Session 6 July 2010

Laura said:
Funny to me that so many are so relieved that there is no "grand plan" of psychopaths while, from my perspective, that there is not is even scarier!

It's natural to think that they might be more dangerous if they had some kind of plan. But with so much power at their disposal, a "grand plan" would at least limit what they can do. They'd be somewhat careful so as to not wipe themselves out. Without a plan they have no limits at all! :shock:

clerck de bonk said:
...3d sts most probably don't know(although they might think they do) but 4d sts most certainly have a plan, which might include "feeding" 3d sts(psychopaths) to the people at the "end".
Have I understood this about correctly?

I'm not sure that 4D STS has a "plan" so much as a wishful-thinking assumption that things will go a particular way. Which may be similar to how the psychopaths are also thinking. As for what they might do with psychopaths at the end, letting the people have their way with them could be what happens. The psychopaths will be worthless to 4D STS after a certain point, since they have no emotions to feed off of. But using them to incite bloodthirsty rage in the populace would squeeze one last little bit of usefulness out of them before they're "discarded" entirely. My 2 cents on it, anyway.
Laura said:
Funny to me that so many are so relieved that there is no "grand plan" of psychopaths while, from my perspective, that there is not is even scarier!

I have to agree with this, the fact that the psychopaths are just running around causing untold chaos all over the place and causing unintended disasters is so scary and depressing. :scared: :scared:

At least if there was a "grand plan" some of the psychopaths would at least play by some sort of "psychopathic rulebook", this would at least give us a chance to see a method in their insanity. Things can quickly get completely out of control in this scenario, and changing the conscienceness of a huge group of people becomes so much harder.
Thanks for another mind pondering session.
And speaking of pondering, last night before my bedtime I was thinking about this part:

Laura said:
Q: (Belibaste) If the crust is opening up and there are multiple leaks, I guess humans can't stop the leaks, and they only stop when the oil pressure equals the ocean pressure. (L) It could go on for years!

A: Yes.

Q: (Belibaste) How long is it going to take?

A: 8 years if nothing intervenes.

Q: (L) Is something expected to intervene?

A: Oh, that would be telling!

Q: (Perceval) Are they seriously considering using a nuke?

A: Yes.

Q: (Andromeda) Oh no... (Perceval) So that's what could intervene to stop it?

A: Not what we were referring to. A nuke under the present cosmic conditions will only make it worse.

Q: (L) So you say "that would be telling", yet you have told us that somewhere maybe in June or July of 2014 will be Year 0 of a new era. So, are we to assume that something is going to intervene that will stop the leak and sort things out on this planet?

A: Oh indeed.

I guess we have left out our gecko/gray "friends"! It would be so appropriate to introduce those nasty looking aliens as our saviours who are able to spectacularly clean up mess that we greedy humans have done to mother Earth and ourselves. Just like in "Visitors" series.
My 2c.
Thank you very much for this session folks! :lol: :rockon: :clap:

If I didn't say it before, thank you for your mind-blowing and extensive work and my condolences on your mother's passing Mrs. Knight-Jadcyzk. It was expected but that is _never_ the same as when it arrives. (hugs and best wishes)

On the evil magician analogy, dang, it is spot on.

I think the reason so many people are relieved is because that means the possibilities for resistance are now so multi-faceted, it's boggling. Remember that article I linked from that A. Peasant lady who spoke of the inability of psychopathologicals to navigate the minefields of normal human existence? That will be our greatest weapon against them. Whether they all as a group had a Grand Plan or not. I'm sure at one point in time there was great support for one over-arching plan, but as has been repeatedly shown, psychopathologicals ultimately cannot maintain a shared vision forward like normal humans can. Of course, normal humans can carry forth horrible ponerized visions under the direction of psychopathologicals, but eventually that ends up imploding on itself because it is inimical to normal human interests and experiences.

Clerk deBonk, that seems to have been the plan no matter what! Unfortunately, like all other wishful think on the part of 4thD STS, it will NOT go forth as they expect. Do they actually think that 3rdD STS psychopathologicals will cover their hides? They're gonna be sold out and sent up the river. It will NOT be a pleasant experience for either of them. It won't be "pleasant" for us either, but we have the option of adjusting our world-view and using knowledge to protect as best as we can to carry forth. Ultimately, we "win".

What's coming is the Wave, the Christ(Krstos) consciousness, yes the comets, "Soul-Smashing",earth changes, lots of death and destruction etc., but none of that ultimately matters _that_ much! They've been part of our soul lessons for the past several millenia. We are about to get a "Joyful Break" after the "Blood, Water and Pain". It seems that "God", "Cosmic-Mind" or "Uni-Multi-verse" is gonna give a "House-cleaning" lesson so profound, that the human race and ALL other races incorporating souls will never-ever forget it.

"Time" is up! Not just for us, but for the Lizzies,Greys, Orions, Pleidians or whatever other STS or STO critters of _any_ Density or Dimension's machinations have been unfolding. The STS dudes have lost, utterly lost, no matter if they surrender or take the lot of us 3rdD humans, "down" :rotfl: with them, they've lost.

Trust in "God", keep searching, do the meditations and try to live life with Joy as much as possible!

Edit: As joyful as all this sounds, remember, as difficult as it seems, let's keep anticipation to a minimum and try to retain justified hope, not wishful thinking.
atiil said:
Laura said:
Funny to me that so many are so relieved that there is no "grand plan" of psychopaths while, from my perspective, that there is not is even scarier!

I have to agree with this, the fact that the psychopaths are just running around causing untold chaos all over the place and causing unintended disasters is so scary and depressing. :scared: :scared:

Me too. Either way it's disturbing but if they have no real plan it will be harder to predict what they might do next. I did feel a little relieved to hear that we might have more than just the end of this year before it's too late to do anything. This means that we need to keep focused on our Work to show proper appreciation for this chance to get more done, and not feel relaxed and slack off!! Paying strict attention to reality, networking, physical detox, and practicing EE are of the UTMOST importance right now. If understanding the truth and helping to make what we know available to others is what we have chosen to do, clear thinking and physical energy are imperative.

Thanks for the congratulations everybody but I really didn't do anything! We've been practicing here and there over the last couple of years and mostly just got gobbledygook, so I was a little surprised when the the C's came through. Usually my arm burns because of strain due to improper posture and I have to switch hands often (don't know how Mom does it!), but this time it was somewhat easier. I think that what has changed the most in me to allow this possibility of grooving is that most of my internal chatter can be quieted more easily and more quickly, this leaves room for a better view of real feelings and 'psychic' impressions. EE is the best thing to help with this.
Thanks for the session, team!

It does seem like a good opportunity for our 'space brothers' to come in and clean up our mess. However, the intervention the C's talked about tied in with the 'having a baby' analogy. So I'm not sure they meant aliens in that sense. :huh:
Shijing said:
My daughter and I had just watched The Day After Tomorrow yesterday -- I'd seen it before, but it was her first time and she'd been after me to watch it with her, so the timing was great. She had also wondered about the southern hemisphere, so it was nice to be able to show her that part of the transcript today.

That's funny Shijing, we just watched this movie again a couple of days ago and that is where the question of the southern hemisphere came from!! :P
Laura said:
Funny to me that so many are so relieved that there is no "grand plan" of psychopaths while, from my perspective, that there is not is even scarier!

I find this worrying....because I found that relieving too. I'm trying to turn it over in my head but I cannot see it the way you do....which is even more worrying!
Is it simply that this leaves them open to run amok in any way there desires take them? I really want to grok this....I think its going to take some time too thought......its like a gnawing gap in my understanding and its making me very uncomfortable its there. Thank you for pointing it out Laura.
Any input welcome.
RedFox said:
Laura said:
Funny to me that so many are so relieved that there is no "grand plan" of psychopaths while, from my perspective, that there is not is even scarier!

I find this worrying....because I found that relieving too. I'm trying to turn it over in my head but I cannot see it the way you do....which is even more worrying!
Is it simply that this leaves them open to run amok in any way there desires take them? I really want to grok this....I think its going to take some time too thought......its like a gnawing gap in my understanding and its making me very uncomfortable its there. Thank you for pointing it out Laura.
Any input welcome.

My understanding is, If they don't have a plan, they can't understand what to do when things go wrong and ultimately they will shoot themselves in the foot pretty easily.
Thank you all for another session with the C's. I found the question of the right side ailments interesting as I since 10 days have had a pain in the right heel. It ill most likely disappear again as suddenly as it came.

Congratulations on the grooving results. :flowers:
To me it was also a very interesting session. It is relieving to think that we may have four years still, although in the grand scheme that's a really short time to accomplish all we want to accomplish. We need all of you if we want to do so much. People are definitely asking more and more about EE, EE classes, the DCM magazine, SOTT and all we do. Perhaps they are starting to finally be fed up with the situation.

What was saddening was to think about toxicity due to the oil spill and much more. This morning over breakfast Psyche was telling us about how this is going to be extremely had to detox She will probably post about it herself, since she's writing an article on the subject. But the shocking thing was the case of this man who, after 6 months of FIR sauna, IV supplements, diet, massage, etc, STILL had some toxicity and felt sick right after he went back to work. People need to be informed about this, and do something NOW. The diet is probably one of the most important things to keep us going. And EE, of course.

So, dear people, let's all do what we can, for ourselves and others. Time is a wasting!
I think that the 3rd density psychopaths not having "grand plan" can "cut both ways." It's worrying in the sense that we will have very little chance of knowing what they might do at each juncture. On the other hand, it means that they'll be in utter confusion at the height of things heating up and make many mistakes, thus exposing their pathological nature. Plus it may help us not to speculate and anticipate too much what THEY will do, and concentrate on what WE need to do.

In any case, during the increasing upheavals, we can apply creativity and networking, while they will be at a disadvantage for a change. At least that's how it seems to me at the moment.
Ailén said:
To me it was also a very interesting session. It is relieving to think that we may have four years still, although in the grand scheme that's a really short time to accomplish all we want to accomplish. We need all of you if we want to do so much. People are definitely asking more and more about EE, EE classes, the DCM magazine, SOTT and all we do. Perhaps they are starting to finally be fed up with the situation.

What was saddening was to think about toxicity due to the oil spill and much more. This morning over breakfast Psyche was telling us about how this is going to be extremely had to detox She will probably post about it herself, since she's writing an article on the subject. But the shocking thing was the case of this man who, after 6 months of FIR sauna, IV supplements, diet, massage, etc, STILL had some toxicity and felt sick right after he went back to work. People need to be informed about this, and do something NOW. The diet is probably one of the most important things to keep us going. And EE, of course.

So, dear people, let's all do what we can, for ourselves and others. Time is a wasting!

Yeah, we need to be on the lookout to maximize every opportunity to spread what we're doing and our research and activities, as we continue to work on ourselves, as well. Together, I think we can do what may seem almost impossible. We just need to keep at it and stay motivated -- don't take our eyes of the ball, so to speak.
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