Session 6 July 2024

Thank you Laura, Anna, the Chateau crew and the C's for the session.

About the Quorum discussing the future of Earth and the upcoming changes, just a speculation here, i think that's the next plandemic. It would make sense considering what the C's mentioned in the last sessions regarding the program change in light of how things were going on the geopolitical stage with Nato lusing its face in Ukraine, Israel being seen by the entire world as slaughters of innocent people in Palestine and so on.

Have you noticed recently that there are circling news about a possible peace talk between Russia and Ukraine encouraged by China and Orban? I think that's not a coincidence considering all the above, as we well know that there are no coincidences in politics. My point is that that's being done in preparation for the upcoming program change that will set the world in chaos as the last time during Covid. Till the peace talks between Russia and Ukraine will be arranged the Plandemic 2.0 will be already here that will disrupt everything. To me this is the best possible scenario to impose tighter measures of control, to disrupt even further the real economy and eventually to reset the entire western society. They've had a trial run during Covid and i'm sure that someone was very delighted by the gained results.

Anyways just a slight speculation here. As the C's say let's wait and see without anticipation.
On another topic, it really, really angers me that the lifespan isn't 800 years anymore. :-D
I thought about this my whole life. There would be time for mistakes, time to get to know yourself, what you like, what you dislike, time to realize things about other people, time to do all the things you are interested in, not to have to choose just one or two... Time to explore! We could learn so much more.
It all depends on the perspective.

In medieval Spain there was a saying:

Death is long hope!

Life was so hard for common people that death was a relief and it did not come.

Then personal circumstances and the intensity of the catalysts of experiences will make some people want a long life like you and other people not.
1984 were the Winter Olympic games in Sarajevo - Bosnia ( ex-Yugoslavia )
In the next 6-7 years the world experienced enormous changes. For example, the Unification of Germany, the disintegration of Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union, and many more events.
I think the biggest short-term change was Gorbachev becoming the head of the USSR. It seems that the Eastern block dissolved peacefully mostly due to his decisions. In the US, Reaganomics sped up the plunder and the rise of inequality. Not sure about other big changes starting in the mid-1980s. Maybe computer development speeding up.
Thank You for this very interesting session!

So it looks like we have a big clue about OP and perhaps this video shows person of this kind:
Something else she said was particularly interesting, at 2 minutes in:

Transcript of that part:

Q: [...] I don't know how you can possibly read without not hearing the words.
A: When I read I can see the sentence structure. In my head every sentence has a shape (makes a sign wave with her hand) so you can see the shape of the sentence. Key words will pop out and I will file those away into my concept map. So at the end of reading something I can have the concept map (indicates that it's a visual concept map to her) of the main topics that I read about.

Q: So do you visualize the setting when you're reading a book?
A: No, it's not like images - it's just the words.

Q: So do you like reading fiction books where you have to put yourself in that situation?
A: I never really enjoyed reading, maybe that's why. I can see the story plot.

I posted 3 videos in the ChatGPT thread about how language models work:

Long story short, neural networks work by fitting a curve to a plot of points. Those points could represent concepts, words, paragraphs, pictures, it doesn't matter. The algorithm tries to draw a curve through all the points, which allows it to come up with a function to explain that curve, which allows it to then predict the "next point" by using that function to extending the curve beyond the known points. The better your line fits the points, the better your prediction.

I can't really imagine how a sentence can have a visual shape, but what she said there sure seems to mirror the shape and visual "concept map" described in those videos! This also explains why language models can't really think of anything truly novel. They're just predicting what word should come next according to the curve that fits the words that came before. That's not thinking! It's pattern recognition, and sure that is useful and could help you connect some dots, but that's just one element of thinking. If all you do is fit curves through concepts, that's very mechanical and you can't come up with new concepts, you can't think outside the box because by definition you're just stretching and deforming the box. Useful to do? Yes. But if we all did that, we'd never invent anything new - technologically, scientifically, or even philosophically.

I think that's another cool thing about these artificial neural networks we've been building. They can teach us a lot about our own brains - both their usefulness to navigate/"understand" certain aspects of the physical world, and also their limitations (like lack of true understanding) and why a soul is needed to go beyond the rudimentary functioning. And thinking about this it makes more and more sense why we have brains, why the soul isn't just remote piloting a body on its own. At least part of the function of the brain seems to be to deal with all the mundane things. Keep all the physiological things going smoothly (heart rate, blood sugar/pressure, etc), scratch itches, duck when a baseball is coming at you (or catch it!), feed yourself, etc. The soul can focus on greater more interesting things like learning lessons and growing from doing so, learning how to love and care for others and ourselves, etc.

What seems to be tricky sometimes is to parse out what is our brain (neural network) and our hormones/chemicals, and what are the influences of the soul. And it is pretty crazy how "functional" our brain alone can be, at least in terms of navigating our 3d world in a basic way. Or maybe that just speaks about the simplicity of 3D as compared to higher densities, that it actually doesn't take proper intelligence beyond curve fitting to handle basic activities without dying.

Which of course makes me wonder about things like the grays - which are like the OP's of 4D. How autonomous are they when not being piloted by a lizzie soul I wonder? Can they manage 4D on a neural network alone? I read (I think in the Wave, can't seem to find it now) that they're not good at adapting to new situations, and are easily confused when things don't go as they expect. In other words, they have their neat little curve fitted to their concept map, and if you act outside of what their function predicts, they literally don't have the capacity to respond as needed. Again, I think it's the Wave - but wasn't there a story about Ark sitting in a bar and some guy trying to take his wallet and he said firmly "do we have a problem?" (or something to that effect) and it completely melted that guy's reality and he just left as he didn't anticipate that? I could be mis-remembering the details.

One neat conclusion I could draw is that artificial neural networks would allow for some actually useful robots in the future (if we didn't have the cleansing anyway). But right now the trajectory is to use them to educate kids, and basically plug them into everything. This is bad because their thinking (or lack thereof) will infect the susceptible people who hang on their every word in admiration of their "intelligence", and those people's thinking will itself be corrupted as they try to learn emulate their AI tutors and what not. And kids are most susceptible! These things are tools, and they should be seen as such, and probably not used by anyone who admires it or projects soul qualities into it.
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Thank you Laura and all her awesome team for a very informative session!

A: Quorum is meeting. Changes coming.
The Rejoining! but not the truly...

: (L) And is it unusual for them to meet? I mean, is that why you brought this up?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) When was the last time they met?

A: 40 years ago.

Q: (L) Was that 40 years, or did I miss a number? Was it 40?

A: Yes.

Q: (L) 40 years ago was when?

(Joe) 1984.
It would be interesting to know why they met 40 years later, what did they discuss on that time? Was it also to decide the fate of our star as well?

But perhaps in the end things did not turn out as they expected? and probably thats why they meeting again?
Q: (L) Is it a good thing they're meeting, or a bad thing?

A: Depends on perspective.

Q: (L) Okay. Is it a good thing from our perspective?

A: Probably not.
I have a bad feeling about this!
(Chu) Well, if they're in 4D, they might be controlling the weather too.

(Joe) But can they effect changes like cataclysms? Can they induce or provoke cataclysms?

A: Yes to all.
We are really so powerless? that our only choice is to flee?
balance is the result of a dynamic relationship when two opposing sides are given equal weight.
Hi Neven, I see that you joined us in 2015 and that you even received a certificate of membership, but you never introduced yourself in the newbies section? Could you please tell us a bit about yourself, but you don't have to divulge anything personal, if you don't want to. You can have a look at other newbies' posts though as a source of inspiration.:-) Thank you!
I'm not psychic but sometimes I can sense that there is going to be trouble, today I had an unusual feeling, it's like standing on the beach and noticing that the water is too calm and the tide is too low and it feels like there is going to be a high tide or a tsunami. It's not a feeling of fear, it feels like retribution, I think the bad guys had a choice and they made a very desperate choice. And it feels like very soon, a lot of problems around the world one by one. That's my state of mind and that's how I feel, we'll see how it will be after a while. But the feeling is that there will be a lot of things at once and this will be just the beginning. I apologize in advance for my English, I write through a translator.
Perhaps my feeling that day was not misleading.
balance is the result of a dynamic relationship when two opposing sides are given equal weight.
Equilibrium, in this case, does not necessarily have to do with quantity, equilibrium in the open system of nature (true) is properly asymmetrical and qualitative; we must remember that STO is equilibrium and STS is imbalance, these energies are two diametrically opposed forces (STO-SS) but STO can be quantitatively less but qualitatively better, in the end equal, to Zero. So it follows that tenacity in work, objectivity, diet and keeping the net in Service to Others is necessary to sustain the proper balance.

Session 30 March 2002
(L) I think another factor is that when people network they share their insights and they share their growth and it becomes more than the sum of its parts. You know when they really open up to their network, that what one learns - if they share it with others - it becomes that other's learning in at least some sort of way. This way, people can learn a lot of things by the experiences of their group if they are connected to that group. So, a group of people who are individually each incapable of making it to 4th density on their own - by virtue of the fact that they have this shared symbiotic group - they kind of go together.
On the other hand, the STS alignment, since they don't do anything in terms of groups or sharing, don't have that advantage. It takes more energy for each one to individually advance since, in their chain of command, they are all being constantly drained by sharing and believing lies.

So, the advantage seems to be on the side of an STO group even if they seem to be smaller in numbers. The added together energy of a larger group of people who are individually, maybe less ready STO-wise, will graduate anyway, as opposed to the very small group of those who are ready STS-wise. Most of the STS gang will have to just go back and do 3D over again.

(A) You must understand that the very concept of balance depends on what exactly has to be balanced. When you have a scale, and you have a lot of wheat or something on one side, and a small piece of gold on the other, they balance each other even if the quantities are completely different.

(V) Maybe STO candidates carry a larger...(L) Charge? (V) Yeah. (L) Something like that, because they share very deeply - at the level of their core being. (V) So there could be 90% of STS and at 10% STO candidates as they gain knowledge gain more weight. (L) Could be.
A: Very close. But don't get stuck on numbers in that sense. Help is on the way!

Q: (B) Is it a very generic form of help as opposed to a specific individual form of help?
A: Wait and see!
Thank you for a great session to all involved. It was once again made clear just how serious the situation is and how much of a bigger game is at play. Let us hang in there and do our part of bearing truthful witness to the best of our ability, of what is happening.
I think that's another cool thing about these artificial neural networks we've been building. They can teach us a lot about our own brains - both their usefulness to navigate/"understand" certain aspects of the physical world, and also their limitations (like lack of true understanding) and why a soul is needed to go beyond the rudimentary functioning. And thinking about this it makes more and more sense why we have brains, why the soul isn't just remote piloting a body on its own. At least part of the function of the brain seems to be to deal with all the mundane things. Keep all the physiological things going smoothly (heart rate, blood sugar/pressure, etc), scratch itches, duck when a baseball is coming at you (or catch it!), feed yourself, etc. The soul can focus on greater more interesting things like learning lessons and growing from doing so, learning how to love and care for others and ourselves, etc.
Yes, and how interesting that precisely at this moment of history, in which we have learned about OPs, as well as having so much information about cognitive sciences and psychology, artificial intelligence appears on the scene, and clarifies for us what a machine can do that we used to think was only a thing of the human soul - forcing us to reconsider what actually is the domain of the soul and what not. As amazing as it is, the computer is just doing complex math, which can be represented as the plotting of points on a graph you mentioned above, all of which is mapped into words or images, and most of the times the end result makes sense to the user! Even when the machine gets no meaning from it at all! For the computer, it's all numbers, and it has no idea what the image it generates actually represents, or what the words it's producing actually stand for. It's just the most probable correct response to your question or request, based on the super-complex model it was trained on.

It can surely illustrate a little about the inner life of an OP - or any mechanical human function for the matter, OP or not. And I'm not saying OPs understand nothing and there's no meaning at all for them. The Cs did say that past a certain level of intelligence, everyone (or everything?) had a sort of consciousness, even if transient or rudimentary, and whatever that consciousness is in the case of OPs, it does take lessons back to its soul pool after death, right? Surely that's 'meaningful'.

Anyway, it comes to show how the brain (the biological super computer) is quite capable of doing a whole lot of tasks that were previously thought of as exclusive of the soul or consciousness. As you say, art is one case. Much of it is just rearranging previously existing items - not actual creativity (think pop music for an obvious example). And of course, this says a lot not just about OPs, but about souled people as well, since they have brains too and the capacity to do almost anything required for life in 3D in a purely mechanical way.

Fascinating stuff!
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