So frankly speaking i ve been studying all of the issues that are freely discussed on this forum and on for twenty years now

i am in my early thirties now so as you see it started very early in my youth. I read and read and read innumerable number of books on every topic from physics to genetics to history of art. But the real breakthrough happened in 2011 when i got acquainted with a person who as it turned out had very close connections with
what is called by the C's bi-density STO underground civilization. All of this naturally might sound very pompous and presumptious but surely it would if it were not for the forum and the sessions which by that time i had read very thoroughly. And to my great surprise almost all of the facts which i picked up from a whole bunch of sources at that time i was checking with my new acquaintance. So that was just another proof of the fact that what the C's said from time to time was almost 85 percent correct. As to my friend and informer it turned out as time passed that he is a member of an underground civilization bi-density in origin with some awesome telepathic capabilities.As i live in Caucasus it was not much of a surprise to me to learn that their residence can be reached through somespecial portals and entrances at the bottom of the Elbrus mountain.Some of his very recent statements suggested that it was not by accident that i once stumbled upon this forum sessions and sott and that was some sort of a primer to my communications with him.