' usually. A curious oddity at least.

Thanks for the [grooving] session! That was great, and Happy BDay to Andromeda :flowers:
Thanks to Laura, Andromeda and everyone there for this transcript. It seems the month of July has a good record for initiating into C. The 6th of July is just 10 days away from the 16th which this year will make for a 16th year anniversary. :)

In the transcrpt there was:
Q: (L) Okay, so in the next 5 years, what is the percentage of probability of the supervolcano at Yellowstone going off?

A: 58%

Some years ago there was a comment in one transcript about the reasons for an earthquake: said:
]9 Jan 05 - Link
Q: (L) Regarding the recent earthquake and tsunami, there is a huge buzz on the net that this was not a natural phenomenon. Some say it could have been a meteor; others say it was a US nuke; others say it was India and Israel playing around in deep sea trenches. Then there is the speculation on an EM weapon of some description. The New agers are saying it was the start of the final 'Earth Changes". So what really caused this earthquake that happened one year minus one hour after the earthquake in Iran?

A: Pressure in earth. Not any of the proferred suggestions. But remember that the human cycle mirrors the cycle of catastrophe and human mass consciousness plays a part.

Q: In what way does mass consciousness play a part?

A: When those with higher centers are blocked from full manifestation of creative energy, that energy must go somewhere. If you cannot create "without" you create "within".

Q: (L) In other words the acts of the STS consortium in trying to suppress steal and control the creative energy from those with higher centers may be the cause of their own destruction because that energy is uncontrollable. (A) Yes but they bring it on everyone's head also. (J) Maybe that is their plan, after all they want to destroy the planet. (L) Yes but I don't think that people like Bush and his cronies want to destroy the planet, but then they don't know much about what goes on anyway. [...]

From this one could get to the idea that a Yellowstone blow or not, and if big how big could be partially related to how well those with higher centers are able to express their creative energy. Or what do you think?
Q: (L) Okay. Well, obviously this thing going on in the Gulf of Mexico is nevertheless a dangerous thing. Is the oil going to have an effect on the thermohaline current that keeps ice ages at bay?

A: Oh certainly! It may take a year or two for the damage to be felt catastrophically but for now the greatest danger is in the rain and general toxicity of the adjacent areas.

It seems it started to rain oil. I found this video about oil raining in Louisiana:

I don't know if it is true or not but in the face of what C's have said in this session is probably true.

Added: Could you imagine a fire rain given the inflamability of oil? :shock:
Galaxia 2002 said:
It seems it started to rain oil. I found this video about oil raining in Louisiana:

I don't know if it is true or not but in the face of what C's have said in this session is probably true.

This video, on the same site, was filmed on Destin (?) Beach in Florida. You can see families and children playing barefoot in the sand and going in the water, whoch does not look a very healthy colour. The video shows tarballs littering the beach. And where there's oil, there's most likely Corexit and its deadly combination with oil :scared:
Thank you all for another great session, as well as the older ones! Congrats to Andromeda; keep up the good work!

My god, I'm ashamed to admit that I'm only now waking up to how devastating the oil spill is for the planet, thanks to what everyone here has been discussing. There's a horrible program in me that thinks, "Well, it isn't happening to me, so why should I care?" But every catastrophe, no matter how seemingly isolated, really does affect everyone! So many animals and people have been sick and dying from these psychopaths' blunders. I shouldn't even say blunders; they were the result of those who couldn't care less about the future, as long as they get what they want right now. What frightens me is that pretty much everyone I know has this apathetic mentality. Even after the years I've spent here, I can't understand how people can be so asleep to the dangers and toxins from the oil and the Corexit, especially when they get sick from it! Needless to say, I will be looking forward to the detox article that Psyche is writing.

Sorry about the rant there. I really do hope that everyone in the Gulf area will be okay. Thanks again. :)
Wonderful session to Everyone at the Chateau thank you and it came after watching clash of the titans and the fact so much of the Original `myth` as some would called it had been changed and Andromeda,cassiopia and Perceus had beeen CHANGED to fit a new myth fit for consumption today,but there stars are still in the sky,the gods are returning and we will become what we where always supposed to be,here in hope and in Friendship,many are in pain as are members of my family,as is the earth as it affected and changes,thank you to the family here for sharing there thoughts and there pain it eases all our pressures and makes us look for the best in ourselves and help those who did not no a path existed.

Thank You
Data said:
Michael said:
I'm curious of how much the earths rotation has slowed. If this is the case, how long is a day? If the earths rotation is slowed, it would not make the day longer than 24 hours?
I would say, if there is a deceleration, it is only in the order of milliseconds or even microseconds a day. But I am sure that there are scientific institutes somewhere out there who constantly measure the earth's rotation speed relative to the stars. Maybe someone could do a little research on this? After all, the C's said once: "You understand the concept, now you must decide if it is factual."

Apparently someone noticed (as far as 2003 in this article), even if they're going on with the wrong explanation:


[...]the rotation of the Earth may slow ever so slightly because of stronger winds, increasing the length of a day by a fraction of a millisecond (thousandth of a second).
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