Session 6 July 2024

As they pointed out in the session, the perception was kinda different, since time is relative and it seems perception of it depends on the cosmic environment the earth is at the moment we are referring to.
A different cosmic environment could have meant different gravity (amongst other things), resulting in a warping or bending time itself (ie dilation or contraction), which might lead to those huge lifespans.

Reminded me of this scene in Interstellar, where time dilation occurs on the water planet due to its proximity to a blackhole, so one hour spent there was equal to seven years on Earth (& apparently the ticking sound in the score in the scene below represents a day passing by on Earth):

Thanks again, everyone, for a very interesting session! I have a lot to say this time! I guess we'll have to wait and see for whatever the Quorum has planned. I can't find the words to describe how horrible the situation in Gaza has become. Comets would seem almost too easy for those who have supported the genocide.

(Z...) In the last session, it was asked, "Is there some kind of cosmic law about consuming the young of other creatures?" And the answer was "Close". Does this mean we should refrain from eating all baby animals like piglets, lamb, veal, etc.?

A: No.

Q: (L) Well, is there a follow up for that?

(Joe) There's a contradiction there.

A: Each case is individual. Network to work out the "rules".

Q: (L) So that means you have to think about it. Well, I'm glad I don't have to give up my veal.

(Andromeda) Or lamb.

A: Yes.

Regarding eating the young of other animals, I have the impression/intuition that if it's old enough to look like an adult animal and is capable of living without its mother, it wouldn't break any cosmic rules. Modern veal isn't slaughtered while it's still drinking its mother's milk, for example, so it would be okay. Same for lambs. But suckling pigs would probably not be okay to eat, unless weaned off the mother's milk. Deer are probably old enough once they lose their spots. But I don't think anyone would support eating baby chicks, even though they can live without their mothers. So something like eating balut (boiled duck embryo) would be bad karma.

(L) Yeah. So, were these people all in soul, or were they like organic portals?

A: About same percentage as today. Keep in mind that "time" is selective and variable.

Q: (L) So they just had to bring in the time problem! So what would be 8,000 years...

(Andromeda) at another time in a different environment...

(L) ...might seem like something very different than 8,000 years would seem like to us today.

A: Yes. Exactly.

Q: (Joe) So does that mean that the typical amount of experiences that a person could have had who lived like 2,500 years on average, would be comparable to the kind of experiences we get in 4 score and 10, or 3 score and 10?

A: Close.

Q: (Joe) That's weird. Time must move faster then.

About the lifespans of ancient humans, I played around with some numbers to see how that age of 8000 years would be possible, yet still be about the same number of experiences as a modern human. I'm not the best at math or physics, so it's to be taken with a giant grain of salt. A year is defined as the time it takes for a planet to completely orbit around the sun. On Earth, it's 365 days, on Mars, 687 days, and on Mercury, 88 days. So the ratio of Earth years to Martian years is (365/687) = 0.53, meaning a 30 year old on Earth would be 30*0.53 = 16 years old on Mars. On Mercury, (365/88) = 4.2, so the 30 year old would be 30*4.2 = 126 years old.

Assuming the maximum potential lifespan of a human is 150 years old (which has been proposed by some researchers), and comparing it to the proposed lifespan of 8000, the new ratio of our Earth years to that of this hypothetical Earth would be 150*x = 8000 ---> x = 53.3 . And that might seem reasonable if you think about how people didn't live as long throughout history due to disease, bad weather, childbirth, etc. (Y1*53.3 = 6000 ---> Y1 = 113 years old, Y2*53.3 = 2500 ---> Y2 = 47 years old, Y3*53.3 = 800 ---> 15 years old on average.) So a year on this hypothetical Earth would be only (365/Z) = 53.3 ---> Z = 6.82 days! Must have been quite a ride!

Q: (Jacques) What are the source and causes of endometriosis?

A: Excess estrogen and imbalance of progesterone.

Q: (L) Okay. Well that's the cause or the source. I think the question meant more than just the clinical description. Is there something like diet or something?

A: Diet, yes. Also poisons in food, air and water. Also excess use of hormones by fertile women.

Q: (L) So you mean like birth control pills?

A: Yes.

Q: (Jacques) Is there a cure for it?

A: Balance the hormones, but that is a tall order with so many environmental disruptors.

Q: (L) Well, I'll tell you, I had endometriosis, and it got cured because I got pregnant. And they do say that getting pregnant is one of the ways that you cure it. So I did. I got pregnant with my last child and once she was born, I never had it again, but I had it off and on for years. It was terrible.

Regarding endometriosis, it makes sense to me that progesterone from a pregnancy would help cure it, since progesterone suppresses growth of the endometrium, along with stem cells from the pregnancy promoting healing. But that's not always an option or the best option for women. Progesterone cream could help as a short-term fix, as long as the underlying causes of the estrogen-progesterone imbalance are corrected and the disease isn't advanced enough to require surgery or other medical interventions. Anecdotally, I've heard red raspberry leaf tea helps with menstrual pain in women with endometriosis, despite it being estrogenic. I probably don't have endometriosis, but I have experienced bad menstrual pain that did not improve with consistent supplementation of calcium, thiamine, magnesium, vitamin C, other B vitamins, fish oil, etc.

My experience has been that 1 tsp of pure licorice root as a tea (no extracts) works way better than red raspberry leaf for period pain, despite (or maybe because of) it being highly estrogenic, and I have had little to no pain using it the past few months along with lifestyle changes I made over time. There was even a rat study showing licorice root extract helps reduce endometrial implantations, albeit at doses much higher than anyone would safely consume (Comparing The Effects of Glycyrrhiza glabra Root Extract, A Cyclooxygenase-2 Inhibitor (Celecoxib) and A Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Analog (Diphereline) In A Rat Model of Endometriosis). It's highly anti-inflammatory (enoxolone is structurally similar to cortisone, as well as licoricidin acting like an NSAID) and reduces blood clotting, but it's contraindicated in people with high blood pressure (as it increases sodium retention and potassium excretion) and for those with estrogen-dependent cancers.

I'd say as long as it's only used during the period in the absence of another condition that would benefit from licorice root (because in my experience higher doses definitely interfere with the estrogen/progesterone balance during the luteal phase), and as long as there is adequate potassium in the diet, it could be worth trying for women with endometriosis needing immediate relief, along with a progesterone cream. (I personally have never used the cream, and use licorice root at varying doses throughout the month to address other health issues that have not been resolved with diet, fasting, and other supplements.)

I think what the C's said lines up with what I learned from Dr. Mindy Pelz (Chiropractor on YouTube) about balancing women's hormones without birth control by changing one's lifestyle: timing various intermittent fasts and ways of exercising to the menstrual cycle, eating unprocessed foods (ketogenic most of the time), managing stress, supporting the microbiome, and detoxing as needed. I think a good amount of her approach is also colinear with the diet and health advice shared on the forum over the years.

I found her work about a year ago after doing OMAD fasting for a few weeks and ending up with probably the most painful period of my life. I mainly just followed the recommendation for timing when to intermittent fast and when not to, along with trying to minimize stress and the use of any estrogenic herbs, supplements, foods, and teas during the progesterone-building phase. (She gives calendar recommendations for fasting, but in my experience, it's simpler than it sounds: don't fast and honor your hunger cues during the hormonal peaks of the cycle, and fast at varying lengths during the hormonal dips.)

I'd say within two cycles, not only did the period pain improve, but my PMS and mood swings improved immensely as well. I realized how much my physiology influences my emotional states, and I think it's criminal that women aren't educated enough about it. In general, I have been much more emotionally stable over the past year as long as I'm able to implement those recommendations. But it's not a cure-all; it's another tool in the toolbox, and sometimes I've needed other tools to resolve difficult issues.

The big caveat about her work is that she oversimplifies concepts (to the point of feminist woo-woo at times, like with the personalities of hormones) and unfortunately does not often provide citations to back up the claims she makes about hormonal physiology (even in her book Fast Like a Girl). I guess it's because her audience is mostly women, especially perimenopausal and menopausal women, looking for an easier way to lose weight. If you want to really understand why her approach works, you have to do extra research on your own and experiment for yourself. (I would have never believed that you will have the most energy and least stress doing HIIT training during your period until I started managing the back-half of my cycle, for example!)

She also doesn't really discuss food intolerances, doesn't often recommend supplementation, doesn't seem to think oxalates are a problem, and lists grass-fed butter as the only healthy animal fat while promoting cold-pressed seed oils for phytoestrogens, so discernment is required. Genetics can also play a role regarding what advice will work for you and what won't, as well as other health challenges, so hormone balancing can be highly individual. I do think her approach more accessible for the majority of women, though.

She has done so many videos and interviews that it's hard to pick from them all. I recommend checking out her Diary of a CEO interviews (Here is Part 1 and here is Part 2 for people with more time.) The one below is one of her older videos where she discusses balancing estrogen levels and also mentions estrogen dominance, where endometriosis is one of the diseases of that state of imbalance. There is advice relevant to men with too much estrogen as well.

She recommends different lengths of fasting for fat loss, improving insulin sensitivity, increasing growth hormone and improving estrogen signaling, increasing autophagy (and thus detox, cellular repair, and cancer prevention), and for improving gut health for microbes to break estrogens down. Excess estrogen secreted from body fat can contribute to the imbalance. (I think in the case of endometriosis in a person with a low BMI, lack of progesterone from various causes is likely the biggest contributor, along with diet and endocrine disruptors.) Cutting sugary, processed, pesticide-laden foods, and refined toxic oils (cottonseed, corn, canola, and I'd add soybean too), and adding prebiotic and probiotic foods to support the microbiome can help detox endocrine disruptors. (I don't recommend phytoestrogen-containing oils like flax for estrogen dominance; better to focus on high quality animal fats and cholesterol for proper bile metabolism and hormone synthesis in general.) Removing toxic beauty and personal care products, cleaning products, and other potential endocrine disruptors from plastics and paper products (and your drinking water!), along with detox protocols not addressed in the video, will also help. She mentions elsewhere that women detox more when hormonal levels are highest in the cycle (i.e. ovulation for estrogen and the late luteal phase / week before the period for progesterone), so heavy metals and other toxins can go into greater circulation at those times.

I would say weekly infrared saunas and drinking filtered water with activated charcoal and bentonite clay afterwards (and daily vitamin and mineral supplementation) is probably one of the simplest and most efficient detox methods, especially if you're like me and choose to do a low residue or carnivore diet because your gut becomes inflamed with prebiotics and probiotics (despite doing gut-reset fasts or taking supplements that supposedly repair your gut). IR sauna helps with endocrine disruptors, heavy metals, viruses, and promotes autophagy. She has also recommended castor oil packs for the liver and dry brushing for the lymph in other videos. She has mentioned toxic mold contributing to hormonal imbalances elsewhere as well, and if you don't detox, estrogen dominance and other imbalances will not get fixed no matter how much keto and fasting you do. And stress management is important because excess cortisol leads to imbalances of insulin and the sex hormones.

She also did another video addressing the cause of heavy bleeding during periods, which is a common sign of endometriosis. It's a sign of low progesterone, which can be managed roughly the week before the period. There are comments from women saying managing their progesterone this way has helped resolve their heavy bleeding.

Stress management and self-care are very important for progesterone production. Even in the absence of stress from one's job or personal life, fasting, lack of quality sleep, excess exercise, cold therapy, and other stressors can also throw off progesterone balance. She commonly makes the claim, "As cortisol goes high, progesterone goes shy," but doesn't really explain why in her videos. The book claims DHEA is the precursor to progesterone, but I've looked at different steroid pathway charts and I think she got it backwards while confusing progesterone with pregnenolone, which is the precursor for every steroid hormone. What seems more plausible to me is, because progesterone is required to eventually make cortisol, when you are in a stress response, progesterone will be depleted to make cortisol for your survival.

That also makes sense to me from a reproductive standpoint. Higher progesterone means more potential cortisol available to fight back and protect potential offspring. And when progesterone metabolites (including allopregnanolone) aren't there to promote the GABA uptake in the brain that calms you down, PMS kicks in, and you can unconsciously act like a mama bear! But this obviously isn't ideal, and modern society doesn't consider how women aren't designed to handle chronic stress as well as men (as Dr. Mindy has said before, despite her feminism). Stress management is easier said than done, of course, especially when you have challenging life circumstances (and especially when the Universe reminds you that life isn't fair and throws you lessons the week before your period), so that's where tools like EE, meditation, psychological coping skills, principles from the Fourth Way, etc. can be very helpful.

She also makes the claim that blood glucose needs to be higher for progesterone production and has recommended 100g of net carbs per day the week before the period in other videos. I haven't found that adding carbs has been really necessary in my case, as long as I eat more fat and protein according to my hunger cues to keep up with the increased metabolic demand from progesterone production. I think the important part of that is to maintain stable blood sugar, because cortisol can get triggered in response to hypoglycemia to raise blood sugar levels for homeostasis. (That type of cortisol spike is also why some people wake up at 3am.) Not mentioned in this video are nutrients to support progesterone production, including but not limited to cholesterol, vitamin C, vitamin B6, zinc, vitamin E, magnesium (as a supplement, not just from chocolate), and adequate iodine for thyroid health (and potentially following the iodine protocol mentioned on the forum for detoxing bromines and other endocrine disruptors). And I would add that avoiding phytoestrogens and at least minimizing caffeine (stimulates cortisol) during this time is beneficial for progesterone production as well.

She also did a video on BHT and natural flavorings (which can also have BHT) as endocrine disruptors and cancer promoters. I had never heard of that before so I thought this would be helpful to include. I used to eat salami with BHT and natural flavorings frequently out of convenience. After I saw that video, I cut it out of my diet and started losing weight again, despite eating more meat, fat, and salt. When I reintroduced it after a while, I had an awful mood swing. That convinced me to stay away from it and other processed meats as much as possible (except bacon).

That was pretty long, but I hope it might be helpful for anyone reading with endometriosis or other hormonal imbalances. Like the C's said, hormone balancing is a pretty tall order!

(Sinapi) My grandma was a language teacher, but she had to tell her students that she thought in pictures not German or English.

(L) That must have been difficult to be a language teacher. If you don't think in words.

To add more context to my comment: My grandma would frequently get asked by her students if she thought in German, English, or Spanish. She was very honest (or just didn't think it was weird) and told them she only thought in pictures. By all accounts, being a language teacher wasn't difficult for her at all! She used to be a highly intelligent woman before Alzheimer's began creeping in, and said she always loved learning languages. She was fluent in her native German (both her Bavarian dialect and High German), English, Spanish, and she still remembered a lot of Latin from when they forced German students to learn it. She actually wanted to study economics because she enjoyed bookkeeping, but her mother discouraged her because it was considered a man's field, so she studied languages in college and earned her teaching credential.

She had a long career teaching German and Spanish for high school students and didn't retire until her 70s. Many students respected her, but others thought she was too strict (e.g. no bathroom breaks during class, until someone finally peed in the corner). I remember her emphasizing grammar a lot when I asked language questions and when she tried to teach me Latin (but as a child, I was too bored of grammar to pay attention, unfortunately!). I recall her saying she always liked having good textbooks to help her create lesson plans. Public speaking was never an issue for her while her brain was still healthy, and she has always been very chatty.

I think it's quite amazing and ironic that she said she only thought in pictures; it amazed her students, too. Even more ironic that she developed Alzheimer's and has much more difficulty with language now. I had the thought she might have been an OP when she told me how she thought a long time ago, because it sounded like how an animal would think. Other than the beginnings of cognitive decline, she seemed as normal as any other person. I guess at least some of the parts for language in the brain don't have much to do with soul development.

One thing I thought more about that was a little odd on her part was she never seemed to really like music. She could memorize German nursery rhymes and teach them to students, but she never sang the melodies to them. I remember times at the dinner table, when talking about the German language, she'd deliver the rhymes in a fast monotone voice. My grandpa would then sing the rhymes properly (Grandpa, in contrast, said he had an inner monologue of multiple languages). She could still sing along in a group and would listen to classical music when my grandpa did so, but otherwise she never expressed much interest in it unless it was part of a social activity. I don't know if she was just tone deaf or if that could be another indication of someone being an OP or thinking only in pictures. She claimed she did swing dancing, waltzes, and tangos in her youth, though, so she must have had at least some ear for music.

(On that note, from what I've listened to, Benjamin Britten's works have sounded like cacophony to me and haven't been pleasing to listen to, especially Peter Grimes. So I think the music thing can still be a clue!)

I don't really care if my grandma is an OP, though. I still love her and am grateful for all she has taught me and the kindness she and my grandpa showed me when I otherwise had so little growing up. She has been a better human being than many "souls" I have met, even in her deterioration from Alzheimer's. So, I would say if you do learn someone thinks in pictures, don't automatically look down on them and think you're better than them. OPs can still be good people; they're just on a different point of the learning cycle.

I do have an inner monologue, by the way! (Or inner speech; I didn't think they could be different.) It can just be too chatty at times. I admit that I usually don't think consciously before I talk, though. The words just come out. Sometimes I have a conscious inner narration (e.g. "Okay, I'm going to do x, y, and z"), and other times it's repetitive verbal thoughts on a variety of topics that come through unconsciously. I can choose to ignore the latter when I make the effort. That only seems to stop completely when I do guided meditations, or temporarily when I am practicing self-remembrance and make conscious efforts to focus on my bodily sensations and my immediate environment.

Thanks again, and thanks to everyone who read this to the end (especially the men!).
Q: (Ennio) Does the information about the frequency fence stalling members in the US from seeing and doing apply to the seeming hesitancy many have to move to better locations, and perhaps form groups for better living situations?

Has there been a discussion thread regarding this? Related to the "hesitancy many have to move to better locations, and perhaps form groups for better living situations"? Or is he just referring to scattered posts here and there on the topic?

(PoB) What was the average lifespan of the people who didn't have these genetics at the time?

A: 800 years.
I'm searching through all my backups as well as online, but I can't find this darn interview... That means I didn't label the title properly.

Has anyone ever seen the interview with a man who used to work for the UN and quit after he grasped how corrupted it was? In the interview, he explains how he learned about 300-years-old longevity span people living on some pristine island (I forgot the place), and someone (US?) did a nuclear test close to there. I suspect it was all planned out in order to erase these people so as not to leave any public trace of this potential. Since then, the place has been devastated by radioactive fallout and they live on average 35 years old only. He got upset and wrote a letter/petition that he wanted to share publicly at the UN attendance (or something like that), but "they" blocked him over and over again. So he quit.
Sorry for my poor memory.
Thank you for a great session!

Can we define "inner monologue" and "inner speech"? I think there is some confusion when using these terms, different people seem to define them differently, and then real conclusions and conversations about them aren't really possible.
In the context of the question asked by A Jay, it simply means any inner speech. It doesn't need to be constant.
Thank you for this again interesting session in which there are many mystical situations. For example, certain people possess specific genes that give us great possibilities, which are hidden by the general sabotage of human strength. Now I see how the insidious strategy is to hide knowledge and mislead. And so I come to the next thought. I need to graduate from the 3rd level to evolve to the 4th level (with a positive). And on that 4th level are the Lysias who are OPS and extremely evil and corrupt. So how did they get to the 4th level, did the OPS-oriented ones get to a higher level, or did they decide for the OPS at the 4th level?
Along the way, they studied and sabotaged us, and we can also study them regardless of the lack of advanced technology, because both technology is created and managed by intelligence. They are not secret either in terms of existence, nor in terms of intentions, nor in terms of the way of implementing their goals for analysis and conclusions. Get to know your non-friend, even if you don't have anything else, it fills up the defense of life, body and in this case, soul.
So it looks like we have a big clue about OP and perhaps this video shows person of this kind:
Super creepy! I got scared for him! Spooky video, probably also intentionally. Witnessing her micro-expressions, OMG! An entirely different make-up of a creatures existed among us for as long as mankind did. And people only bring this up now into the public in the internet age, close to Harvest Time. Because of social media..

I reported multiple times that I can see/identify the presence of a [strong] Soul easily, while young souls with little awareness and 'Light & Gravitational Power Field' are easier to miss.

When walking into the aural - visual presence of an old and strong Soul [especially if "Heaven-compatible"] immediately there is a two-way tele-emphatic communication without words established. An automatically starting information exchange: I can feel their pain and suffering in this incarnation of theirs ==> via synesthesia it manifests as WEIGHT. For me at least. Soul weight. On top of this mass of "Soul Weight" there is a perceptible emotional layer consisting of compressed-life-experience-images of crying, sobbing, silently howling in desperation while they are asleep or awake: Their Dark Nights of Soul stacked like pancakes, into a heap. I see them - I feel them and it makes my eyes watery and it feels we suddenly cry together - silently in mourning - in this Horror of a World. I see the weight of their past lives pressing down on their soul.
Karmic Baggage.
Lot of interactions begin - to and fro - even before we begin verbal communication. Suffering is etched onto their faces, its in their eyes. Unveiled before my "Second Sight".

All of this is completely missing in case of OPs. Being in the 'Presence of Emptiness' is annoying and sometimes scary, hideous.

OPs are completely missing this "soul power field" I describe in above link. Walking into their presence is like someone threw an clearly empty cardboard box into the room and now a voice is coming out of it..
A spiritually empty human body - with mouth and dead empty eyes - talking, in itself feels like a "Sacrilege in Heaven". Because the 'Right of Communication' how it is done in 5thD [to me it feels] only belong to between Souls.
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Very curious -responses appreciated - what was everyone's first thought when they read, "remember history?"

Surely the Cs weren't referring to the infinity of Earth history, but something familiar, by experience or teaching, to all or most.

My first thought was 20th century, Europe and war. I did not think USA, which, to my subjective mind, is not prone to military invasion, war on its soil (Civil War was geographical, a kind of division nonexistent now), nor what we call natural disasters outside of what's been common for centuries.

However, all of the developed, wealthy, Western nations, though, have been prepared with the onslaught of Marxist ideology to be susceptible to internal revolutions, perhaps. And we do have the history of The Great Depression, and economic troubles bringing about dictatorships and armed conflicts. Maybe this is what they were referring to with:
Q: (L) So, based on things you've said in the past, does that mean there needs to be more suffering so that more people wake up?
A: Close.
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Well, it seems that we have not reached again the worst. And everyday I wonder how could it be worst that we have are already seeing all around the world.
That's easy: open 2 tabs in your browser. Type in the search box "Disaster Movie list" in one tab and "Apocalyptic Movie list" in the other.
Now mix & match 4-5 of them on different themes and make them happen one after the other, or all at once! 😅

"How It Ends" is on Netflix and has some realistic elements regarding the USA's West Coast destruction and what would unfold if it were to happen. A friend once said that the Bouclier Canadien is the safest place to be. I guess he did not take into account forest fires, floods, tornadoes, and an ice age lol 🤔
If you just take out the word 'sport' from the last bolded text, an interesting message emerges. It could be something like 'To encourage and embody the revolution that is underway.'

This is interesting and should be taken into account, since there are other countries that use the Phrygian cap on their national coats of arms. Perhaps the revolution would be simultaneous in several points of the planet, considering the sources of suffering.

frigio 01.jpgfrigio 02.jpg
Thank you for another fascinating session, what a goldmine of information! :wizard: :flowers:

There was a post somewhere on the forum a few years ago about a guy who shared his experience of starting to think in words in his adulthood, he actually remembered the moment when he started thinking in words and was shocked what a difference it made. I guess it could corroborate that sometimes the soul doesn't seat into the body until adulthood.

There also was a conversation about the phenomenon of thinking without words, or even visualisation in the Organic Portals thread (here for example), but when that conversation was unfolding I thought that maybe SOME OPs didn't have the ability to think in words or visualise. But in this session A Jay said it was 30-50%, which means it's all OPs. Wow :shock:

And the scary part for me is that this is not something that's easy to pick up on in everyday conversations. Or maybe it goes to show how rarely conversations delve into topics that would reveal the difference in reality processing.

I don't know if it's the same thing, but I bumped into this short thread from 2007 that may be relevant where the following excerpt is quoted:

So one may not "easily think in words" but still be able to produce word-based works of art. I guess it goes to show that Gurdjieff was right when he said that our art is mechanical too, and there is nothing of higher order in it.
When I read that, it reminded me of ChatGPT and how it only "thinks" when you prompt it and isn't capable of any internal monologue. The output *is* the thoughts. It has some sort of semantic map of language and concepts in its neural network, kinda like that girl in the video Kosma posted described. The C's said OP's as really efficient consciousness simulators, which is basically what a large language model is. And there have been several benchmarks designed around the weaknesses of language models - namely their inability to actually think abstractly and in ways that requires evaluating a new concept meaningfully that wasn't in its training data. I wonder if OP's would show similar weaknesses?

On the flip side, language models are really good at structuring prose and language, and this girl described her interest in linguistics too. The output, while written with perfect grammar and all that, can create the impression of a knowledgeable person, and it only betrays its inability to actually think when the output requires critical thinking to make sense. So to your point, it just shows you how most conversations and most text people read/write doesn't require skills beyond what an LLM or an OP could generate. And this explains why we have entire volumes of books that are written by OP's and it takes a certain kind of thinking to find the critical lapses in such texts (which Laura has been particularly skilled at).

We often mention that "you can't fix the way you think with the way you think" here - it makes me wonder how much of such programming is because of the influence of the 50% of OP's in the population? Their thoughts, ideas, books, movies etc must permeate society, and non-OP's will consume all this content and effectively be "trained" to think like them - missing the essence and true understanding.

Luckily we have tons of good reading material that explores the problems with our thinking. Psychopaths have their particular flavor of influence, but OP's are much more subtle of an influence and in a way that almost makes it more dangerous. Imagine 50% of the population being ChatGPT in disguise. I think Gurdjieff's "terror of the situation" and "A influences vs B influences" is his realization that most people are OP's or OP-influenced (without having a word for it). In fact, Gurdjieff even said that you have to grow a soul and don't have one by default. This may not be exactly true, but I think it's a very astute observation for someone who hasn't been informed about 50% of the population not having an individuated soul, and having to essentially arrive at that conclusion because of the "reaction machine" nature of those he observes and connecting it to lacking a soul. And of course this isn't just OP's, it's the other 50% who are heavily programmed by OP (and psychopath) influences. So the books/content they produce are also affected by their programming to various degrees.

So one good thing to come from language models like ChatGPT is that people are hard at work to devise benchmarks/tests that highlight their weaknesses, which in the future, if perfected, could be used by people to find lapses in their own thinking, and take measures to correct them (when possible).
This is interesting and should be taken into account, since there are other countries that use the Phrygian cap on their national coats of arms. Perhaps the revolution would be simultaneous in several points of the planet, considering the sources of suffering.

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There are those who say (Mark Hedsel) that the curvature of the Phrygian cap points towards the feet that are governed by picis and this in turn represents the beginning of a new cycle and therefore by extension the cyclical nature of things and everything that it entails.
I was contemplating on the inner dialogue concept. If OPs do not have one, how can we explain the presence of forethought and strategic manipulations by some psychopaths? I am thinking about my ex-husband. He is a very manipulative, controlling, highly successful surgeon. He can plan out the most elaborate scenarios to make sure things work out in his favor/wishful thinking. It's really quite amazing how successful he is at doing this. He, also, doesn't fit in with the idea of being a bad, unconcerned parent which has not been used to describe psychopaths by the group. However, he approaches parenting from a different perspective... he views the children as his 'property' to control and in order to do so must come across as a doting father to the world. He has basically formulated his idea of what he wants to project to the world of who he 'is'. Wouldn't the meticulously planned forethought require the utilization of inner thinking? Some options I have considered for how this could be include: the work of 4D STS beings 'planting' those manipulations into his head or, maybe, he is not an OP, but a souled individual who is further along the STS path??? Any thoughts?
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