Session 6 July 2024

Big thank you for the wonderful session :hug2:
Thank You for this very interesting session!

So it looks like we have a big clue about OP and perhaps this video shows person of this kind:
Every day (or even hour) I face many folks in the company that talk exactly what the boss wants to hear. It is as if there is no meaning to the words or sentences, no memory of what they talked minute ago, absolute no conscience of lying. Only thing they worry is that boss didn't buy into their narration. Not all are as ruthless or cunning as psychopaths though. Heck, I feel tired even to join the meetings.

Few weeks back one guy even asked my previous boss in the meeting in front of every body, "how to tell stories to the customers when their team goof up some thing and Client complains?":lol:

God Bless Humanity or Planet!.
It's fascinating and I wasn't expecting an answer that all of the reports were window fallers! This means we have actual videos and photos of probable window fallers. Cats like ours but from different times and dimensions or densities. Where and how do they live normally? I need to review everything re. Window Fallers because it raises more questions.
I find the whole subject of window fallers fascinating. I cannot remember clearly but wasn't there something in a previous session along the lines of the window fallers not necessarily looking as they appear to us but it being something about our perception of them? So perhaps they do not look like big cats where they originate from. I may have got it completely wrong of course. I did a quick search but couldn't find anything about what I had read previously. (perhaps I made it up in my mind.... :whistle: )
Thanks for having the session, Laura and Andromeda. I hope you’re feeling better, Laura.

I find the whole subject of window fallers fascinating. I cannot remember clearly but wasn't there something in a previous session along the lines of the window fallers not necessarily looking as they appear to us but it being something about our perception of them? So perhaps they do not look like big cats where they originate from. I may have got it completely wrong of course. I did a quick search but couldn't find anything about what I had read previously. (perhaps I made it up in my mind.... :whistle: )

No, you didn’t make it up:
April 27, 2024
(Ryan) Why do 3D window-fallers fall through one window but not another? For example, why haven't there been reports of chupacabras in Europe? What relates the consciousness of a window-faller to a specific locator?

A: The consciousnesses of those located at the locator.

Q: (L) So, in other words, the reason they have chupacabras where they have chupacabras is because it's suitable for the consciousnesses of people that receive it. And that's what relates the consciousness of a window-faller to a specific locator: the consciousnesses of those located at the locator. Oh God, that's just... [laughter] There's leprechauns in Ireland, there's swamp monsters. It just depends on where you are. And of course, I'm sure it has something to do with the environment. I mean, you have a swamp and of course you're gonna think about creepy swamp monsters rising up with green slime dripping off of them.

I thought about asking during the session why it’s specifically big black cats seen in the UK, in reference to the above session, but I thought the question was almost the same as the above chupacabra one, so it had kind of already been asked before.

Interesting thing to think about and discuss, though.
I thought about asking during the session why it’s specifically big black cats seen in the UK, in reference to the above session, but I thought the question was almost the same as the above chupacabra one, so it had kind of already been asked before.

Interesting thing to think about and discuss, though.

I think that session links well to this much earlier one.

A: You do not yet completely understand all the "mechanics" of the window faller phenomenon. The physicality is entirely transitory and partially dependent upon consciousness variabilities, as well as expectations of witnesses.

Q: (L) Does the energy of the fear of the witness enable the creature to continue its existence? Does it feed on the excitement and fear, and is that what makes it manifest?

A: Close, but off a little. It is the other way around, and retro-factored by one half.

Q: (L) What do you mean by that?

A: It is mutual, rather than unilateral. Also, remember that a window falling represents a cross-energizing of realities, equally represented from each "dimension" in question. In other words, because the dimensional curtain has been "torn," half of one and half of the other contributes to the whole reality.

If you read the account of the witness of the Lake District big cat sighting (the basis of the question in this particular session), you find that the witness who took the swab from the sheep carcass was an enthusiast of big cats generally. A member of the public which would have had some prior expectations about what she was going to witness when she came upon the scene.

When you think of four-legged British wildlife, the first animal that comes to mind may not be a black leopard.
Yet that is exactly what Sharon Larkin-Snowden insists she has seen roaming the Cumbrian countryside over the past few months. The 52-year-old part-time construction worker was first told about alleged sightings of the so-called Beast of Cumbria in November, when local farmers noticed “unusual activity” on their land. But it wasn’t until later in the month that she claims to have had her own sighting.
She stumbled upon the carcass of a sheep, which looked “different to how sheep are killed by fox or other predators”.
“I thought it was a dog, and it took a few seconds for my brain to realise it wasn’t a dog, it was a big cat. It was a leopard. It must have heard me coming toward the sheep and then ran away.”
Since then Larkin-Snowden has been tracking the cat’s movements every day, responding to calls from local farmers who report similar sightings. She regularly updates a Facebook group called Big Cats in Cumbria, which has posts from others who claim to have made sightings.

This idea may have entered the public consciousness in such a way in the UK that it interacts with the window faller phenomenon and influences it to manifest as black panthers. The question is, if all the sightings were window fallers then did the first one influence the second, then the third, and so on? There was never a real escaped big cat living wild to form this idea in the national consciousness, or was it influenced by stories of temporarily escaped zoo animals, however rare that might be?
Q : (L) Est-ce parce qu’il y a trop de résistance contre le contrôle croissant, ou pas assez ?

R : Pas assez pour l’équilibre.
I understand the role of quorum better now. Accentuate the darkness to make the light rise. Indeed, evil and good are a question of perspective, as the C's pointed out long ago in the 90's. I also understand better the ins and outs of the wave. Let's never forget that duality reigns supreme in 3D, but I understand better what's at stake and, above all, the greater creative potential this brings.:hug2:
(PoB) What was the average lifespan of the people who didn't have these genetics at the time?

A: 800 years.

Q: (Niall) That's ridiculously long!
We went to a high-school class trip in Hungary to a site of a historical religious enclave and the big houses' walls were full with color paintings: lots of corn symbolism and village people in medieval style caps. Their short eulogy was listed there with their life span: ~440 to 600 years easily, each!! If these paintings and texts were / affected by myths from the Bible or apocryphal texts, then some writers of the Bible then definitely knew something!
(PoB) What about help? Is it coming too?

(Joe) Help is on the way, yes.
Help peeked around the corner, and then backed off. "not just yet!" - it thought

(Z...) In the last session, it was asked, "Is there some kind of cosmic law about consuming the young of other creatures?" And the answer was "Close". Does this mean we should refrain from eating all baby animals like piglets, lamb, veal, etc.?

A: No.

Q: (L) Well, is there a follow up for that?

(Joe) There's a contradiction there.

A: Each case is individual. Network to work out the "rules".

Q: (L) So that means you have to think about it. Well, I'm glad I don't have to give up my veal.

(Andromeda) Or lamb.

A: Yes.
I think a (very) rough rule is to look at nature, and ask yourself the question: "who eats it?" (the rule that primitive tribesmen often follow)
  • eat nothing but grass? you become a cow (think of how some vegetarians identify with cattle more than with other humans)
  • eat grain and ovulate a lot? you become a hen (Karens of the world, unite! "i want to talk to the manager" haircut included!)
  • eat venison? you'll be a wolf (hunt in a pack, cover for each other, coordinated attacks... sounds like a primitive tribe going for hunting)
  • devour everything without thinking? you're a pig (notice how big fat sweaty people tend to have no manners and devour everything... and how we call these people pigs)
  • eat mostly small animals (including larger animal's young ones)? you're like a cat (does that mean being bipolar? one day you purr and want to be petted, the other you bite and scratch everything?) (on a side note, do women love cats because they remind them of themselves during a period? :D )
  • drink juices? you want to be a hummingbird (including flying from flower to flower and pollinating them... and yes, that's an innuendo)
  • drink lots of milk and milk-derivative products? you're a man-baby ("Daddy State, please come and protect me!")
Of course, this is a rough rule, not an absolute and literal law.

Plus, it's not necessarily to be a cause-and-effect scenario (vegeterians don't identify with cows because they are vegeterians, but they are vegeterians because they have cow-like souls). So people won't become "advanced humans" because they started to eat pigs because the Cs told them to. In fact, i think they might screw themselves up by doing that if their nature is more in line with a cow, or a cat.

Speaking of pigs, let's go back to the previous session for a moment...
This is why pork is better for advanced humans than beef or many other meats. The information of the pig is more in line with the direction of the human. The meat of the pig is composed of proteins with similar receivership capacity.
I have to ask, what exactly does "advanced" mean?
The Cs didn't say anything about STO orientation, they only mentioned "advanced". So eating pigs doesn't have to make one STO.
They did mention, however, that lizards prefer obese children that don't smoke. They also mentioned that the STS energy is so contractile that the pig is the correct receptor for it.

And again, how do we call obese people that devour everything without thinking?
To sweat like a... pig?

Our creators made us to be like them, so they can understand us and control us. We are a reflection of our creators, all self-serving, we are like them. That means... advanced STS humans need to eat pigs because our advanced STS creators eat "pigs".

However, we can choose to become oriented to service to others, and that is completely separate from whether we eat pigs or not.
Eating pigs or not is not a prerequisite or a hindrance to becoming STO, although it can free energy to focus on becoming STO.
And then, if we become STO, who knows what we'll be "eating".

Finally, one more thing regarding obese children...
(Ant22) Is pedophilia particularly bad in terms of crimes against the soul?

A: Yes
Because pedophilia is praying on the soul, not on the body. It poisons the soul, and allows the predator to "swallow the victim whole".
And what uses poison and then swallows whole? Snakes.

If you poison the soul, you become the snake that eats souls. You become a 4D lizard.
I think that session links well to this much earlier one.

If you read the account of the witness of the Lake District big cat sighting (the basis of the question in this particular session), you find that the witness who took the swab from the sheep carcass was an enthusiast of big cats generally. A member of the public which would have had some prior expectations about what she was going to witness when she came upon the scene.

This idea may have entered the public consciousness in such a way in the UK that it interacts with the window faller phenomenon and influences it to manifest as black panthers. The question is, if all the sightings were window fallers then did the first one influence the second, then the third, and so on? There was never a real escaped big cat living wild to form this idea in the national consciousness, or was it influenced by stories of temporarily escaped zoo animals, however rare that might be?

Very good points, yes. If that is what one is primed to see, then where does that priming originate.

I suppose big black cats are quite archetypal and ultimately represent a facet of the concept of ‘predator’. There is magic and mystery surrounding cats in general.

Perhaps it goes back to the ‘familiar’, the black cats said accompany witches.

Cats, Symbolism and the 16th Century Witch Craze​

Black cats and witches go hand in paw in popular culture but the origins of the witches' familiar aren't so black and white. Where did the connection between witches and cats stem from, why did it begin, and how did it perpetuate? Cats were not maligned in ancient times; we all know the Egyptians worshiped them so what happened? This article explores the shift in popularity that took place in sixteenth-century Britain and looks at some of the strange beliefs associated with cats during the witch trials of this century and the next.


New York: 1970 CBS television actress Drinda La Lumia gets into the spirit of Halloween

Cats - From the monk’s companion, to the Devil himself.

In Europe in the Middle Ages, cats were kept to protect grain stores by keeping the rodent population down. They were so highly valued for their rat- catching skills that an adult cat would fetch the same price as a full-grown sheep, goat or untrained house dog. A kitten was deemed the same value as a piglet or lamb.
Cats were also the only animals to be allowed in monasteries for the same purpose. Religious manuscripts often feature cats chasing or eating mice and it’s likely cats were considered welcome companions for the monks.


Religious manuscript


Cat and Mouse from the Luttrell Psalter (British Library)

However, with the advent of the 16th Century Witch Craze, cats fell out of favour and became connected with the antithesis of religion; as pagan symbol, associated with sorcery, magic and witches. Cats were feared and thought to indicate the presence of evil, either being the Devil himself, or a witch in disguise.

The first allusion to a cat having nine lives appeared in a book called Beware of the Cat in 1584, where nine was the number of times a witch could take on feline shape. It was even believed that witches had a third nipple reserved especially for suckling their evil cat companion.


Witches and their familiars

Sathan and the famous witch trial of 1566

The first widely documented witchcraft trial was that of Elizabeth Francis, Agnes Waterhouse and her daughter, Joan. It was said that Elizabeth’s Grandmother had given her a cat named Sathan (a vague allusion to Satan) whom Elizabeth carried around in a basket; fed on bread, milk and her own blood whilst practising the black arts. Apparently Sathan was responsible for the death of Andrew Byles who had made Elizabeth pregnant but refused to marry her. Fifteen years later, Sathan was passed on to Elizabeth's sister, Agnes Waterhouse, whereupon he apparently continued his evil bidding, causing the death of many geese and cows in the area.

There were numerous trials involving Elizabeth Francis and her family, with Sathan always featuring as the scapegoat for various misfortunes and deaths within their township and the local area and sensationalised stories of witches spread throughout Britain, further damaging feline reputations.
It played out very differently for each of these women accused. Elizabeth's detailed accounts and confessions in the trials ended up saving her from persecution. She instead becomes an authority on the subject and even served as a court recognised witch-hunter! Her sister Agnes, was not so lucky and was executed in July 1566 - her daughter Joan was acquitted.
Isn't it lucky we can openly celebrate black cats this Halloween without fear of execution
I have to ask, what exactly does "advanced" mean?

I think it’s generally accepted that pigs are highly intelligent (for 2D). I think that alone would be answer enough, but there may be other factors like perhaps genetics, or as you mentioned, the fact that they’re omnivores rather than ruminants - it probably takes a lot of energy to 1) eat grass constantly and 2) digest it in multiple stomachs. A model of a species that requires only one stomach and uses less energy just to maintain itself could, I think, be classified as more advanced than a cow or a sheep, just in biological and mechanical terms.
I think it’s generally accepted that pigs are highly intelligent (for 2D). I think that alone would be answer enough, but there may be other factors like perhaps genetics, or as you mentioned, the fact that they’re omnivores rather than ruminants - it probably takes a lot of energy to 1) eat grass constantly and 2) digest it in multiple stomachs. A model of a species that requires only one stomach and uses less energy just to maintain itself could, I think, be classified as more advanced than a cow or a sheep, just in biological and mechanical terms.

Expanding on this, the bigger or more advanced a brain is in a species, the more energy that brain needs to function. So the digestive and metabolic design of the pig is what allows for its higher level of intelligence.

When you don’t need to eat constantly, you get to do other things like express your unique personality, socialise with others in your group, and have a great time rolling around in mud!

So in this sense, a pig has more potential to express higher - more advanced - levels of experience for the universe.
Great session!! A huge thank you to Laura and Andromeda - another jam packed session with great questions and lots to absorb. :flowers:

Q: (L) Okay. So you say the Quorum is meeting. Is that the Quorum you have spoken of in previous sessions?
A: Yes.
[…]Q: (L) And is it unusual for them to meet? I mean, is that why you brought this up?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) When was the last time they met?
A: 40 years ago.
Q: (L) Was that 40 years, or did I miss a number? Was it 40?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) 40 years ago was when?
(Joe) 1984.
To me it seemed that the start of the session was ominous & heavy, but got less so as the session progressed. The program change & reference to 1984 suggests more dystopia coming our way- I feel that more people are awake, but I wonder if they will have the courage to resist the tyranny when the time comes.

And below are the search results for previous mentions of the Quorum by the Cs (32 times in 12 sessions): Cassiopaean Session Transcripts Search
Our creators made us to be like them, so they can understand us and control us. We are a reflection of our creators, all self-serving, we are like them. That means... advanced STS humans need to eat pigs because our advanced STS creators eat "pigs".

However, we can choose to become oriented to service to others, and that is completely separate from whether we eat pigs or not.
Eating pigs or not is not a prerequisite or a hindrance to becoming STO, although it can free energy to focus on becoming STO.
And then, if we become STO, who knows what we'll be "eating".
Indeed in the end Caesar was a very ordinary Roman with a predominantly grain diet and this had no effect on the greatness of his soul. (and if he had had an unconventional "barbaric" diet, his many opponents would have mentioned it).
Q: (Andromeda) And they're able to leave traces of DNA, I guess.
A: Yes.
Q: (Andromeda) That's interesting.
A: They are temporarily "real".
Q: (Joe) And they have the same DNA as big cats from 3D.
A: Close
This means window-fallers together with people's consciousnesses can manifest DNA, because DNA also is bi-density..? Thus DNA is 'manifestable'. Also DNA is antennae for higher density influences. Some shamans are rumored to be able to transform, somewhat close to what the American Werewolf movies show.

Excerpt from Chapter 2 - Liminal Los Angeles:
One example of that would be the phenomenon Tibetans call a tulpa. It refers to a materialized thought form that adepts or shamans in many cultures are taught to produce by projecting their thoughts from some source inside their own mind until the thought becomes visible. The thought form may be seen by other people and may even gain enough solidity to appear “real” and perform tasks with physical objects. In some belief systems, this thought form does not leave the body but surrounds its creator like a sort of “spirit suit” that transforms the creator’s outward appearance. Both types of thought forms may be perceived by witnesses as completely real, physical, and able to interact with their surroundings—often in powerful ways.

This was discussed in recent Podcast 1-6 series. So essentially:

You create your own window-faller

and those creatures are able to leave DNA traces. But bullets or shotgun shots go right through them. John Keel called them "Unbelievables":
1. You go to a Thin-Realm-Border-Area emanating energy from The Other Side..
2. You paint that energy into form [with your mind via *Fears*, then you keep], feeding it with your own life-force and so forming it with your consciousness ==> essentially you are doodling Energy from the Other-Side, with your mind, onto a paint canvas called 'Thin-Realm-Border-Area'..
3. The "Unbelievables" then appear as your mind-doodle.. gets manifested as a Window Faller and takes the form of a totally silly / idiotic looking, hippo-sized green-yellow kangaroo-frog-dragon reptile leaving deep three-toed footprints as it hops out of the river on the muddy shore and disappears into the bushes.
Excerpt from chapter:
TWENTY-TWOThe Yellow Submarine Caper
Ireland has half-a-dozen deepwater lakes which have produced sightings for centuries. In June 1968 the Dublin Evening Herald reported that teenager Gay Dever was bicycling along the edge of Glendarry Lake on Achill Island in County Mayo when he saw a freakish creature stride out of the water and disappear into a woods.

"It was about twelve feet long, much bigger than a horse, and dark in color,"

Dever said. "It was moving in a jumpy way like a kangaroo. It had a long head like a sheep and a long neck and tail. The hind legs were bigger than the front ones."

A thirty-year resident of the island, John Cooney, also claimed a sighting of a strange amphibian that June. "My friend Michael McNulty gave me a lift and as we came round a bend we saw it just in the middle of the road," Cooney testified. "It was between eight and twelve feet long, with a long neck like a swan—not much bigger. The tail was very thick. It was moving at an angle to us and we couldn't see exactly how long it was. And it was weaving and curving.

"It was a dark brown color and was shiny and scaly. The eyes were glittering.

It disappeared in an instant into the thick undergrowth. We didn't stop to make any further inquiries."

So if DNA is not only an antennae assembly for hyperdimensional energies, but a physically manifestable temporary "meat" BLOB body, then anything can get created, if there are enough observers to feed energy into them and enough Bible-infuence thus demon myths and way too many werewolf movies were seen and enjoyed.
BAM! You get a real-time transforming werewolf window-faller man reaching and calling to kids out of a deep sewer tunnel through a metal door.
Hollywood also got inspired!
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Thank you for a great session!

Can we define "inner monologue" and "inner speech"? I think there is some confusion when using these terms, different people seem to define them differently, and then real conclusions and conversations about them aren't really possible.

I was under the impression that "inner monologue" is described as a sort of inner narrator, that narrates all of the person's daily life, activities, and thoughts (for example: "I don't know what I'm going to eat for lunch. I should go buy some groceries. What do I have in the refrigerator? Let's see.. apples, lettuce, and milk. Ok, then all I need is..." - as a literal voice in the head). People on social media would describe that constant voice as being theirs or sounding like someone else, a famous actor or a movie character. And people can't "turn it off".

That would be different from "inner speech" that people can turn on and off when needed. For example, not having a constant narrator and thinking in thoughts (as maybe concepts or visualizations), not words, but with the ability to have inner speech when needed or wanted, for example when trying to talk yourself through an anxiety attack, or when having a fierce debate with someone in your head while taking a shower :-D.

I don't have a constant narrator and I found it quite unsettling when the discussion about inner monologue started and I first found out that people have a constant voice in their heads that they can't control and turn off. It was also troubling to me because thinking mostly in words seems quite slow and exhausting. My mind is constantly overthinking, day and night, but mostly I don't think in words but thoughts (can't explain it otherwise). When I really want to dissect a problem or a thought, then I turn to actual words and have a conversation with myself inside my mind. (For example, while I'm writing this post and trying to make it readable and concise. Or when thinking about a topic and how I would explain my thoughts on it to other people.)

Does this mean I could be an OP? :D Hopefully not because I'm about to have a panic attack. :D

This topic really fascinates me. It is incredible how different our minds are and we didn't even know until the question on inner monologue started to spread recently on social media and people shared their experiences. Some people can't see images in their mind. Some read without forming words inside their head, but as though in a movie. Experts said most of us think both in words and "thoughts" but in a different ratio. I wish more research was done.

Also, what the C's said about OP's not thinking but just reacting, has shed some light on interactions with some people. It might be easier to understand, remove yourself from situations, forgive, and even forget some difficult relationships, having this information in mind.
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