Session 6 July 2010

Thanks guys, great session! :flowers:

Laura said:
Actually, realizing that there really is no plan of the psychopaths, though there may be short term alliances, and that what they do just sort of happens as a result of their natures, is both comforting AND horrifying. On the one hand, you see all the conspiracy theorists going nuts trying to figure everything out and when there are big holes in their conspiracy theories, they fill them with nonsense, and on the other hand, you have the anti-conspiracy theorists who can point to those glaring holes in the theories to prove that there is no conspiracy. Well, there is and there isn't. Whatever conspiracy really exists, is a conspiracy at a higher level of existence that we may not properly even call a "conspiracy", and it just uses human beings and psychopaths with equal disregard for their future and well-being.

This is exactly what I've been trying to convey to a couple of my conspiracy-theorist friends, but I didn't know a clear, concise way to put it until now. Thank you! These friends are perfectly able to accept the existence of "conspiracies," but for some reason they can't wrap their minds around the concept of political psychopaths. It's like a huge blind spot for them; they act as if it's too simplistic to be true. Maybe I'm investing myself too much in trying to "help" them see, but I feel as if they'd accept the idea if they could only grok the logic of it. I'll try explaining it the way you did here and see what they say. Then I'll just let them think however they choose to think.
Endymion said:
Thank you so much for sharing this grooving session. :flowers: Like others here, I experience a curious mixture of horror and hope while reading this session. Hope in that the more the pathologicals reveal themselves – as their outrages get bigger and bigger – more people will realise something is wrong on the planet, and will start looking for answers.

Laura said:
Actually, realizing that there really is no plan of the psychopaths, though there may be short term alliances, and that what they do just sort of happens as a result of their natures, is both comforting AND horrifying.

And all the devastation and destruction comes about because they are completely blind to the implications and outcomes of their actions – wishful and deluded thinking driven by the psychopath's total lack of empathy and conscience.

Another reminder to keep on working on ourselves and to remain open to the future without anticipating.

Yes - thank you so much for sharing this session! I also experienced that feeling of both horror and hope, maybe more hope than I have recently. :)

It reminded me as well not to anticipate the future - it's not all doom and gloom even though there are going to be more rough spots. I haven't been as focused on working without anticipation. :huh:
Thanks for sharing the session!

Best of everything to Andromeda on her grooving.

FWIW: I have been thinking for the past weeks of the toxicity effect the spill may have on us all.
And, to see it brought up on this session has made me accelerate on my detox.

Again, Thanks to ALL for the session and hope to see more with Andromeda grooving with it.
Thanks to all who participated and shared this session with us!

Just another clue that the path towards creating a STO world is to gain knowledge of psychopathology and share it with others when the "time" comes. Could be now, could be a bit later. As opposed to a year or so ago, I'm finding more and more persons in my sphere who are looking for the reason(s) why this world is in such a mess. Some of these persons are just not ready for hyper-dimensional control theories, yet they just might be ready to understand how key people in power can be so callous - especially when human beings and the earth are being savaged and deceived due to greed and an obvious lack of conscience, be it genetic or from ponerization.

Laura said:
Actually, realizing that there really is no plan of the psychopaths, though there may be short term alliances, and that what they do just sort of happens as a result of their natures, is both comforting AND horrifying.

Yes, it's both horrifying and comforting - or somewhat hopeful - as in the possibility that psychopaths, due to their natures, might screw up so completely that people with consciences would be awakened to their presence in our midst and decide not to play their games, thus sapping much of the destructive, entropic energy that gets funneled to the psychopath's 4D STS masters.

Laura said:
On the one hand, you see all the conspiracy theorists going nuts trying to figure everything out and when there are big holes in their conspiracy theories, they fill them with nonsense, and on the other hand, you have the anti-conspiracy theorists who can point to those glaring holes in the theories to prove that there is no conspiracy. Well, there is and there isn't. Whatever conspiracy really exists, is a conspiracy at a higher level of existence that we may not properly even call a "conspiracy", and it just uses human beings and psychopaths with equal disregard for their future and well-being.

The comment below was taken from a recent SOTT article (can't recall the title - and it's missing an opening sentence in the last paragraph!) for my journal. It does jive with what Laura has said about psychopathology being the most viable conspiracy on the planet.

article comment said:
Civilization, as we know it, is largely the creation of psychopaths. All civilizations, our own included, have been based on slavery and "warfare." Incidentally, the latter term is a euphemism for mass murder.

The prevailing recipe for civilization is simple:

1) Use lies and brainwashing to create an army of controlled, systematic mass murderers;

2) Use that army to enslave large numbers of people (i.e. seize control of their labour power and its fruits);

3) Use that slave labour power to improve the brainwashing process (by using the economic surplus to employ scribes, priests, and PR men). Then go back to step one and repeat the process.

Psychopaths have played a disproportionate role in the development of civilization, because they are hard-wired to lie, kill, injure, and generally inflict great suffering on other humans without feeling any remorse. The inventor of civilization - the first tribal chieftain who successfully brainwashed an army of controlled mass murderers - was almost certainly a genetic psychopath. Since that momentous discovery, psychopaths have enjoyed a significant advantage over non-psychopaths in the struggle for power in civilizational hierarchies - especially military hierarchies.

In the book Political Ponerology, Andrzej Lobaczewski explains that clinical psychopaths enjoy advantages even in non-violent competitions to climb the ranks of social hierarchies. Because they can lie without remorse (and without the telltale physiological stress that is measured by lie detector tests) psychopaths can always say whatever is necessary to get what they want. In court, for example, psychopaths can tell extreme bald-faced lies in a plausible manner, while their sane opponents are handicapped by an emotional predisposition to remain within hailing distance of the truth. Too often, the judge or jury imagines that the truth must be somewhere in the middle, and then issues decisions that benefit the psychopath. As with judges and juries, so too with those charged with decisions concerning who to promote and who not to promote in corporate, military and governmental hierarchies. The result is that all hierarchies -government - military - educational - religious - etc. - inevitably become top-heavy with psychopaths.

So-called conspiracy theorists, some of whom deserve the pejorative connotation of that much-abused term, often imagine that secret societies of Jews, Jesuits, bankers, communists, Bilderbergers, Muslim extremists, papists, and so on, are secretly controlling history, doing dastardly deeds, and/or threatening to take over the world.

As a [?] I offer an alternative conspiracy theory which, like the alternative conspiracy theory of 9/11, is both simpler and more accurate than the prevailing wisdom: The only conspiracy that matters is the conspiracy of the psychopaths against the rest of us.
Thank-you all for sharing!

I visit this section of the forum daily in the hopes of finding new information. It's always an exciting moment when I see a new thread added to the "Sessions" section. It's encouraging and uplifting to read such positive spirits in everybody there!

I feel a bit left out; I feel no pain at all, in either my Right or Left side. Funny how that works; I'd rather feel pain than be out of tune. Herd thinking, I suppose, but then I've always felt a bit off on my own with regard to the Sott forums; it is a struggle to pull myself into alignment and I feel like I'm making progress, but still. . .

I DID go through a couple of months ago a massive re-alignment of my Left side. Bones shifting and pains vanishing and my jaw un-tightening. I didn't realize how miserable I was until my skeleton and muscles began working properly again. I feel much more in tune now with many things, but that was weeks ago now, and in my other side, so I don't think it's the same thing.

My girlfriend, however, has been suffering enormously, and it started two weeks ago. Her whole spine suddenly shifted so that one shoulder (her Left) is a whole inch lower than the other! Even the leg on her glasses on that side snapped off at the same moment. It continues to be really painful for her and she's undergoing a lot of other big emotional shifts as well. She's going to be okay, I think, (knows a great osteopath and emotionally is tackling one problem after another and never stops making progress). Her pain appears to be centered around her spine rather than any one side.

I've begun meditating again, but I keep finding excuses or am too tired to work with EE. I know this is a problem, and today is the day I will start in earnest.

I think you are all so wonderful and I have a great deal of admiration for everything being done here!

Keep it up!
thank you for this session

I have compassion for the people who live in the Gulf how horrible it is . I really hope they won't use a nuke :cry:

I have to add I have also pain in the right side since sunday evening I pay attention to my diet i hope it will be better soon :(

Fille des bois
Nice to hear from the Cs again. Was beginning to miss them.

Was it andromeda that was channeling them? Or was it Laura?

Everyone is congratulating andromeda and I dont know why... :/

Omg, how could the Cs leave us hanging like that.....

What will intervene?????

Noooooooooooooo. They dont want to tell.

Oh forgot to say thanks to everyone that was involved with this session.... :clap: :thup:

Edit: Forgot to say thanks.
In this period of turmoil, to say the least, it is appreciated to get a few hints to help narrowing our research and find peace within ourselves. I thank you all for this session and am please to see that new participants are gifted.

We have to take care of the self as we would like to see earth being taken care of. Well, let's clean our internal water. It is my feeling that the upcoming health challenges in the fall will be with lungs infections and general poisoning. Food for thoughts and debates.
Thank you Laura and Andromeda, for another session. And thanks to all the questioners. A lot of interesting comments.
Thanks Laura, Andromeda and the rest of the chateau team for sharing this session. :thup:
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