Session 7 May 2016

If our relation to crystals is in the domain of quantic waves, then they "hear" our readings and songs even if we are at the orher side of the earth?
Maat said:
After reading Peter Levine's book Waking the Tiger, I tried this method of blur focus of pain, let it lives and let the body makes any movement it wants. And yes, it works well. Except for me the pain doesn't explode but suddenly fade away. I've never tried for acute pains since hopefully I don't suffer of, it's only light or middle occasional pains. So I can't tell anything about it. Furthermore, this technique seems similar with the Tipi method which is more for painful emotion, but in that case the more difficult for me is to remember to use it !

Thanks for recommendation, I have start to read it in pdf (one can easily find on google). I'd like to share this great thought from the book:
Animals in the wild instinctively discharge all their compressed energy and seldom
develop adverse symptoms. We humans are not as adept in this arena. When we are
unable to liberate these powerful forces, we become victims of trauma. In our often unsuccessful
attempts to discharge these energies, we may become fixated on them. Like
a moth drawn to a flame, we may unknowingly and repeatedly create situations in which
the possibility to release ourselves from the trauma trap exists, but without the proper
tools and resources most of us fail. The result, sadly, is that many of us become riddled
with fear and anxiety and are never fully able to feel at home with ourselves or our world.

When my cat is nervous he is liking himself or asking for attention, and when I feel nervous I don't give attention to help my self or to become calmer, instead of that I escape in dissociation or just internet. Why is so hard to be just natural?
Last night my personal crystal fell on the floor,J was shocked.It was not broken but got small white net inside.J was
kissing it and said sorry,hope it is not disturbed very much.J love and take very good care of crystals,when put them on the
palm,sing and read ,my palm start pulsing,sometimes so strong as if my hart is moved on it.Interesting are changing on
crystals,home was light grey foggy,now fog is white and more clear.Personal is clear but with few deep carvings inside and
from last night small net. Water crystal is clear and has small bud.Meditation stone is shine powder pink color
and changed into less dense inside,as if it will become crystal. Still nervous for dropping my crystal
agirl said:
Last night my personal crystal fell on the floor,J was shocked.It was not broken but got small white net inside.J was
kissing it and said sorry,hope it is not disturbed very much.J love and take very good care of crystals,when put them on the
palm,sing and read ,my palm start pulsing,sometimes so strong as if my hart is moved on it.Interesting are changing on
crystals,home was light grey foggy,now fog is white and more clear.Personal is clear but with few deep carvings inside and
from last night small net. Water crystal is clear and has small bud.Meditation stone is shine powder pink color
and changed into less dense inside,as if it will become crystal. Still nervous for dropping my crystal

Interesting that your home crystal became more clear! I wouldn't worry too much about dropping your personal crystal, it can happen, and you took extra care of it afterwards. :) And maybe the small white net is what was needed. It's good of course to be careful!
Thank you Oxajil,as much someone takes care accidents happens.I will be more gentle handling with my crystals in future.
It is interesting that my home crystal is more clear,but for me is more interesting meditation stone that "want" to become
crystal,or maybe it should to be like that

I'd like to share another version of "In the garden here of the universe" here - just E-Piano and my voice (see attachment).

I must admit I don't sing very often, so FWIW :D


agirl said:
Bravo Luc! Bravo maestro!

Ditto Luc. Nice chord flavors in there and I felt a sense of joy in your voice. It's your own unique arrangement I think. Thanks for sharing. :)
luc said:

I'd like to share another version of "In the garden here of the universe" here - just E-Piano and my voice (see attachment).

I must admit I don't sing very often, so FWIW :D

Thanks for sharing luc! Your voice is very nice, but this E-Piano is totally unnecessary. :)
Argo said:
luc said:

I'd like to share another version of "In the garden here of the universe" here - just E-Piano and my voice (see attachment).

I must admit I don't sing very often, so FWIW :D

Thanks for sharing luc! Your voice is very nice, but this E-Piano is totally unnecessary. :)

I disagree. If you don't sing often it helps for a little courage sometimes to frame the song with an instrument. And I don't know if you are a musician but to me that felt like a kind of a "left-handed" compliment to luc. Maybe I am not understanding your meaning though.

At least luc shared a part of himself in a way that he felt comfortable. If you have a better version maybe you could share it with us?
goyacobol said:
Argo said:
luc said:

I'd like to share another version of "In the garden here of the universe" here - just E-Piano and my voice (see attachment).

I must admit I don't sing very often, so FWIW :D

Thanks for sharing luc! Your voice is very nice, but this E-Piano is totally unnecessary. :)

I disagree. If you don't sing often it helps for a little courage sometimes to frame the song with an instrument. And I don't know if you are a musician but to me that felt like a kind of a "left-handed" compliment to luc. Maybe I am not understanding your meaning though.


maybe you're right, it could be that I give "left handed compliment" to luc. In this regard, I sincerely apologize to luc, it wasn't my intention. I'm not musician nor an "expert" in that manner. I just wanted to say that I like luc's voice but not the background music. I'm sorry I was too harsh.

At least luc shared a part of himself in a way that he felt comfortable. If you have a better version maybe you could share it with us?

This sounds to me like - "If you are not an expert you should keep quiet", don't you think so? Or I misunderstood you goyacobol?
luc said:

I'd like to share another version of "In the garden here of the universe" here - just E-Piano and my voice (see attachment).

I must admit I don't sing very often, so FWIW :D

That was very nice luc.
Argo said:
goyacobol said:
Argo said:
luc said:

I'd like to share another version of "In the garden here of the universe" here - just E-Piano and my voice (see attachment).

I must admit I don't sing very often, so FWIW :D

Thanks for sharing luc! Your voice is very nice, but this E-Piano is totally unnecessary. :)

I disagree. If you don't sing often it helps for a little courage sometimes to frame the song with an instrument. And I don't know if you are a musician but to me that felt like a kind of a "left-handed" compliment to luc. Maybe I am not understanding your meaning though.


maybe you're right, it could be that I give "left handed compliment" to luc. In this regard, I sincerely apologize to luc, it wasn't my intention. I'm not musician nor an "expert" in that manner. I just wanted to say that I like luc's voice but not the background music. I'm sorry I was too harsh.

At least luc shared a part of himself in a way that he felt comfortable. If you have a better version maybe you could share it with us?

This sounds to me like - "If you are not an expert you should keep quiet", don't you think so? Or I misunderstood you goyacobol?


I don't expect you to not have an opinion but sometimes depending on the situation I think it's best to keep them to ourselves. We have a saying in the US "If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything". While this can be just a nicey nice program I think it depends on the situation. I don't always know for myself when to speak or not speak so I'm not perfect either.

I felt defensive for luc because I play the guitar and don't sing as much as I used to. I play the guitar more these days and don't feel that my voice is that great or ever was. For me even though the E-piano was a smaller part of the music I could hear some interesting chord progressions that I thought added some nice flavor to the song. I think music and art are often personal and subjective for the appreciation part anyway (although Gurdjieff says there is objective art).

Even if you were an expert (which I didn't know really) I think maybe just expressing appreciation for the good qualities and effort would have been better.

And you are right the question "If you have a better version maybe you could share it with us?" was a hostile way to express it and I apologize to you for that. I should have said it in a more considerate way.
luc said:

I'd like to share another version of "In the garden here of the universe" here - just E-Piano and my voice (see attachment).

I must admit I don't sing very often, so FWIW :D

Hello Luc, that was an interesting take on it, very Bassy, but well done.
It would be interesting if all these versions could be syncopated, but then I guess the music would lose its analogue characteristics.
Let us all "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord". The intent is what matters.
WIN 52 said:
luc said:

I'd like to share another version of "In the garden here of the universe" here - just E-Piano and my voice (see attachment).

I must admit I don't sing very often, so FWIW :D

That was very nice luc.

I like it. Interesting and unusual , but I like it. Bravo Luc :flowers:
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