Session 6 July 2010

Laura said:
Actually, realizing that there really is no plan of the psychopaths, though there may be short term alliances, and that what they do just sort of happens as a result of their natures, is both comforting AND horrifying. On the one hand, you see all the conspiracy theorists going nuts trying to figure everything out and when there are big holes in their conspiracy theories, they fill them with nonsense, and on the other hand, you have the anti-conspiracy theorists who can point to those glaring holes in the theories to prove that there is no conspiracy. Well, there is and there isn't. Whatever conspiracy really exists, is a conspiracy at a higher level of existence that we may not properly even call a "conspiracy", and it just uses human beings and psychopaths with equal disregard for their future and well-being.

Reminds me of Gurdjieff's story of the Evil Magician and all the psychopaths who are hypnotized into believing that they, too, are magicians.

Exposure of their nature is what came out of the BP catastrophe in the gulf. Their carelessness, their total lack of empathy toward "the small people", their total greediness etc... is firing neuron in those who still have some. Their plan is to totally control the resource of this world, be it natural resource or human man power (intellectually, physically and emotionally). Their psychopathy, their deviancy, their robotic nature is reveled, by their fruit they shall be recognize.

They have no plan but to hang on to their position of power, their only raison d'ètre I think. Their decision will be will be calculate on the basis of gain and loss (gain for them, lost for every one else), exposing ever more their egoistic nature. Materiality is their god, their only potential is to climb the hierarchy of physicality. They are blindingly following the path to their end. They followed their program or if you prefer their nature, transforming humanity to a egotistic bunch praising them. Enclosing man behind a materialistic frequency fence so as to mislead as many as possible to choose, on their on free will, to follow them and share their end.

They have done their job, the harvest time is coming, their usefulness come to a end I think, They prepared humanity to receive their new savior or should I say new master.

My 2 cents.
LissyLou said:
Thanks for sharing this session. And congratulations Andromeda for the successful grooving!

C's said:
A: It's like having a baby: blood, water, pain, but joy when it is over.

I don't recall dreams often, but when I do, I pay attention. Since Tuesday , I've been trying to figure out what this dream could possibly mean. I was in labor, about to deliver a daughter, starting to feel uncomfortable....and I woke up shouting, I just want this to be over!

The C's analogy here really shook me and immediately my dream came to mind. Seems the blood, water, and pain is gonna come, whether I like it or not!
I also had a dream about being pregnant prior to the publishing of this CC session. I tried to figure out how it happened that I found myself pregnant, I could not remember a man that was responsible for my pregnancy and I even considered the possibility of an actual alien impregnating me. I know that may have sounded weird that an alien could have been responsible for that, but that is was I was thinking in my dream. I was touching my tummy and I felt so bad for the baby that I actually was that careless; I was thinking how could I have done that to a baby despite all I knew what was happening in this world. I was glad to wake up and realize that it was only a dream. I am glad I was not the only one having such a dream.
RedFox said:
Laura said:
Funny to me that so many are so relieved that there is no "grand plan" of psychopaths while, from my perspective, that there is not is even scarier!

I find this worrying....because I found that relieving too. I'm trying to turn it over in my head but I cannot see it the way you do....which is even more worrying!
Is it simply that this leaves them open to run amok in any way there desires take them? I really want to grok this....I think its going to take some time too thought......its like a gnawing gap in my understanding and its making me very uncomfortable its there. Thank you for pointing it out Laura.
Any input welcome.

I think there's some danger in assuming the psychopathic elite don't have a "grand plan". All that was said in the session is that the chaos surrounding the gulf crisis isn't planned but just a result of psychopathy gone awry, as usual. My own "comfort" felt when reading this session (although this isn't really the best word to describe it) was mostly due to the revealing that all this chaos in the gulf isn't being perpetrated on purpose. I guess the idea that the psychopaths would completely decimate the entire gulf region, and the entire planet by proxy, was truly disturbing for me and to find this wasn't the case, that what we're witnessing is the result of "natural" planetary changes, was a bit of a relief, even though the end result will likely be the same (mass death and destruction).

And even if this gulf disaster is an "accident", this doesn't mean the elite won't take full advantage. I'm sure there's a true 4D STS feast happening as a result of this disaster and the suffering it's causing. Nothing has changed, really - we're still in the same peril we always were in, but it's not without hope.

my 2 cents...
Mona said:
LissyLou said:
Thanks for sharing this session. And congratulations Andromeda for the successful grooving!

C's said:
A: It's like having a baby: blood, water, pain, but joy when it is over.

I don't recall dreams often, but when I do, I pay attention. Since Tuesday , I've been trying to figure out what this dream could possibly mean. I was in labor, about to deliver a daughter, starting to feel uncomfortable....and I woke up shouting, I just want this to be over!

The C's analogy here really shook me and immediately my dream came to mind. Seems the blood, water, and pain is gonna come, whether I like it or not!
I also had a dream about being pregnant prior to the publishing of this CC session. I tried to figure out how it happened that I found myself pregnant, I could not remember a man that was responsible for my pregnancy and I even considered the possibility of an actual alien impregnating me. I know that may have sounded weird that an alien could have been responsible for that, but that is was I was thinking in my dream. I was touching my tummy and I felt so bad for the baby that I actually was that careless; I was thinking how could I have done that to a baby despite all I knew what was happening in this world. I was glad to wake up and realize that it was only a dream. I am glad I was not the only one having such a dream.

hmm.. very interesting dreams.

Thank you for sharing the session. :) It's always helpful and it makes me to think about the situation of the world deeply.
Thanks for the good news and the session post.

Quote from: Laura
Actually, realizing that there really is no plan of the psychopaths, though there may be short term alliances, and that what they do just sort of happens as a result of their natures, is both comforting AND horrifying.

This is the biggest issue we have to face. What the psychopaths are doing to humanity. One of the things we need to do is to make sure we don't act like them. It seems that this is the path of a warrior.

When people act in a psychopathic manner, unaware of what they are doing and that they do have other options, they become part of the control mechanism. This is where knowledge can be applied. By understanding what the true consequences of our actions are, we can overcome those urges to act in that manner. It sounds simple enough, doesn't it?

The changes that are going to be put in place, are great news. Do people get a sense that we can make it to those changes, from this session? I do. I have had feelings of being in a hopeless situation, in this world, for most of my life. That has changed for me now. My programing was deep and I have seen every type of parasite in the books exit my body. They are not all gone yet, but I have shed about 50 lbs. of them during the past 3 years. My eyesight is improving, my white hair has a tinge of dark to it now and the bald spot on the back of my head seems to be filling in again.

The people who understand need to continue the networking with their family members and close friends, talking about the issues and walking the talk. Living and being in the walk of a warrior.

Most people demonstrating psychopathy that we run into in our daily walk, wilt like a plant without water when their behavior is pointed out to them. Of course, the hard core psychos are not as easily unearthed. For these, we must be impeccable. The good news that there is a low percentage of hard core psychos compared to the general population means that many people can change or wake up to their true selves.

Missionaries to Africa report that the people have nothing, but these people are truly living happy lives compared to the negativeness they see all around when they come back from those missions. They are doing that by networking and community spirit, in the flesh. Here we rely on TV and gadgets, forgetting about other humans, living a sterile controlled life without the personal connections to the community.
Redfox said:
I find this worrying....because I found that relieving too. I'm trying to turn it over in my head but I cannot see it the way you do....which is even more worrying!
Is it simply that this leaves them open to run amok in any way there desires take them? I really want to grok this....I think its going to take some time too thought......its like a gnawing gap in my understanding and its making me very uncomfortable its there. Thank you for pointing it out Laura.
Any input welcome.
I'm thinking no plan = no limits and no self-control. So for example the BP oil spill - if this was by design, then they'd probably have a good idea of how to manage it, but if it's an accident, the damage could be catastrophic and nobody has any idea how to mitigate it, and any idea (like nuking) could backfire (on the psychopaths, and on everyone else). I suppose the benefit is that no plan means they must attempt to work on their feet, to improvise, but we know they suck at it since they aren't creative. So major miscalculations and blunders are to be expected. But I'd say that even with a plan they are weak - plans never account for the rule of 3, they don't adapt to changing circumstances well, they assume a static environment and that their assumptions about the result of their actions can be relied upon.

Something like 911 is a great example of just how badly and obviously they screw up even in such critical things that you'd think they would do everything in their power to execute flawlessly - if that's the best they can do, it is clear that they are incompetent and our only real enemy is our stubborn blindness. The only reason people are fooled are their programs, as soon as you can beat your wishful thinking and programming enough to open your mind just a little bit, the whole situation becomes farcical and you are shocked that they can get away with anything given how bad they are at disguising their efforts. Although this forum is full of brilliant people - we are not geniuses, we are not necessarily of high IQ or somehow just more intelligent than the rest of the human race, we're just normal people and yet we can see right through all their efforts - and if we can do it, so can anybody else, if they just take their programming filters off enough. This forum is proof that the only thing preventing people from seeing all the machinations of the PTB are their programs, something the PTB rely on and try their bestest to cultivate.

And I think that's a very important thing to keep in mind - they don't rely on their brilliant abilities (they might like to think so), they rely on our weaknesses. So they are not strong, or brilliant - we're just expected to be really weak and dumb, otherwise it all fails. A "normal" human is too much for them - they need a badly damaged human - psychologically, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, for any of this to work. It really is like the Wizard of Oz - they are not brilliant magicians, they just rely on us assuming that they are. If they were so "good" they wouldn't spend all their effort to damage and brainwash us in every way imaginable, would they?

So it seems like no plan = both good and bad for us because they can't improvise, but their own blunders could be deadly to the rest of us since nobody is at the helm of the ship, and it's being steered by a bunch of crazed apes. I hope they mess up bad enough to be obvious even to people with programs, but not so bad that all those people die before they can join together to take the helm of our ship and put the monkeys back in their cages.
RedFox said:
Is it simply that this leaves them open to run amok in any way there desires take them?

They are reacting to corporate profits, in most cases. They need to keep the system running and profits flowing. To do this, they need people, a functioning world and a healthy economy. I get the sense they think that as long as the world is still operating in the manner it is, "we're good to go".
Mona said:
I also had a dream about being pregnant prior to the publishing of this CC session....I am glad I was not the only one having such a dream.

I'm glad I'm not the only one too! In the last couple of weeks, I have recalled several dreams. So I'm definitely sitting up and taking notice! Perhaps I am waking up from a deep sleep?!
Well who was it who said "never let a crisis go to waste?"

If there is collateral damage involved, they think tossing money at it will make it go away somehow. What we would call 'solutions to problems' they see it as 'find someone to blame later.'

Thinking for a second that all in all, the PTB have our best interests in mind is like being in a violent abusive relationship. And we feel the effects as if we have them as a Big Brother or an Uncle Sam or an Aunt Liberty.

Sad. :(

Edit: Spelling
Laura said:
Actually, realizing that there really is no plan of the psychopaths, though there may be short term alliances, and that what they do just sort of happens as a result of their natures, is both comforting AND horrifying. On the one hand, you see all the conspiracy theorists going nuts trying to figure everything out and when there are big holes in their conspiracy theories, they fill them with nonsense, and on the other hand, you have the anti-conspiracy theorists who can point to those glaring holes in the theories to prove that there is no conspiracy. Well, there is and there isn't. Whatever conspiracy really exists, is a conspiracy at a higher level of existence that we may not properly even call a "conspiracy", and it just uses human beings and psychopaths with equal disregard for their future and well-being.

Reminds me of Gurdjieff's story of the Evil Magician and all the psychopaths who are hypnotized into believing that they, too, are magicians.

Yeah, I get the impression that we are all going to have to accept that the world is sort of "going to hell in a handbasket" and there is little rhyme or reason to it, it's just a collapsing system, with nut-jobs at the helm who don't give a damn. The only thing that can possibly steer the direction of our planet right now is the ordinary human beings on it, that is to say, those who are waking up to the chaos that is at the door.
luke wilson said:
Omg, how could the Cs leave us hanging like that.....

What will intervene?????

If you have a leak in a water pipe in a house, one way to intervene and stop it is to blow the house up. :)
I sure hope they don't blow the 'house' up, although given their track record..... :/ )

luck wilson, if you read The Wave carefully, you'll notice that questions like "what will intervene??" would be answered by saying "wait and see," or "open." Because the future IS open and given that fact you would have to, naturally, wait and see. :)

Perceval said:
luke wilson said:
Omg, how could the Cs leave us hanging like that.....

What will intervene?????

If you have a leak in a water pipe in a house, one way to intervene and stop it is to blow the house up. :)
SAO said:
Redfox said:
I find this worrying....because I found that relieving too. I'm trying to turn it over in my head but I cannot see it the way you do....which is even more worrying!
Is it simply that this leaves them open to run amok in any way there desires take them? I really want to grok this....I think its going to take some time too thought......its like a gnawing gap in my understanding and its making me very uncomfortable its there. Thank you for pointing it out Laura.
Any input welcome.
I'm thinking no plan = no limits and no self-control. So for example the BP oil spill - if this was by design, then they'd probably have a good idea of how to manage it, but if it's an accident, the damage could be catastrophic and nobody has any idea how to mitigate it, and any idea (like nuking) could backfire (on the psychopaths, and on everyone else). I suppose the benefit is that no plan means they must attempt to work on their feet, to improvise, but we know they suck at it since they aren't creative. So major miscalculations and blunders are to be expected. But I'd say that even with a plan they are weak - plans never account for the rule of 3, they don't adapt to changing circumstances well, they assume a static environment and that their assumptions about the result of their actions can be relied upon.

Something like 911 is a great example of just how badly and obviously they screw up even in such critical things that you'd think they would do everything in their power to execute flawlessly - if that's the best they can do, it is clear that they are incompetent and our only real enemy is our stubborn blindness. The only reason people are fooled are their programs, as soon as you can beat your wishful thinking and programming enough to open your mind just a little bit, the whole situation becomes farcical and you are shocked that they can get away with anything given how bad they are at disguising their efforts. Although this forum is full of brilliant people - we are not geniuses, we are not necessarily of high IQ or somehow just more intelligent than the rest of the human race, we're just normal people and yet we can see right through all their efforts - and if we can do it, so can anybody else, if they just take their programming filters off enough. This forum is proof that the only thing preventing people from seeing all the machinations of the PTB are their programs, something the PTB rely on and try their bestest to cultivate.

And I think that's a very important thing to keep in mind - they don't rely on their brilliant abilities (they might like to think so), they rely on our weaknesses. So they are not strong, or brilliant - we're just expected to be really weak and dumb, otherwise it all fails. A "normal" human is too much for them - they need a badly damaged human - psychologically, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, for any of this to work. It really is like the Wizard of Oz - they are not brilliant magicians, they just rely on us assuming that they are. If they were so "good" they wouldn't spend all their effort to damage and brainwash us in every way imaginable, would they?

So it seems like no plan = both good and bad for us because they can't improvise, but their own blunders could be deadly to the rest of us since nobody is at the helm of the ship, and it's being steered by a bunch of crazed apes. I hope they mess up bad enough to be obvious even to people with programs, but not so bad that all those people die before they can join together to take the helm of our ship and put the monkeys back in their cages.

This is my thinking as well. Villains who can plan and execute effectively are a truly frightening concept to me. But psychopaths, since they don't plan more than one or two bits of wishful thinking ahead make them more a force of nature, rather like a forest fire or a flood. Such things are deadly dangerous and massively destructive, but you can project behavior and think several steps ahead, and thus it is possible to maneuver safely; to know where you can and cannot stand in conflict and how to avoid conflicts altogether. I've found that in my interactions with them, anyway.

But an "evil genius" who could plan as effectively as somebody in touch with objective reality would be much, much more difficult to deal with, the chances being much greater for defeat. I picture the psychopath as a chess player where if you poke its psychopath buttons or lead it into thinking it isn't being watched, it'll throw the chess board across the room or otherwise reveal its nature, so you win by default or are able to take appropriate management steps. There are many tactics for dealing with natural forces which only a thinking, sane person could formulate. Unfortunately, we've only really come to be aware of psychopaths after years of not recognizing them. Using the fire analogy, the world is now ablaze.

The 4th Density farmers seem to understand their predictable nature and use them like a tool the same way we have figured out how to use fire in 3rd Density.
In my previous post my reasoning was that there will be plenty of "saviours"(4d sts) and true helpers(4d sto) but how will you tell which is which? By doing the work of course, but it won't be easy when 3d sts masks are off and anything 4d might seem beneficial (for awhile)...
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