Grail Keeper said:
For Palinurus

Well he never gave the exact name of that group except for stating once or twice that it had to do with the lineage of some norse mythology divine characters. Wotenheim was the name of the community as far as i can recall it but he never specified if it was the place or the group or the name of the base

something like Odin's brotherhood or whatever
But as for the C's as far as my memory serves me well there was some sort of a brotherhood called Thor's Pantheum half STO half STS busy with inspiring telepathically various ideas for movies or books

Have no idea if what he says might be the same as Thor's Pantheum

or maybe some offshoot

another branch e.g.i suppose

what he stated unequivocally many times inour conversations was that this group had a direct access to the Grail Technology or something which reminded me heavily of what was shown in the marvel's movies Thor Avengers and Thor 2. Any ideas who might inspire those movie ideas

I've managed to gain access to the relevant session transcripts.
Thor's Pantheum see
September 21, 1996 and for
Nation of the Third Eye (bi-density Aryans) November 23, 1996.
Turns out that Thor's Pantheum consists of two distinct groups working independently from one another, the one is purely STS, the other purely STO; balance over all approximately 50-50.
The Nation of the Third Eye is supposed to be a terran civilization under the surface of the planet managed by Orion STS forces, of which the human/Aryan types are bi-density between 3rd and 4th. No STO there.
I also did a google search for
Wotanheim which turns out to be a rather common name in several gaming worlds:
Battleship SMS Wotanheim _
Stadt: Wotanheim in Grepolis _
Player's name (Finnish) in Steam _
Corporation in EVE galaxy _
Odin's brotherhood I found that it's an existing secret society practicing some 'paganism' of sorts:
Just a few examples. Google has plenty more.
From what I've gathered, I would deem it highly questionable that there should be any STO tendency discernible in all this -- but that's just me, of course.