Session 6 July 2024

Thank You for this very interesting session!

So it looks like we have a big clue about OP and perhaps this video shows person of this kind:

Well this changes a lot of things, because I personally know people who can’t read quietly or have to say everything out loud! and it’s funny because to those people I always joked around saying, I know “everything you think because of that” but now this would make it more of a serious matter…
I don’t want to go by this only, but could this finally be the main thing to really know if someone has a “higher self type of connection” or not? I don’t want to say soul, because OPs have souls just not individualized. Not wanna say like every case is like this, because I know there my be psychological problems involved and some variants, but talking about the majority.
And of course, this could be perceived with observation only, since not everyone would be like the girl in the video who Can easily admit this. Most people who are like this, would simply say they talk or have inner speech without really know what would that be I think.
And the funny thing is, that the girl on the video somehow may “think” or see the guy doing the interview as something weird for having inner speech or recall emotions like that.
Assuming the maximum potential lifespan of a human is 150 years old (which has been proposed by some researchers), and comparing it to the proposed lifespan of 8000, the new ratio of our Earth years to that of this hypothetical Earth would be 150*x = 8000 ---> x = 53.3 . And that might seem reasonable if you think about how people didn't live as long throughout history due to disease, bad weather, childbirth, etc. (Y1*53.3 = 6000 ---> Y1 = 113 years old, Y2*53.3 = 2500 ---> Y2 = 47 years old, Y3*53.3 = 800 ---> 15 years old on average.) So a year on this hypothetical Earth would be only (365/Z) = 53.3 ---> Z = 6.82 days! Must have been quite a ride!
I don't think that's what they meant by a longer lifespan.

Plus; If Earth revolved around the sun once in seven days, then either its orbit would be MUCH closer to the sun than even Mercury's orbit (scortching hot) or it would be moving so fast (extreme atmospheric changes) that in either case no humans would be able to survive.
Thanks so much Laura and Andromeda for this amazing session and thanks also to the Chateau's crew.

So much thing to think and ponder. :hug2:

Well, it seems that we have not reached again the worst. And everyday I wonder how could it be worst that we have are already seeing all around the world.
Same here, it was pretty ominous. I feel frustrated with people who aren't yet able to wake up at the same time as love toward them because it seems that so much is used to dumb people down.

I wonder if there is some kind of protection or shelter from these events offered to those of us who have woken up to some degree or other, or if this is even a valid /appropriate question for the C's. It may already have been answered.

Anyway, Thank you all for the session and love to all. I'll stay positive about it no matter what though as worrying definitely won't help anything!
What an amazing and long awaited session, the confirmations are really interesting: The cat through the window fallen in England, the OPs and their lack of inner dialogue, the frequency fence and history, the president of Iran, the quorum...umm, a lot to think about..Thanks to all who asked questions, especially Laura and Andromeda for their energy and for being there channeling...I will be back for my third reading.
and the theory is that people who can't speak to themselves internally can't use that prefrontal cortex area and auditory area without engaging the motor area. Well, something along those lines.
My grandmother's sister and her coal miner husband visited us some 35 years ago. As we are walking home - he spots a slummy local inn and assertively steps in to get a strong alcoholic drink - so he is now extra energized and we are walking home.. Every time he wanted to say something, he had to stop walking, started gesticulating in a lively manner, while expressing his thoughts - via engaging the motor area of his brain. So we waited, until he finished speaking his mind. Every time. Boy, he was talkative! Walking and thinking AND talking - all at once - seemed impossible for him. Sir, no can do!
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Q: (Ennio) Does the information about the frequency fence stalling members in the US from seeing and doing apply to the seeming hesitancy many have to move to better locations, and perhaps form groups for better living situations?

A: Yes

For reference, the following refers to an early mention of the 'frequency fence' and the technologically-induced sleep it seemed to produce in the group, which at the time was made up mostly folks in the US - but sure does explain, in part, why the resistance to in-your-face Totalitarianism and malevolence has been so limited thus far on a global level.

Q: (Galahad) What is the major problem facing the group at the moment?

A: Stalling frequency waves.

Q: What can we do to jump-start the group?

A: Requires will and knowledge. You share, they find will if it is there to find.

Q: (A) What kind of knowledge do we need to share?

A: That their lack of ability to see and do is due to deliberate stalling.

Q: (Galahad) Can you elaborate?

A: They are in a frequency fence being stored for later food.

Q: (A) Are we also in a fence? Or, are we different?

A: Quite.

Q: We are quite different?

A: Yes.

Q: What makes us different?

A: Seeing and doing.

Q: Well, if we have a network, different people are doing different things. They are at different levels. Shouldn’t we consider it in this light?

A: You were in as bad condition before leaving the USA, remember?

Q: (Galahad) Can they overcome the stalling?

A: If they wish.

In other sessions, we were informed that HAARP, and some other technologies were, by design, largely responsible for this. Though food, air, and water toxicity no doubt plays a big role in this too, as we know.

For some reason, maybe because the US is one of the world centers of STS influence, and HAARP is located in Alaska, I thought for a long time that it would be Americans who were almost exclusively effected by 'stalling' frequencies. But considering how passive, relatively speaking, much of Europe and other regions of the world are, think now that this is probably much more of a world-wide phenomena.

Q: (Ennio) If yes, does this apply to members in other regions of the world like Europe and Asia or elsewhere?

A: Yes

Even if nefarious world plans are being hatched and implemented from the US and Israel - it should be clear that "the push for total control" is being exerted nearly everywhere: Europe, South America, Asia and Africa, etc. Knowledge of the existence of HAARP in Alaska does not mean that there aren't similar installations strategically placed around the world. So 'stalling frequency waves' pretty much applies, and is being applied to, everyone, everywhere, right now.

Q: (Ennio) And if all or some of this is more or less true, do you have any additional advice to those on and in the fence?


(L) ... Do you have any additional advice to those on and in the fence about all this?

A: Use your rational mind and remember history.

Though it can be a challenge to see and act on what some good personal changes may be, and the right time and the best ways to take action (especially in regards to living situtations) - it doesn't mean we should allow ourselves to forever stall in taking them. "Sitting on the fence", or taking an almost indefinitely passive/ambivalent approach to bettering our situations, health, psyche, etc. -- is a choice too. Remember what the C's said though about taking the bull by the horns - and how much easier tackling problems are than we often make them out to be! And every time you tackle a problem you get that much stronger.

As we watch, in real time, the chaos, destruction and oppression coming seemingly from all corners, and the leveling of Western civilization as a whole (and remember that ALL this has happened before to one extent or another!), we can ALSO take inspiration and a few clues from those who remained true and fast to their knowledge and faith through networks of families and individuals who lived through communist Europe, and in the face of stifling oppression. If you haven't watched it yet, see this interview Rod Dreher did with MindMatters about his superb book Live Not By Lies to get some idea; but better yet, just get your hands on the book.
I don't think that's what they meant by a longer lifespan.

I think the same. I don't think it is as Sinapi says.

As I pondered it, it occurred to me that it is related to how the genetics and associated proteins (antenna) are able to receive a greater flow of information and distribute that information/energy optimally. So it should be more of a metabolic issue in relation to the environment, which supplies that information.
Thanks for the session! Especially the part about the inner monologue resulted in a lot of amazement and thinking, as well as stimulating conversations in my house!
(Joe) Well, these people aren't intending to produce more resistance. They're probably intending to create more control, but by trying to do that, they'll provoke more resistance.

A: Yes.

Q: (L) So the controls may get tighter.

(Joe) And then people will rebel more.
The Quorum, as explained in previous sessions, is composed by both STS and STO beings. It's kind of hard to understand that if that's the case, how can they reach any agreement on any matter. But on this point, if I understand correctly, the Cs seem to be implying that the STS part would be in favour of tighter controls (obviously), and the STO part would also be in favour because it would result in resistance which is needed to restore balance. Is that it or am I missing something?
(Joe) So why then are peoples’ lives today so much shorter than they were then?

A: Changes in Earth and DNA.
On this point, I wonder if the DNA part of why the ancients lived so much longer is related to the argument in the book 'Genetic Enthropy' (discussed in the Intelligent Design thread), which basically states that with every generation the genetic code naturally deteriorates due to mutations - and it can only be deteriorating because the probability of getting any improvement out of a random mutation is astronomically low - to the point that after a couple hundred more generations the human DNA would no longer be functional, or something to that effect! :scared: Therefore, the author argues, there has to be some kind of higher intervention (which he thinks is Jesus himself, but whatever), that somehow resets or renews the DNA material of the species - otherwise life would have long ago be extinct (here I'm just citing by memory, so I may not have all the details right).

So, after several generations since people lived 800 - 8K years, could it be that the deterioration of our DNA expalins at least in part our shorter lifespans?
So it looks like we have a big clue about OP and perhaps this video shows person of this kind:
Fascinating. I found it interesting that people wanted to ask the girl if she ever gets anxious or depressed, and I think I understand where they are coming from. Because in my case, the 'inner voice' is way louder and constant if I am either anxious or depressed. And also interesting that she says she does feel like that, but it's a much more physical or corporeal experience, as in sweating hands or shivering. Is it because her inner life is much less 'abstract' and more 'material'? 🤔

Also interesting that when she is alone she is never just doing nothing with herself. She always needs to be doing something like cleaning, cooking, watching TV or something, so she doesn't really get that much time to observe her inner life. Is that because she doesn't have much of it?
I don't have a constant narrator and I found it quite unsettling when the discussion about inner monologue started and I first found out that people have a constant voice in their heads that they can't control and turn off. It was also troubling to me because thinking mostly in words seems quite slow and exhausting. My mind is constantly overthinking, day and night, but mostly I don't think in words but thoughts (can't explain it otherwise). When I really want to dissect a problem or a thought, then I turn to actual words and have a conversation with myself inside my mind. (For example, while I'm writing this post and trying to make it readable and concise. Or when thinking about a topic and how I would explain my thoughts on it to other people.)
Don't worry, I had similar thoughts. I definitely have an inner voice (even in different languages), but I cannot say it's there all the time. Most of the times, if I'm calm, I can hear some words or phrases, but I also see images and have those 'unsymbolic thoughts' the researcher mentions. Some of my thinking goes too fast to have time to fully articulate into a full monologue - sort of like when you get a sudden idea and you want to tell it but it takes a few seconds to find the right words for it. And I don't think that's special or rare, because obviously a lot of smart people can think interesting stuff way faster than they can articulate it.

If I'm really trying to explain something to myself, as if I was going to explain to someone else, or if I'm recreating a fictional conversation with someone, or as I mentioned above, if I'm thinking particularly anxious or worried about something, then yes, the inner voice is loud and constant.

In my opinion it is probably more 'to the point' whether people are capable of having that inner observer that Joe asked about in the session, which I think is also that 'Self' that Yas mentioned in her post that would be able to regulate or 'talk into reason' the 'little I's' running around inside - which I also understand to be the 'magnetic center', which is sort of the emmisary or precursor of a fully seated soul. At least that observer I know I often have. Unless I'm dissociated watching TV or sleeping or something along those lines.
Thanks for the new session!

From what I have read about the Quorum in other sessions, it can be said that they are neither good nor bad, they just have a function to fulfill, possibly not only the surveillance of the fulfillment of the prophecies but also their implementation.

"There needs to be balance" the Cs said. It reminds me of the situation noted in Star Wars. There was this prophecy of the chosen one, which the Jedi council thought was good as it sought balance. But balance is equilibrium of forces right? So it can't be either good or bad, it just is. Only that the imbalance, between the dark side and the light side of the force did not let them see what it is, coupled with a strict moral code that left no room for other interpretations.


Q: (L) And those who are in the quorum and the illuminati ...

A: Blends in middle.

Q: (L) So it is necessary to have the darkness in order to have the light...

A: Yes.

And this balance between light and dark is valuable as it helps you to know yourself on a microcosmic level when macrocosmic changes occur. Which reminds me of a Watcher's dialogue with Tony Stark:​

The Watcher : Heroes are not born, they're forged in darkness. Shaped in battle. Defined by sacrifice.

Tony Stark : And I am Iron Man

The Watcher : Without Tony Stark's fateful capture in Afghanistan, the Age of Iron Man would never come to pass. Though the man was saved, a hero was lost, and a villain was given a new chance.

The Watcher : Heroes are never really gone. They live forever. As do the ones they inspire to carry on the fight.

The Watcher : Every journey has a beginning, but change one step along the way, and you could end up at a very different destination.

So, in the coming changes choose to be the Anakin or the Tony Stark of your own cosmic drama.

(Niall) I've been wondering about them. Why did many supporters of Biden appear to suddenly realize that he's senile during or immediately following the last presidential debate?

A: Because the media gave tacit permission.

Needless to say, the above is yet another stunning confirmation of just how brainwashed, propagandized, dumbed-down and inclined to authoritarianism much of the population is.

The following tweet says it perfectly:


Still recall how Howard Dean, who was running in 2004 to become the Democratic Presidential nominee, gave a little bit of a cheer or "scream" during one of his campaign speeches - and was then lambasted for his enthusiasm by nearly everyone in the press the next day. Everyone (and I mean everyone) in the media called his vocalization "unpresidential!!". And I remember even hearing "he's unpresidential!!" from people I knew. But it was all a DNC-inspired media concoction to get the guy off the ticket I'm sure. And it worked.

See what everyone made a big fuss over:

Very curious -responses appreciated - what was everyone's first thought when they read, "remember history?"

Surely the Cs weren't referring to the infinity of Earth history, but something familiar, by experience or teaching, to all or most.

My first thought was 20th century, Europe and war. I did not think USA, which, to my subjective mind, is not prone to military invasion, war on its soil (Civil War was geographical, a kind of division nonexistent now), nor what we call natural disasters outside of what's been common for centuries.

However, all of the developed, wealthy, Western nations, though, have been prepared with the onslaught of Marxist ideology to be susceptible to internal revolutions, perhaps. And we do have the history of The Great Depression, and economic troubles bringing about dictatorships and armed conflicts. Maybe this is what they were referring to with:


My first thought was the history of cataclysms that go hand in hand with social decay and collapse. So getting to a place thats relatively safe from natural disasters (volcanoes, quake fault lines, tsunami zones, hurricanes, tornado alleys, flood zones, landslide zones) would be a good idea. Staying away from extreme places that get too cold or too hot and dry is also probably a good idea.

Then theres the history of social decay and collapse - cataclysms are bad enough, but I think its their effects on the food supply thats the biggest threat. Famine has killed millions even in our recent history. There is also shortages of goods as economies shut down, and people turn to gang warfare, theft, prostitution, etc. Health and hygiene tanks, leading to increased disease. So I think whats already been said on the forum is a good idea - getting away from big cities, where its likely to turn into a zombie apocalypse movie if the population stops getting its cheap food, gas, drugs, coffee, porn, and WiFi. Also getting away from pathologicals now if one can. Etc.

But I think the more important question is one of getting out of the frequency fence and forming Pauline style religious communities. Thats the challenge, I think. Its also a key part of ‘remember history’. After all, rather than just running from the apocalypse, I think we need something to run towards, something really wonderful like a group of like-minded colinear souls who are all committed to helping each other and growing together.
Many thanks for the session! :love:

I wonder if the purpose of the Quorum is for a particular directed kind of growth? Maybe they are the best, wisest etc and their purpose is to turn the Earth into a crucible not that it destroys souls but so that those who ride the wave to 4D are the best that can be?

I wonder what the criteria is for being in this Quorum? (I guess the C's will never say!)
I wonder what the criteria is for being in this Quorum? (I guess the C's will never say!)

Do you want to apply for a position? Lol

You can use the word Quorum in the sessions database for more clue about what this group is about.

Regarding the meeting situation, I think the meeting is about them planing on what would be the best way, or the “timing” to create this balancing scenario for the earth that is much needed, these plans might not be something “good” for us, but it’s something needed for our realm, is not that they are good or bad, just observes and maintainers of a balance I think, in comparison to the Illuminati/consortium, which they don’t care about balance (they create the big imbalance so to say) they only care about their goals.
Does this mean I could be an OP? :D Hopefully not because I'm about to have a panic attack. :D
And here the answer provided by your self.
Also, what the C's said about OP's not thinking but just reacting, has shed some light on interactions with some people. It might be easier to understand, remove yourself from situations, forgive, and even forget some difficult relationships, having this information in mind.
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